Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Love Affair ❯ Midnight Love Affair - VI ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Midnight Love Affair
By: Akiko
Chapter IV -
Seth blinked, looking slightly confused by this. His eyes? What about his eyes was Atemu thinking and talking about? “What about them?” he questioned, trying to push the subject a bit further to figure out what was on his mind.
“They were…” Atemu continued slowly, opening his own back up and looking back at Seth, locking their gazes together. “You eyes had a softer look to them back when we were younger. I always noticed how hard your eyes had become since my father died and I had become Pharaoh and you my number one priest,” he confessed.
The priest sat there, shocked by this. He had always known Atemu liked his eyes when they were younger from the various comments he'd make when they were younger. He never realized that the man had been watching him so closely over the years, let alone kept such a watchful eye on him. It was his job to watch and study the pharaoh, not the other way around.
“Have they?” he asked, closing his eyes and playing it off like he didn't know what the man was talking about, but of course he did. Ever since Atemu's father had passed on he had to be stricter and finish teaching Atemu how to be the pharaoh while he was still a boy. He had to advise him on many things and take the punishment into his own hands, which made him an even more cold person; he admitted, it was hard for anyone to get close to him, he never allowed it, but the pharaoh had been one person he was never able to lock out, the man knew him too well.
“They have,” he responded, moving from under the covers of his bed a bit so he was close to Seth and gently placed a hand to each of the man's cheeks. He brushed the skin under Seth's eyes with his thumbs, ignoring a few strands of the blonde part of his hair that slipped into his eyes. “I liked them better when we were kids, Seth,” Atemu finally spoke up, after a few moments of pure silence.
Seth's cold blue eyes locked with the pharaoh's violet ones and then finally closed them. “I think you should lay down and rest now, Pharaoh,” Seth spoke up, sounding a bit colder than his normal tone. He didn't like how passionate the man was getting towards him, let alone how he was touching him. But he should've expected something like this from him; he was a master at pulling at one's heartstrings and making them dance for him.
Atemu blinked, pulling his hands back slowly, seeming rather hurt by this. “Seth.. I…” he started, but wasn't sure how to finish. He'd known this man his whole life and had always looked up to him, now he was being pushed away?
The priest stood up and pushed the pharaoh down against the bed, leaning over him, his gaze had soften and looked at the smaller man in an apologetic way. “Get some rest, Atemu, ya need now, kid,” he smiled, slowly standing back up, only to blink when the pharaoh pulled him back down and cuddled up against him. “Eh?”
“You're warm..” Atemu muttered softly under his breath, burying his face into Seth's chest, eyes closed tightly. He wrapped his arms tightly around the older man, trying to keep himself calm from all this; it had been so long sine Seth had been kind to him in such a way, he didn't want to give it up quite yet.
Seth shook his head at this but wrapped his arms around Atemu, holding him close and tightly, in a protective manner more than anything else. He closed his eyes and let out a slow, steady breath. “Get some rest,” he whispered to the man held in his arms. Atemu nodded and smiled softly, nuzzling his face into Seth's chest. It was bringing back some memories for him, when they were younger; it brought back memories of when he had trouble sleeping at night because he was troubled.
Atemu sighed as he sat in the chair, watching people in the palace as they worked. He hadn't been feeling well as of lately and was doing at Seth told him, and right now his priest had told him to just take it easy. Seth wanted him to stay in his room but Atemu refused, he wanted to see what the people were doing.
“Pharaoh Atemu,” Seth sighed as he walked over to the chair and looked down at him; the two were still rather young, only in their early teens. “You should go sleep, you haven't been resting well,” he told the boy and kneeled down beside the chair carefully, pushing a few strands of the boy's hair from his face. “And you don't look well.”
“I don't want to,” he mumbled, his violet gaze slowly watching the other people move about frantically.
“Your father only died last week, it's understandable for you to be feeling this way, Pharaoh,” he spoke softly, slipping a hand through the child's hair. “Come on, you need to rest,” he continued to push.
“Stop calling me pharaoh,” Atemu spoke softly, his gaze falling to the ground. This had all been shoved on him and he didn't like it, it made him feel uncomfortable and pressured; yea, Seth had taught him it would be like this, it would be rough, but he didn't think it would be this hard at the time.
The young priest sighed and nodded. “All right, Atemu,” he gave in and looked at one of the other priests. “Keep charge while I'm gone, don't let anyone slack, we need to get this done as soon as possible,” he told the woman and received a nod from her.
Seth looked back at Atemu and shook his head. “All right, time to get you to bed,” he told him and took Atemu's hand, helping him to stand up, only to end up catching him when he fell. “Guess your body isn't getting the rest it needs to function well enough,” he sighed. He scooped the child up in his arms, which gained a few stares from the workers, but the priestess soon had them right back to work.
He carried him down the hallway and stepped into the bedroom. Closing the door he walked over to Atemu's bed and laid him down upon it. He placed pillows under his head and pulled the covers up over him, making sure he was comfortable. “There,” he spoke softly, giving a gentle smile, “Get some rest,” he told him before turning to leave.
Atemu snatched Seth's wrist and rested his forehead against the priest's hand, eyes tightly closed and his hair slipping into his face. Seth looked back, surprised a bit by this. “Atemu?”
“Don't… don't go,” he whispered softly, it sounding as though he had to force the words out. His breathing had become shaky and it sounded unsteady.
He walked closer to the bed and sat down on the edge of it. “I have to, I have to get back to--”
“Isis can take care of it.. you left her in charge while you were gone. She's as good with this stuff as you are… please, don't go Seth,” Atemu pleaded, moving his body enough to wrap his arms around Seth and cling close to the older boy.
He gave in, he couldn't say no to Atemu when he acted like that, and he knew he was the only comfort the boy had at the moment. How could he say no? He couldn't, that's how. He pulled off his gold and other accessories, setting them aside, and then made himself comfortable beside Atemu. Sliding his arms around the child-like figure beside him he pulled him close so that Atemu's head was on his chest and rubbed his back softly. “Get some sleep now; I'll still be here when you wake up, so there's no need to worry, all right?”
The young pharaoh nodded and closed his eyes. Burying his face into Seth's chest he let out a soft breath of air, a couple tears sliding down his cheeks as he fell asleep in the teen's hold, feeling safe and protected. He had been scared to lose Seth too and it had been nightmares of losing Seth that had kept him awake at night.
He brushed the tears away as he watched the child fall asleep. “I won't leave you Atemu, never. I'll always be loyal to you, I promise this on my life,” he whispered softly, closing his own sapphire eyes and letting his head rest upon Atemu's, himself falling asleep.
.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.End Flashback.+.+.+.+.+.+.+.
The pharaoh watched his priest drift to sleep before he followed shortly after him, his face buried into the man's chest and arms wrapped around him. He took in the warmth of the body and the strong hold of the arms. He felt like he was a little child again, being comforted by the person he admired the most.
Morning light soon flooded the room, causing the older man to stir and slowly open his eyes. He gazed about the room to find it not his own and slowly took it in. Finally remembering the events of the night before he looked down to the person in his arms and smiled softly, seeing the man still sound asleep. His sapphire eyes scanned the room some more, quickly locating everything and making sure nothing was out of place.
He moved his hands from the pharaoh's lower back and placed his hands to his arms and shook him lightly. “Atemu, come on, it's morning already. We've already over slept,” he explained and continued to shake him, but it was no use. “Still a heavy sleeper like always,” he muttered. He would've left the pharaoh alone to sleep some more and go off and start his duties if it hadn't been for the mere fact Atemu had his arms wrapped tightly around his body and his head was upon his chest.
Seth flopped back down and stared at the ceiling with a groan. He needed a shower and he needed to start work. He'd been slacking off enough because of the pharaoh and he didn't want to anymore; he knew it would soon draw attention if it kept up and he'd start getting questioned.
“Ra….” He mumbled under his breath and closed his eyes, only to shoot them back open when Atemu moved closer than normal to his body. He shot his crystal blue eyes down to look at the pharaoh who was making himself quite comfortable. Atemu moved and nuzzled his face up into Seth's neck, letting out a soft breath of air against the older man's neck, causing him to shift a bit; his chest was against his side and a leg was resting over one of Seth's.
`If someone comes in at this moment and sees us like this… questions will be asked for sure… I guess I should thank the gods this is Pharaoh Atemu's room, so they won't just barge in,' Seth thought, closing his eyes and working to keep his body under control from this. `If this is suppose to be a blessing, you're making it a curse right now,' he thought to the Gods, opening his eyes back up to stare at the ceiling and place his gaze back down when Atemu shifted his body closer to his own some more. `A real curse… couldn't you have done this like.. last night?' he asked and sighed softly, muttering `why me?' under his breath.
A/N: Okay, that's where I'm leaving chapter 4. I'll get workin' on chapter 5 as soon as possible. ^^; Just gotta deal with me for now, ne ne? Anyways, ya happy now there's finally a bit of snuggling going on? v.v Atemu may be asleep, but it's still happening.. o.O;;