Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Life Inside the Chemical Heart ❯ Chapter 4; Lonely World ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who have reviewed. This chapter resumes from the original version of chapter three.
Note: I want to thank Yami Goku for an idea for this chapter.
Disclaimer: Linkin-Phoenix does not own Lonely World by Limp Bizkit the name of this chapter, it is owned by Limp Bizkit and the respective record label.
Chapter 4: Lonely World
Rain fell hard against the windows of Serenity Wheeler's room; she tossed and turned in bed. Rainy nights were always the worst for her, they dredged up bad memories of the nights her father would come home drunk and smack Joey around, while she hid under her bed praying to Kami for it to be over. Serenity got up walking in a pink cotton shirt and cotton panties out into the lounge room. She stopped short of the kitchen when she realized that Nick was standing at the glass doors, his arms folded.
“Nick?” Serenity quietly asked, Nick turned his head slightly, “Oh, hi Serenity, I didn't wake you?”
Serenity shook her head, “No, I… was just getting a glass of water, are you ok?”
Nick shrugged as Serenity crossed the room threading her arms around his left, “How did you date go?”
Nick scowled slightly, “It, went fine, we had a good time, we went to the movies, then we went dancing…”
Serenity raised an eyebrow, “And then?”
“I took Téa home, we, kissed, she said it was great.”
“And…” She continued to press frowning.
“She said it was great, Yami…”
A sombre look crossed her face, “Oh…”
Nick sighed, “What's so special about this guy, why is she so hung up on him?”
Serenity shook her head, “She cared about him a lot, it was very difficult for her losing him.”
“How what?”
“How did she lose him?”
Serenity fell silent for a moment before answering, “It's complicated…”
“I'm not stupid Serenity.”
“I didn't say you were Nick.”
Serenity sighed, “Nick…”
Nick scowled, “Fine, don't tell me then…
“Nick…” Serenity began again shivering slightly.
“Oh, hey, here.” Nick said responding to her shivering taking off his jacket putting around Serenity. She smiled gently, “Thank Nick, you're sweet.”
Nick smiled, “It's nice to be sweet to pretty girls.”
Serenity blushed, “Yo-you think I'm pretty?”
“Of course I do, I'd be extremely blind not to notice how beautiful you are.” Nick responded as he continued to smile.
Serenity in the spur of the moment threw her arms around Nick's neck kissing him enthusiastically. Nick held her arms for moments before pulling her arms down stepping back, “Serenity I…”
Tears welled in Serenity's eyes and sprinted into her room, Nick sighed pressing his head against the glass, “Great work… dumb ass.”
In the Gardener household, Téa was lying on her bed still in her date clothes frowning. Téa was still puzzled and hurt by what had occurred earlier in the night. “What happened, things were going so well…”
Nick stepped into Téa slightly smiling placing his hands on her hips. Téa tilted her head up and their lips met. The kiss was gentle but passionate, Nick's tongue slipped out of his mouth and touched Téa's lips, she slowly and teasingly opened her mouth. Their tongue intertwined as Téa threw her arms around his neck, completely lost in the kiss.
As they broke the kiss Téa pulled back, she felt slightly light headed, her eyes clouded, she smiled, “That was great, Yami.”
Téa's face went pale, “I, I couldn't have said that… not to him, not then…”
Tears welled in her eyes, she couldn't believe she'd been so stupid, she was finally trying to move on. How could she be… Nick was a sweet, cute and honest guy and now… “How did I do this!!!”
“Nick! Get ya ass up!” Joey yelled the next morning from the kitchen, Nick's head shot up off the pillow blinking, “Nick! Get up, you're gonna be late for school!”
Nick grumbled, “Yes Mom…” And rose from the bed. Putting on a robe he walked into the lounge room. Serenity sat at the counter stirring her herbal tea slowly, as Nick entered she stare at him a mixture of sadness and regret in her eyes. He continued to the bathroom.
“You know in the civilised world Saturday is a day where people sleep in…” He commented as he walked from the bathroom minutes later.
“Dat's da price of being an upper class man.” Joey responded making breakfast, “Oh, hey how did ya date go?”
Nick gave him a cold stare and took a bite out of his toast, Joey raised an eyebrow and dropped it. His gaze passed over Serenity, she had been quiet since she'd gotten up, something told him from the way looked at Nick sadly down to the bowl of cereal. That something had occurred between them last night, and that something told him it was nothing good.
“Awe man, it's raining again…” Joey moaned as sheets of rain started falling against the windows of the apartment. Nick sighed and retrieved his trench coat, he stared flashing back to the previous night when it was wrapped around Téa's beautiful body. He shook his head joining Joey back in the lounge room. As the readied to leave Joey paused, “Are ya gonna tell me what happened last night?”
Nick walked out of the apartment silently slipping his coat over his shoulders, Joey sighed and followed him out. They walked in silence through the soaking rain. When they arrived at school Nick stowed his coat in his locker by the entrance and followed Joey upstairs. As the two walked into class Yugi and Tristan attempted to speak to Nick, but he ignored them and continued to his seat. Joey shrugged at them and sat down.
Moments later Téa entered, her clothes, skin and hair soaked from the rain, her eyes tinged with tears. Nick looked from his position standing at his desk unpacking his bag. Téa crossed the room closely by Yugi, Joey and Tristan.
Téa stopped in front of Nick's desk, “Uh, hi, Nick…”
Nick paused, “Oh, so its Nick today, last night it was Yami, what will it be tomorrow, Daffy Duck?” He asked speaking softly.
Téa slapped him across the face storming back to her desk, Yugi and Tristan stared at Joey who in turn with the rest of the class stared in confusion at Nick. The teen in question sat down rubbing his jaw, he heard a snicker from beside him and scowled, “Shut up Kaiba.”
At lunch time Nick and Téa left quickly and silently before any of the boys could corner them. When Tristan and Yugi finally arrived in the cafeteria they noticed Nick sitting alone at an isolated table. They collected their lunches and approached him, he noticed their approach and attempted to leave. However before he could escape Joey sat down at the table forcing Nick to remain.
Once Tristan and Yugi had sat down they cornered Nick, “Come on Nick, what happened?”
Nick sighed, “I really don't...”
Yugi interrupted, “We know you don't want to, but something happened last night and as your friends we want to know.”
Nick frowned, “The date went fine.”
Yugi scowled, “Oh yeah, all the fine dates I've been on have ended with Keara slapping me.”
Joey nodded, “Dat means spill.”
Nick sighed, “The date went great, when we got back to her parents house we kissed…”
“And?” The three said in unison.
Nick looked away in frustration, “She told Yami that the kiss was great.”
The three boys looked to each other, “Ah…”
Nick was about to speak further but he froze, the boys looked up to find Téa standing nearby with a tray. Nick stood and walked out of the cafeteria without a word. Téa put her tray on the boys table and went after him.
“Nick, wait!” Téa yelled running into the hall.
“Téa, look, I, we had some fun and now I'm done, goodbye.”
“Wait, please…”
“What is with you, you obviously don't like me… why don't you go be with this Yami guy you're so hot for?”
Téa looked forlorn, “I do like you, and I can't be with him…”
“Why not?”
“He's dead.”
Nick stopped his face hardening, “I'm sorry.”
Téa stared at the floor, Nick kept his distance and remained silent waiting for Téa to speak. “Nick, I honestly do like you, I think you're a really sweet guy, but Yami was… special to me, and letting him go is…”
Nick exhaled, “I guess I can understand that, I just… I just want to get close to you Téa, not so long ago I cared for someone like I want to care for you, we were ripped away from each other. It's difficult for me to get close to you, but falling out over this is more difficult.”
Téa walked towards him, “Do you want to try again?”
Nick paused then nodded, Téa stepped into him, he leaned down and their lips met, Nick's mouth opened allowing Téa's tongue access. She eagerly explored his mouth pulling him close. When they pulled away Téa was smiling her eyes sparkling, “That was great, Nick.”
Nick smiled, “Yes, it was.” He looked down and found his hand in hers, continuing to smile he place a hand on her shoulder and kissed Téa on the cheek. She blushed and returned his smile. As they hugged someone watched with a smile on his face. Before either teen noticed he'd stepped back into the cafeteria. Moments later Nick re-entered the hall followed by Téa. The boys smiled as the two joined them, they resumed holding hands under the table.
Yugi smiled, “I'm happy you're getting along.”
Téa smiled, “Thanks, you're sweet.”
Yugi returned the smile, “You're welcome.”
Téa continued to smile examining Nick's food, “Téa…”
A sweet look crossed Téa face, “Yes Nick?”
“You have your own food…”
“I know.” She replied picking a piece of Sushi off his plate smiling cutely.
Nick groaned, “This is going to be fun…”
Téa giggled, “You bet.”
As the group continued to enjoy their lunch, the student who stumbled across Nick and Téa watched them smiling. His friend glanced puzzled, “What the hell are you smiling at?”
“Oh, nothing really, I'm just ready to come into some money.”
“How do you figure that?”
The student continued to smile, “Oh, never mind.”
The next several days passed without much fanfare. The only exception was Serenity; she remained distant and quiet whenever Nick was around, without any explanations to her brother. Although it didn't matter that much since Nick was rarely around. He and Téa had started spending as much time as possible together, Yugi saw them most often at the park near the Games Shop. Whenever he saw them Yugi smiled, Téa's laughter was a beautiful sound and it warmed Yugi's heart to hear it again. He knew Yami would have been happy she'd found someone to care for her as Nick did.
The next Wednesday afternoon Yugi, Nick, Téa, Joey, Mai & Tristan were at Yugi's hanging out while Yugi's Grandfather was away on Card business for the shop. Yugi was playing cards against Mai; surprisingly Mai was keeping Yugi at bay with her low powered Duel Monsters. Nick watched with interest with Téa snugly in his lap while Tristan glared enviously.
Mai smiled, “I play Harpie's Feather Duster (Spell) and attack with Harpie Lady Sisters (Wind/Winged Beast/Effect/6 ATK/1900 DEF/2100)!” She glanced over at Téa and Nick and broadened her smile, “So, when are the two of you going on a second date?”
Téa grinned passing a glance over Nick, “What do you say lover boy?”
Nick returned her grin, “Dinner and dancing?”
“Two of my favourite words.”
“There were three words in that sentence.” Tristan commented earning a slap upside the head from Mai.
Nick rolled his eyes before turning back to Téa, “Friday night?”
Téa kissed him on the cheek, “It's a date.”
As Téa and Nick snuggled Tristan rubbed the back of his head, what no one noticed was his clenched fist. Every time he looked at the two of them together he squeezed harder, to fight the feelings seeing them together brought to the surface. They were happy, for some reason that made him angry. He wanted to see Téa happy, just not with Nick.
The next day after school Tristan walked home on his own, his anger was once again bubbling over inside him as Téa left school her arms around Nick, again. As he walked someone ran up behind him, “Tristan, hey, wait up?”
Tristan slowed turning around to meet the frog green eyes of his friend Duke Devlin, “What do you want Devlin?”
“Whoa, dude, what's with all the hostility?”
Tristan scowled, “It's, this new guy Téa's going out with…”
Duke cocked his head, “That transfer student, Nock…”
“Nick… he's no good for her, she should be with someone who'll take care of her, not some jerk who appears out of the blue one day.”
Duke smirked, “So, what are you going to do about it?”
“There's nothing I can do, they're going on another date and that jerk has her wrapped around his finger.”
“They're going on another date.” Duke inquired in an off-handed manner.
“Yeah, dinner and dancing Friday night, or so they said…”
Duke smile with a glint in his eyes, “Really, that's interesting.”
Tristan arched an eyebrow, “It is?”
Duke patted Tristan on the shoulder, “Don't worry, it will work out.”
When the day of the date arrived Nick told Téa she should dress up, he wouldn't say why, he simply said that Téa should be formally and sexily attired for the occasion and be ready at seven thirty. Téa and Mai went to one of the more expensive boutiques in the city with her father's expense card. Mai selected several dresses for Téa to try.
Mai smiled leaning against the door of an adjoining cubical, “You seem happier.”
“I am Mai, Nick's great, he's sweet, romantic and he treats me with respect.”
“Do you love him?”
Téa was silent for a moment, “I really like him, but, it's a bit early to say love.”
“Do you still love Yami?”
Téa went silent again stepping out of the cubical in on of the dresses, Mai gave her a stern look, “Téa honey, if you're still in love with Yami you have to do one of two things, you either let go of the memory of your love, or you leave Nick. You can't have it both ways.”
“Gee thanks Mai, I couldn't have figured that out on my own!” Téa snapped storming away from Mai.
Mai grabbed Téa's arm, “Téa, look…”
Téa angrily shook her off, “No, you look Mai, Nick and I aren't serious, we haven't even been on a second date, we're just having some fun!”
“Does Nick know that?”
“Oh god Mai, drop it!” Téa cursed at Mai, attempting to go back into the cubical.
Mai grabbed Téa's arm again, “Téa…”
Téa threw Mai off a second time, “Get lost Mai, stop putting your handicapped relationship with Joey and your personal problems with trusting anyone without a six figure inheritance on me. I'm not the one who lost her mind in hell!”
Mai fell silent as Téa disappeared into the cubical again. Without saying another word Mai left the store and drove home, leaving Téa to take the train.
A half an hour later Mai sat in her bedroom, a glass of whiskey in her hand with the half empty bottle on the table next to her. The blinds were drawn leaving the room in almost complete darkness, Mai swirled the contents of her glass, using the back of her hand to wipe the tears from her face. A knock echoed from the main room. Mai sat for a moment before walking unsteadily to answer the door, “Oh, it's you.”
A sombre looking Téa stood on her doorstep, “Hi… can I come in?” She asked quietly, Mai stood in silence for about a minute before stepping aside to allow Téa to enter the apartment. She walked in putting her dress over the back of the couch, Téa turned to Mai who still stood by the now closed door waiting for Téa to speak, “Mai, I said some very stupid, hurtful things earlier…”
Mai laughed hollowly, “A magnificent understatement Gardener…”
“I know that Mai, but I was angry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I, it, just came out, I didn't mean it…”
“What, you didn't mean for it to come out, or you didn't mean what you said?”
“I didn't mean what I said; I was wrong, very wrong with what I said.” Téa admitted looking at the floor, Mai sniffed and laughed callously Téa looked up confused, “Hon, it would only hurt this much if some of it were true…”
Téa moved towards Mai slowly, “No, it can't be true, none of it, I know you to well for any of that to be remotely true. Maybe once, when you didn't have us to support you, when you didn't have Yugi, Joey, Serenity or me supporting you. I just said that, I just, what you said scared me Mai, it scared me and I lashed out…”
Mai didn't speak at first, content to stare at Téa who had stopped moving, her arm across her midsection holding her other elbow. “Why?” Mai asked her voice cracking slightly.
Téa didn't look up continuing to stare at the floor in the hallway, “Why, what?”
“Why were you scared?”
“Its Yami, I'm, I'm scared to let him go, I'm afraid if I let him go… I'll get consumed…”
Mai's eyes narrowed, “Consumed, by what?”
“By, by life, by darkness, by the evil things men do to girls who look like us. If he's gone, who'll protect me from things like that?”
Mai closed her eyes, “You think you're incapable of protecting yourself?”
“N-no, but, when Yami first appeared, he saved me, he saved me from an Ecchi teacher who was going to hurt me… or worse, rape me. And then there was that freak student who thought by knocking me out he'd have some sort of power over the girls at Domino High…”
Mai raised a hand, “Hon, enough, I understand what you're saying, but that can't possibly be the only reason, you've got to tell me.”
Téa shook her head, “The-there isn't anything else.”
Mai frowned, “Bullshit, what's the real reason.”
“That's the only one.”
Mai scowled, “No there's another, tell me!”
“I FEEL LIKE I'M BETRAYING HIM!!” Téa blurted out, the silence rung through the apartment for mere moments before Mai spoke again, “Wh-what the hell are you talking about, betraying who?”
“Yami, I feel as if I'm betraying him being with Nick.”
“Hon, I'm lost, what do you mean?”
Téa sat down on the couch with Mai sitting down next to her, “It's he's… he's still here, I can still feel him, watching me, I feel like I'm cheating on him by being with Nick.” Téa explained tears welling in her eyes.
Mai bit back first instinct, “Téa, I know it's difficult, but you have to let go of him, it's not fair to Nick, or yourself. Besides that, you can't possibly be cheating on him.”
Téa interrupted, “How can you know that though Mai?”
“Oh for God sake woman, how can you be cheating on someone who's been dead for three thousand years, he was a spirit, he wasn't even really here in the first place. Yugi was a conduit that's all Yami was, an apparition. Now he's gone, accept it!”
“He was, and he is… isn't he?” Téa asked sinking slowly, Mai nodded putting a hand on her shoulder as Téa closed her eyes the tears rolling down her cheeks quietly, “I'm sorry Mai, I, I guess I always knew, I just, it never hit me before, it never hit me that he was gone. If he was even really here in the first place.”
Mai patted her on the shoulder, “We're all entitled to mourn Hon, you were closer to Yami than most. It just took you longer to find the closure you needed.”
Téa nodded still looking sombre, “I just wish it didn't come with me saying stupid things…”
Mai smiled deciding it was safe enough to play with Téa a bit, “Well, you're the group cheerleader; of course stupid things are going to come out of your mouth.”
Téa's eyebrow twitched, “I support my friends, I don't dress up and carry pom-pom…”
Mai chuckled, “Oh, I know at least one boy who wouldn't mind seeing you dress in a sexy little cheerleader outfit, for a private performance.”
“MAI!!!” Téa yelled her cheeks going extremely red at the gratuitously sexual overt comment, “How does your mind switch from depression to sex so quickly…”
Mai grinned and winked, “Years of practice.”
“Uh huh, how many, thirty, forty?” Téa asked with a grin.
Mai's eyes narrowed with an eyebrow twitch, “That's not funny Gardener…”
Téa grinned, “Oh, I don't know, I thought it was pretty…” Téa froze looking at Mai's Harpie clock, “Oh shit! I'm going to be late if I don't hurry!”
Mai raised an eyebrow, “What time's your date?”
“Seven thirty.” Téa responded leaping up grabbing her dress, and her shoes from beside the door. Mai sighed, “Only leaving an hour for yourself to prepare, bad girl.” Mai said making a disapproving sound to which Téa scowled, “Thank you Mai, I need to catch the train.” She said about to run out the door, Mai stood taking her keys, “Forget the train, I'll drive.”
Téa paused, “Drive, with you?” Mai's eyebrow arched, “What's wrong with that?” Téa shook her head, “Oh, um, nothing…” Adding under her breath, “Tristan and Duke just told me about your driving when you're rushing somewhere…”
After a frantic, white knuckle drive to Téa's, Mai helped her close friend prepare for her date. While also providing a running critique of her wardrobe. Meanwhile Nick was also dressing for their date. As he stood in front of the mirror buttoning his shirt, Serenity walked to his door leaning against the frame, “Hello.” She said her voice subdued and quiet.
Nick looked over, a mellowed expression on his face, “Hello.”
“You're going on another date with Téa, aren't you?”
Nick nodded, “Yeah, dinner and dancing.”
Serenity looked at the floor and moved from the door towards him, “Nick, when we…”
Nick stopped her, “Look, Serenity, I'd really like to talk about what happened, but, I can't, not right now, can we shelve the issue for now, at least until I'm back from my date?”
Serenity turned away from him looking quite forlorn, “Oh, yeah, sure, we'll, shelve it.” Nick's shoulders slumped as he closed his eyes his thumb and forefinger massaging the bridge of his nose, “Serenity, wait, please?”
After getting no response he opened his eyes to find Serenity gone from his sight, he heard the lock on her bedroom door click and sighed sitting down on the bed. “What a way with women you have King…” He muttered gathering his shoes, tie and coat heading for the front door.
As Nick walked to the waiting hired Limousine, a man, his face hidden beneath a visor watched from across the street. He watched Nick enter the limousine and after watching it leave he waited for a moment and started his motorcycle heading in the same direction as the vehicle that had just departed.
Meanwhile, Mai walked to the window of Téa's house, a glass of water in her hand, her desire for something stronger had disappeared in anticipation of the probable hangover she was going to suffer the next day. Mai turned to the stairs in response to the sound of silk stockings hitting floorboards heralded the return of Téa to the lounge; a pair of stiletto heals delicately held in her hand. “What do you think Mai?” She asked spinning around in her black halter neck dress that hugged the curves of her sculpted all natural ballerina body.
Mai smirked, “Depends…”
Téa frowned, “On what?
“On whether you ever want to make it to the restaurant…”
Téa's face went crimson, “MAI!!”
Mai laughed, “The only problem you're going to have with that dress is with trying to fight Nick off.” She replied looking out the window, cooing happily at what she saw, “I think I've changed my mind, I want to swap boyfriends…”
Téa blinked, “What… but Joey…”
Mai smirked, “Joey doesn't come to pick me up for dates in a Limousine.”
Téa blinked hard, “Nick… and a Limousine…” Téa asked moving to the window to confirm what Mai was saying. Mai snickered, “I think this boy is trying very hard to impress you Téa-chan.”
Téa stared as the driver stepped out and opened the door for Nick. He walked up as the two girls ogled him from the window. Téa ran to the door taking a moment to check she was prepared, after getting the thumbs up signal from Mai she opened the door, “Hi Nick.”
He stared for several moments admiring every curve and feature on her lovely body, “Hi Téa, wow, you look, fantastic, spectacular, oh, are you all set to go?”
Téa went crimson for a second time, “Yeah, sure.”
Nick smiled stepping aside to let the two girls out, Mai quickly, albeit reluctantly disappeared from sight allowing the lovebirds to leave in the Limo. As Mai struggled to find the keys to her car she frowned taking noticing of the oddly familiar motorcycle and its lanky rider as the motorcycle resumed its pursuit of the Limousine.
The car drove the lovers to Belluci's the best Italian restaurant in Domino. Nick impressed or at least tried by speaking fluent Italian while ordering dinner. During dinner they talked, Nick told Téa of his travels across the globe while Téa told him of her dreams to become a famous dancer. Nick smiled at the sparkle in her eyes while talking of that particular subject. Unknown to either teen the man on the motorcycle watched, taking several pictures during the more intimate moments of their dinner.
After dinner Nick and Téa returned to 21, quickly becoming their most popular date/party destination. They danced for two hours before leaving for Téa's house. All of this observed by the man on the motorcycle. Nick escorted Téa to her door a hand on her hip, she smiled, “I had a terrific time tonight Nick.”
He returned the smile, “So did I.”
Téa without warning stepped into him, Nick could smell the soft tinge of Téa's apricot shampoo on the air, she shifted her weight to the balls of her feet as their lips met. Téa pulled away after several moments breaking the kiss licking her lips. “Mmm, that was nice Nick, I mean Joey.” Téa grinned, “Did I say that?”
Nick chuckled, “That's cute…” He said placing his hands on her hips gently moving her against the side wall of the porch, “Very cute.” Téa agreed as Nick kissed her passionately slipping his tongue into her mouth. Téa responded pulling him closer into her body, his hands slowly exploring her sexy body. Téa was torn for a moment between the intense pleasure of the feeling of his hands on her beautiful body, and the fact she was still a virgin. Téa pulled away and Nick stopped a worried look crossing his face, “What's wrong?”
Téa smiled, slumping a little from the energy drain of the kiss, “Nothing, I'm just…”
Nick smiled, “It's ok not to be ready, I'm in no rush, it's completely up to you how this goes.”
Téa hugged him, “Thank you.”
Nick kissed her forehead gently, “You're welcome.”
They returned to kissing for a minute longer before Téa left her boyfriend for the night. All of this of course watched and photographed by the mystery man on the motorcycle.
The next day Nick awoke gently noticing it was still early he rose and made breakfast. As he was setting out the plates of food he noticed Joey and Serenity rushing madly to prepare. He blinked, “What's up?”
Joey stopped for a moment, “Oh, sorry man, I forgot to mention, I've got a meeting at Serenity's school with one of her teachers this morning, can ya make it ta school on your own?”
Nick nodded, “No problem, good luck.”
Joey didn't respond already breathing down his breakfast before rushing out the door with Serenity. Nick shook his head and quickly washed up leaving a few minutes later. He smiled basking in the morning sun, clouds threatening on the horizon. “Are you Nicholas King?” A voice asked as he approached the school gate.
Nick paused looking around, “That's me, who's there?”
A pair of green eyes appeared from the shadows of the gate, “That's not important right now, all you need to know is that unless you do exactly what I say I'm going to ruin your life and your relationship with Téa Gardener…”
To Be Continued…
A/N: Just a few notes, first Belluci's is an actual restaurant, quite high end, and expensive. I've eaten there only once. It was quite nice, but the food was a bit rich for my stomach, let's leave it at that. Second is that certain parts of this chapter have changed significantly from their original versions when I wrote this on paper, it won't be another case of an Un-cut version, because these are significant improvements for this final version. Believe me this turned out better than I had anticipated. Until Next Story, Cya.