Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Life Inside the Chemical Heart ❯ Chapter 5: Don't Push Me ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who's supported me and to my detracts… Take your opinions and shove them up your ass!
Disclaimer: Linkin-Phoenix does not own any of the songs used in this chapter.
Note: Thanks to Wikipedia & Yami Goku for some tidbits that I couldn't remember and needed fast.
Chapter Name: Don't Push Me by 50 Cent.
Chapter 4: Don't Push Me
Nick stood silent before Otogi, “You really expect me to go weak at the knees and fork over the cash?” He smirked, “Get real.”
Otogi frowned, “You're really willing to risk Anzu just to keep a few bucks?”
Nick chuckled, “I didn't say that moron, I just said I wasn't going to capitulate to your demands. If you come after me you'll regret it, I promise.”
Duke laughed, “Gee, I'm scared.”
Nick smirked, “Believe me, you should be.”
Otogi laughed a second time, “Whatever, I'll let you think about this for a few days.” Otogi smirked and disappeared back into the street. Nick scowled and ran into the school.
“Hey, where were you, you're late.” Yuugi said as Nick ran to his seat not getting an answer before the start of class.
Class was dull as usual but mercifully short as they broke early for lunch, as Jou joined hem Yuugi turned to Nick, “So, why were you late?”
Jou raised an eyebrow, “You were late? But you left almost at the same time as me and Shizuka…”
“I was… delayed.”
“By what?” The three boys enquired.
Nick shook his head, “It doesn't matter.”
“Come on Nick, tell us.” Yuugi insisted.
“It doesn't matter, really.”
Anzu snuggled closer to Nick, “Come on Nick, tell us.”
“Just drop it!” Nick snapped angrily, Anzu recoiled slightly as his shoulders slumped. Yuugi frowned, “Nick, don't snap at her.” He scolded.
“Fine, look I've got something to take care of.” Nick said standing. He walked away as Yuugi continued to frown.
“Anzu, I don't think you should be hanging around that guy.” Honda commented watching him leave.
Anzu shrugged, “Honda, he's not that bad, something's wrong, I just don't think he trusts us enough to explain.”
Honda snorted, “You're to trusting, that guys bad news.”
Anzu frowned, “Whatever you say Honda.” Anzu stood and left, Honda growled and stalked off in another direction leaving Yuugi and Jou alone at the table.
Yuugi sighed, “Jou, I've got a bad feeling.”
Jyoonouchi nodded, “I know Yuugi, I know.”
While Yuugi and Jou continued to have lunch Nick was walking back to class, as he approached 2-A, a cute red head from another class stepped out of the room, “Oh, are you Nicholas King?”
“Some guy paid me to pass you this note; I couldn't find you in the classroom…” The girl said as Nick took the note opening it slowly.
Tomorrow Night
School Courtyard
Bring the cash, come alone.
Nick sighed, “Thank you.”
The girl smiled moving closer to him, “I also got paid to do this.” The girl pressed herself against him planting a hard kiss against his lips. Nick recoiled, but not quick enough to prevent his girlfriend from seeing the display.
“What the hell?” Nick said as he backed away, the girl laughed and ran off. Nick scowled and touched his lip; he raised an eyebrow rubbing the blood between his fingertips.
Meanwhile Anzu was in the girl's locker room, her body shaking as her fists connected with the locker door. “That… That bastard! That cheating good for nothing bastard!!”
As Anzu continued to curse and hit the locker, someone watched a broad grin on his face. He could feel all the pieces falling into place.
The rest of the day passed quietly, Anzu never appeared for afternoon classes while Nick stayed completely silent. He continued in that vein through the night and into the next morning.
“Should I wake him up?” Shizuka asked over a late breakfast.
Jyoonouchi shook his head, “He's already awake.”
Shizuka tilted her head, “Already? Why?”
Jyoonouchi shrugged, “I don't know Shizuka, but he's been locked in his room since he woke up. Something's had him rattled since yesterday, and whatever it is, it's giving me a bad vibe…”
A worried look crossed Shizuka's face and Jyoonouchi frowned, “Listen Shizuka, whatever mess Nick's gotten himself into, stay out of it ok?”
“But Nii-san, he's our friend…”
“I know…”
Later in the day Nick emerged from his room and showered eating quickly while Jyoonouchi was out running errands and getting groceries. As it approached seven Nick pulled out his suitcase from his closet as Good Luck by Basement Jaxx played on the CD player. As he lifted the false bottom from the suitcase Shizuka lent against the door, “Are you going to tell me what's going on Nicku-chan?” She asked as the song changed to Your Disease by Saliva.
Nick sighed taking the Duel Disk from the bottom of the case, “It's just some business I have to take care of.”
Shizuka frowned, “Nicku-chan, that's not going to fly with me…”
Nick sighed, “Look, I've got it handled ok, just drop it.”
Nick grabbed the Duel Disk and his deck from the desk and stormed out, Shizuka shook her head, “Damn it Nick…”
Nick walked back to Domino High as clouds gathered over head. As he arrived he found a smirking Otogi Ryuji standing in the middle of the courtyard, “So, did you bring the money?”
Nick smirked, “Not quite.” He said throwing Duke a Duel Disk, “I've got a challenge for you Ryuji, duel me, if you win I'll pay you any amount you wish.”
Ryuji smirked, “And if I lose?”
“You'll never bother Anzu or I again.”
Ryuji grinned, “Let's Duel!”
Ryuji Otogi Life Points: 8000
Nicholas King Life Points: 8000
“I draw;
1. I summon Great Angus (Fire/Beast/4 ATK/1800 DEF/600) in attack mode;
2. I play one card face down and end my turn.”
“I draw;
1. I summon Opticlops (Dark/Fiend/4 ATK/1800 DEF/1700) in attack mode;
2. I play a card face down and end my turn.”
“This is where I earn my money, I draw;
1. I sacrifice Great Angus to summon Twinheaded Beast (Fire/Beast/Effect/6 ATK/1700 DEF/1900) in attack mode;
2.I equip Twinheaded Beast with Salamandra (Equip/Spell) to increase its attack seven hundred points (ATK/2400);
3. Twinheaded Beast attack;
4. Now for the best part, its Special Ability allows it to attack again!”
Twinheaded Beast's attack destroyed Great Angus; Twinheaded Beast's attack inflicted 2400 points of damage to the opponent.
Ryuji Otogi LP: 8000
Nicholas King LP: 5000
Nick exhaled and settled examining the cards in his hand, “Ok, not bad, I draw;
1. I summon Archfiend Soldier (Dark/Fiend/4 ATK/1900 DEF/1500) in attack mode;
2. I also add Axe of Despair (Equip/Spell) to increase Archfiend Soldier's attack one thousand points (ATK/2900);
3. Archfiend Soldier ATTACK!”
Otogi laughed, “That's funny, because I activate Sakuretsu Armour (Trap) destroying your Archfiend Soldier.”
Nick scowled, “Damn it, I play Monster Reborn (Spell) to revive Archfiend Soldier.”
Duke smirked, “I draw;
1. I summon Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective (Fire/Pyro/Effect/4 ATK/2000 DEF/0) in attack mode;
2. Twinheaded Beast attack twice, Combustible Collective ATTACK!!”
“Not yet, I activate my Alter for Tribute (Trap) and use my Archfiend Soldier, sending it to the graveyard to increase my life points nineteen hundred points (LP: 6900).”
“Doesn't matter, you're finished.”
Twinheaded Beast's and Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective's attacks inflicted 6800 points of direct damage to the opponent.
Ryuji Otogi LP: 8000
Nicholas King LP: 100
“Here we go, I draw;
1. I play Swords of Revealing Light (Spell) to stop you from attacking for three turns;
2. Now this, I play Final Ritual of the Ancients (Ritual/Spell);
3. And send La Jinn Mystical Genie of the Lamp (Dark/Fiend/4 ATK/1800 DEF/1000);
4. And Mefist the Infernal General (Dark/Fiend/Effect/5 ATK/1800 DEF/1700) to the graveyard;
5. To summon Reshef the Dark Being (Light/Fiend/Effect/8 ATK/2500 DEF/1500) in attack mode;
6. By removing Opticlops, Archfiend Soldier and Mefist the Infernal General from my graveyard I can summon Dark Necrofear (Dark/Fiend/Effect/7 ATK/2200 DEF/2800) in attack mode;
7. Now I send Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler (Spell) to the graveyard to take control of your Twinheaded Beast;
8. Twinheaded Beast attack;
9.Twinheaded Beast, Reshef the Dark Being, Dark Necrofear ATTACK!!”
“Lousy asshole…” Otogi swore as a small smile crossed Nick's face.
Twinheaded Beast's attack destroyed Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective; Twinheaded Beast, Reshef the Dark Being and Dark Necrofear inflicted 7100 points of direct damage to the opponent.
Ryuji Otogi LP: 500
Nicholas King LP: 100
::Otogi:: (Swords of Revealing Light Turn: 1)
“I draw.” He said as he turned the card over he smirked, “You're finished;
1. I play Pot of Greed (Spell) to draw two cards into my hand;
2. Now Polymerization (Spell);
3. To fuse Masaki the Legendary Swordsman (Earth/Warrior/4 ATK/1100 DEF/1100);
4. And Flame Manipulator (Fire/Spellcaster/3 ATK/900 DEF/1000);
5. To summon The Flame Swordsman (Fire/Warrior/Fusion/4 ATK/1800 DEF/1600) in attack mode;
6. I play Monster Reborn (Spell) to summon Masaki the Legendary Swordsman in attack mode;
7. Now I sacrifice Masaki and Flame Swordsman to summon Ultimate Obedient Fiend (Fire/Fiend/Effect/8 ATK/3500 DEF/3000) in attack mode;
8. I end my turn.”
Duke smirked, “In two turns it's over.”
“Yeah, whatever, I draw;
1. I play one card face down in defence mode;
2. And another card face down and end my turn.”
::Otogi:: (Swords of Revealing Light Turn: 2)
“I draw and end my turn.”
Nick snorted, “Ultimate Obedient Fiend's special ability sucks doesn't it, I draw;
1. I play a card face down and end my turn.”
::Otogi:: (Swords of Revealing Light Turn: 3)
“I draw and end my turn.”
“I draw;
1. I switch all my monsters into defence mode and end my turn.”
“You're over, I draw;
1. It doesn't matter if they're in defence mode, I'll knock them off one at a time Ultimate Obedient Fiend attack the face down card!”
Nick smirked, “Idiot, you've activated my face down card Spellbinding Circle (Trap) this will stop your monster from changing battle position or attacking as long as that card is active.”
Devlin growled, “Son of a bitch…”
“Gee, you know my nickname, I'm touched.”
“I think it's time to end this, I draw;
1. I'll use my Dark Being's special ability sending Pot of Greed (Spell) to the graveyard to switch your Ultimate Obedient Fiend to my side of the field;
2. While the Ultimate Fiend is powerful, it's ultimately flawed and you're ultimately finished, Dark Necrofear, Reshef the Dark Being ATTACK!!!”
As Nick's monsters attack, Otogi looked into his eyes and recoiled as an unholy fire stared back, “Let this be a lesson to you Ryuji Otogi, never mess in the affairs of a Phoenix, we are quick to anger, and burn just as hot.”
Dark Necrofear's and Reshef the Dark Being's attacks inflicted 4700 points of direct damage to the opponent.
Nicholas King LP: 100
Ryuji Otogi LP: 0
Nick sighed and gathered up his deck, “It's time for you to live up to your end of our bargain Otogi.”
Otogi scowled, then smiled, “You're joking right?”
Nick cocked an eyebrow, “You know what I'm talking about…”
Otogi chuckled, “I've lost the duel, but I'm about to win the war.”
Otogi whistled and stepped away, Nick tensed as four muscle bound men appeared from the darkness. The two in front of him were in leathers carrying steel pipes, the two behind him, blocking the gate and Nick's only escape route were wearing denim and carrying solid timber baseball bats.”
As they advanced on him Nick snorted, “I should have known…”
Nick shed his jacket tossing it in the air charging the nearest opponent, he knocked him down tossing the pipe at the fast approaching foe. “Bastard, come here.” The man yelled rushing Nick the pipe used almost as a blade being swiped at Nick. He dodged and swerved, every thrust pushing him back and back.
Finally he found himself couched, he dodged and rolled away diving at his opponent, he knocked him down and rolled forward. Then it hit, the two men with the bats swung for the fences hitting Nick in the back and stomach simultaneously knocking him to the ground hard. He gathered his strength and lunged away jumping to his feet. Nick growled performing a roundhouse kick, as he came around they struck breaking a bat over Nick's arm. Nick screamed falling to the ground grasping his now broken arm, as the goons piled in. Fists, feet and weapons flew colliding with Nick's body as Otogi stood to one side, smiling.
He scowled only a minute later hearing a car approaching, “Damn it, scram, we've done enough.” He hissed running off to another exit as his goons scattered.
Meanwhile Joey hummed along to `Soul's Refrain' from Neon Genesis Evangelion as he drove passed Domino High the skies opened and rain began falling hard. He sighed and took a glance over the gates and almost exclaimed in shock slamming on the brakes. He rushed out of the car car into the now pouring rain kneeling beside Nick's prone, bloody, broken body. “You baka…”
“Would someone quit that damn, beeping…” Nick whispered with a groan opening his eyes slowly.
He heard a voice near him, “So, you're awake…”
Nick glanced slightly around as his eyes came into focus finding himself in a hospital room. He smiled seeing Anzu at his bedside, “What happened?”
“Jyoonouchi found you half dead at school. He brought you to the hospital. They say you've got broken ribs and an arm, a punctured lung and other injuries. You've been out for almost five days, how are you?”
“Beaten…” Nick replied. Téa frowned, “What happened?”
“I got beaten by some goons Ryuji Otogi hired…”
Téa scowled, “It's your own fault…”
Nick blinked, “Wha… what do you mean?”
“Otogi told us about you, you were blackmailing him, to stop him from telling us the real truth about you.”
“What?!” Nick exclaimed unable to retort further from shock.
“I know the truth now, that you're a play boy, a player, that the only reason you're with me is to get into my pants, and you were dating other girls while dating me…”
Anzu growled, “Don't deny it, I saw you with that slut a couple of days ago!” Anzu spat accusingly. Nick blinked with made Anzu scowl further, “Adriana as if you didn't know…”
“Téa I swear I don't…” Nick started but was interrupted by a resounding slap across his already bruised face. “Don't you dare lie to me again, you're a good for nothing bastard, and I'll never forgive you.” Téa hissed quietly, she took her bag and walked out, she stopped at the door and looked back at him with utter contempt, “Goodbye Nicholas.”
Nick watched her go and looked out the window small tears running down his face, “Oh, a storm's coming…” As rain started to fall.
To Be Continued