Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Love Affair ❯ Midnight Love Affair - V ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Midnight Love Affair
By: Akiko
Chapter V-
He sighed, closing his eyes as his brown hair slipped into his face. Trapped. He was still trapped in the pharaoh's hold with his face nuzzled into his neck and their bodies close to one another's. He was having troubles fighting back his own body, keeping his urges under control, and it wasn't easy, not for him.
Seth opened his eyes and placed their gaze upon the pharaoh, watching the man shift closer before he showed signs of starting to wake up. `Thank the gods,' Seth thought and let his eyes fall back closed for a moment, but allowed them to reopen when he felt the pharaoh's body move off him, wanting to see his reaction.
He was blushing violently and his hair was in his face. “Se-Seth?” he questioned, and merely received a light laugh from the priest who continued to lie on the bed. Atemu looked away, wondering exactly what he did. “Wh-Why didn't you move me?” he ask in a soft voice, it was slightly louder than a whisper, but not by much.
“You were clinging to tightly to move off of me and I wasn't going to risk waking you up,” he explained and propped himself up on his elbows to better watch his pharaoh's reaction to everything better. It was humorous; he'd never seen the pharaoh do such things and it was interesting to watch him react to the things in different, and yet the same, way. “And I didn't want to end up waking you up either, you look too adorable when you sleep,” he added in, just for kicks.
A smirk crossed his lips when he noticed the pharaoh turn a darker shade of red in the cheeks. Atemu sat on his knees, his hands in his lap and watched the bed with his violet eyes. The pharaoh ignored the stands of hair in his face and was muttering things to himself; what exactly, Seth didn't know.
`I…I did that? But…no, no, no! That's bad; I've hid it this long and I have to keep hiding it. I don't want to ruin what friendship we have. Seth is older and he's my priest!' Atemu thought to himself and quickly shook his head, closing his eyes. He started to mutter those things out loud, not noticing what he was doing and having completely spaced off the fact Seth was sitting right next to him.
Blue eyes blinked as he heard the muttering but this only caused him to smirk a bit more. `I see now…at least I'm not alone…' he thought. He placed one hand in front of Atemu on the bed and leaned over, locking their eyes together, which caused the pharaoh to jump at first, but soon his violet eyes just blinked. “Wha-what is it Seth?”
“Nothing, just seeing if you were done talking to yourself yet,” he answered, which caused the pharaoh to panic slightly at this now. Had he heard? What was he going to do?
He shook his head, sighing softly. “Calm down, your highness,” he told him gently and placed his eyes back on the pharaoh. “Just calm down, there's nothing to worry about,” he started to explain. “It's simply admiration that's causing you to think like that, pharaoh.”
Atemu blinked at this, slightly hurt and then shook his head. “No! It's not!” he shouted out, and then backed up a bit, pausing and wondering what he just did. This wasn't like him. He'd never acted like this before, at least not in this type of situation. His gaze quickly shot down to watch the covers of the bed as he fell silent, not sure what to do or say at the moment. He was scared he had ruined everything.
“If you think I'd ruin our friendship over something like that, then you're worrying too much, like normal, Pharaoh,” Seth finally spoke up, closing his own blue eyes. He brought his hand up, pushing his hair from his face carefully. “I know how much you depend on me at times and I don't mind, you've always been this way and I expect it; I'm use to it, but it's never bothered me and it never will,” he kept going as he slowly opened his crystal blue eyes. “I'd never reject you or push you away, so you need to stop thinking that way.”
Seth leaned over in front of Atemu and stared at him a bit, a soft smile slipping along his lips. “You never have to worry, I'll always be here for you. I promised that to you when we were kids after your father died; I'd never break that, Atemu,” he explained. Slowly, he brought one hand up and brushed it over his cheek, watching Atemu close his eyes and lean into it. “And no matter what you may think, you've never been a burden and you never will be, I'm here to serve you and that's what I'll do for the rest of my life.”
Atemu brought his hands up and took a hold of Seth's one hand on his cheek, keeping it there when he threatened to remove it. He knew the man's words were true and it gave him comfort, something he was currently scared of losing because of his big mouth. He pushed his cheek into Seth's palm some more, his eyes still tightly closed. “I know…” he whispered softly. “You've always been the only one to see straight through me at these times.” He paused for a moment as violet eyes met with sapphire blue.
“But I know this one thing for sure, Seth, these feelings aren't just admiration. Sure, I admire you, you've always been strong and always picking up my slack if I fall behind for any reason; you rule almost as if you were the pharaoh at times. But that's not all these feelings are, I know that for sure,” he whispered.
Seth smiled at this and kissed the pharaoh's forehead. “That's good to know, it gives me some comfort at well that you can understand your own feelings better than I do,” he told him before slipping off the bed, pulling his hand from Atemu's grasp and cheek and stretched his body out. Being stuck under Atemu while the man slept, unable to move, made his body a bit stiff.
He sighed and glanced around the room with violet eyes, still ignoring the hair in his face. `That didn't turn out how I planned it…' he thought and then jumped when he felt Seth's hand brush his hair from his face.
“I said don't worry; we'll talk about this some more tonight when the days over with, all right?” he asked, tilting his head to the side and giving the pharaoh a childish look which caused the pharaoh to blush once more, but give a nod.
The priest laughed and straightened up. “Get dressed then, we're late enough as it is,” he explained and slipped out of the room and down the hall towards his own. Stepping into his room he looked around, expecting things closely to make sure no one had been in his room and touched his things. He grabbed a new set of clothes and changed into them, grabbing the millennium rod. He quickly spun around as the dagger's blade of the rod came out and placed itself upon the thief's throat.
“And here I didn't think you'd have the gall to show up in the daytime, let along in my room,” he frowned, glaring at the thief with cold, distant blue eyes, the eyes that made him feared by a lot of the criminals in the village.
“Well then Seth, you underestimated me,” he smirked evilly and stepped away from the dagger, walking around the room slowly, but keeping and eye on the priest. He watched as the dagger and rod were placed in his belt. “Oh? Don't find me a threat now?” he asked, sounding annoyed.
“No, you're not worth my time at the moment; I have better things to do than deal with you right now,” he explained. “Take what you want from my room, I suggest avoiding the hallway if you plan on trying to make it to Pharaoh Atemu's room,” he informed the thief, grabbing his golden bracelets and slipping them on before grabbing his hat. (A/N: Hat… for lack of better terms.. oO)
“I see, but what if it wasn't gold I came here for?” questioned Bakura as he walked up to Seth, tilting his head to the side. He locked his chocolate brown eyes with Seth's icy blue ones, a smirk on the white haired man's face.
“Then you came to the wrong place,” Seth answered, putting his hat on. “Leave now,” he spoke in a rather threatening tone as he turned his back to Bakura and left his room. Making his way down the hall he stopped by Atemu's room and slipped in. “Atemu?”
“Yes Seth?” he asked, poking his head from around a corner.
“Just checking to make sure you're all right,” he answered, closing his eyes, knowing the pharaoh was coming from the bath, and giving him some privacy.
“Why wouldn't I be?” Atemu questioned, tilting his head to the side for a moment. He then grabbed a towel, drying his body off and sliding his clothes on. Walking over to Seth he tugged at the fabric hanging from the side of the priest's hat, causing it to unevenly sit upon the priest's head thus gaining his attention.
He fixed his hat and gazed down at the pharaoh. “Just checking.” Atemu sighed and nodded, knowing he wouldn't get anything further out of Seth; once the priest's mind was made up, it stayed that way. That was something he had learned the hard way and took him many years to get down. “All right,” he gave in.
Seth nodded. “Ready then?” he asked, opening the door and allowing Atemu to exit the room first. He closed the door to the pharaoh's room behind him and followed closely after the pharaoh. He glared at a crack in his door, knowing Bakura was still in his room. He shook it off and stuck to the pharaoh's side.
Bakura muttered under his breath as he watched the two pass by Seth's bedroom door. He closed it all the way once they were past and sat down on the priest's bed, making himself comfortable. “That bastard; he made sure to set up guards outside of Atemu's room so I couldn't get in there… I wonder if there's something going on between them like I think there is.” He smirked evilly at this thought, giving a slight chuckle. “Oh the trouble I could cause.”
He stood up and walked to the balcony, making sure to keep from anyone's sight so as not to alarm the guards and took a look around below. “For sure not a sight I'm use to seeing,” he muttered to himself and shook his head, stepping back into the bedroom. “Now, how do I keep myself busy until Seth comes back? I have questions I want to ask him…”
Bakura, of course, had found something to do… he'd go through Seth's things and try to find something worth more value than the rest of the stuff in the room, and when he'd come across it, he'd balance out it's worth compared to groups of other stuff; he was basically trying to find the best deal he could on stealing at the moment. He figured he might as well; Seth had been stupid enough to leave him alone in there.
A/N: I'll end it here. ^^'' ~Bows.~