Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Marik's Love ❯ Phone Call ( Chapter 9 )
Chapter 9
Marik opened his violet eyes slightly, pushing the cream-colored hair out of his face and blinking rapidly.
"What the fuck…?" his hand groped in the gloom for the ringing phone, and finally came in contact with its smooth surface. Clenching the receiver in agitation, he tiredly brought it to his ear.
"Hello?" he muttered, and forced himself to sit up. His eyes slid to the clock radio next to his bed, which was blinking 7:46 AM.
"Hello, Marik!" Marik groaned, and turned the clock radio so it was facing the wall, and the light was not blinding him so.
"Yami…? What the…What are you so cheerful about?"
"Cheerful? Me? People often find me rather bleak…but yes, I suppose that today I do have a reason to be cheerful…" Yami said cheerily, Marik frowned.
"Ok, so your cheerful. Why? (Dare I ask…)"
"Well let me see…me and Yugi hit it off last night, (That makes about thirty times now, I believe…) and- oh! You haven't threatened to kill me even though I woke you up before noon!" Marik's frown was quickly becoming a venomous look of annoyance.
"Want me to kill one of your reasons for being cheerful, Pharaoh?!" Yami laughed, but then became more serious.
"No really, Marik. I didn't call just to brag about how many more points I've scored than you, but I did call about you and Malik. How are things going?" Marik sighed, and fell back onto his bed again.
"I dunno…not good I guess."
"Really? Why?" Marik shut his eyes, shorting his tangled thoughts and trying to put his mixed feelings into words.
"Yami, I just don't know how to go about it…I mean, I feel so desperate to talk to him, but he's been acting so distracted ever since I…became more outgoing." Marik blushed slightly, recalling the day that he had so boldly kissed his yami. Yami was silent for a few moments, as though thinking.
"Well Marik, I feel that I shouldn't keep interfering. You have to rely on yourself, and nothing Yugi or I can tell you will make this any easier for you, you'll just have to find a way to sort your feelings out between the two of you."
"But-" Marik began desperately, but Yami managed to interject.
"Marik, I've helped all I can. Good luck!" And the phone clicked as Yami hung up. Marik groaned, and slammed the receiver down into it's charger.
He stared up at the ceiling, tracing patterns with his eyes and twisting a finger in his blond hair.
"Whatever then, I'm just going to have to tell him."