Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Love Affair ❯ Midnight Love Affair - VII ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Midnight Love Affair
By: Akiko
Chapter - VII
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters…. I just use them for my entertainment. ^^ Story… all mine. -^^-
Atemu kept his violet eyes locked on the ceiling for a moment longer before he finally pushed himself up into a sitting position, wrapping his arms around his knees and pulling them close to his chest. “Why did I have to fall for Seth? He's my high priest, this type of thing isn't allowed; what will the Gods say about this?” the pharaoh questioned and suddenly became very nervous about Seth feeling the same for him.
“Not good… I don't know what to do, and I can't ask the other priests about this,” he muttered. He then flopped back down against his lush bed and gave out a frustrated sigh. “Dammit anyways,” he cursed.
Seth finally freed his wrist and placed his hands to Bakura's shoulders, shoving the thief off of himself. He stood up quickly and snatched the golden rod off a small table nearby and placed the dagger, as it emerged from the bottom of the object, towards the thief in his room. “What the hell was that?!” he basically shouted at the man, his ice blue eyes narrowing.
Bakura just smirked as he licked his lips. “Now, now,” he started, “put that away before you hurt someone, or I just might have to do something to truly piss you off,” he finished.
Seth kept his firm glare laid upon the tomb raider. “I told you to get out, and I even gave you the chance to freely take some gold as well. Now why didn't you leave?” the priest questioned.
“Because I don't have anything better to do at the moment. Not like I can just walk around in broad daylight around the palace. Plus, pissing you off seems to be so much more fun than anything else I've found to do around this pathetic city; not to mention I wanted to know why you were so eager to get out of here when you saw me here,” Bakura informed him with a devilish smirk plastered across his lips. “And I think I know why.”
“Is that so?”
“Would you care to enlighten me on how your pathetic little mind is working then?”
“Now, now,” Bakura frowned at this. “The only one with the pathetic mind here would be you and your pharaoh. I thought the both of you knew that priests and pharaohs aren't suppose to sleep together, let alone have the same feelings for each other.”
“I'd have to sad you're mistaken then,” Seth informed Bakura, closing his eyes for a moment. “Everyone knows that is quite against the laws placed upon us by the very Gods themselves, why would the pharaoh, let alone myself, risk angering them?” he questioned.
“Well, let me go and find out for myself then, shall I?” he smirked and managed to slip past Seth easily, and slithered into the hallway, his chocolate brown eyes scanning the area for guards before he headed down the hall.
The priest quickly followed the raider out of his room and grabbed his wrist violently and pulling him from the middle of the hall to the edge, slamming his back against a wall with a rather loud `thud!'
Bakura flinched ever so slightly at this and then just smirked, chuckling a bit. He lifted his eyes so their gaze could lock with Seth's sapphire blue.
Seth had the thief's wrists pinned to the wall to tightly that even the tomb raider couldn't break free of the hold. He bent over slightly, his white cape sliding over his shoulder and hiding the thief from anyone's view if they were to walk by. “I suggest, if you want to live, that you don't go anywhere near the pharaoh,” Seth said in a rather harsh tone of voice, leaning in dangerously close.
Atemu blinked and sat up, having heard a noise in the hallway. He tilted his head to the side a bit, and finally crawled out of bed and walked over to his door carefully, not quite sure what the noise could be, considering that all the priests would be busy and the servants weren't allowed to come down this way without permission of the priest of the pharaoh himself.
He cracked the door open a bit and peeked out, stopping cold when he saw Seth leaning over someone. He tired to look around the white cloth that was blocking his view, but didn't manage it. `Who is that with Seth?' he wondered, and stayed put, listening and watching, and finally stopped cold when he heard the voice that he knew wasn't Seth's.
`Bakura?! What would he be doing with Bakura?!'
“A bit over protective, aren't we, High Priest Seth?”
“I'm as protective of him as I need to be,” Seth muttered through clenched teeth.
“Oh? But you seem a little more protective than usual, or am I imagining things?” he questioned, just smirking still as he watched the man pinning him there.
“It seems like you would be imagining things, thief.
“Am I now? I think that if I were to be imagining things I would be imagining your form under my own,” he smirked at this. “But the thing I don't think I imagined was you and the Pharaoh sleeping in the same bed together, all cuddled up nice and cozy in each other's arms,” Bakura stated with a dangerous smirk.
Seth let out a small growl and tightened his grip around Bakura's wrists, causing the thief to flinch slightly and try to pull his wrist free.
“Guess I wasn't imagining it then,” he chuckled, closing his eyes at this. “This is too funny,” he laughed and looked back up at Seth. “I was rather hoping I'd get the pleasure of making the both of you cry out,” he smirked. “You'd be the hard one to tame, but all the more fun, I do love a challenge,” he chuckled some more. He tried to get one of his wrists free only to feel Seth's grip tighten. “Ah, the power you hold, very nice,” he added in as he glanced at the priest.
“Maybe I should throw you right into a prison cell right now,” Seth growled, his hair slipping forward slightly into his eyes, since his hat was still in his room on his dresser.
“And then maybe I'll inform them of the display you and your precious little pharaoh are putting on,” the thief threatened, since he knew Seth was true to his word, and he didn't much like the idea of being locked up, not unless it was in bed.
“Get out of here. I don't have time to play these pathetic child games with you, Bakura. I have a kingdom that needs my attention,” he educated the thief and released his prey's wrist slowly, straightening up so his cape was no longer hiding the thief from sight. “And if I find you went anywhere near Atemu I'll personally hunt you down and drag you back here, personally. I'll make sure your tried right away as well. Do you understand me, thief?”
Bakura stared up at Seth for a moment, defiance in his brown gaze before he closed them, a smirk still plastered across his lips. “All right, I'll leave - for now, anyways. But believe me when I say you and your little pharaoh lover haven't seen the last of me,” he almost growled and slipped away from the priest and back into Seth's room. He escaped from the balcony.
Seth sighed and closed his eyes, running a hand through his hair, feeling somewhat relieved now that Bakura was gone.
Atemu silently closed the door, so Seth wouldn't hear and looked towards his balcony. He wasn't sure what to think now hearing all that. Bakura was a threat to the both of them, but if they were to bring the thief in and lock him up, he would reveal Seth and himself.
He rested his back against the thick, heavy and rather large door behind him and closed his eyes slowly. He slid down into a sitting position, feeling nothing but dread and sadness for the days to come that involved Bakura in them. He knew Bakura would ruin everything.
He had to get out of there. He needed some air. He couldn't stand being cooped up in the palace any longer. He stood up and changed his clothes rather quickly so he was dressed, looking more like a peasant and slipped out of his room, when he knew Seth was gone, and snuck out of the palace. He ran through the front gates and into the city, and took in a big breath of air, his eyes closed.
He hadn't wanted to tell anyone he was going out because he knew they would try to stop him, but he did leave a note saying that he was in the city. He didn't want Seth or the other priests to go insane trying to find him.
He reopened his eyes and looked around, smiling softly and then started to wander. He gave a man some gold and bought a bit of food, starting to munch on it. It wasn't palace food and it wasn't made just for him, which is why he liked it more than the palace food. It was the greatest tasting, but he didn't mind.
He continued to walk, watching the people of the city work and watching the children play. He caught a ball and smiled some more, handing it back to the children who had lost it. “Here you go, you should be more careful. You might hurt someone next time,” he told them and then watched them run off, playing some more.
After a few hours had passed, Atemu glanced at the sky. It was getting dark and he knew he should get back to the palace. He pulled his hood off and sighed, closing his eyes. He shivered slightly; it was starting to get cold as well. He reopened his eyes and started to head back in the direction of the palace.
Glancing around he managed to notice he wasn't in a part of the city he'd been to before. He sighed gently and looked around, trying to find his way back to a part he knew. He paused for a moment and glanced around only to let out a small shout that was cut short by a hand clasping itself over his mouth.
Atemu struggled a bit as the figure wrapped their free arm around his body drag him with them. Atemu kept struggling the best he could, trying to get free. He didn't who this person was or what they wanted, he didn't even know if the person realized who'd they'd just captured, or what the penalty for it would be.
“Relax pharaoh,” came a voice he recognized. “You should've listened better in your studies to what happens to pharaohs who wander around without protection.”
Atemu was cold, and scared for his life now. He didn't know what would happen to him now. Bakura was the type of person who'd you think you'd have figured out only for him to pull something out of his sleeve and surprise you.
A/N: Sorry for the delay in this chapter. x.x I had it all written down in my notebook, but I just didn't have the motivation to type it up. And then when I did something'd distract me… Oi. Gomen nasai for the delay in getting this chapter to you. **Bows** Please forgive me for the delay. I didn't even keep the chapter the same to how I had it written up in my notebook. **Smacks her hand.** Bad Akiko, bad. >.< Sorry!!!!