Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Med-Evil ❯ No one lives forever. ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N- I hope you like my story, I would like to make a special thanks to Bluejay2099 she/he has a very kind heart, so I would like to thank Bluejay2099 for the review. My second thanks go to silver_dragonxx, thank-you for the review.

Declaimer- I do not own Yu-gi-Oh

7:00 A.M. Bakura woke up to the sound of the phone ringing. He was in shock when he notices that he was covered in red blood when he woke up. Bakura's brown eyes grew wider, his left hand was shaking, and to his surprise his right hand was holding a golden, diamond necklace that Kaiba gave Tea. The phone still rang.

Bakura wanted to scream, but was too afraid to do anything. He slowly reached for the phone, and answered it. "Hello?" his voice was shaky.

It was Yugi, "Hello Bakura, it's me, Yugi. I have some really bad news for you," he paused when he heard Bakura breathing hard, "Are you O.K?"

Bakura sat up on his bed, and took a short, deep breath, "Yeah, I'm fine," he said softly.

Yugi continue on, "The bad news is, Tea had been murder last night,"

Bakura catch a breath with emotion and gasp in shock. Could he, and did he murder Tea?

Yugi heisted for a moment and said, "We need you to come to Tea's house quickly, the FBI and agents are searching for clues, and evidence,"

Bakura looked around his body, he was covered in red, gloomy, and cold blood, "I'll...I'll be right there," he then hung up on Yugi.

What happen? How did this all happen? Questions rushed through his head, and mind. Why would Bakura do such a horrible thing like that? Bakura stood up and looked at his right hand. He was holding Tea's necklace, but how?

The first thing on his mind was to clean up the red blood. So he ran to the bathroom and grabbed a wet, soaked towel and he cleaned the blood until it was spotless. He reached for the perfume and sprayed away the blood's odor.

The second thing that came up to his mind was to hide the evidence, he grabbed Tea's necklace and hid it under his pillow. He then walked out of his apartment and took one last look at his room, making sure everything was clean.

Tea's house was just a few blocks away from his, so getting there would be easy.

7:30 A.M Bakura arrived to Tea's house and saw that there were a lot of people there. Bakura's eyes glance at the street and he saw Yugi, Joey, and Mai standing there. Yugi then walked up to Bakura, "Glad your here on time, Bakura. The FBI will be asking us some questions in a few minute,"

Bakura looked at Joey, and saw that he was hugging Mai. Bakura then notice that Mai's eyes were filled with tears. Bakura lead out a deep audible breath.

"It's okay, Mai. Don't cry." Joey tried to embrace her, "Tea's going somewhere good," he said.

A women stepped out of a red car, she walked up to Yugi, and greeted him, "Good morning I'm agent Vivian, and I'm here to solve this problem. I was advice that you, Yugi, were the first to notice that Tea is dead. Am I correct?"

"Yes, you are correct. I was the first to notice this awful crime," said Yugi.

"Good. Well, I'm here to ask you guys some questions. The first question is when was the last time you saw Tea?" asked Vivian.

Joey walked up to Vivian, "I'll answer that. The last time we saw her was somewhere downtown, she was in a diamond gift store with Kaiba,"

"The famous Seto Kaiba is involved in this, how curious can things get?" she was amuse. "What was Seto Kaiba doing there?" One of the FBI came out of Tea's house and he was holding up a blue eyes white dragon card. "I found this in a jacket; I hope this is enough evidence to solve this case because the only person that has this card is Seto Kaiba. Should we call him down?" ask the FBI.

Vivian putted on her silver sunglasses, "Very well, call him down. I would sure love to ask him some questions,"

"Very well then, I'll call him and tell him to come down as soon as possible," He reached for his cell-phone and dial Kaiba Corp.

Yugi walked up to the agent and asked her if he could see Tea for a moment, "No, you can't see her right now. Besides, you wouldn't even want to, her body is covered in blood, and nobody can come in right now. If you want to see her, then come to her funereal,"

Moments later Kaiba arrived to Tea's house with his little brother in a limo, "What do you want," he asked Vivian.

"Handcuff him boys," said Vivian. The police handcuffed Kaiba. Bakura looked nervous.

Kaiba looked at the handcuff, "What on earth is going on?!" he yield. "Big brother, are you alright?" Mokuba asked his brother.

Vivian then held up a blue eyes card, "Tea had been murder last night, and by the wetness of her blood it tells us that she had been murder somewhere around 9:00 Pm. Now tell me Kaiba what time did you get home?"

Kaiba lifted his head up high, "That is not your concern,"

Vivian looked at Mokuba, she pointed a black pistol to Kaiba's head, She was trying to threaten him so his little brother could tell her everything, "Now tell me my little angel, what time did your big brother get?" she touched her brown hair and looked at Mokuba.

Mokuba gasp, he didn't want his big brother to get hurt," Ok I'll tell you, my brother got home somewhere around 11 o'clock."

Vivian looked at Kaiba's blue eyes, "Why were you home so late, Seto Kaiba,"

"I was too bored to go home so I --" Kaiba was cut off in the middle of his sentence, "Oh! So you were too bored and decided to kill Tea, am I right?" Vivian stared at him in her green eyes, "arrest this man and put him in jail,"

"I want to talk to my lawyer, now. I'm the famous Seto Kaiba," he yelled. "Sorry, but money won't help you now," she said. Kaiba looked at his little brother, "Then where will my little brother stay?" he asked.

"In the orphanage, of course," she said to Kaiba.

Kaiba didn't want his little brother to go back to the orphanages that place holds bad memories from the past. "How could you accuse me of wrong doing when I didn't even do anything?"

The police pushed Kaiba in the car, Kaiba thought to himself, he didn't do anything, why does he have to risk going to jail. Without a word Kaiba punched the police and escaped!

AN- Thank-you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed. The next chapter will be up soon! Please review.