Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Love Affair ❯ Midnight Love Affair - I ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Midnight Love Affair
By: Akiko
Chapter 1 -
Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters. They belong to the creator, which isn't me, sadly, as hot as these bishounen are, they don't belong to me.
Seth placed his cold blue eyes on the faired skinned, tri-colored hair, Egyptian Pharaoh, watching the man's every move; that was until he noticed violet eyes moving to match his gaze, which he quickly moved averted his gaze back to what he was working on, giving out orders to the men and listening to a few problems, then telling them how it could be fixed. He pushed back strands of his brown hair from his eyes, trying to make it look as though he was paying more attention to what he was suppose to be doing that what was on his mind, but he couldn't, which was really starting to bother him.
The high priest knew what he was thinking about, that he shouldn't be thinking about it. He shouldn't even be thinking of the pharaoh like that, let alone having those thoughts with the pharaoh in it. It was against how they lived; let alone against the rules of their religion. He knew the Gods would punish him greatly if he were to even thinking about carrying out such thoughts let alone actually doing it.
He tried to push the impure thoughts from his mind, but they continued to resurface and come back, no matter how hard he tired. He sighed and shook his head to himself, closing his eyes for a moment, then reopening them, figuring he might as well just try to keep his mind busy with other thoughts; it was the best he could do, right?
The Pharaoh blinked and then placed his gaze back on the kingdom, his back leaning against a wall, sighing a bit boredly. The kingdom was at peace, which he was very glad about, but it left things to be a bit boring around the palace. Other than his normal duties to the kingdom, he had nothing else to do. He was bored out of his mind and had to find such silly things to do to keep himself busy.
He shook his head and pushed his back off the wall, dismissing everyone but the High Priest and sat down in his chair and watches Seth for a while; this caused the High Priest to wonder if he had done something to upset the Pharaoh, and if he did, he was wondering what it could've possibly been.
“Seth,” the Pharaoh spoke up finally, then closed his eyes and stood up, walking away from his throne.
“Yes, Pharaoh Atem?” he responded, his gaze watching the man as he walked across the room, looking out at the kingdom once more.
He was silent for a moment, thinking on exactly what to say before he gave a fake yawn and turned around. “I'm going to my room. If something is needed, come and get me, otherwise leave me be..” he told the man, receiving a nod and walking across the room, leaving it and heading down the hall to his room, closing the door when he reached his destination, leaving the High Priest to cover his duties.
Seth gave out a relieved breath of air when the Pharaoh had left, feeling a huge burden just pulled off his chest. “Thank the Gods,” he muttered to himself and then summoned the people back in, taking care the rest of the stuff on the agenda and what the Pharaoh needed to do that night.
It was at about sundown when all the things had been tended to and taken care of. The High Priest bided everyone a good night and allowed them to leave. He, himself though, stayed in the room and sat in the throne the Pharaoh usually occupied. He rested his tanned cheek against his fist, his elbow resting on the arm of the throne, just sitting there and thinking about the many things that had wandered through his head earlier that day, wondering why he would think of such things. It was uncalled of for the High Priest to be, or even think about being, infatuated with the ruler.
The High Priest finally just shook his head and glanced out at the darkness outside. It was well into the night now; it made him wonder how he could sit there and think about all that for so long, normally he hated to sit still and just think like that, he had to be up and moving around.
He watched the men move into the room and light the torches that had gone out and then finally slipped out of the throne chair and headed out of the main room and into a large hall that lead to the bedrooms.
The man walked into his room and over to the balcony, leaning on the railing and looking over the city that belonged to the pharaoh and sighed, taking in the cool breeze that only belonged to the nighttime there. He glanced his icy blue eyes over at the balcony to the side and noticed the lights still burning in the pharaoh's room.
A few thoughts ran through the man's head before he shook his head and walked over to his burning lights and blew them out, slipping into some nighttime clothing and walking to his bed. He slipped under the covers and closed his eyes, laying there.
Throughout the night he eventually started to toss and turn, unable to sleep as thoughts ran through his head, keeping his mind active, and him awake. He opened those blue orbs of his and gazed up at the darkness engulfing him in the nighttime and sighed softly. Finally, moving a hand to his side he pushed himself up and leaned back on his head, running tanned fingers through his brown hair, eyes falling back closed.
“This is ridiculous,” he muttered to himself and slipped out from under his covers, walking to the balcony he occupied earlier and leaning, once more, on the railing from there, watching over the city again. He noticed, out of the corner of his eye that the lights were still burning brightly in the pharaoh's room, and figured it best to check it out, at least.
“The pharaoh should be asleep this late into the night,” he told himself, walking to the man's room and carefully opening the door. He slipped in silently and found the man asleep on his bed. He looked around, noticing all the candles were well kept, and figured that's why they were still burning brightly. Carefully walking around, he blew out each of the flaming lights until there was nothing but darkness in the room, the only light shining was now the bright, and full white moon in the vast sea of navy blue, surrounded with small shining lights.
From where he was standing, the high priest watched the sky quietly, not sure what was so mesmerizing about it. After a couple more moments he finally shook his head and looked over to the bed where the pharaoh lay, asleep and breathing softly. He watched him, then finally walked over, leaning over the bed to pull the covers further up over the royal man, since it did get chilly in the desert night.
He pushed hair from the pharaoh's face and straightened up, moving to slip out of the room until a hand came up, grabbing his wrist, which made the priest fall cold. Slowly he looked over his shoulder to see what was going on and what the meaning of this was.
Well… ^-^ There's the first chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. :p Short.. I know, but I don't care… as long as it suits me, you'll live. v.v;