Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Love Affair ❯ Midnight Love Affair - VI ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Midnight Love Affair
By: Akiko
Chapter - VI
A small sigh slipped past the pharaoh's slightly parted lips as he plopped down into the large chair at the front of the rather large room which was draped with soft, see through fabric and candles on their small poles were even lit, ignoring the fact the sun was overpowering their glow the flames continued to dance.
His violet eyes followed the priest all over the room; he was taking care of most of the work and only allowing someone to bother him when it absolutely had to deal with him. Closing his eyes for a moment and letting out a yawn he slumped down into his chair some more, letting his eyes scan over the room once he reopened them.
`How boring…' Atemu thought, placing his hands on the strong arms of the chair and pushing himself up into a standing position. He walked away from his chair and over to the balcony. Placing his arms upon the railing and leaned over and rested his chin on his forearms, letting another small sigh escape his lips.
“Something wrong, Atemu?” Seth asked as he walked over, waving everyone else away so they could be alone. He pulled some fabric in front of the balcony; ignoring the fact it was see through, it was used to make a point more than conceal anything.
“No, nothing's wrong, Seth,” he answered, straightening up and placing his lavender gaze on Seth, watching him. “If there was, I'd make sure you'd be the first to know,” he added in with a soft smile, but it didn't convince Seth.
“Atemu, I've known you longer than anyone else here so don't think you can get that past me and pull it off,” he told him, placing his back to the railing and leaning on it a bit, watching the pharaoh. “Now tell me, what's wrong?” he pressed.
“Well, that was fun and exciting,” mumbled the silver haired bandit as he looked at the gold he could take compared to the gold he couldn't take with him, on this round anyways. “I didn't come prepared to steal so I have to limit myself, it sucks,” he grumbled and put the rest of the stuff back. He normally wouldn't do such a thing, but he was bored and there was nothing better to keep himself busy.
“I'm half tempted to leave,” he huffed and complained some more and he sat down upon the bed. He soon laid back down and took I the soft feel and comfort of the sheets. “They sleep cozy up here,” he sighed and sat back up, his chocolate brown eyes roaming around the room slowly.
“I'm bored; you're taking care of everything for me and leaves me with nothing to do not to mention when you came in earlier to get me. You asked me if I was all right and you said it was just because you were checking… but you're good at reading my lies and I'm just as good at reading yours… I want to know why you asked me.”
“I told you I just wanted to make sure you were all right, Pharaoh,” Seth answered and set his blue gaze out on the world below and outside of the walls of the palace. Small homes and nothing but sand further out.
“You're lying! There's some reason you asked me that!” Atemu nearly shouted, gaining the attention of the others inside.
Backing up a step from surprise of this outburst Seth sighed and closed his eyes. “All right, but can we speak in your room about this? This is no one else's business.”
After receiving a nod from the ruler he followed him away from the balcony and eyes of their peers. He closed the door behind him and locked his crystal blue, emotionless eyes with soft violet ones, which caused his own eyes to soften a bit before he turned his head to the side, looking away.
“I wanted to make sure you were all right because Bakura was in my room when I went in there after making leaving you in your room,” he explained, letting his eyes fall closed, a soft breath of air slipping out between his lips.
“Why didn't you call for anyone!?” Atemu almost shouted, but kept his volume down at remembering their peers and followers in the palace were always wandering about the room.
“I didn't want to call anyone because I didn't want to call a panic this early in the morning and he didn't act in violence towards me, which I didn't find anything wrong with; I told him to leave, if he did or not, I don't know,” he sighed, leaning against a wall, arms crossing over his chest area. “I left my room to come and make sure you were all right; do you understand now?”
“A little, but I still don't understand why you didn't call for anyone! That man could've killed you the other night!”
“And he could've taken you because I fell asleep when I shouldn't have,” Seth shot back at the higher ranked man before shaking his head and breaking his crossed arms to run a hand through his hair.
“We all have our slip ups, Seth,” Atemu finally said in a soft and endearing voice. “No one can blame you for those, these things do happen.”
“And my slip up could've been the end of your life!” Seth nearly shouted as he looked at Atemu. “Don't you understand!? That night he could've killed the both of us! He damn near did! I'm suppose to keep you protected; I'm suppose to make sure no harm comes to you! You're the only person in these walls I actually give a damn about!” Seth blurted out, and raised a hand up, pulling his hat off his head before running a hand through his hair out of pure frustration.
This wasn't like him, he normally didn't have our burst like these; he was the cool collective type of person, the one who was able to make anyone shake in fear when he entered the room and here he was, starting to break down in front of the only person he knew his whole life and one of the very few people he actually gave a damn about. Were these his emotions taking over? The deep feeling she had towards his ruler the cause of all this?
All Atemu could do was stand there and stare at Seth in disbelief of what he just heard, of what he was seeing of the high priest. The only person Seth cared about…? He didn't care about the others in the palace? He knew Seth cared for very few people because that's how he was raised, but to be one of the few, or the only one, Seth cared about… now that was a lot for him to handle.
Atemu backed up a few steps and sat down on the bed, staring at the ground still in a small shock from what Seth said. He slowly brought a hand up and brushed some of the blonde colored hair from his face, blinking his violet eyes as he let out a slow, deep breath of air.
Seth watched him before he placed his hat on the table a bit and walked over to Atemu. He straddled the pharaoh a bit and slowly leaned down, gently stealing the soft lips of the pharaoh's with his own. He placed a hand to the pharaoh's and carefully pushed him back down against the bed and gradually pulled his lips from the grasp of Atemu's.
Atemu blinked, his eyes wide from shock as he looked up at the priest. He then let out another breath of air before leaning up a bit. Burying his face into his chest, he then clenched the high priest's clothing tightly in his hold, shaking slightly from the shock of it, this of course could only make the older man smile gently as he snaked his arms around his waist and pulled him close.
Removing himself from the top of the pharaoh he released him and brushed a hand over his cheek gently. “Stay here and relax for now,” he informed him, kissing his forehead softly and brushing his hair back a bit. He straightened up and walked out of the bedroom, leaving the pharaoh lying on the bed in the position Seth had left him, still in shock, but his breathing having calmed down.
“What the hell was that!?” Seth whispered harshly to himself, closing his eyes and then slipped into his room once more, only to be tackled to the ground by the thief and pinned down roughly.
“Well, you're being the careless one today, aren't you, High Priest Seth?” he asked with a sly and twisted smile plastered across his lips as he looked down upon the prey he had caught.
He narrowed his ice blue eyes, working on trying to get his wrists free from the thief's grasp only to fail at this. “Release me,” he spoke in a cold tone, his eyes having their normal distant and hard look to them as he watched Bakura.
“Why should I? If I notice correctly, you're the one pinned down to the floor and in no position to order me around, Priest,” he spoke in a harsh tone, leaning down slowly so his lips were slightly an inch from Seth's, smirking more evilly than before. “Plus, I think you look better on the bottom, but then again it would seem Atemu is the one who would be on the bottom.”
Seth fell silent at this as he continued to glare at Bakura, frowning slightly. He finally opened his mouth after a moment, “I would suggest you mind your own business, thief, if you want to make it out of these walls with your freedom,” he threatened.
Bakura continued to smirk as he watched Seth. “You talk pretty big, Seth and you're the only one who has the balls to talk to me in such a way; well, you and your pharaoh, but only because he has his priests, otherwise he wouldn't be able to talk to big,” he spoke, leaning down closer.
“Get off of me,” Seth nearly growled, starting to struggle a bit more only to stop dead when he felt something against his own lips, his brown hair slipping into his ice blue eyes slowly.