Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Marik's Insane Plot or Bakura gets pissed! ❯ Sex Toys and Final Plot Devices ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: None of this is mine. If you are a serious fan, have no sense of humor or hate Shonen-ai, this is not for you. If you hate people lampooning the upcoming movie, too bad. I would rather see Bakura and Atemu in a knife fight for 90 minutes with Marik refereeing and occasionally throwing banana peels at them!


Checking his arsenal of knives, Bakura managed to somehow hide them all on his person before approaching the door. Oh yes! Marik would experience many forms of death before he got his Ryou back!

Approaching the door, he opened it to reveal a very…very…unusual…person…oh shit! Who the hell was the Bison Reject with the Ho?

"What the fuck do you want! I have to get my Ryou bunny!" Bakura yelled at the stranger.

"I AM ANUBIS!!! I AM HERE TO GET MY REVENGE ON THE PHARAOH!!" The man boomed as Bakura's eye twitched.

"Take a number you asshole! I'm first! I have more of a right to kick his ass than you do!" Bakura barked back.

"I want you to join me and my army of evil as we crush the pharaoh in a duel!" Anubis crossed his arms over his massive chest.

"Why don't you just duke it or something you jerkoff! Dueling is so stupid! A good ol' fashioned knife fight…now that's revenge!" Bakura grinned deviously.

"I have the eighth Millennium Item on me! I won't hesitate to use it!" Bakura's grin fell.

"Are you listening to anything I'm saying?" Bakura asked.

"Would you like to see my item?" The man asked.

"Would you like to see MY ITEM?" Bakura growled. "It ain't no Millennium Item and you might get scared when it squirts!"

"Who are you?" Anubis asked as Bakura sighed.

"Listen you over bound muscled freak! You ain't no cannon character in the main stream story and you are just around for ratings so why don't you just take a fucking hike and go nail your bitch ho somewhere!" Bakura growled. "And fuck her with the Eight Millennium Item while you're at it! What is it anyway! A vibrator or a tampon!"

"Uh, I don't know." Anubis looked confused. "Who are you?"

"I'M BAKURA, YOU STUPID ASSHOLE!!! I am the King of Thieves and if you don't get outta my way, you're going to lose your ITEM in a few minutes and it ain't the Millennium Item either!" Bakura growled as Ryou appeared.

"HI BAKURAAAAAAAAA!!!" Ryou glomped on to the white haired demon.

"A BUNNY!!!" The girl squealed as Ryou cringed….

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Bakura's Millennium Sex Toys Collection!

Oh yes! With these gold painted…we mean…gold platinum Sex Toys, you could give your partner, male or female, a nice mind blowing orgasm! Oh yes! The orgasm will be so mind blowing, you may see their heads explode!

We have in our collection:

Millennium hand cuffs

Millennium vibrators

Millennium whips

Millennium candles

Millennium bondage outfits

Millennium KY Jelly

Millennium dildos

And other assorted items…

Just read what some of our customers thought!

Seto: After a hard day's work, I like to bark like a dog as Belladonna whips the hell out of me with that Bondage Outfit! I submit like a slave to its master!

Ryou: KURA!!!! DO IT AGAIN!!!!! HARDER!!!! OH MY RA!!!!

Marik: Where is tab B?

Yuugi: What are sex toys?

Disclaimer: Sorry, but seeing Yuugi in any throes of passions is just plain wrong to us! We feel the same about Hobbits!

Disclaimer 2: We are not responsible for any items sending people to the Shadow Realm…ie. Millennium Pocket Rocket! Do not operate with heavy machinery…ie…don't fuck yourself while driving, that includes you, Marik!! (Marik-Hey!)

Disclaimer 3: Please send all orders with cash or money orders OR ELSE!!

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Bakura was too happy to have his Ryou bunny back. They walked toward their home down the narrow streets of Domino.

"So I convinced Marik that Malik was better for him. He agreed, called off the wedding and let me go." Ryou chattered happily.

"Good! I was not looking forward to having to clean my knife collection tonight!" Bakura snorted as he thought. `I would miss a night of hot bunny sex with Ryou!' A devious smile crept across his face.

"So, what do you want to do tonight, Bakura?" Ryou asked, his big green eyes lighting with mirth.

"I have plans, my dear bunny. Lots of plans." The ex-Tomb Robber pulled Ryou close to him.

"Really? What are they?" Ryou asked.

"You and lots of food." Bakura answered as the albino raised a brow.

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"Oh Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalik!" Marik found his other half still trapped in one of those pyramid casings. "Guess what! I had a revelation!"

"Oh really? Did you figure out you're insane?" Malik snorted as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"No! Better than that!" Marik's eyes became big as he jumped up and down for joy.

"What could be better than you discovering that you're nuttier than a fruit cake!" Malik growled.

"Well you see, I was going to originally have virgin sacrifices, but that didn't work out. Then, I was going to marry Ryou and guess what!" He exclaimed.

"For the love of Ra, WHAT!!!!" Malik became impatient at this point.

"We had a long talk, about five minutes long. That's long enough for me, you know? Anyway, the bunny proclaimed that he loved Bakura and that he would never love me. I was depressed for about five seconds, but then he stated that you would be better suited to me because…" Marik didn't finish.

"Because?" Malik tried to fish out the answer.

"GUESS!! GUESS!!" Marik acted like an idiot again.

"No! I'm not in the mood for this! I have been stuck in this stupid thing for the last twenty something chapters, so the least you could do is TELL ME WHAT THE HELL YOU MEAN, YOU IDIOT!!!" Malik felt a vein popping out of his forehead.

"Because you and I are two halves of a whole. Soul mates!!! Ain't it beautiful!!" The maniac hopped up and down again.

"I'm going to kill the little shit when I see him again!" Malik growled under his breath. "It ain't beautiful! You're an idiot! I would never want you!"

"You would learn to love me!! I'll do everything a good little partner does! I'll clean, I'll cook…" Marik ranted off as Malik banged his head against the glass pyramid hoping he would become unconscious.

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Yami finally did it... No, he didn't send Yuugi to the Shadow Realm. His grandfather would never forgive him for that one! No! He just wore the little shit out with hot wild passionate sex. Who knew the karma sutra would be so exhausting if one was not fit to do it?

Now he was able to do what he wanted for a while and cool off from his built up anger towards his other. Oh yes! Now the pharaoh would pursue a more worthy game…Seto Kaiba!!! He had called the CEO and challenged him to a duel. Of course the winner would fuck the other, so who would really lose? Heh!

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"…I'll even turn the bed for you! And then we'll have hot wild passionate sex every night." Marik counted off as Malik was passed out in the pyramid. "Malik? Malik? Are you alive? OH NO!!! IT'S LIKE THE GOLDFISH!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!"

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Walking into Bakura's home, Ryou had gone straight to bed. The ex-Tomb Robber walked toward the answering machine noticing that one message was on it. Of course, he pressed the button hoping that Belladonna's angry voice was not at the other end.

"Hello Bakura! This is the author of this story! We have to end this story now so we can put you in a new one called: Insane Wars, the Truce At Bakura!" The message made his right eye twitch. "Yes! Ryou will be in it and he'll be your loooooooooooooove interest once again! Have a nice night!" The message turned off.

"Another story? I have to appear in another fucking story? I want more chapters of me screwing Ryou, not some other half ass plot story!" Bakura ranted.

The machine came back on. "You get to kill people!"

"I'll do it!" Bakura exclaimed.


I am poking fun of Star Wars: The Truce at Bakura. Every time I look for Bakura stuff on Ebay, that comes up. I have no idea what it is about, but once again, every book to comic book will be made fun of!

Summary: Once upon a time planet Isis was a peaceful planet ruled by a peaceful King and his beautiful perfect Queen. One day, they had a son and the whole planet was happy. Sixteen years later, that peace was shattered when Bakura, Marik, Malik and their band of space pirates raided the planet, killed every single person and then kidnapped the beautiful prince Ryou. Ever since then, Bakura had ruled the planet with the prince as his slave of sorts, and had other factions come to the planet to settle their differences, but not as you would expect…

Thanks to all of you who read Marik's Insane plot and reviewed it. I appreciate it!