Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Life Inside the Chemical Heart ❯ Chapter 6: Tainted Love ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who reviewed the previous chapter.
Disclaimer: Linkin-Phoenix does not own Tainted Love by Soft Cell.
Warning: This chapter contains mild Yaoi, if you do not like Yaoi do not read this chapter, you have been warned, there is no need to flame the chapter.
Chapter 6: Tainted Love
Weather is a great indicator of mood; the sunrise gives a feeling of renewal, a sunset a romantic mood. But rain had strong emotion, sadness, despair, these were the feelings of the boy in room 2501, he'd just seen everything walk out the door with his girlfriend, ex-girlfriend.
He gripped the side of his bed to push himself up, forgetting for a moment his arm was still broken, as soon as he attempted to put weight on his arm pain raced through his body like a bullet. He was sent crashing back to the bed crying and yelling in pain. The nurses ran into the room as he struck the bedside cabinet with his working arm, his tears of pain turning to ones of anguish as he felt everything he'd worked for slipping away as quickly as sand on a beach.
The next day he hobbled back to the Jyoonouchi residence, against doctor's advice. Nick opened his closet and threw it onto the bed. As he began to pack he heard a knock at the front door, he hobbled to the lounge giving permission for the person to enter.
“They told me you'd checked out, against doctor's advice I might add.” Yuugi divulged as he entered.
“Yeah, well, I don't like doctors, or hospitals, besides, I'm fine.” Nick explained, a spark of pain punctuating Yuugi's point. Yuugi crossed his arms, “So I see are you going to tell me what happened?”
“What, didn't you hear Otogi's version?”
“Yes, I did.”
Nick stood across from Yuugi at the kitchen counter; he fixed them both tea, “Then why do you want to hear mine?”
Yuugi took the tea stirring it slowly, “I like to hear both sides before I pass judgement.”
“Fine, Otogi blackmailed me, I defeated him in a duel, his goons beat me to an inch of my life, happy, good.” Nick rounded the counter and walked passed Yuugi into his room.
Yuugi growled and followed, “Nick, what…” He paused, Nick was standing over a pair of suitcases, “Wh-what are you doing?”
“Packing, what does it look like?” Nick commented placing a folded shirt in the suitcase. Yuugi grabbed Nick's arm forcing him to look into his eyes, “Why?”
Nick laughed bitterly shaking off Yuugi's arm; he walked over to an antique record player taking a record from the rack, “Did you know that Frank Sinatra's last concert was in Fukuoka?”
Yuugi quirked an eyebrow, “No, I didn't.”
Nick sneered slightly placing the needle against the vinyl record, suddenly through the crackling of the record he heard Angel Eyes playing.
“Is that the truth?”
“The truth is subjective.”
“Is that the truth?” Yuugi asked stepping closer.
“It doesn't matter.”
Nick almost staggered in shock, “Yuugi!”
“It matters Nick; I need to know, is it the truth?”
“Yes! It's the god damn truth!” Nick pulled up his shirt, “Or am I imagining being in constant pain from three broken ribs?” Yuugi stared at the purplish black bruises around the rib bandages; they stirred some bad memories within him. As Nick lowered his shirt Yuugi revived with a question, “Don't they give you morphine for the pain?”
Nick laughed again bitterly, placing a pair of pants in the suitcase, “Tell me Yuugi if you see a fire, do you pour gasoline on it?”
Yuugi blinked, “No, of course not.”
“You also don't give heroin addict morphine for the same reason.” Nick stated folding a shirt.
Yuugi stopped cold as Nick's previous statement, “You're a drug addict?”
“I was…”
“I've been in recovery for about a year.”
Yuugi watched Nick putting various items in his bags, “How…”
Nick paused sitting on the bed, “I lived in New York for about two years, I did a lot of things, duelled, lost my virginity…”
Yuugi coughed and spluttered, “Thanks, anyway…”
Nick chuckled, “Yeah, after about half a year I met a girl, Marurin, despite her influence I got pretty well messed up on heroin. She helped me out of it eventually, but just as things were starting to get better I was sent for by my mother, I left, no goodbye, just a letter on the nightstand addressed to her…”
“So, you're doing the same here?”
Nick's face tightened, “Anzu left me, why do you care?'
“What do you mean, you're my friend, Anzu's one of my best friends, I don't want to see either of you hurt.” Yuugi spat angrily.
Nick laughed, “I'm a drug addict and according to Otogi a cheating bastard, what makes you believe in me?”
“I, I just have a sense about people, that's all. I also know when people are lying to me.” Yuugi retorted angrily blushing.
“So, are you sure I'm not lying?”
Yuugi stood looking Nick in the eyes, “Yes, I am.”
“You still think Anzu and I should be together, even considering my little drug problem?”
Yuugi cocked his head pondering his response, “Yes.”
(Warning, Yaoi scene approaching.)
“Bull, you're lying.” Nick responded.
“I'm not lying!”
“Yes you are, admit it!”
“I'm NOT!!”
As Yuugi yelled his retort something inside compelled him to grab Nick's collar and drag him into a deeply passionate kiss, Nick grabbed Yuugi's shoulders with the intention of breaking the kiss. However as he felt Yuugi's tongue lap against his lips his arousal took over, he opened his mouth allowing his tongue to rub and linger against Yuugi's. As Yuugi undid Nick's pants he sat on the bed the kiss unbroken. As his hands explored further, Nick's hands began a journey of their own.
(End of Yaoi Scene, for now.)
`Miserable bastard, I hate him so MUCH!!!' Anzu screamed mentally lying on the couch in her parent's home. Since learning from Otogi about Nick's true nature and confronted him, she had avoided her friends, preferring to remain at home and berate herself. Anzu had remained spaced out since her confrontation with Nick, so much so that she hadn't changed her clothes since the previous day. Anzu remained in her teal sleeveless shirt, blue denim shorts and white stockings.
As she lay sulking, Anzu heard a knock at the door, “Oh, Otogi, I'd rather be alone.”
Otogi smiled, “You wouldn't turn away someone with flowers, would you?” He said presenting Anzu with a dozen red roses.
Anzu blushed, “ok, ok you can come in.”
As he passed her Otogi's smile turned sinister, `She's mine.'
(Warning, Yaoi scene next paragraph.)
Back at Jyoonouchi's apartment, Serenity had just arrived home from her classes, as she walked into the lounge; she heard sounds of pain and pleasure coming from Nick's bedroom. Approaching the half open door she gasped. Nick was lying face down on the bed, his face contorted into a cross between pleasure and pain. He was panting and moaning rapidly, what shocked Serenity was who was riding him. With his hands on Nick's broad shoulders to himself up, Yuugi was moving his naked body rapidly on the lower half of Nick's masculine body. He was panting and moaning even harder than Nick was, his waist barely covered by the rapidly dampening sheets.
A wicked glint entered Serenity's eyes as she stole away to her room. She returned with a camcorder in her clutches and quietly taped Yuugi screwing Nick. She taped until they reached climax. It was so sudden that Serenity fell backwards from shock; an audible `ofph' escaped her lips.
Hearing a noise Nick raised his head slightly, “Di-did y-you hear something?” He panted.
Yuugi shook his head shoving Nick's head back into the pillow, “No, now shut up, I'm not finished with you yet.”
(End of Yaoi scenes.)
Meanwhile Anzu was sitting with Otogi on her couch, she was angrily cursing out Nick while he listened patiently. Suddenly Anzu stopped speaking and turned to Otogi, “Otogi, thanks, you're the only person who's told me the truth in this entire ordeal…” Anzu said giving Otogi a hug, which he readily accepted.
As Anzu released him she stared at the seat, “Is there something about me that screams stupid, do I look gullible?”
Otogi hid a grin in a sympathetic smile, “I don't think you're stupid or gullible, on the contrary, I think you're beautiful and intelligent, you trusted someone and were almost taken advantage of, I'm just glad I found out about him before anything irreversible happened.”
Anzu nodded, “I know, I'm really lucky to have you Otogi.”
Otogi hid a smirk, “I'm just glad to help.”
Yuugi and Nick lay beside each other on the bed, sweaty and exhausted; Nick blinked slightly, “That was…”
“Interesting.” Yuugi finished.
“Interesting.” Nick agreed Yuugi rolled over draping an arm over Nick's chest with a promiscuous smile on his lips, “Shall we go again?”
Nick smirked, “Don't you have a girlfriend or something?”
The colour in Yuugi's face suddenly drained, “Oh no!” Yuugi sat up, looking as if the fear of god had been put into him, “I-I got so involved I forgot about Keara…” He cried his eyes wide, Nick sighed stroking Yuugi's back. Yuugi cooed quietly, Keara did the same thing, to calm him. Keara and he had only been having relations for a short while, apart from two boys Yuugi knew, she was his first, she was also quite the demon in bed. Her vibrancy in bed matched her personality, fiery; this was how Yuugi knew he was dead.
“Nick, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone about this, I love Keara, I can't break her heart, not now.”
“Yuugi, I have no desire to hurt anyone.” He looked at the clock, “You're my friend I never want to do anything to hurt you, you don't have to worry anyway, I'm leaving Domino in a few hours.”
Yuugi shot up in the bed again, “Wh-what, for where?”
Nick pulled his shirt over his shoulders the best he could throwing Yuugi his shirt, “I'm going to Niihama prefecture, New Port City to be exact, my plane leaves in five, no three hours from now.”
Yuugi leapt out of bed, “Nick you can't, what about Anzu?”
Nick paused as he buttoned his shirt, “That's over Yuugi; I'm moving on, put your pants back on.” He said throwing Yuugi his pants.
Yuugi held onto them staring at Nick as he dressed, “Aren't you even going to fight to win her back?”
“Yuugi, nothing I could say is going to change how she feels; nothing could come out of your reaction that is going to change what I plan to do. So I prefer to say nothing.”
“For someone who's saying nothing, you're sure saying a lot.”
Nick paused with a smile, “That's funny.”
Yuugi looked on helpless as Nick resumed packing, a sudden idea struck him, “Nick, let me talk to Anzu.”
Nick paused again, “Does Anzu know how you feel?”
“Yes.” Yuugi replied hesitantly under Nick's scowl, “I can still talk to her, she knows about my, peculiarity.”
“Being bi-sexual isn't a peculiarity Yuugi, despite what some small minded people might say.”
Yuugi nodded, “I know, I just didn't know how else to phrase it.”
“So, this isn't the first time?”
Yuugi blushed and held up his fingers, “Tw-twice before…”
“Anyone I know?”
Yuugi went crimson, “Y-yes, Jy-Jyoonouchi, a-and one other, you don't know him, he, was my first.”
Nick nodded and kissed Yuugi on the cheek, “Sorry kiddo, you're sweet for trying, but, don't ok?”
Nick…” Yuugi began still blushing.
“Yuugi, I said NO!” Nick snapped his temper getting the better of him for a moment, he grabbed his bags and turned to walk out, it was then Yuugi noticed his deck hanging from his belt, Yuugi grinned, “I challenge you to a duel.”
Nick turned around dropping his bags, “Excuse me?”
“I challenge you to a duel; if I win you'll wait to leave until I've talked to Anzu.”
Nick smirked slightly, “I accept on the condition that if I win you'll let me go.”
“You won't.”
“I will.”
Yuugi smirked, “Let's duel.”
Meanwhile at Anzu's, Otogi was entertaining Anzu by making light of her ex-boyfriend, making light of his nationality, his accent and even his masculinity. On any other day Anzu would have found these jokes unfunny, off colour and crude. But the jokes about Nick only served to reinforce how much she hated him and how glad she was Otogi was around. Currently Otogi was doing an impression of Nick, an extremely unflattering one.
Anzu forced herself to laugh, “That's him, he's such a loser!”
Otogi grinned sliding closer to Anzu patting her leg, “You're right.”
“I-I know.” She said patting Otogi's hand blushing; the hand remained on her leg, it caused her a little discomfort, but she wasn't going to complain, yet.
“Don't worry; you're safe with me Anzu.” Otogi said Anzu missed the maliciousness in his smile as he slid a little closer to Anzu.
Meanwhile Yuugi and Nick, now fully dressed, were standing in the apartment courtyard facing each other, “You're finished.”
“Get real.”
Nicholas King Life Points: 8000
Yuugi Mutou Life Points: 8000
“I draw;
1. I summon Opticlops (Dark/Fiend/4 ATK/1800 DEF/1700) in attack mode;
2. I discard a card to my graveyard to equip Wicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou (Equip/Spell) to increase Opticlops's attack five hundred (ATK/2300);
3. I play a card face down and end my turn.”
“I draw;
1. Skilled Dark Magician (Dark/Spellcaster/Effect/4 ATK/1900 DEF/1700) in attack mode;
2. Axe of Despair (Equip/Spell) increases Skilled Dark Magician's attack one thousand points (ATK/2900);
3. I play three cards face down and end my turn.”
“Nice move kiddo.”
“I'm no kid Nick, you should know that.”
“Yes, my move.”
“I draw;
1. I summon Guardian Baou (Dark/Fiend/Effect/3 ATK/800 DEF/400) in attack mode;
2. I add Axe of Despair (Equip/Spell) to increase its attack one thousand points (ATK/1800);
3. I switch my monsters into defence mode and play a card face down to end my turn.”
“That won't save you, I draw;
1. Queen's Knight (Light/Warrior/4 ATK/1500 DEF/1300) in attack mode;
2. Skilled Dark Magician attack Guardian Baou!”
Skilled Dark Magician's attack destroyed Guardian Baou.
“I draw;
1. I play Monster Reborn (Spell) to revive Guardian Baou;
2. I play my second Axe of Despair (Spell) to increase Guardian Baou's attack one thousand points (ATK/1800);
3. Now I activate Harpy's Feather Duster (Spell) to destroy all your Spell and Trap card;
4. Skilled Dark Magician (ATK/1900);
5. Guardian Baou attack Queen's Knight;
6. Opticlops attack Skilled Dark Magician!”
Guardian Baou's attack destroyed Queen's Knight; Opticlops's attack destroyed Skilled Dark Magician; Guardian Baou's special ability activates (ATK/2800).
Nicholas King LP: 8000
Yuugi Mutou LP: 7300
“Nice move Nick, not bad for a regional champ.”
“You'd be surprised.”
Yuugi raised an eyebrow, “I see, I draw;
1. Queen's Knight and Skilled Dark Magician are sent from the graveyard;
2. To summon Black Lustre Soldier - Envoy of Beginning (Light/Warrior/Effect/8 ATK/3000 DEF/2500) to the field.”
“Not so fast, Adhesion Trap Hole (Trap) halves your monster's original attack (ATK/1500).”
“You were just waiting for me to summon a monster like that weren't you?”
Yuugi grinned, “Clever.”
Nick smirked, “Thank you.”
3. “I sacrifice Black Lustre Soldier to summon Cybernetic Magician (Light/Spellcaster/Effect/6 ATK/2400 DEF/1000) in attack mode.”
He scowled, “I end my turn by placing a card face down and attacking Opticlops, since I now have no cards in my hand.”
Cybernetic Magician's attack destroyed Opticlops.
Nicholas King LP: 7900
Yuugi Mutou LP: 7300
“I draw;
1. I summon Archfiend Soldier (Dark/Fiend/4 ATK/1900 DEF/1500) in attack mode;
2. Guardian Baou attack Cybernetic Magician;
3. Archfiend Soldier, attack!”
Guardian Baou's attack destroyed Cybernetic Magician; Archfiend Soldier's attack inflicted 1900 points of direct damage to the opponent; Guardian Baou's special ability activates (ATK/3800).
Nicholas King LP: 7900
Yuugi Mutou LP: 5000
Yuugi crossed his arms, “Either I'm slipping or you're beyond the level of regional.”
Nick smirked sorting through the cards in his hand, “Well, when you hang around the likes of Kaiba and Bandit Keith you have to be.”
Yuugi blinked, “How do you know Bandit Keith?”
“Do you know the Knights of the New Kingdom?”
Yuugi's eyes narrowed, “Of course, they're a group of Duellists, extremely skilled duellists who gathered under the world champion, Kaiba. They ruled legitimate and illegitimate duelling ranks for years…” Yuugi's eyes widened, “No… you can't be, Phoenix, the demon king!”
Nick laughed, “It's been a long time since I was called the demon king.”
Yuugi shook his head, “N-no, the Demon King was a cold blooded ruthless duellist who ruled the world of underground duelling with a blood-stained fist…”
Nick shrugged, “It seems my reputation precedes me.”
Yuugi scowled, “You killed people in the duelling arena…”
“It's not something I'm exactly proud of.”
“Maybe you're not the best choice for Anzu after all.”
“Glad you're finally getting it Yuugi.”
Yuugi frowned again, `How can it be… How does he go from being a prominent member of one of the most feared Duelling groups in history, to a guy Anzu cares for… I can't..' “I can't give up on you now Nick, Anzu cares about you, I'm not going to let her down.”
“I draw;
1. I play Pot of Greed (Spell) allowing me to take two more cards;
2. Obnoxious Celtic Guard (Earth/Warrior/Effect/4 ATK/1400 DEF/1200) in defence mode;
3. I add Horn of Light (Equip/Spell) to increase Obnoxious Celtic Guard's defence eight hundred points (DEF/2000);
4. That ends my turn.”
“Clever, I draw;
1. I summon Giant Orc (Dark/Fiend/Effect/4 ATK/2200 DEF/0) in attack mode;
2. I add Second Goblin (Dark/Fiend/Union/1 ATK/100 DEF/100) to enable Giant Orc to change battle position once per turn;
3. I play a card face down and end my turn.”
“I draw and play a card face down to end my turn.”
“I draw;
1. I use Second Goblin's special ability to Special Ability to special summon Second Goblin to the field;
2. Now I sacrifice Archfiend Soldier, Giant Orc and Second Goblin;
3. To summon my ultimate monster Phantom Emperor - Revel (Dark/Fiend/Effect/10 ATK/4000 DEF/4000) in attack mode;
4. Now I activate Skull Lair (Continuous/Trap) and remove four monsters from my graveyard to destroy your Obnoxious Celtic Guard;
5. Guardian Baou attack;
6. Phantom Emperor - Revel ATTACK!”
Guardian Baou's attack inflicted 3800 points of direct damage to the opponent; Phantom Emperor - Revel's attack inflicted 4000 points of direct damage to the opponent.
“Not so fast! I activate Nutrient Z (Trap) to increase my life points four thousand.”
Nicholas King LP: 7900
Yuugi Mutou LP: 1200
Yuugi frowned starring into the eyes of Nick's monsters, Nick smirked, “You've lost your shield, now what?”
Otogi grinned at Anzu his hand stroking her leg, “Anzu, I've been thinking, when you're out of this funk, why don't you become my lead cheerleader when I go to New York in a few months.” He said, his fingers walking up her leg.
Anzu's blush increased, “M-maybe.”
Otogi stroked her leg near Anzu's shorts, “Just think about it.”
“O-Otogi, please…” Anzu whispered starting to feel discomfort at Otogi's actions.
“He smirked, “Please, what?”
Anzu blushed again under his piercing stare, “N-nothing.”
“That's what I thought.”
Nicholas King LP: 7900
Yuugi Mutou LP: 1200
“I draw;
1. I play Swords of Revealing Light (Spell) to stop your from attacking for three turns;
2. I end my turn.”
“A stop gap, from the great Yuugi Mutou, how the mighty have fallen.”
Yuugi frowned, “Make your move.”
::Nick:: (Swords of Revealing Light Turn: 1)
“I draw;
1.I summon Winged Minion (Dark/Fiend/Effect/4 ATK/700 DEF/700) in attack mode;
2. I use Winged Minion's special ability to sacrifice it to increase Guardian Baou's attack and defence seven hundred points (ATK/4500 DEF/1100);
3. I end my turn.”
“You're not going to destroy my barrier?”
Nick smirked, “I want to see if you can pull off one of those famed Yuugi Mutou come backs.”
Yuugi blinked, “What, but, that, would mean you'd lose.”
“You want to stay?” He exclaimed.
“Make your move.”
“I draw;
1. I play my second Pot of Greed (Spell) to draw two more cards;
2. Monster Reborn (Spell) revives Cybernetic Magician from my graveyard;
3. To be sacrificed to summon Different Dimension Master (Light/Spellcaster/Effect/5 ATK/1700 DEF/1500) in defence mode;
4. I discard a card from my hand to revive Queen's Knight (Light/Warrior/4 ATK/1500 DEF/1300);
5. I end my turn.”
Nick crossed his working arm, “What are you up to Yuugi?”
“Wait and see.” `I hope.' He added privately.
“Very well.”
::Nick:: (Swords of Revealing Light Turn: 2)
I draw;
1. I play a card face down and end my turn.”
“I draw;
1. I end my turn.”
::Nick:: (Swords of Revealing Light Turn: 3)
“I draw and end my turn.”
Nick grinned, “Next turn I'm free to attack, what will you do?”
“I draw;
1. I play Polymerization (Spell);
2. Fusing Queen's Knight on the field;
3. With King's Knight (Light/Warrior/Effect/4 ATK/1600 DEF/1400);
4. And Jack's Knight (Light/Warrior/5 ATK/1900 DEF/1400) in my hand;
5. To summon Arcana Knight Joker (Light/Spellcaster/Effect/Fusion/9 ATK/3800 DEF/2500) in attack mode;
6. I end my turn.”
“Very interesting, I draw;
1. I use Phantom Emperor Revel's special Ability to increase its attack by sacrificing Guardian Baou (ATK/7800);
2. Phantom Emperor ATTACK!”
“Not so fast, Reverse Trap (Trap) might have a different opinion.”
Phantom Emperor - Revel's (ATK/200) attack failed; Phantom Emperor - Revel was destroyed.
Nicholas King LP: 4300
Yuugi Mutou LP: 1200
Nick laughed, “That was clever, maybe I've underestimated you.”
“Maybe, let's go again.”
“I draw;
1. Sorry Nick, I play Curtain of Dark Magic (Spell) to summon Dark Magician (Dark/Spellcaster/7 ATK/2500 DEF/2100) from my deck in attack mode by giving up half my life points (LP: 600);
2. I switch Different Dimension Master to attack mode;
3. Dark Magician, Arcana Knight Joker ATTACK!”
Dark Magician's and Arcana Knight Joker's attacks inflicted 6300 points of direct damage to the opponent.
Yuugi Mutou LP: 600
Nicholas King LP: 0
Nick smiled, “Very impressive, I applaud you.” He said placing his deck in his bag with his Duel Disk.
“We had an agreement, remember…”
Nick put a hat on, “I have an hour an a half, you have until then, after that, I leave for Niihama.”
Yuugi growled, “Fine.” He said watching Nick leave before running to his motorcycle.
A short time later Anzu was on the couch with Otogi, he was nuzzling her neck as his fingers worked their way up her shorts, his other arm hung around her shoulder. He began kissing her neck grazing it with his teeth, Anzu moaned blushing, “Wait, please.”
Otogi ignored her and continued kissing her neck. Anzu wasn't aware that he was undoing her shorts until she felt her panties being moved aside. She moaned throwing her head back, Otogi unbuttoned Anzu's shirt and began fondling her breasts. Anzu's eyes widened as she felt his hand pushing her panties down her legs, “No, Otogi, no!”
Otogi growled, “No…” He said attempting to remove her panties again.
“Otogi, I said NO!” Anzu said pushing him off her.
Otogi growled again, “Bitch!” He yelled slapping her across the face sending Anzu sprawling. “You ungrateful whore, you wanted it, you're going to get it!” He yelled dragging Anzu to her feet, “You're mine now, I got you away from that shit, now I'm going to get payment for all my hard work!” He slammed Anzu against the wall undoing his pants. Anzu shook her head pushing against him, but he was the stronger of the two, “I said no!”
“I said yes you bitch!”
Suddenly Otogi was lifted off the ground and slammed against the wall beside Anzu, Yuugi was standing in before them, Anzu who had fallen to the ground was slowly picking herself up, as she did she caught a glance of Yuugi. She had never felt an Aura this dark from him before, his eyes were charcoal and ominous.
“She said no!”
“What the hell are you doing!”
“You lay a finger on her again, I break every bone in your body.”
Otogi dropped to the ground, but came up swinging, Yuugi blocked his fist kneeing Otogi in the stomach, finally sending him to the ground with a bone shattering right fist. Yuugi glared down at the withering heap that once was Otogi Ryuuji and stepped back, “Get out!” He hissed venomously.
Otogi, still holding his jaw scurried from Anzu's under Yuugi's deadly gaze. As soon as he was gone Anzu fell over Yuugi crying, “Kami, I thought, I thought…” Yuugi patted her on the head gently, Yuugi blushed eyeing her D-cup breasts through her half opened shirt. Anzu snuggled into his frame, their lips meeting, Yuugi tried to pull away, but Anzu wasn't willing to let go latching onto Yuugi's shoulders.
“Mmmmnnn, no!” Yuugi said pushing Anzu away, “No Anzu, I'm sorry.”
Anzu sat on the floor sobbing, “Will even you abandon me Yuugi, Nick turns out to be a bastard, Otogi just wanted me for my body… even you reject me… why can't I find somebody who loves me…”
“Nick loves you.” Yuugi responded standing over her, a pitiful expression painted on his face.
Anzu looked up scowling, “Nick is a no good sex crazed pig.”
“You're basing this on what the guy who just tried to molest you…”
“Yuugi! Otogi was just…”
“He just tried to rape you!”
Anzu stopped, “Y-yes, he did.”
“You need to talk to Nick, you're running away from each other!”
“Why are you so interested?”
“Because I care.”
“It's more than that!”
“It's not!”
“It is tell me!”
“Tell me!”
“W-we… I can't!”
“You what? Tell me Yuugi!”
“We slept together ok!”
Anzu blinked hard, “As in, like that time with Yami and Jyoonouchi?”
Yuugi blushed, “W-well yeah, but not at the same time…”
Anzu scowled, “How could you! You slept with Nick before…”
Yuugi raised an eyebrow, “Before what?”
Anzu frowned, “Never mind.”
Yuugi pinched the bridge of his nose walking around in a circle, Anzu fell silent watching Yuugi pace, “Yuugi, what should I do?”
Yuugi stopped turning to her, “Just talk with him, that's all.”
Anzu nodded, “Oh, kay, let's go to Jyoonouchi's.”
“Nick, isn't at Jyoonouchi's anymore.” Yuugi said interrupting her.
Anzu stood, “Where is he then?”
Yuugi sighed, “He's at the airport…”
Anzu's eyes widened, “He's leaving! Why didn't you tell me that before!”
As Anzu ran out of the house Yuugi threw his hands at his sides, “Why didn't I tell her that before…” He mumbled running after her.
Anzu and Yuugi arrived at the airport soon after, Yuugi had seen Nick's ticket before he left and quickly ran through the airport, “We might just catch him.” Anzu chirped happily.
“Yeah, maybe.”
They approached the gate as the final boarding call for flight 2501 to Niihama Prefecture was announced. Anzu skidded to a halt at the gate as the last passenger was boarding, “Nick!”
The man paused turning his brown eyes towards her, he watched her sadly turning back to board the plane. She yelled his name one last time as he disappeared behind the door…
To Be Continued…