Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Veils ❯ Who are you?! ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't Yugioh and I never will but this story is mine.

Midnight Veils

Chapter Three: Who are you?!

Joey frantically ran to the Game Shop with Yami in his arms. Yami was placed on the couch and was revived with smelling salts. Yami woke up and saw Joey, Solomon, and Mokuba.

"What happened Yami?" asked Mokuba.

"Yugi and Kaiba are still alive," said Yami as he sat up.

"Are you sure?!" asked Solomon.

"Definitely," said Yami firmly, "I forgot about a way to sacrifice your greatest enemies with having to shed their blood."

"How can you do that?" asked Mokuba and Joey at the same time.

"If you have magical powers, you can use their memories instead of their blood," explained Yami, "However, if the victims regain their memories, the thing that was given in exchange for them will be taken back."

"And in this instance," said Solomon with a serious tone, "If Yugi and Kaiba recover their memories, Pegasus loses his wife a second time."

"Yeah but she died a long time ago," huffed Joey, "Why should Yugi and Kaiba have to give up their memories to bring her back?!"

"I know what you mean, Joey," said Yami, "and I think that I have a plan to get them back." The four huddled and discussed the plan.

In the office building, Daniel/Yugi and Oliver/Seto were walking around and looking at all of the different things. They wished they could see all of the neat things but, the veils were a bit thick and it was toilsome to try to see anything that was further than two or three feet. They felt sad that they couldn't show their faces in public.

"Daniel," asked Oliver, "are we ugly?"

Daniel looked down and said, "Maybe we are, Oliver, and that's why we must wear these horrid veils."

They walked to their `father's' office and they were allowed in. Their `parents' were talking and they sat down in the chairs in front of the desk. They sounded like they were whimpering a bit.

"What's wrong?" asked Cecelia as she walked over to her `sons'.

"Father," the boys asked at the same time, "Are we ugly? Is that why you wish us to wear these veils?"

Pegasus didn't know how to respond to this but, Cecelia hugged them and said, "No! You sweet little angels are not ugly at all. Your father wants you to wear them because he wants you two to be safe."

"May we go to the park and see the ducks in the pond?" asked Oliver/Seto.

"You may," said Pegasus and they left.

The ducks were splashing in the pond and they looked very happy.

"Oliver, I'm hot!" said Daniel/Yugi, "Why don't we take off our veils for at least a few minutes."

"Sounds good," agreed Oliver/Seto.

Yami, Mokuba, and Joey saw the white figures in the park and followed them to the duck pond. They had just gotten there when the white silhouettes were taking off their veils. The covered ones breathed a sigh of contentment and let the gentle breeze play with their hair.

"It is Yugi and Seto!" exclaimed Mokuba.

"Yugi! Kaiba!" shouted Joey as Yami tried to hold him back but it was too late.

"Who are you?!" asked Daniel/Yugi in surprise.

"Yuge, don't you know me?! It's me, Joey!" said Joey as he looked at the two boys with concern on his face.

"We don't know you!" screeched Oliver/Seto as both white-clad boys were becoming very frightened. "Who were these people?" They thought as they saw Yami and Mokuba run up.

"SETO! I'm your little brother! Don't you recognize me?!" asked Mokuba as his lavender eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

"You must be mistaken, Little One," said Oliver/Seto kindly, "I've never seen you in my life."

Mokuba started bawling and shaking that his own brother didn't know who he was. The snow-clad boys didn't understand.

"We're sorry that you've mistaken us two other people," said Daniel/Yugi, "My name is Daniel Pegasus and this is my brother, Oliver."

Pegasus was about to pick up his `sons' when he saw that their veils were off and that his enemies were talking to them.


The boys in white saw their `father' and started to cry and make apologies for disregarding his warnings. Pegasus was about to comfort them when Joey yanked them away.

"Oh no you don't, you lying snake!" barked Joey, "They're coming with us!"

Joey threw a smoke ball that he made and gagged the two frightened boys with rags soaked with a sleep-inducing chemical. The two fainted and Joey, Yami, and Mokuba dragged them away. When the smoke cleared, Pegasus discovered that all of the young men were gone!

"OH NO!" he thought, "If they get their memories back I'll lose my sweet Cecelia again!"

To be concluded in the last chapter! R&R!