Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Locked in the museum with Marik ❯ Yuugi's a midget ( Chapter 3 )
DIS: Woo hoo! In just one day I have made two chapters, and this is the third one, continuing from the other two chapters, yay! The reason I haven't really put this fic up yet (because I haven't yet as I write this) is because, eventually, I'll forget about it and won't update it for months...(sweat drops). Anywho, I can't put it up either way, since I can't update or put the updates up until tomorrow after 7:46 A.M.!
Malik: Yay...NOT.
DIS: Ah, shut your pie hole. I am awesomely happy today, and don't you dare ruin my mood!
Malik: Mind telling me how you're so happy when you haven't even slept yet? You were up all night! And are still up! It's after 6:00!
DIS: Yeah, well, I really want to type! I'm in a typing mood, ya know? (grins) Yay!
Marik: Don't worry, she'll get over it eventually.
Malik: Uh huh.
DIS: I am in a humorous mood. I don't feel like typing anything serious. Oh hey, I wonder what happened to that one floppy disk with my one-shot on it?
Malik: (O.o) Well, let's see. You have a bunch of things in storage, some stuff at your sister-in-laws and some here at the hotel. So let's see...Where could it be?
DIS: It's in my "Special Bag"! I take my "Special Bag" everywhere with me! To Melissa's, to the store, to the hotel, everywhere! Ah, here it is!
Marik: What do you know? You found it...
DIS: Is the one-shot on the red disk, green disk, the white one, the dark white one or this one?
Bakura: Who cares, you can find out later, just get on with the chapter! When do I come in?
DIS: (sniffs) NEVER! MWAHAAHAHAHA! (gulps down a whole 2 liter of Mountain Dew) HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Atemu: Er...Read below and enjoy the 3rd chapter.
Title: Locked in the museum with Marik
Genre: Humor/Romance
Rating: Unrated, at the moment, PG 13, WILL go up.
Summary: Atemu has a plan, an evil plan. After Anzu's prank, he decides to prank her back! And with Marik too! But what if the whole thing becomes into a living prank?! Will Anzu survive? Will MARIK survive? And where did Bakura come from? R&R
Atemu-Yami Yuugi
Marik-Yami Malik
Dude1-Some random dude
Dude2-Some other random dude
Notes/Warnings: May contain lime in later chapter. Marik/Anzu, Atemu/Isis, Seto/Shizuka/Yuugi, Miho/Honda, Katsuya/Mai. Much randomness and many cliffies to come up. May spook you out in certain parts. OOCNESS, only a bit though.
Disclaimer: DIS does not own YuGiOh or Kotex...Uh, hehehe, you don't wanna know about that, men. (sweat drop) And DIS does not own (coughs) Uh (coughs) any brand name of (cough) condoms (coughs, nervous sweating) Well, er, enjoy! (o.o)
Atemu: Damn clock...(thankful Yuugi didn't hear him)
Yuugi: What didja say, Atemu?
Atemu: Nothing, I'm taking a shower.
Yuugi: (glares) WHY, HUH? Why is it YOU always take the shower first, HUH? Why can't I take a shower first, oh Yeah, now I remember! IT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE PHARAOH!!!
Atemu: (O.O) Yuugi, if you want, I'll take a short one this time.
Yuugi: (face fault) SEE? You don't even offer to let me go first! That's what I HATE about you, Atemu! YOU ALWAYS GO FIRST BEFORE US MIDGETS!!
Atemu: (shocked) YUUGI! I never called you-
Yuugi: Oh, what, now you're going to pity me and COMFORT me because I'm a midget?! HUH, IS THAT IT ATEMU!!
Atemu: W-well, I-
Yuugi: (howls) IT'S TRUE THEN! YOU WERE GOING TO PITY ME! WELL GUESS WHAT? THIS TIME, I DON'T WANT YOU TO PITY OR COMFORT ME, SO THERE! (leaves) (pokes his head in) And I'M taking a shower first, Evil-Pharaoh.
Atemu: (standing there, speechless) Did Yuugi just...Snap at me? (slumps onto his bed) I don't recall calling him a midget... (shrugs and goes to get breakfast from Yuugi's Mom)
Otogi: (sighs) Poor Anzu, she knows not a thing that's about to come at her. So, which looks better? The blue shirt with a dimensional dice on the pocket and says on the back, `I rule!' or the red one with a cubed dice that says, `I'm hot!'?
Servant 1: Blue is best.
Servant 2: (sniffs) Red looks wonderful on you.
Servant 1: (turns to Servant 2) What the bloody hell is your problem, old chap? Blue matches him best!
Servant 2: No, no, no! RED is better!
Servant 1: Bloody hell! You are idiotic! Blue!
Servant 2: RED!
Servant 1: BLUE!
Servant 1 and 2: (get in a dust fight)
Otogi: Morons...Black is the best...(puts on black shirt)
Katsuya: (dancing in his boxers, singing as he cooks breakfast) She bangs, she bangs, I go crazy, when she moves, she moves, I go crazy-
Shizuka: (comes in) Big brother! Get some pants on! Seto-I mean, Kaiba is here!
Katsuya: Wha? Why is money bags here-
Katsuya: OW! Why'd ya slap me, sis?
Shizuka: Be nice to Seto-I mean, Kaiba.
Katsuya: NICE? Fine...
Seto: (sees Katsuya come in with boxers that have little doggie's on them) Good morning, Fido.
Katsuya: Shizuka!!
Shizuka: (--) what am I, your mother?
Katsuya: WHAT? (going rabid) GRR.
Shizuka: Sorry, sorry, never mind.
Katsuya: Huh? (confused over nothing)
Shizuka: (slaps a hand to her forehead, embarrassed) Uh, never mind him Seto-Er, Kaiba.
Seto: (flattered she called him `Seto') `Let's see if she calls me sweetheart, maybe we could work something out then...' (smirks)
Shizuka: (OO) Big brother, PLEASE keep your voice down AND GO GET ON SOME PANTS!
Katsuya: (salutes her) Yes ma'am!
Shizuka: (--) (sweat drops)
Honda: Miho, wake up, it's Saturday.
Miho: So I should be able to sleep in!
Honda: (silence)
Miho: OH YEAH! Well what're we waiting for?!!
Atemu: (at the museum) How nice. It's just Isis and Marik's...Nagging at someone...Ahem.
Isis: (sees Atemu) Atemu! How are you this wonderful day?
Atemu: Wonderful indeed `To get my revenge!'
Isis: Can I help you with something?
Atemu: That you can! I have devised a plan, Isis, and it has to do with Marik and this museum!
Isis: Really? How intriguing, I'm listening.
Atemu: You see, Anzu pulled a prank on me and I want to get my revenge! So, I have decided to lock her up in this museum with Marik.
Isis: How long?
Atemu: The whole...WEEK (it's summer vacation)
Isis: NO!
Atemu: (nods) yes.
Isis: It sounds full of torture and havoc!
Atemu: Yes.
Isis: (giggles) I like it! Ok, Atemu! I'll help you lock it up, and make sure Marik will be there. He doesn't have a key, and I've never locked him in before when I could. And besides, a huge storm is coming, it probably will be pitch black in day too!
Atemu: Excellent. Let us go then!
Isis: Indeed!
8:30 P.M. That night...
Isis: Marik, I have a favor to ask of you.
Marik: What now?
Isis: I was hoping that you would stay after a bit to watch after the museum, make sure no one gets in.
Marik: (raises an eyebrow) Aren't you going to lock it?
Isis: Yes.
Marik: Then what's the problem?
Isis: Well you see...I was watching the news late last night and it said that numerous museums have been broken into and the theif couldn't be found-He or She was gone without a trace!
Marik: Who gives a sh-t?
Isis: And the museums were very close our own!
Marik: So?
Isis: So we may be his or her next target!
Marik: Uh huh and I care why?
Isis: (--) He or she could steal your Millennium Item from the hiding space. (blunt)
Isis: (nods) MM hmm...
Marik: dammit! Fine, but don't lock me in!
Isis: (crosses fingers behind her back) Oh, don't worry, I won't.
8:55 P. M. that night...
Anzu: So Honda, where's everyone else? I mean, it's pretty empty in here...
Honda: `Phase One: Complete.'
Anzu: I think we've walked around the whole museum, huh?
Honda: `Yep.'
Miho: (gives the signal)
Honda: Oh Anzu? Could you wait RIGHT HERE, while I go to the little boys room?
Anzu: Sure, but hurry up, it's going to close soon!
Honda: Stay there, I'll be right back!
Anzu: I hope so...(she murmured to herself)
Honda: (jogging off) `Phase Two: Complete' (outside of the museum with Isis, Atemu, Miho and Seto)
Isis: It's locked and Marik's inside. So it's only Anzu and Marik. Alone. And soon, in the dark.
Honda: `Phase Three: Complete.'
They left to the power circuit and shut the museum lights off.
Marik: (--) dammit, what's going on now? F-ck!
Anzu: H-Honda? Anybody? Hello? (looks around) OMGosh, I'm scared...HEELLLLOOO????
Marik: (jumps, hearing someone) Isis? Hmm...Maybe some else was in here.
Marik walked to where the doors where and tried to open it, but it was locked. He tried again, but it still wouldn't budge.
Marik: What the hell? IT'S LOCK! THE B-TCH LOCKED ME IN!!!! AUGH!
Anzu shivered and began walking around, and in the exact direction where Marik had left back to, which was in the Cave Man exhibit. Anzu walked and felt something poke her in the back. She gasped and turned to see...
DIS: YAY! Cliffie! A little shorter and it's just now getting into the plot! Woo hoo! (grins) Ok then! So! How was this chapter? Good, Bad, Ok? Review! And note to you all: IT IS A HUGE SIN TO NOT REVIEW! It says so in the bible (nod, nod) Ja ne!