Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Life Inside the Chemical Heart ❯ Chapter 8; Teardrops ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who reviewed, and apologies for the long delay, and thanks to all the bands who contributed song titles to this fiction.
Disclaimer: Teardrops belongs to Massive Attack.
Chapter 8: Teardrops
The cold air hit Anzu's soft ivory toned skin forcing a gasp from her lungs. Anzu wrapped her arms around herself, the oppressive darkness surrounded her, the room was a box, empty of everything except for her. The door slammed, Anzu shrank away, “Leave me alone…”
A male hand grabbed her shoving Anzu into a wall, “To bad Yuugi's not around to protect you now.”
Anzu struggled hard against his grip, “No, let go, please let go Otogi!”
“No way, it's time for my fun!” Otogi yelled pinning Anzu with his arm to undo his pants.
“Let go, let go! I hate you!” Anzu yelled struggling for all she could muster, she kicked at his legs, her nails scratching his skin as he ripped her pants away, the burning tore her eyes open screaming.
Anzu was back in her room, bolt up-right in bed tears mixed with sweat running down her face. Anzu's father burst into the room carrying a steel bat he kept for protection. His eyes slowly inspected his daughter's face, lines forming around his mouth as he approached his daughter, “Anzu, are you alright?”
Anzu shook her head, “N-no, I had a nightmare, I'm sorry I woke you…”
Her father shook his head embracing his daughter, kissing her forehead, “Its ok Anzu.”
Anzu held him hard beginning to weap, she did not howl, bawl or sob, she simply wept, a mournful weaping reserved only for a very few moments in life, to Anzu this was one of those.
“Anzu, what's the matter?”
“I did something really stupid, I lost someone I care for…”
“Your boyfriend?”
Anzu's teary eyes looked into her father's, “How did you know?”
Her father smiled, “There isn't much I miss, so what happened?”
“I-I…” Anzu rested her head against his chest, “I was betrayed by a friend, but I worked it out to late and he was gone…”
“I'm sure you'll find plenty of boys…”
“I don't want plenty of boys, I want Nick, I want him back.” Anzu whispered softly as her father held her.
The rain poured onto the Brooklyn sidewalk as a hulking shivering figure stumbled down the path his eyes blood shot and raw. He staggered dripping into the barren apartment falling over the single piece of furniture, an oak coffee table. Nick's hands shook reaching into his coat pulling a baggie from the pocket, the white powder dropped onto the wood. He grabbed the rusty spoon, the broken hand cut into his skin as he activated the lighter; he hunched pulling his sleeve up to the elbow, “One more.” He whispered.
Nick shot straight up in bed grasping his head, “No, never…” He rose entering the small bathroom pouring water over his head. His breathing shallowed, the gentle rocking of his grandfather's yacht slowly settling his nerves. Nick fixed himself a glass of whiskey and went up onto deck. It was close to three am New Port time, everything was quiet. The woman he'd spent the night with was long gone, her number sealed with a kiss on the night stand. “I ran away… I shouldn't have…” He whispered sipping his whiskey, `What was I thinking in the first place, damn that girl…'
It was four in the morning Domino time, the games shop was quiet save for the sound of Yuugi's grandfather's snoring, and the sound of Yuugi's mobile ringing.
A mumble rang out from under the quilt as a hand shot out, colliding with the bedside table. Swearing under his breath Yuugi pulled the quilt off his head. Picking up his mobile he glanced at the number before answering, “Anzu, you know I love you but…”
“I'm sorry Yuugi-chan, I know it's early, but it's about Nick.”
Yuugi blinked, his retort died in his throat as Anzu spoke those words, “Nick, why?”
“I want to find him, I need to find him.” She pleaded.
“Anzu… I'm not following.” Yuugi whispered wearily.
“He told you where he was going, didn't he?”
“Yuugi please, I need to know, where is he?” Anzu begged, traces of desperation clear in her voice. Yuugi frowned, “Anzu, what's wrong?”
“Nothing, I just…”
“Anzu, you've never been a good liar, don't start now.”
“I had that dream again.”
“About Otogi?”
“Anzu, he's gone, if he ever comes back, Jyoonouchi and Honda, not to mention your dad…”
“It's not that, I just… made a horrible mistake, I need to fix it.”
Yuugi fell silent for a few moments, he could hear Anzu rocking on the other end of the line until she could take the silence no more, “Yuugi, say something!”
“I'm not sure what to say, you were so willing to believe Otogi, you didn't want to listen to Nick, now you decide that you've made a mistake. Honestly Anzu, I'm not sure what you want.”
It was Anzu's turn to be silent at the end of the phone line, Yuugi waited patiently for her to speak, “I… why did you say that…?”
“Because I'm tired and I'm tired of seeing my friends in pain, if you want him back and I mean really want him back I'll help you.”
Anzu thought for a moment before responding, “I do want him back Yuugi, I'm sure of it now.”
“Ok, I'll talk to Seto tomorrow, just trust me.”
“Ok… night.”
Later that same day Yuugi went to the offices of his arch-rival. Kaiba glanced from his laptop to Yuugi sitting behind his desk, “What?”
“I need a favour, some information.”
“What information?”
“I need to know if Nick King is still in Nihama and then I need to get there, I don't want to explain why.”
“You know my price?”
“Yeah, I know.”
Kaiba studied Yuugi's features over the top of his laptop, “Why should I help?”
“Because once upon a time, he was your friend and ally in the Nights of the New Kingdom.”
Kaiba raised an eyebrow, “He told you about that did he?”
“You could say that.”
“Hn, fine, here.” Kaiba tapped a few buttons on his keyboard and his printer hummed to life, “I keep track of my rivals, he's no exception.”
“Thanks Seto.”
“Hmph, don't Yuugi, here.” He handed Yuugi the piece of paper and picked up his phone, “Prepare the plane for takeoff, an hour, Yuugi Mutou will tell you where to go.”
Yuugi blinked as Kaiba put the phone back on the hook, “Why are you being so helpful Seto?”
Kaiba smiled, “Just pass on this message to King when you see him, tell him my debt is repaid, he will understand.”
“Right, thanks.” Yuugi responded leaving Kaiba to his work.
Anzu sat in her bedroom staring at the clock, she had been all day, she was waiting for Yuugi to phone. Suddenly the phone began ringing, Anzu dove for it picking up, “Yuugi?”
“I've got it, I'm downstairs.”
Anzu slammed the phone down and to Yuugi's car, “Where?”
Yuugi gave Anzu the printed and began driving to the airport, “A boat?”
Yuugi nodded, “Yep, a boat.”
Grabbing the newspaper from a table Nick ascended onto the deck of his boat taking the cigar from the ashtray. “Lousy Crows.” He muttered turning the pages of his hometown newspaper he'd had flown in, it being finals time at home.
“What's wrong with the crows?”
Nick flipped his paper down to find Yuugi standing on the berth beside his boat, “Yuugi, what are you doing here?”
“I wanted to see you, may I come aboard?”
“You may.” He responded a smile turning to a frown as he saw Anzu coming around the boat to the berth, “She may not.”
“Nick!” Yuugi yelled as Nick descended back into the cabin. Anzu placed her hand on Yuugi's shoulder, he nodded and sat down while Anzu followed Nick into the cabin.
Anzu entered the cabin to see Nick removing his shirt, the bandages were gone, but the bruises remained a painful reminder of Anzu's betrayal, “I thought I told you to clear off.” He said lowering his hand from the hook where he hung his shirt.
“Do they hurt?” Anzu asked gently indicating to the bruises.
“Only when someone is aggravating me.” He muttered passing her to take a fresh shirt off the hook beside the bunk. “What do you want?”
“I wanted to apologise, I, I was wrong…” Anzu replied sheepishly, Nick rolled his eyes, “Were you now?”
“Nick, I was lied to, I realized to late…” Anzu whispered not even looking at him.
“Yes you were, and yes you did. I put myself out for you Anzu, made myself available emotionally, because I liked you, because I thought given time we could be special to each other. But every time we seemed to be going some where you sabotaged it. Now, you come here, apologise and expect me to take you back? Tough luck honey, life isn't all smooth sailing and that like that great philosopher Jagger once said, `We can't always get what we want.' Now would you kindly take that firm ass of yours and disembark!” Nick yelled pushing Anzu up the stairs.
Anzu burst onto the deck followed by Nick, Anzu hunched over crying quietly, Yuugi looked from her to Nick sadly, “Come on Nick…”
Nick held up his hand and shook his head, “No, she's broken my heart twice now, that's one more than she's entitled to. Life isn't a fairytale where we all get back together at the end of the story and live happily ever after. This is real life, and in real life sometimes things don't work out.”
Yuugi averted his eyes from Nick and Anzu until Nick spoke again, “This doesn't mean I hate you Anzu.”
Anzu lifted her head, “What?”
“This doesn't mean I hate you, I should, but I don't, I just don't know if I can trust you.”
“I… guess I can understand that, I'm sorry.” Anzu said quietly rising to her feet.
“So am I.”
Yuugi broke the silence with a question, “What will you do now?”
Nick shrugged, “Probably some sailing, don't know where yet.”
“Nick, wherever you go, just promise me something?” Anzu asked gently.
“What would that be?”
“When you're done sailing, come back and see us.”
“Just promise ok?”
Nick sighed, “Fine, fine.”
Anzu kissed him on the cheek and disembarked, Yuugi hugged Nick and followed staying to watch Nick as he launched and sailed away. As they watched Anzu had a question, “Do you think he'll be back?”
“Yuugi shrugged, “Life's a funny thing Anzu, you never know the cards you'll draw.”
The End