Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Life Inside the Chemical Heart ❯ Chapter 3; So Far Away ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! Or the songs mentioned.
Note: The name of the chapter is from the song So Far Away by Staind.
Chapter 3; So Far Away
Joey Wheeler sighed staring at the clock on the far side wall of the detention hall. He and Tristan had sat in silence in front of the Vice Principal for the last twenty minutes bored stiff. Joey was aware that detention was not a thing to be enjoyed, however Joey didn't see how this could be a deterrent.
Suddenly Yugi burst through the door, his face was bruised, his clothes were crumpled and slightly bloodied. Joey leapt from his seat hearing Tristan's chair scraping against the hard wood floorboards.
“Sit down!” The Vice Principal barked looking between Joey, Tristan and Yugi. Yugi lent against the side of the door, his breathing ragged.
“Mr. Vice Principal, Joey and Tristan didn't attack Hanasaki earlier today.”
“Mr. Motou we've been through this…”
“It wasn't Joey and Tristan, the guys who attacked Hanasaki just attacked me.”
Joey almost leapt over the desk, “Dose bastards, when I find dem…”
“Joey!” Yugi interrupted loudly causing Joey to fall silent.
The Vice Principal crossed his arms, “Mr. Motou.”
Yugi was about to speak when another voice interrupted, “Mr. Vice Principal, Yugi's right, the guys who attacked Hanasaki also attacked Yugi, therefore it could not possibly have been Tristan and Joey.”
The Vice Principal frowned, “Mr. King.”
Yugi stepped forward, “Mr. Vice Principal, Joey and Tristan are my friends, they'd never harm Hanasaki because we're all friends. And if you keep them here I'll go to the Principal.”
The Vice Principal's shoulders slumped, “Very well, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Wheeler, you can go. However, step one foot out of line and I will make sure you are both expelled.”
The Vice Principal shot a venomous look towards the four and left. After they were sure he was gone, Joey and Tristan fell over Yugi cheering, he cried out in pain and they promptly got up.
“Sorry Yug, you ok?” Joey asked.
Yugi winced and gripped his midsection, “I'll be ok, I think.”
“So what happened Yugi?” Tristan asked supporting Yugi with Joey to a seat.
“The thugs from earlier today cornered me.”
Joey glared at Nick, “Where da hell were you during all dis?”
Yugi frowned and placed a hand on Joey's arm, “Joey, Nick was the one who saved me from the thugs, he had to go back for a book. By the way, Nick, where did you learn to fight like that?”
Nick smiled, “My Uncle is a cop, he taught me those moves so I could defend myself against thugs and the like.”
“Well thanks, let's get out of here.”
The three boys nodded with Joey helping Yugi up. The four boys exited the hall and just got passed the gate as it was about to close and lock for the day. Yugi lead the way down the streets as the clouds overhead darkened threateningly.
Yugi slowed to walk beside Nick, “Hey, where were you before?”
Nick turned his head and cocked an eyebrow, “What do you mean?”
“When I ran off to talk to the Vice Principal you were right behind me, but when I got to the detention hall you weren't there.”
Nick's cheeks turned slightly pink as Joey and Tristan stopped walking and turned to watch the conversation, “Well, um, hey, we should keep walking shouldn't we?”
Yugi smiled slightly, “Nick, where were you?”
Nick went pinker, “I was stopped by Téa, she said she'd go out with me Friday night.”
Yugi stopped, “Go out on a date?”
Yugi, Tristan and Joey fell silent; Nick looked between the three, a frown creeping across his face. “What?”
“Nick, Téa's…” Yugi began.
“I got this lecture from Joey this morning, I promise I will be careful with Téa's feelings, ok Yugi?”
Yugi inclined his head, “Ok Nick, it's just that we've been through so much with Téa, we love her a great deal, and we don't want her hurt anymore than she has been recently.” Yugi explained as Tristan and Joey nodded in agreement.
Nick nodded, “I'm going to go gentle.”
Yugi nodded, “Just know if you hurt her there will be serious consequences for you.”
Nick smiled, “I seem to remember Joey saying he'd break my legs if I hurt Téa, this is a wonderfully gentle group of people…”
Yugi chuckled, “We're nice enough, just not when our friends could be hurt.”
Nick smiled, “You're a good man Yugi.”
Yugi flushed, “Thank you Nick.”
“Dis mutual respect fest is wonderful and all, but can we get to da Games Shop now?”
Yugi sighed and nodded, “We're close, let's go.” Yugi resumed walking; Joey, Tristan and Nick followed a step behind. Yugi led the three down the familiar streets towards his house.
“Yugi! What happened, are you ok?” Solomon Motou exclaimed seeing Yugi's rumpled and bloodied clothing as the group entered the Games Shop.
Yugi held up his hand as Solomon rushed over, “It's ok Grandpa, really, it was just some bullies.”
Solomon nodded and suddenly noticed Nick standing just behind Joey, “Oh, hello, can I help you?”
Yugi followed his Grandfathers line of sight back to Nick, “Oh, Grandpa this is a new friend of mine, Nick this is my Grandpa.”
Nick stepped forward and extended his hand, “It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Motou, Yugi's told me absolutely nothing about you.”
Solomon studied Nick's face for several seconds before accepting Nick's hand shaking it firmly, “It's good to meet you.”
Solomon led the group into the back of the Games Shop where he retrieved a first aid kit to treat Yugi's wound. “What have I told you about getting into fights with bullies Yugi?” Solomon scolded treating a cotton bud with iodine.
Yugi winced as the iodine was applied to his face, “They attacked me Grandpa.”
Solomon turned to Joey and Tristan with a severe look, “Where were the two of you?”
“Sorry Gramps, we got detention, we would have been dere.” Joey explained sitting down on one of the footrests watching Solomon apply the iodine to a cut on Yugi's cheek.
Yugi coughed, winced and jerked away from the pain, “Grandpa, don't blame Joey, those thugs targeted luckily Nick was around.”
Nick smiled, “Glad to be of service.”
Solomon nodded and finished treating Yugi's wounds and patted him on the shoulder before packing away the first aid kit. As soon as Solomon had retired to the front of the shop, Yugi moved quickly up to his room and returned with his ornate golden box that he kept his duelling gear in. As Yugi set up, Nick and Joey retrieved their decks; Nick placed his deck inside a silver case on the table.
Nick reached over to Yugi's deck but stopped and looked up to Yugi, “May I?”
Yugi nodded after a moment, “Sure, but fair is fair.”
Nick nodded and handed his deck to Yugi, Yugi reciprocated with his own deck, which Nick handled with great care. Tristan and Joey gathered around Yugi as he started examining Nick's deck, Joey raised an eyebrow, “Dere all Fiend sub-types?”
Nick nodded, “For the most part.”
Tristan's eyes widened, “Reshef the Dark Being, Dark Ruler Ha Des (Dark/Fiend/Effect/6 ATK/2450 DEF/1600), whoa, Invader of Darkness (Dark/Fiend/Effect/8 ATK/2900 DEF/2500) that's an extremely rare card.”
Yugi raised an eyebrow, “Interesting choice, Fiber Jar for a Fiend Deck.”
Nick smiled, “It's one of the main reasons I won the Regional Championships last year.”
Joey raised an eyebrow, “How's dat?”
Nick got a faraway look in his eyes, “It was the final match of the tournament, the girl I was facing was kicking my butt, I wasn't able to summon anything strong enough to destroy her Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon (Dark/Machine/Effect/8 ATK/2800 DEF/2400). Then I drew Fiber Jar (Earth/Plant/Effect/3 ATK/500 DEF/500) and it was a whole new ball game.”
Tristan's had a perplexed look, “What do you mean?”
Joey smacked Tristan over the head, “Don't ya pay any attention ta our duels, Fiber Jar resets da duel, ya both combine ya decks with da cards on da field and in ya hand and graveyard den ya shuffle and draw five fresh cards.”
Nick nodded, “Which is what happened, I luckily was able to summon Reshef the Dark Being (Light/Fiend/Effect/Ritual/8 ATK/2500 DEF/1500) and hammered my opponent. Still it was luck of the draw for the most part, it could easily have gone the other way.”
Joey grinned, “Ya are a lot of talk Nick; let's see ya back it that up rich boy.”
Nick smirked handing Yugi's deck back, “You're on street punk.”
Joey grinned placing his deck on the field as did Nick. From the outset the duel was fierce, the skill of both players and the belief in their respective decks evident. The lead changed multiple times during the match, nothing was clear for either player, until the last move of the match. Nick had five hundred life points with a monster face down and Opticolps (Dark/Fiend/4 ATK/1800 DEF/1700) face up, Joey had three hundred life points with Jinzo (Dark/Machine/Effect/6 ATK/2400 DEF/1500) and Dark Blade (Dark/Warrior/4 ATK/1800 DEF/1500) face up. It was Joey's turn to move; with Jinzo's Trap negating effect neither player was able to counter the next move. Joey attacked Opticolps with Jinzo, dropping Nick's life points to zero, however the turn was incomplete as Joey's Dark Blade attacked Nick's face down monster, Dark Necrofear (Dark/Fiend/Effect/8 ATK/2200 DEF/2800). The attack caused Joey's life points to drop to zero as well, ending the duel in a draw.
Joey chuckled, “Well, ya surprised me dere Nick, I wasn't expecting a draw.”
“Neither was I, I did expect a tough duel, and I got exactly that, thanks.” Nick said shaking Joey's hand.
As Tristan and Yugi set up for the next duel, Nick leaned back sorting through his deck, “Guys, I need some advice.”
The three boys looked up, “Shoot.”
“I asked Téa out, but I don't know her that well, the three of you being her best friends, I was hoping you'd have some advice on what we could do?”
Joey and Tristan looked to Yugi who nodded, “I guess the first thing you should know is Téa loves to dance, dancing is Téa's life.”
Nick nodded, “Thanks Yugi, I'll keep that in mind.”
“Also, keep da date fun, she loves having fun.” Joey remarked to which Nick nodded again.
“And keep your hands to yourself.” Tristan warned with Yugi and Joey nodding vigorously in the background.
Nick raised his hands, “Ok, ok, I think I got the message from the death threats earlier.”
Yugi smiled, “As long as you get the idea.”
The four continued playing cards until well after the sun went down. When Joey started becoming concerned about Serenity's welfare everyone agreed it was time to pack up. Solomon drove Joey and Nick back to the apartment, Serenity greeted Joey with a slap upside the head and Nick with a kiss on the cheek.
Earlier, Téa walked home from school in a better mood than she had been in months. She felt so good she wanted to spread it around, reaching into her bag Téa fished around for her phone. After a minute she got hold of her phone and dialled the number of an old friend.
“Hey Mai, it's Téa, yeah Téa, I was wondering if you wanted to go for coffee?” Téa smiled, “Twenty minutes, great, I'll be outside my house.” Téa hung up and resumed walking. By the time Téa had arrived at her house Mai was pulling up.
“Hey Hon, get in.” Mai said reaching over to open the passenger side door of her red Ferrari Enzo. Téa smiled and got in giving Mai a quick affectionate hug. Mai pulled back into the street as Téa strapped in, “I was surprised that you called me for a coffee, I was under the impression you never wanted to speak to me again.”
Téa shook her head, “That's not the case Mai.”
Mai patted Téa on the hand, “I understand its ok.”
Mai drove them to an ornate coffee shop in downtown Domino. Once they had sat down and ordered, Mai was finally free to ask the question that had been eating at her since Téa called, “What's with you Téa?”
Téa blinked, “What do you mean?”
“You've shut yourself off from the world for months, not speaking to anyone, and all of a sudden you call me for coffee, so I'm asking what's with you?”
“I know, it's just…” Téa looked outside as their orders were delivered, “After Yami died, it felt as I'd died as well. I loved him so much, and he was so strong. Without him I felt like I had nothing left…”
Mai frowned, “What's changed?”
Téa smiled with a small spark in her eyes, “I've met this guy at school.”
“Yugi?” Mai interrupted.
Téa frowned, “No, Yugi has someone now, I'd never do anything to jeopardise that.”
Mai held up a hand, “Ok Téa, I'm sorry, who's the guy then?”
Téa smiled, “His name is Nick, he's a transfer student from Australia, there's something about him, he's really cute, tough, but he's sweet and kind at the same time.”
Mai's eyes narrowed, “Nick, is he a tall brunette with brown eyes?”
Téa nodded, “Uh, yeah, why Mai?”
Mai smiled, “You're right, he is really cute.”
Téa blinked, “But how do you know…?”
“I met him at Joey's, we ran into each other.” Mai said with a satisfied smirk.
Téa's eyebrow twitched, “Mai…”
Mai laughed, “Hon, calm down, I was at Joey's for the night, and when I got up in the morning Nick was making breakfast.”
Téa sighed, “I hate when you… wait, you spent the night, at Joey's!”
Mai smugly leaned back in back in her chair crossing her arms and legs, “Yes I did, and I'm planning to do so a lot more.”
Téa coughed and spluttered blushing profusely, “Th-thanks Mai, that's more than I ever wanted to know about Joey…”
Mai smirked, “You're more than welcome.” Mai leaned forward, “So let's talk more about your date, where's he taking you?”
Téa shrugged, “He didn't say, it was a weird situation.”
“What are you going to wear?”
Téa shrugged again, “I'm sure I'll find something in my closet.”
“Do you like him?”
“I wouldn't be going out with him otherwise.”
“Do you want to blow his mind?”
Téa smiled a little, “Yep.”
Mai smirked, “Téa you naughty girl.”
Mai laughed, “You're so fun to do that to, come with me.”
Téa blinked as Mai got up, “What, where…?”
Mai placed some money on the table, “We're going out to find you an outfit that will blow Nick's mind.”
Téa grinned at those words and got up, moving quickly to catch up with Mai. The two left the coffee shop and proceeded to one of Mai's favourite fashion houses to find an outfit for Téa. After several hours and a quick dinner Téa returned home collapsing on her bed, falling asleep with a smile on her face.
“Téa! Get up now or you'll be late for school!!” Téa's mother screamed the next morning, Téa's head shot off the pillow. She blinked several times then looked at her beside clock, “Oh crap!” Téa swore seeing the time was eight twenty five. She jumped out of bed and rushed into the shower. Ten minutes later Téa was out the door sprinting down the street towards school.
Téa skidded to a halt at the door to her classroom a few minutes later breathing heavily, Joey looked up, “You we're almost late Téa.”
Téa poked her tongue out at Joey walking between the desks to the back of the room. She ran a hand across Nick's shoulders, before flicking Kaiba in the back of the head, giving Yugi a wink as she sat down at her desk for the start of class.
The class as usual was dull and uneventful, several students dozed off during the class due to the hypnotic monologue from the teacher. A sense of relief washing over the class as the bell rang for lunch, Nick walked around to Yugi's desk as Tristan and Joey approached, “So lunch?”
The guys nodded and began to leave as a voice called out to them, “Hey, is this a boy's only lunch, or can I join to?” The boys turned to see Téa balancing on the balls of her feet smiling. They smiled back, “Of course Téa.” Téa smiled and walked over intertwining her fingers with Nick's, who smiled.
After finding a table Téa settled down next to Nick studying what he was eating, “So what are we doing Friday?”
“Not going to tell you, sorry.” Nick said with a grin as Téa picked up a piece of carrot off his plate.
Nick blinked, “You're eating my food…”
Téa shrugged picking up another piece of carrot, “We're going out on a date.”
“So that means you can eat my food?”
“Yep.” Téa said picking out a cherry tomato from his salad with a smirk on her face, the other boys were busying themselves with their own lunches.
“Seven thirty ok with you?”
Téa smiled, “Perfect, and you won't tell me where we're going?”
Téa pouted, “Fine.”
The next two days passed without incident. Finally it was Friday afternoon, Mai took Téa out to be pampered at a beauty salon while Joey, Tristan and Yugi took Nick back to Joey's to get ready for the date. Once Nick was ready he entered the room dressed in a white dress shirt under a black jacket and pants with a black tie. Nick grabbed a black long coat slipping it on, “What do you think?”
Yugi smiled, “You look good.”
Nick nodded, “Thanks Yugi, well, it's time for me to go.”
Nick stepped out into the night and got into the car he'd hired for the night. He drove to Téa's and knocked on her door, “Be still my beating heart…” He whispered as Téa stood at the door, she was dressed in a black mini skirt with thigh high black stockings and stiletto knee high boots with a black leather corset covering her midsection and a small studded collar around her neck.
Nick stared for several seconds making Téa blush, “Is something wrong?”
Nick shook his head, “Absolutely not, you look, absolutely incredible.”
Téa's cheek when pinker as she put a small evening bag over her shoulder and walked with Nick to the car as he slipped his arm around her slim waist.
Téa smiled as Nick started the car, “So, where are we going?”
Nick smiled, “Well first we're going to the movies, after that, well that's a secret.”
Téa poked him, “Tease, what's the movie?”
“You can pick.”
Nick and Téa arrived at the Domino Multiplex a little before the eight o'clock session was about to begin. Téa looked over the choices for the movie and squealed slightly, “Let's see Inside Man.”
Nick raised an eyebrow, “Really?”
Téa smirked, “Yeah, Denzel Washington's so hot!”
Nick sighed and purchased the tickets and entered the theatre with Téa their arms around each other waists. Téa was enjoying herself greatly, she squealed, yelped and clung onto Nick at all the appropriate moments during the movie. Despite the fact that she didn't all that frightened, she simply enjoyed being girly around Nick.
As the movie wrapped up Téa stood up and stretched, her C-cup breasts becoming more pronounced in front of Nick as Téa arched her back. She smiled, “I had a great time Nick, and I'd really like to do this again soon.”
Nick blinked, “What makes you think the dates over?”
Téa frowned, “If you think I'm one of those girls who put out as easily as switching on a light…!”
“Whoa, I didn't mean to imply that Téa, I just mean I have more planned for us tonight.”
Téa smiled, “Ok, you're forgiven, let's go!”
Nick drove the two to a nearby location, making sure Téa's eyes were closed before leading her inside, “Ok, you can open your eyes.”
Téa opened her eyes to find herself in 21, the most exclusive night club in Domino. This was shown in the décor, black marble flooring, sterling silver railings and pine floorboards at the dance floor. Téa squealed and jumped into Nick's arms. “I can't believe you got us in here, it's so exclusive!”
Nick smiled, “You're welcome, let's dance.”
Nick followed Téa who had a hold of his hand to the dance floor, as the night wore on the crowd of patrons separated at sever points as Téa completely out dance them. They stood in awe as this leggy well built brunette commanded the floor pulling off moves that seemed impossible. Nick stared smiling, he almost found it unbelievable that the girl on the dance floor was the same as the beautiful but broken girl he'd met at Domino Senior High School a few days before. When Téa and Nick finally decided to leave, Téa received raucous applause and cheers from patrons, as well as more than a few wolf whistles.
The night began to close as Nick walked Téa, wrapped in his coat to her front door, “I had a wonderful time tonight Nick.”
Nick smiled, “So did I, I did have some help though.”
Téa smiled, “Joey, Yugi and Tristan.”
Nick smiled and nodded, stepping into Téa slightly he placed his hands on her hips. Téa tilted her head up and their lips met. The kiss was gentle but passionate, Nick's tongue slipped out of his mouth and touched Téa's lips, she slowly and teasingly opened her mouth. Their tongues intertwined as Téa threw her arms around his neck, completely lost in the kiss.
As they broke the kiss Téa pulled back, she felt slightly light headed her eyes slightly clouded, Téa smiled, “That was great, Yami.”
Nick blinked in confusion, “Wha-what…?”
Téa shook her head, regaining her senses, “H-huh, what, Nick?” She asked as he removed his coat from her shoulders giving her a cold stare.
“Hey, Nick? What's, NICK!” Téa yelled, but it was to late, Nick had already left, leaving Téa confused and hurt.
To Be Continued…