Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Love Affair ❯ VIII ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Midnight Love Affair
By: Akiko
Chapter VIII
Disclaimer: I do not, under any circumstances own any of these characters, but the story idea itself does belong to me.
Yu-Gi-Oh Characters © Kazuki Takahashi
Story © Akiko
Atemu opened his eyes and looked around the room he was in. He shook his head a bit, everything having gone dark after he had heard Bakura's voice. He shifted his hands a bit, only to realize they were bound. His violet eyes snapped back to his wrists and he let out a few rapid breathes of air, now realizing everything that had happened wasn't his imagination.
His gaze wandered around the room as he tried to compose himself. He noticed, as he looked around that he was alone, Bakura wasn't anywhere to be seen. Taking this time he worked to try and get his wrists free, violet eyes looking for something close that might help him cut the rope that was binding his hands.
“So eager to get loose, I wonder why,” came a dark voice as the figure emerged from the shadows of the room. “Calm down, I don't plan on hurting you,” he paused and then smirked, “much, that is..” he gave a slight chuckle at this and squatted down in front of the pharaoh. “Calm down, I don't plan on hurting you at all,” he explained. “You hold no interest for me, it's you high priest that has caught my eye.”
“Leave Seth alone,” Atemu responded instinctively. “Leave him be, he's done nothing!” he shouted out, narrowing his eyes as he glared darkly at Bakura.
Bakura just smirked at this, snatching Atemu's chin in his hand. “So worried about your priest when you should be more concerned with your own well-being. Makes me rather sick, actually. If I were you I'd be more concerned with yourself, considering if I were to take you to the right part of this shit-hole part of town that I knew more than a few thieves who'd love to rip you apart, so I'm doing you a favor bringing you to my home, be grateful,” the thief nearly growled and backhanded the pharaoh before he stood back up.
Atemu closed his eyes, hanging his head now. His cheek stung horribly, he'd never been touched in such a manner. He took in a few steady breathes of air, trying to keep himself calm and wriggled his wrists to try and free them some more. `I have to get back to the palace; I need to get back before Seth gets worried and comes looking for me…Please, Ra, don't let anything happen to him.' He begged in his mind to the gods.
Bakura stood and watched the pharaoh for a little while longer before he turned on his heel and walked away from him. He snatched up his jacket and pulled it on, slipping out of the home silently. He glanced around cautiously first before he closed the door and locked it, then took off down the alleyway, heading for the palace.
“Is there any sign of the pharaoh yet!?” Seth shouted as he walked into the throne room and looked at the guards, who all shook their heads grimly. Seth growled and slammed his fist against a wall beside him, glaring at the men. “Well get out there and look for him! Understood!? I don't want to see any of your faces again until Pharaoh Atemu is found!”
The guards backed away, nodded, bowed and then turned and hauled their tails out of the room and out of the palace, heading off into the city.
“We need you calm, Priest Seth,” came a gentle voice from behind the man. A soft hand was placed on his shoulder as the dark haired beauty stepped into sight of Seth's crystal blue eyes. “This isn't easy for any of us, but I do understand it's worse for you considering you've been close to the pharaoh since he was but a child,” she continued, “but in case we do not find him before tomorrow you must take up the position until he is found.”
Seth pulled his hat off, letting it drop to the ground and ran a hand through his hair, closing his eyes and letting out a frustrated sigh. She was right and he knew it, but he couldn't calm down. “It's easier said then done, Isis,” he spoke gently and stepped away from her, leaving his hat there and walking down the hall towards his room. He needed time to think. “Search the palace for him in case he's still here,” he ordered before he vanished into the darkness of the hall.
Isis nodded and turned to the other priest, waving her hand. “You heard Seth, let us search, the guards are all out in the town to find the pharaoh, we can help, he is our pharaoh as well,” she told them and watched them all spread apart and leave. She glanced back down the hall where Seth vanished too and sighed, then took he own leave to search.
Seth slammed his door closed and leaned against it, resting his back against the door and glaring at the ground, running a hand through his hair once more, out of frustration and worry. “I pray to the gods he's all right,” Seth whispered softly.
“Well, you can thank your gods then because he's perfectly safe… well, ignoring the fact he's tied and bound,” came Bakura's voice from the balcony, a smirked plastered across his face and his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the high priest.
Seth snapped his attention over to Bakura and narrowed his gaze, giving the thief a deadly glare. “Where is he?” he asked in a dangerous tone, pushing his back off the door and walking towards Bakura.
“Aht. Hey now,” Bakura got out and ducked away from Seth, holding his hands up. “You should tell your pharaoh not to walk around in the city where the thieves hang out after dark,” he smirked and then ducked away from the high priest once more. “And violence isn't going to make me answer your question.
“How about getting thrown into jail? Not only for trespassing, but for kidnapping and multiple counts of thief?” Seth snapped at the king of thieves, slamming him against the wall the moment he was able to get a grip on him. “Where is he!?”
Bakura closed an eye at this and then looked up at Seth. “Now, why exactly should I tell you? I don't see myself getting much out of this other then maybe roaming free of the palace until all your guards come back. They're not going to find him, by the way. Even the guards stay away from the broken down part of the city, no one goes there but the thieves,” he told him, smirking.
“What exactly do you want out of all of this, Bakura?” Seth growled, glaring death at the man he had pinned to the wall.
“Oh, I don't know,” he dragged this on and closed his chocolate brown eyes.
“Spit it out, Bakura. What do you exactly want from this? There has to be a reason you took Pharaoh Atemu and then decided to have the balls to show up here and tell me that you knew where he was and they you were the one who took him.”
Bakura reopened his eyes and looked at Seth, smirking darkly. “Well, you're the smart one. I don't understand why you're not the pharaoh; you're more intelligent then the current one.”
Seth threw Bakura to the floor roughly, glaring down at him. “Don't you ever say such a thing about the Pharaoh in my presence, is that understood?” he informed the thief with a cold tone.
Bakura chuckled a bit and sat up and then stood back up, looking at Seth. “Now I really know what I want from this,” he smirked.
“Then say what it is already,” Seth snapped.
“You,” was his simple answer.
Seth blinked, a few strands of his brown hair slipping into his face, a confused look in his sapphire blue eyes as he watched the thief in front of him closely. “Me?” he finally questioned after a few moments of silence.
“Yes, you. I want to break you,” he told the priest and walked over to him causally and looked up at him. “You're defiant and have a strong will… I want to have the pleasure of shattering it,” he smirked and then closed his eyes, flinching and biting his bottom lip when Seth slammed him right back up against the wall.
“You have a lot of nerve to come here and ask for such a thing when you've been harassing the Pharaoh and myself for some time now.”
“Oh, I know,” he smirked and looked at the priest in front of him. “But it's so much fun,” he laughed lightly. “I get a kick out of seeing how you two react, watching you two struggle to help each other out so much, wishing nothing to happen to the other when you're the one in trouble.”
Bakura expression got cold and he shoved Seth away, looking at the priest. “It makes me rather sick to my stomach and I want to shatter that. I want to see how far someone would be willing to go,” he told Seth, watching him with a serious look. This was the first time the thief started taking any of this seriously.
“And if I don't?” Seth questioned, crossing his arms. He honestly didn't care that Bakura had gotten serious, he found it a relief, he wouldn't have to deal with the thief's mocking smile and the laughing.
“Easy, if you don't then you won't see the pharaoh again. Well, alive anyways,” he answered, his expression staying serious, showing he wasn't making a joke about this at the moment. He shifted his position and walked over to Seth, grabbing his chin and forcing the priest down a bit. “You have until dawn to choose if your pharaoh is so important to you that you'd throw yourself down to such levels just to save him,” he sneered.
Bakura took the priest lips in a rather powerful, and forceful kiss, biting his bottom lip and licking away the blood he drew before walking over to the balcony and sitting on the railing, glancing back at Seth. “Remember, priest, you have until dawn to make your choice.” His gaze shifted to the sky and then back to Seth. “And you only have about an hour or two to make,” he finished and jumped from the balcony, knowing how to get down from the room safely.