Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Memories-Chapter 13 ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Not much to say about this chapter! I hope you enjoy chapter 13! No pain or anguish in this one I decided to give Ryou a day off :P

Malik walked into the apartment with Ryou's still in his arms. Bakura quickly rushed to his side.

"Ryou!" He exclaimed jumping to his feet. "Is he alright?" Bakura asked

Malik nodded "I think so he has some bruises but if we can figure out this book we can heal him in no time, I'll put him to bed he must be exhausted." Malik said holding Ryou closer to him.

"I'll help you" Bakura said as they walked up stairs.

Yugi sighed a bit. Why does everyone think he is so wonderful? What makes him so special? Yugi shrugged the thought away but couldn't deny the fact that he was jealous of how much Bakura and Malik loved him. Yugi had never even known love, he loved his Yami but that was a different matter he didn't consider that love to be sensual like it was between Ryou and Bakura. He sighed again walking over to the book opening it up, his eyes widened. It was written in ancient Egyptian…how they planned to read this he didn't know. He flipped through the pages looking at the different symbols wondering what they meant. Joey walked in the living room and saw Yugi absorbed into the book.

"Can you read that?" Joey asked

"Hmm? Oh no I cant read this, its just the symbols are interesting is all." Yugi said pushing the book in-between them.

Joey sat down next to Yugi and looked over the book, he almost remembered some of them, Malik had told him how he was a healer in the past but Joey couldn't remember a thing from that time…and frankly he wasn't sure if he wanted too either.

"Where are Malik and Bakura?" Joey asked

"They took Ryou up to his room, he was unconscious when Malik brought him inside." Yugi said looking up the stairs.

"Shouldn't we get them down here though?" Joey said

"No, lets leave them alone for a moment." Yugi sighed, "They have all been through a lot lately, specifically Ryou." Yugi said.

"Yeah I know, but I'm worried about you." Joey said

"Me?" Yugi looked at Joey in surprise. "Why me? I'm not in any real danger or anything, you should worry about Ryou…he needs it more than I." Yugi said

"I think he has enough Yugi and besides you haven't been the same since Yami left you…you seem almost miserable. And I want you to know it'll be okay." Joey said pulling Yugi into an embrace.

Yugi smiled hugging Joey back. He did miss his Yami and prayed that what was ever wrong with him could be helped…if there was even something wrong with him, maybe he was just this way and always had been.

"What if Yami is like this for no reason? What if he is like this because that is who he truly is?" Yugi asked

"Don't worry Yugi, Yami was always kind he wouldn't turn on a dime for no reason. It's the memories from the past that are making him crazy, we will reunite him with you soon enough." Joey said soothingly.

"I'm not so sure I want him back though, its not like we had much of a relationship after Ryou came into the picture." Yugi said a bit sadly.

Joey pulled away from Yugi. "But I though you were in love with Yami? What happened?" Joey asked

"Ryou…everyone loves him, even you have admitted to how beautiful he is. Once he came into the picture any hope of me and Yami being together left." Yugi said. "I just wish that I could experience the kind of affection that Bakura and Malik give Ryou, they love him so much…I've never know love like that." Yugi said

Joey sighed, "I know how you feel, sometimes I feel like no one in the world cares about me either, but I remember that my friends will always be there for me. And yeah Ryou is very beautiful but its not like the whole world is in love with him or something…I don't love him, he's only my friend." Joey said with a smile.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just jealous of him." Yugi said

"What reason do you have to be jealous of Ryou for? He probably envies you, he has had it pretty rough lately." Joey said

"But he has the best thing this world can offer, he has unconditional love. I would trade anything for just a taste of what he has." Yugi said closing his eyes

Joey smiled at his young friend; he was so passionate sometimes about the smallest things. Joey leant forward and kissed the unsuspecting Yugi. Yugi pulled away at first not realizing what he was doing but Joey pulled him back into his arms pressing his lips against Yugi's once more. Yugi closed his eyes and Kissed Joey back, so this is how a kiss feels? Yugi thought as Joey pulled him as close as he possibly could. He felt Joeys tongue trace across his bottom lip as he opened his mouth allowing Joey to kiss him deeply. Yugi loved the warm sensation that flooded his body at that moment, but it was interrupted by a cough.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt." Malik began

"Then don't." Joey said almost angry that he had interrupted the moment.

"You two are lying upon the book, trust me I would have avoided this whole scene if possible." Malik said noticing the hint of anger in Joey's voice.

Yugi simply blushed and slid from underneath Joey who pouted slightly.

"Thanks Malik said as he grabbed the book and began to walk back upstairs'." But he stopped when Yugi grabbed hi arm.

"What are we going to do to Yami?" Yugi asked

"Everything we can, Ryou doesn't want to kill him or anything he knows deep down that Yami is a god person. So do you Yugi." Malik smiled at him.

"How do you plan to read this?" Yugi asked

"I still remember how, and so does Bakura…at least most of it anyway." Malik said.

Yugi nodded and let Malik go who walked back upstairs.

"Well?" Joey asked

"Well what?" Yugi asked

"What dose it taste like?" Joey asked

Yugi only blushed and smiled, "I-I didn't know you felt this way Joey…why did you keep quite about it." Yugi asked

"Well, at first I didn't even know I felt this way about you…plus I knew how much you loved Yami even with Ryou, I thought that it would be a waste of my time…I didn't want to injure our friendship either." Joey looked at Yugi.

"Ryou once told me that love may be a mistake, but it's worth making. Wouldn't you agree?" Yugi asked with a smile.

"Only if you kiss me again." Joey said wrapping his arms around Yugi.

"Gladly." Yugi said pressing his lips against Joeys.

Wheee, I know I didn't have much Ryou interaction (sorry) but I wanted to make Joey and Yugi come it=into the picture sometime and besides I said I was going to make a Shonen-Ai Yugi/Joey so here it is! Please review if you want more Yugi and Joey just say so!