Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Love Affair ❯ Midnight Love Affair - II ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Midnight Love Affair
Chapter 2
By: Akiko
Disclaimer: I do NOT own any of these characters. The characters of Yu-Gi-Oh belong to Kazuki Takahashi.
His cold blue gaze blinked, it falling upon the still sleeping pharaoh. What the meaning behind having his wrist caught for was unknown to him at this moment; he was still trying to push away the shock from it all.
Finally he let out a soft and small sigh, shaking his eyes as eyes fell closed. Slowly he reached his hand over towards the pharaoh's, gently pulling the pharaoh's grasping hand from his wrist and placing it back on the bed beside the man, making sure to not wake him. He then straightened back up and shook his head once more, not understanding anything that was going on anymore and started out of the room; that was until he heard something from the pharaoh's balcony.
Slowly and carefully the high priest slipped his way through the pharaoh's room and towards the ledge that had a better view of the city than his own room did. He hid himself well in the darkness of the room, staying away from the white moon's glowing light, pulling out a golden rod that was carefully kept in the sash they was tied around his waist; for unknown to most, a dagger was carefully placed at the bottom of the object, which was known as the millennium rod.
His sapphire eyes scanned over the room and darted to where another, soft, but auditable sound was made, almost as if it was…. Seth knew who it was now, and he would have to stop him. It was far to late to be waking the pharaoh up for this kind of thing and there was no time to get the other priests in here to help him.
He inaudibly made his way through the room towards where the noise had come from and carefully scanned the area. He noticed a shadowed figure heading towards the pharaoh's bed, looking the man over and giving out a small evil little laugh. The figure then carefully moved away from the bed and headed towards the door, only to have hi wrist grabbed by Seth.
Startled, the figure whipped around, sending a fist towards the priest's cheek, only to have it caught and twisted behind his back, like his other arm was. Seth kicked the figure's knees, causing the person to fall to them with a growl, and of course made enough noise to stir the pharaoh from his slumber.
“Who's there?” came the pharaoh's voice as the man sat up in his bed, walking over to a lamp and placing a flame in the candle within it, giving the room a dim glow. His violet eyes finally found Seth holding the King Of Thieves on the ground, which startled him.
“Seth! What's going on here?!” he shouted out, quickly making his way over, causing the high priest's ice cold blue eyes to shift upwards and lock with the pharaoh's.
“I had come to check why your light was still on and heard him slipping his way through your room, Pharaoh,” Seth explained.
“Yea, after you were done giving him a good look over, Priest,” the thief smirked, only to get his face shoved down towards the ground a bit. “Oh, and I'm sure you liked it when the pharaoh's hand grabbed your wrist..” he snickered.
This only gave way to more anger within the priest, causing him to shove the thief face first into the ground, kneeling down beside to him to keep him down there against the ground.
“A thief such as yourself, Bakura, is on the ground and bowing to the Pharaoh's feet, you low life,” he growled, gaze narrowed and trying to keep his cool around the thief, knowing Bakura could use anything against them if they weren't careful. “Pharaoh, I would suggest you go and get the other high priests, I'm not sure how well we can lock him up without their help,” he informed him.
Atem blinked and then nodded, slipping out of his room to go and get the other priests, knowing that Seth was right, but also wondering about what Bakura had been talking about; about Seth having watching him and about himself having grabbed Seth's wrist. He shook his head and figured he would ask the High Priest about it at a later time since now was no time to be thinking about it.
~ +*+*+*+*+*+ ~
Seth glared down at Bakura. “You watch your mouth when speaking in front of the Pharaoh like that,” Seth told him in a harsh tone, but blinked when he soon found the thief out of his grasp and being pinned down by the man; the thief sitting on him, the chocolate brown eyes locked with his own blue eyes.
“You're letting your anger about what I said getting to you too easily, Priest Seth,” Bakura smirked evilly. “Makes you rather easy to knock off guard; I suggest you watch that in a later time. But right now, I should be going.. I would hate to be caught but such simpleton priests,” he frowned, having heard the footsteps of the pharaoh and the other five priests with him.
He quickly got off the man and made his way to the balcony. “Remember what I told you, Seth, it may come in handy later..” he smirked, and jumped off the balcony just as the pharaoh and the other priests entered.
Seth pushed himself up, cursing himself out under his breath for having let the man get away like he did. He then finally stood up with help from the pharaoh and Isis.
“Are you all right, Seth?” Isis asked in her soft toned voice, looking up at the man with her calm and cool eyes, not seeming worried that the thief had gotten away, none of them were worried or surprised at the matter.
“I'm fine, Isis, thank you,” he told her and glared towards the balcony, pulling away from them all and walking over to it and leaning over the railing, looking down to try and figure out where the thief had gone, but couldn't find a trace, and it made him furious with himself even more. He was suppose to be the calm one, the one no one could over come, other than the pharaoh at least, not that he would admit to it freely. But now that the thief had gotten away from him, and let alone had manipulated him like he had, this made it ten times worse for the priest.
“I guess it took us far too long to get back here,” Mahado, the holder of the ring spoke as he followed Seth over to the balcony and looked down and over it. “I will have the guards go out and after him if you wish of it, Seth,” he told the man and blinked when he watched the priest shake his head.
“It'll be no good, he'd easily escape them,” Seth told him, straightening up a bit. “We'll have to wait until he decides to try and hit once again. He's the king of thieves, he won't allow his treasure to get away from him so easily,” Seth informed them and walked back towards the pharaoh. “You're all right, I presume, Pharaoh?” he asked, and watched the short, violet-eyed man nod as an answer.
“Good, that' means at least you were protected well enough,” he told him and started to head towards the door to exit out and head to his own room to try and figure out what happened and what the thief was saying. He knew that from Bakura telling him to watch his anger at a later time.
“Wait, Priest Seth,” Atem spoke up and motioned for the others to leave. “I would like to have a word with you about this whole incident, if I may,” he told the man, watching the other priests leave and Mahado, the last one out, close the door behind him.
“Yes, you may,” Seth answered the Pharaoh and turned around. He waited for the Pharaoh to speak, knowing he would say something once he heard the footsteps of the other five vanish down the hallway.
When that happened the pharaoh's lavender gaze found its way to Seth's, locking their eyes together.
“What was the thief speaking about before?” he asked, walking towards the priest.
“What are you speaking of Pharaoh?”
“When he talked about you watching me and myself having grabbed your wrist, that's what I am speaking of, Seth,” he answered.
“I was merely checking on you, wondering why your lights were still keeping your room lit. I came in here and found you asleep, blew them out and that was all. I may have walked over to you and pulled the covers over your body more to make sure you didn't get cold, but that was all. I wasn't watching you,” he informed.
“And about me grabbing your wrist…?” he asked, taking a step closer, knowing he slightly intimidated Seth, and knowing it was the only way to get the straight truth from him in the first place, and wasn't ready to stop the pressure until he got the answer.
“Yes, you may have grabbed my wrist, but you were sleeping. I merely pulled my wrist out of your grasp and placed your hand back beside you,” he answered, keeping to his place, trying to make the pharaoh think he wasn't at all worried, let alone intimidated by his presence. There was no need for him to be, he had worked with the man most of his life, but yet since of lately, he had been because of those thoughts that had been circling within his mind non-stop.
“I see,” Atem replied and then nodded and closed his eyes. “I apologize then, for my actions,” he informed the man and walked away and back to his balcony, looking over the city from it, watching the darkness of the night being lit up by the glowing of the moon.
“There is no need for you to apologize, Pharaoh Atem, it was merely an accident and something that couldn't have been helped. Nothing more than a reaction to my own actions,” he explained, and gave a slight bow before turning, once more, to go and leave the room, but was stopped by the pharaoh calling his name out. He turned around once more, his blue eyes locking with the pharaoh's.
“Priest Seth, I would feel much more safe if you were to stay in my room tonight, it is apparent that I am not able to wake at the slightest of motions like I should be. Had it not been for you, there was no telling what the Thief Bakura might have done,” he explained, and waited for Seth's answer.
Seth blinked and closed his eyes. He knew this was a bad idea, mainly from all the thoughts that had been running through his head when he had found the pharaoh asleep in the first place when he had come in, but sighed once more and reopened his eyes, giving in and accepting the task the pharaoh was asking him to perform.
Well, there you have it… the end of chapter two. I know, you hate me because nothing has happened between the two yet, ne ne? Oh well, I think you'll get over it. :p