Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Love Affair ❯ Midnight Love Affair XIII ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Midnight Love Affair
By: Akiko
Chapter XIII
Disclaimer: I do not, under any circumstances own any of these characters, but the story idea itself does belong to me.
Yu-Gi-Oh Characters © Kazuki Takahashi
Story © Akiko
“Thank you, doctor,” Seth spoke, rubbing his bandaged wrists lightly.
“You are welcome, Priest Seth,” The doctor responded, giving a small nod. “I'll be back in about two weeks to see how those wounds are healing. And don't be stubborn, Priest Seth, let Priestess Isis change your bandages at least once a day if not twice,” he scolded.
Seth just smiled at this. “I'll try my best, doctor, I promise.”
“Good. I suggest no stressful activities either. You were highly stressed out when I first got here and it's not good for you.”
Once more Seth nodded. “I understand. I'll refrain myself, doctor. I thank you once more for your time and patience. Would you like me to escort you out of the palace?”
“No, no, none of that. I won't have it. I know my way, don't you worry none,” the doctor responded quickly, waving off Seth's help. “Go get some rest, you pain,” the doctor laughed, leaving the room.
Seth shook his head a bit, smiling. “He knows me far too well.”
“He should. He's been the doctor for us since we were kids and even before then,” came Atemu's voice.
Blue eyes snapped over to the small figure, a gentle smile crossing his lips. “Yes, and as I recall I was always explaining how you were the one that got hurt.”
“And I remember you always refusing his help and saying you were fine,” Atemu shot back, walking over to the priest, wearing his whole entire pharaoh attire.
“And I'm still stubborn to this very day. Watching over someone like you, who gets into a whole mess of trouble, can do that to someone,” Seth shot back just as fast but paused when Atemu stood only a few feet from him and noticed the tears welling up in those violet eyes. “Atemu…” he spoke softly, reaching out and taking the pharaoh's arm. “Don't cry. I'm fine, nothing is wrong and I came back, I didn't leave you.”
“But you did leave, Seth. You did leave, to make sure I would be safe… you left because of me..” Atemu started, and continued, “because of me look at what's happened to you…”
“Atemu, stop,” Seth said with a stern tone. He pulled the pharaoh over and onto his lap, holding him like he would a small child. “I did what anyone would've done to protect you, Atemu. I never wanted to see you in pain like that again and I also understand what I did also put you in emotional pain, which is worse. I apologize. You are my world, my pharaoh.”
Atemu blinked, looking up at Seth and his eyes showing a small amount of shock within them. “Seth…”
“In a way, Bakura's actions have only made you stronger in an emotional way, Atemu,” Seth explained.
“Seth, I tried to tell you before but you cut me off and told me that I had to wait to tell you until you were back, do you remember?”
The priest nodded. “Of course I remember, and now that I'm back you can tell me now what you were going to tell me before.”
“I love you, Seth.”
Seth smiled, resting his lips gently on Atemu's cheek. “I know,” he whispered. “I've known for a while, my pharaoh,” Seth responded.
Atemu slumped into Seth's arms for a moment before the priest tightened his hold around him. “And for your knowledge, my pharaoh, since you are a little slow,” Seth started, smiling a bit at seeing Atemu's expression. “I love you as well, Atemu. Anyone would've given themselves up to Bakura ro protect you, but no one would continue to fight and go through all of that like I did to make sure you were safe. He knew, Atemu, and used that knowledge to torment us. But without knowing it, he only made you stronger,” Seth explained.
“Made me stronger?” Atemu questioned. “How did his actions make stronger? I don't get how you figure that one.”
“You didn't break down, you continued to fight, to search for me. You never gave up hope like someone else might've done. Not once did you show any sign of being defeated,” Seth explained to him. “Not to mention it only made out relationship that much stronger as well.”
Atemu smiled at this and buried his face into Seth's neck. “I want to protect you, Seth,” Atemu whispered. “But I'm not stronger enough to do that.”
“You have protected me, Atemu.”
The pharaoh pulled away and looked up at Seth, wearing a puzzled expression. “How have I done that?”
“You protected me from becoming someone with a cold heart, like Bakura is,” he continued. “When I was still a child, before I was always with you, I was slowly shutting everyone out and closing myself off from my emotions. Isis knows very well how I use to be. But somehow, you managed to change all that, Atemu.”
“But protecting you now I can't--”
“You still are. Without you still being here I would've become a heartless bastard, Atemu. Following the rules to a tee and so on. You stopped me from being someone like that, and you still are. You're keeping me the person who I am right now.”
The pharaoh just stared at Seth for a moment, taking all that information in and processing it. He was protecting Seth? He was the reason Seth is the person he is now? Atemu thought on that a bit more and finally just smiled.
“You're saving us all a lot of trouble by keeping him this way, Pharaoh,” Isis butted in, stepping into the room and giving a small bow.
“And just what do you want, Isis?” Seth questioned in an annoyed tone, glancing over at the woman.
“Just to see how you two are doing,” she answered simply. “And to inform you that Bakura has been punished for his crimes against the pharaoh and his crimes against you as well, Priest Seth. He's being taken out of the holding cell and put into shackles as we speak, and is being taken away to a place where he'll most likely rot.”.
“Is that so?” Seth asked, watching her.
She nodded. “Yes. It's amusing though, how he keeps going on about how you and Pharaoh Atemu have a intimate relationship like we didn't know,” she mused, stepping out of the room.
“He would,” Seth sighed, standing up and heading out of the room.
“Where-?” Atemu started.
“To see Bakura off. It's the least I can do for him,” Seth answered and looked back at Atemu. “Did you wish to join me, my pharaoh?” Seth asked, smirking a bit.
“Why would you want to go and see him off?”
“To gloat a bit. Torment him and so on. The normal,” Seth answered simply.
Atemu just shook his head and then shrugged his shoulders. He followed the priest out of the bedroom and to the front of the palace where Bakura was. “I still don't get how you think sometimes, Seth.”
Seth just laughed lightly and glanced back at the pharaoh. “You'll get it eventually, my pharaoh.”
Bakura glared over at the two when he noticed figures moving out of the palace. “I hope the Gods punish you!” he huffed.
“Punish us for what, Bakura?” Seth questioned. “If the Gods were to punish us for this, don't you think they would've already?” the priest continued to question. The guards stood by closely, keeping Bakura at bay with chains and shackles. “If the Gods were going to punish us for this, they never would've let me free of your torment and your threats, Bakura,” the priest finished.
Seth then pulled Atemu over, coaxing his pharaoh into a rather passionate, but seemingly brief, kiss. He then shifted his sapphire eyes over to the thief, leaving his pharaoh baffled but seemingly content. Bakura just glared as he bit back a growl.
“If anything, Bakura,” Seth started once more, “you only tested the strength of our devotion towards each other. You proved that nothing can destroy us and for that I should thank you. As a matter of fact, I will. Thank you, Bakura. Thank you for proving how strong our love for each really is and showing us that the Gods do not shun us for having this relationship, and rather they embrace it,” the priest finally finished.
Atemu backed up slightly when he noticed how enraged Bakura was becoming. “Seth…” he spoke softly, urging the priest to move back with him, but Bakura broke free of the guards holding him for moment, lunging forwards towards Seth.
Quickly the priest shoed Atemu further away from the mess, then turned just enough so that when he went down with Bakura he pinned the bandit to the ground. Placing the dagger to the criminal's neck. “I knew you would try something, Bakura, so I made sure I came prepared for you this time. I'm happy to know that my relationship with Pharaoh Atemu seems to upset and enrage you so. You poor, pitiful thief, not only did you lose to the pharaoh once again, but this time you've been caught and are going to be punished for your crimes.”
Seth released Bakura once the guards had resituated themselves and grabbed the thief once more, and making sure they had an even tighter and more secure hold on him this time. They waited for Seth's command before they threw the thief into a wagon that would carry him off to the prison he would be held within.
“Are you all right?” Atemu questioned quickly as he ran over to Seth, lightly holding onto his arm while his violet eyes looked up at him with concern. A soft sigh of relief was heard when Seth just nodded and smiled.
“Come, my pharaoh, there are a lot of things to be done before the day is done with and we are allowed to freely rest without worry or concern.”
Atemu nodded, smiling a bit himself now. “Yes, I know,” he responded, then gave out a soft sigh, his smile fading a bit. Thinking of the day a head and all it held for him, he knew it was going to be long.
Seth noted Atemu reaction and then pulled the pharaoh close to his own body. “We'll have plenty of time together once our duties are completed, my pharaoh. Just because the Gods are blessing us and allowing us to have this relationship, we must not neglect our duties, for they are to come first,” Seth told him, kissing his forehead before he released Atemu and headed inside.
The pharaoh just smiled as he watched Seth enter the palace. He knew his priest was right. “Maybe this is why the Gods haven't punished us… because they know Seth will make sure every duty we must perform is completed by the end of each day before we spend any quality time together,” he whispered to himself, then headed inside as well.
When the sun had fallen and the moon was showing brightly in the raven black sky, Atemu had finally relaxed, plopping down onto his bed and just allowing his body to go completely limp. He closed his eyes, letting out a slow, deep and relaxed breath of air as he enjoyed the peace of the nighttime.
“Maybe you should just go to bed,” Seth spoke suddenly, causing the pharaoh to jump and snap his violet gaze over to Seth's figure. The pharaoh then let out a slow breath of relief and then proceeded to snipe a pillow at Seth.
Seth just laughed, catching the pillow. He smiled as he watched the smaller male for a moment before he walked over to the bed. He placed the pillow back in its rightful place, then seated himself on the bed, glancing out of balcony into the sky.
Atemu smiled and crawled into Seth's lap, like a small child would, and started up at the priest. “What's on your mind, Seth?”
“Nothing, really,” Seth replied gently, shifting his soft blue eyes to Atemu. “Just enjoying having some peace and being able to relax freely without having to worry about something going wrong,” he responded.
Atemu just started at Seth with a bit of disbelief as he reached his hands up and rested them upon Seth's cheeks.
“Now it's my turn to ask. What's on your mind?” Seth responded to Atemu's actions.
“You're eyes,” he answered simply.
“My eyes? Now what about them?”
Atemu just smiled. “They're not hard and cold anymore. They remind me of how they were when we were younger,” the pharaoh explained. “They're soft and full of concern for those around you.”
Seth just smiled and pulled Atemu's hands from his cheeks, holding them within his own grasp. “That's good to know,” he spoke in a gentle tone.
“Good to know what?”
“You'll always be how you were when we were young, troublesome but worth every moment of my time; kind and gentle but manipulative.” Seth laughed lightly when Atemu made a face. “You'll always be the child who couldn't do anything without me around,” he continued. “But I don't mind. I know then that there will always be a reason for me to be near you,” he finished.
Atemu blinked, nodded and then smiled. “Good.”
Seth laughed lightly. “Always such a child.”
“Your point?”
“No point. Just felt like saying that. Is it a crime, my pharaoh?”
“Not that I'm aware of,” Atemu commented, and then shifted his position, wrapping his arms around Seth's neck.
Seth laughed lightly and took Atemu's lips in a gentle, but meaningful kiss, pulling the pharaoh's body against his own. Atemu blinked before he leaned fully into the kiss; he shifted his position and pulled his priest down with him, on top of himself as he allowed his arms to remain latched around Seth's neck.
Seth tensed up in surprise, automatically putting his hands on either side of Atemu to keep himself from falling onto the smaller form. He hid a flinch, pain shoot out from his wrists and slowly broke the kiss, looking down at Atemu. “What are you trying to do, Atemu?”
“Get some affection?”
Seth shook his head, as he laughed a bit. “You're sure?”
“I'm sure, Seth. If I wasn't I wouldn't have put us in this position,” the pharaoh answered. “I love you, Seth--”
“And I know that. You don't have to prove it to me in this way, Atemu. I just want to make sure you're not forcing and rushing yourself into this.”
“I want this, Seth; I'm not rushing myself, I promise you.”
Seth just nodded and placed his lips to Atemu's neck, brushing a hand down the pharaoh's side.
Atemu closed his eyes once more, leaning fully into the priest's touch. He gave out a soft and content sound as he felt soft lips touch his collarbone. He wrapped his arms around his priest's neck, pulling himself closer to the priest, enjoying every small touch.
Seth smiled to himself at this, brushing a hand further down Atemu's body and then back up, undoing the pharaoh's clothes a bit, making sure to take things slow enough so Atemu could get use to the touch. The priest then brushed his lips over the pharaoh's chest as he pushed the clothes off Atemu's upper body. He brushed his lips gently over the skin.
Atemu tensed slightly at this and soon his fingers were exploring Seth's body, and undoing cloth here and there until finally the priest's chest was exposed as well. Atemu brushed his fingers over Seth's chest, tracing every small muscle he could find, getting to know Seth's body the best he could in his situation.
Slowly the priest moved his way down Atemu's body to his hips, pushing the garments off the pharaoh completely; he brushed his lips down over Atemu's inner thigh and then paused for a moment, sitting up slightly as he looked at Atemu, smiling to himself.
Opening his eyes the ruler looked up at Seth, tilting his head to the side. His chest was already moving up and down at a fast rate, not being use to any of these actions that his body was craving so badly. A soft tint of red crept up to the pharaoh's cheeks.
Seth laughed lightly to himself, causing Atemu to blink in confusion. “What?” the small pharaoh questioned, propping himself up on his elbows a bit.
Seth shook his head, kissing Atemu's forehead. “Just noticing how innocent and defenseless you look,” he responded.
The pharaoh huffed slightly, only to look up in shock at the priest when he was lightly shoved back against the bed. “Oh quit,” Seth told him gently. “Keep that up and I might just leave you here like this,” Seth threatened, laughing lightly still as Atemu jumped, his hand having snuck in between Atemu's legs, giving the smaller form under him a sudden grope.
Leaning back over the pharaoh, the priest continued with the attention; moving his lips all over Atemu's body, do his own exploring as he allowed Atemu's hands to roam over his own body. He soon took Atemu's hard into his mouth, causing the younger form to tensing up, small hands clenching his hair a bit. Seth began to swirl his tongue around the prisoner, and even teasing the tip slightly. He pulled the hard from his mouth just before Atemu was about to release.
He licked his lips and slipped down further, brushing his tongue over the pharaoh's entrance, and then slipping his tongue up into his ruler. He moved his hand up and gently pushed Atemu back down against the bed as the ruler tensed, arching his back a bit.
Closing his eyes as he felt the intrusion of Seth's tongue he gave out a small moan, running his hands through Seth's hair and gave out a small gasp when he felt his erection get a small grope.
Seth pulled his tongue out of Atemu and moved up, brushing his lips over Atemu's neck and paused, his mouth beside Atemu's ear and whispered gently, “This might hurt at first, so bare with me until you're use to it,” and then slide himself, slowly, into the small form, giving out a soft groan at how tight Atemu was.
The pharaoh tensed up right away, giving out a small cry and pulling his body closer to Seth, clenching the priest tightly in his hold.
Seth wrapped an arm around his pharaoh to keep him close and whispered once more into his ear, “Just relax, all right? The more tense you are the more it'll hurt,” he explained, giving his neck a soft kiss. “The pain will subside,” he added.
Atemu just nodded, giving out a few quick breaths of air and forced his body to relax. He gave out a few more small cries as Seth moved in and out, and soon was giving out moans as he got use to it. He gave out a few pleading cries for Seth to keep going, and even urging the priest to go a bit faster in and out.
Seth stole Atemu's lips in a passionate kiss, pulling the smaller form against his body completely, moving thrusting himself in and out of the pharaoh. He soon slipped a hand between their bodies and took hold of Atemu's erection once more, causing the pharaoh to tense for a moment.
Seth pushed his tongue past Atemu's lips and into the ruler's mouth as he started to pump his captured goal once more, still moving in and out of Atemu. After a moments of this, Atemu released, breaking the kiss to let out a loud cry of pleasure. This caused Seth to stop and pull out of Atemu, and lick his fingers a bit.
Atemu laid down on the bed, trying to catch his breath and Seth just smiled as he watched his pharaoh try to regain composure, then blinked when Atemu sat up and crawled over to him.
“Hm? What are you up to, my pharaoh?” Seth questioned as he watched Atemu come closer.
Atemu just gently slipped into Seth's lap and then pulled him into a lustful kiss, and before Seth could object, Atemu had slipped down, between his priest's legs, and taken his erection into his own mouth, sucking on the length.
Seth tensed up slightly, leaning back with his hands grasping the covers of the bed. The priest was unable to form words, only small sounds of pleasure and content audible as the pharaoh continued.
As Seth released, the pharaoh pulled back and licked the mess up a bit, looking up at Seth.
The priest, after getting his own composure back, pulled the pharaoh up, into his lap and pulled him close. “You learn fast it seems,” he commented before stealing Atemu's lips into a kiss.
“I know I do,” he responded after the kiss was broken, a soft smirk on his lips.
“Then why not try learning about what you're suppose to learn?” Seth questioned, laying down on the bed with Atemu curled up in his arms.
“What fun is that?” Atemu questioned back, closing his eyes as he kept close to Seth's body, feeling the hear emitting from it. His body finally gave out and feel into a deep sleep with ease, mentally and physically exhausted from their current activities.
Seth smiled, brushing a hand over his sleeping pharaoh's cheek. He then sat up, running a hand though his hair while his ice blue eyes stared out the balcony to the sky. Dawn would soon be there and hew they would both have to get to work.
`I'll let him sleep in,' Seth thought to himself, glancing back at his pharaoh. Grabbing a robe, Seth put it on and walked over onto the balcony and looked over the railing at the kingdom below. His eyes then shifted to the sky as he let a gentle smile grace his lips. “I owe all of you Gods a lot for all you have done for not only myself, but Pharaoh Atemu as well,” he spoke aloud. “And I will do everything within my power and then some, if I have to, in order to repay you for everything and show you my appreciation. You're all very generous and I thank you.” Bowing his head, Seth whispered, “Please, allow me to always be able to protect Pharaoh Atemu. I would like to protect him in this life and any that may come after it, and to also help him stay just how he is now, and stay strong.” Seth looked up at the sky once more. “I thank you if you fulfill this wish of mine,” he finished.
~Present Day~
“Bakura!” Seto shouted out, standing between the thief and Yami. “You think you I'll let you defeat Yuugi so easily? The only one to defeat him will be me.”