Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Chapter Six- Of Certain Worries, and the Start of Parent's Day

The buzzer rang, Mokuba, and his friends gathered up their belongings. When they had they had their school bags; they walked into the school. They began to walk to the classroom. Their classroom was located in the middle of the school. Once they got there, they headed to their lockers that were located in the hallway beside the classroom. Once they had put the stuff in the lockers, they went into the classroom.

They headed to their desks. They were in the third row. There were five rows in the classroom, and five desks in each row. On the left side there was a window and Mokuba, sat near the window, next to Mokuba was Robert followed by David. Mokuba walked over to his desk and sat down. He had taken out his homework, that he had completed on the weekend, and thee slip about parent's day that had to be headed in today.

The final buzzer rang, and the rest of the students came into the room. Once all the students had taken their places, their teacher came in. The teacher's name was Mrs. Rogers. Mrs. Rogers was one of those teachers that was always happy. She had blonde hair that was currently tied up in a bun. She was five foot, four, and was wearing a skirt that went down to her knees. The color of the skirt was a cherry red, and she was wearing a white blouse. She was also wearing white high heel shoes, which had a bright red flower on each shoe. On her it looked good, on someone else it wouldn't look good at all. Mrs. Rogers walked over to her desk and sat down. She picked up the attendance sheet that was on her desk, and began to take attendance. As she took the attendance, she asked each student to bring up his or her parent day sheet.

The sheet was a reference to Mrs. Rogers, which told her what their parent/guardian did for a living, age, and reasons why they choose their occupation. Here is what Mokuba's sheet looked like.

Occupation: CEO of Kaiba Corpation. Also I work in the Research, and Development department.

Age: 17 years old

Reason for Occupation: Adopted Father died, I was his heir.

Day to come in: Friday October 3rd

It was then followed by Seto's signature, and the date he signed it,

" Kaiba, Mokuba" Mrs. Rogers called out.

Mokuba got out of his seat, and walked up to her desk. When he got there he handed Mrs. Rogers the paper. Mrs. Rogers scanned it, and then put it down with the others.


Seto was currently eating lunch. He hated it here in the lunchroom. It was always loud, and Seto loved silence, except if he was with Mokuba. Usually Seto would eat his lunch in about ten minutes, then go to the library. Seto loved to read, ever since he was little. After Gozaburo had died, Seto would often read bedtime stories to his little brother. Seto had a lot on his mind. There were only two things, but it felt like a ton. First was Parent's Day, and second was Joey. What would he talk about at parent's day? What about the other kids that had parents, how would Mokuba feel? The other thing that was on his mind was Joey. Why would Seto even care about him, but there was something that made him want to care. It was like they had something in common.


Joey was sitting at the group's usual table; he was eating some lunch that Yugi had given him. Yugi's grandfather usually packed more then Yugi could eat. Today Yugi's lunch consisted of two ham sandwiches, three drink boxes, and two packages of fruit snacks. Yugi had given Joey a sandwich, and a juice box. Yugi was always like that kind and generous. Yugi would do most anything for his friends.

The others in their group were Ryou Bakura, and Tristan Taylor. Tea had suddenly left their group, when she suddenly had been accepted into the popular group. Yugi was the only one that was worried. He was devastated to say the least; he had always had a crush on Tea. He no longer liked her. He hated her with a passion. It was a whole bunch better without her, all of them had agreed to that. Even Ryou had agreed to that. Joey was only three bites from finishing his sandwich.

Currently Yugi and Ryou were talking a sleepover that they were planning on having the following weekend. " I'll be there around there at six o'clock on Friday" Joey heard Ryou say as he was packing up the containers. After he had gathered them up he put them back in his lunch bag. Ryou stood up, and pushed in his chair. Before he left in he simply said " I'm going to the library."

Ryou always went to the library at lunch hour. Reading was one of his favorite things; it comforted him when he was alone. Ryou's Father was always on digs, and when he was at home he did not spend much time there. Every two weeks his Father would send him a check for food, and other supplies Ryou may need. Joey had been to Ryou's on two occasions; he lived in a medium sized house. The inside was decorated beautifully; there were many things that his Father had bought on his digs.

With Ryou gone, this only left Joey, and Yugi. Tristan was not at school, apparently he was not feeling feel today. Yugi turned around to face Joey. Yugi had a serious look on his face.

" I have something to tell you Joey" Yugi took a deep breath, and continued " if someone is hurting you please tell someone" Yugi said in a serious tone.

" Yuge I know, but I only hit my cheek on the door, plus it will heal soon" Joey replied.

" Well Joey I'm sorry to leave you, but I'm going to study for the Big science test today " Yugi said before walking away.

' Great we have a test I should pay more attention in class if I want to pass this grade' Joey thought to himself.


Mokuba's class was put into groups of five to talk about their parent/guardian's occupation. These groups were the groups that would be for the days. Mokuba was stuck with the three most popular boys in his class. The good thing was Robert was in his group. The three boy's names were Devon, Terry, and John. Devon was the tallest person in the class, and had short black hair, and blue eyes. Terry was the second tallest in the class. His hair was blonde, and he had brown eyes. John was an inch shorter then Terry. He had brown hair that he wore spiked up, and had green eyes.

Finally after a long time of silence Devon stated " My Mom's a nurse."

After Devon, was John " My Dad's got the coolest job, he's a lawyer."

Then it was Terry's turn " My Step-Dad is a teacher at this school."

This left Robert, and Mokuba. Mokuba knew that Robert's Dad was a baker. Mokuba often went to the bakery, with Robert after school. Sometimes his father would give him something to sample. Mokuba knew that just recently Robert's parents had split up, and it had been hard on him. At least he had a caring Dad.

" My Dad's a baker" Robert said in a quiet voice that didn't seem to suit him at all. Robert was not usually character as the quiet one, the quiet one was David after all. This left Mokuba.

" My brother, Seto is the CEO of Kaiba Corp" that was all Mokuba said. Seto was going to explain the rest on Friday anyway.

" Everyone back to their seats" Mrs. Rogers said while trying to calm her class down. Five adults walked in the classroom. It was the start of Parent's Week.

Authors Notes- Thanks for all your reviews. The next chapter should be out sometime next week.