Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Marik's seach for sugar ❯ Marik has a plan!?!?! ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: don't own at all, not one measly ounce of yugioh , not even a hair of any of the characters.
Chapter 10
Malik POV
I close the door behind, to find the house superstitiously quiet… too quiet. I slowly walk in to the living room half expecting to see Marik performing a blood sacrifice to his `Beloved' sugar… not that I'm jealous of the sugar or anything, it's just it's an inanimate object therefore can't be as good as me. Instead I found Marik dozing on the sofa, drooling sweetly and talking in his sleep.
“General Bakura dispatch troops to the west to kill the squirrel army.” He commanded, “Prince Malik, come here and sit next to Queen Sugar royal adviser Ryou has a message. Huh Yami!?!? Give me back my evil brain…” Marik frowned and tossed in his sleep. “I need it to rule the world.” I lean over him and start shaking him violently as he tries to swat me off.
“Get up Marik!” I ordered him strictly, so he sat up, stretched and yawned slightly. “I have something to tell you and may possibly need your help.”
“That's great cos I need your help too, Squirrels are attacking the kingdom on the west flank and Yami has stolen the evil side of my brain.” Marik waved his arms in the air in exclamation.
“The first of your problems isn't real… well maybe in you head it is but not here in reality. The second well… how was I suppose to know the whole of your brain was evil when I agreed to let Yami send it to the shadow realm. Anyway in my opinion you left me with little chose, you tried to steal my body last time you were fully evil.” I pointed out and gave him a `you deserved it look'
“That's because you were hogging the body, I wanted to use in sometimes as well but you were like `no this is my body and Odion is gonna stop you from using it.' Anyway I got my own spanking new body, see check out the fleshiness of it.” He shoved his arm in my face
“Yes… that's great. Good for you.” I stated with no emotions and rolled my eyes. “I suppose I could help you get your brain back, but only if you help me. You see I couldn't tell Ryou about what Bakura did cos he would just be devastated so I blamed it on you. So I still haven't punished Bakura and I can't think of anything which wouldn't upset Ryou.”
“Yes I see your dilemma, Ryou is a cute bunnie person who you just wanna hug and squeeze and pet and cuddle and kiss and keep forever and ever and ever…” Marik pretends to hug a Ryou bunnie, after a moment or to snaps out of his day dream. “I have a plan! It's gonna make Ryou real happy and Bakura real pissed off and it's all so simple there is no way you can mess this up. All you have to do is flirt with Ryou, take him out and stuff and Bakura will get really jealous and pissed off. Ryou will like it cos who doesn't want to go out with you, you look just like me making you gorgeous and sexy and hot and everything I am, plus who doesn't like being taken to the cinema and to nice restaurants.” Marik jumped up and down clapping his hands as I looked dumbfound at him. Had he just come up with a plan that could work, or was it just me?
“Wow… that is the smartest thing I have heard from you for a long time.” I continue to stare at Marik, before a shake my head to clear my mind, to focus on Marik's problem. “Maybe if you talked to Odion, he could get Yami to give you your brain back from the shadow realm, emotional blackmail should work the best, cry a bit, but don't go over the top. And are you sure that your be o.k. with me flirting with Ryou?”
“Yeah, as long I have my precious Queen sugar I don't mind what you do, with who… just as long as it's not with my sugar.” Marik pulled out a bag of sugar from behind him and hugged it affectionately.
“Yeah, as long I have my precious Queen sugar I don't mind what you do, with who… just as long as it's not with my sugar.” Marik pulled out a bag of sugar from behind him and hugged it affectionately.
“Don't worry I don't find your sugar in any way attractive, I don't even like it's personality.” I sigh as I turned to leave to put Marik's plan into action. “And the sugar isn't the Queen.”
“O.k. I'll take that in mind for next time, Prince Malik… Shall I not call you Prince then?” Marik screwed up his trying to think.
“Yeah you can keep calling me Prince if you like. Anyway I'm going to find Ryou, see ya later.”
“O.k. the Prince Malik have fun seeing royal adviser Ryou.” Marik waved wildly as I exited the room.