Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Millennium Moon Items ❯ Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Who Could They Be?
Lily: Well, wonder who the new students could be?
Disclaimer: You'd think you'd know my line by now, but nooooo…
Lily: Just say it.
Disclaimer: She doesn't own any of the Yu-Gi-Oh! characters.
The gang got to school extra early, in hopes of getting a glimpse of the new students. However, in homeroom, they were very much disappointed because they were informed that the new students were going to be late, due to traffic problems.
“Aw, dat stinks!” Joey exclaimed.
“At least they're coming at all!” Yugi said, always the optimist.
Together, they walked down the hall toward their first period class, math.
“For the LAST TIME, GET MOVING!” Iris called up the stairs.
“I will, I will! I just can't find it! Oh God, WHERE IS IT?!” Lily was like a whirlwind in her room.
“Have you lost your pendant again?” Iris exclaimed.
Iris had raven-black hair that was a bit longer than shoulder length in no particular hairstyle. It was always down, never in a ponytail, unless it was a VERY hot day. She was wearing a blue V-neck belly shirt with black jeans. Her eyes were a chocolately brown, but they turned bright green with cat-like pupils when she was mad, or when danger was near.
“Yes…” Lily distractedly checked under her pillow yet another time.
Lily, Iris's hikari, looked similar to her, except Lily was wearing a red V-neck belly shirt with blue jeans. Her eyes, instead of turning bright-green, turned bright-yellow with the cat-like pupils too.
Both girls were often mistaken as twins, but in reality, Iris was a high priestess 10,000 years ago, when Atlantis existed. She was also `Head Caretaker' for the Legendary Dragons, always making sure they were in comfort, and if they needed anything, she would make sure they got it.
Lily, who got the pendant both she and Iris had from her now-deceased parents, was a fierce fighter, driven by the force of the thought of how her parents would be proud of her today if they were alive. Both parents had been killed in a car accident one day in Egypt, where they were digging for lost treasures.
“Better hurry up Lily!” Iris called again.
“FOUND IT!” Lily snatched the pendant from under her bed and ran down the stairs.
“About time,” Iris said, rolling her eyes.
“OH MY GOD! WE'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL!” Lily suddenly yelled, slapping her forehead.
“You should be glad I'm your Yami. I thought ahead and called the office to impersonate your mom and to tell them that we're gonna be late because of traffic problems.” Iris replied.
“That's a lame excuse.”
“They fell for it, now let's GO!”
The girls closed their eyes, wrapped a hand around the pendant that was hanging on each of the girls' necks, and disappeared. About a block away from school, they reappeared and stuffed the pendants inside their shirts. They ran to the front door and let themselves into the main office.
“Ah, hello girls. You must be Iris and Lily!” the secretary exclaimed.
“Yes, we are. Can we have our schedules please?” asked Lily.
“Of course! My, what beautiful girls you are! It will be a delightful school year with you two!” the secretary made no move to get the schedules.
“Thank you. The schedules please?” Iris said, impatient.
“Yes, I'll get them. Did you know that our lunch program has ice cream cake as a choice for dessert every day?” the secretary again, hadn't budged.
“Very nice, I'm sure, but the schedules please?” Lily asked again.
“I'll get them, but, oh! I'm sure you two will be able to make—“
“I said, GO GET THE SCHEDULES!” with those words, Iris grabbed her pendant, which formed immediately into the Millennium Staff, with a star and moon on the top, accompanied by the Millennium Eye in the center. This Millennium Item was different however. It was silver.
Iris used the Staff to brain-control the secretary, who meekly got the schedules and handed them over. After the schedules were given to each of the girls, Iris lifted her brain-control and wiped the secretary's mind clean.
“Wha—who are you girls?” the poor secretary demanded, upon seeing Iris and Lily.
“We're the new girls! You just got us our schedules remember?” Iris smiled sweetly.
“Huh? Oh, yes…” the secretary absentmindedly fiddled with her glasses.
“We'll just be on our way now.” Lily said, leading the way out of the main office.
“Yes, yes…have a wonderful day girls,” the confused woman said.
Out in the hall, Lily turned abruptly, and Iris collided into her.
“That was awesome! That was funny!” Lily started laughing hysterically.
Iris, who was expecting her hikari to yell at her for such “irresponsible” behavior, was quite surprised and joined in the laughing as well.
Finally, when they stopped, Lily asked, “So what's your first class?”
“Same with me. Hey! We got the same schedules!” Lily said, peering at Iris's.
“Cool. We can kick more butt together!” Iris said.
“That's nice and all, but we'd better get a move on, or else we could get a detention or something.”
“Eh, I could always brain wash them again,” Iris said dismissively.
“You have to teach me that someday, but, we have to go to math now!”
“You're right…how do we get there though? It says Room 152…wonder where that is?” Iris asked, looking around.
Lily closed her eyes, took out her pendant, clutched it tightly, and pointed down a hallway and said, “It's over there.”
“I should have thought of that…” Iris said.
“Let's go.”
They dashed down 2 staircases, skidded around 5 hallways, and finally reached the appropriate room. With a bold knock, both girls entered.
“Why hello girls! You two must be Iris and Lily!” Mr. Takahashi [1], the math teacher, said, turning around from the chalkboard where he was writing.
“Yes, we are,” Iris replied for the both of them.
“I didn't know you two were twins!” the teacher said, peering over his glasses.
“You could call us that,” Lily replied.
“Would you like to tell us anything about yourselves?” Mr. Takahashi asked.
“Not really,” Iris said, rather snappishly.
“Ok then. Class, these two girls are Lily and Iris Makoto. Say hello,” the teacher said, turning toward the class.
“Hi,” some of the obedient students said.
“Now, I expect all of you to treat the girls like the rest of the student body family,” Mr. Takahashi lectured.
Some students gagged while he wasn't looking. They had already heard the speech before at the beginning of the school year, except that time, Mr. Takahashi was talking about himself.
“Lily, go sit in the seat in front of Seto Kaiba. Mr. Kaiba please stand. Iris, you shall sit next to Lily, in front of Bakura. Bakura please stand,” the teacher commanded.
After sitting down, both girls quickly lost interest in what the teacher was teaching them. They already knew what he was teaching, and had no intention in learning it again.
“Would you know it Lily?” Mr. Takahashi's voice said, bringing her and her Yami back to the present.
“Excuse me?” Lily asked, not hearing the question.
Some of the students sniggered, but after an effective glare from Iris, they all quieted down.
“I SAID, `do you know the answer to the problem?'” Mr. Takahashi asked, annoyed.
Lily looked at the board and said in a bored voice, “You wrote the question wrong. In order for you to find an answer, you need to change to position of and 24, making the answer 3%. If you had kept the problem like it was before, the answer would have been endless.
The class gaped. No one ever corrected Mr. Takahashi before, except Seto Kaiba, but everyone knew he was a genius. Lily had managed to deliver the answer without even sounding like a computer, like Kaiba!
With a slight frown, Mr. Takahashi corrected his error and with a forced smile, said to the class, “Well, I guess Lily is right. I hope all of you can learn to be more like her, and that is directed to you Mr. Wheeler.”
Joey, who was laughing out loud about Mr. Takahashi's mistake, quickly shut up and turned 15 shades of red. Mr. Takahashi proceeded to assign the homework, which the class took down mechanically.
//Good job hikari// Iris said to Lily through their mind link.
/Eh, it was no big deal. The teacher's a doofus any way…/ Lily replied.
“See you all tomorrow class,” Mr. Takahashi said, interrupting the girls' conversation.
Everyone jumped out of their seats to make their way to their next class.
Lily: Hope you liked it! RXR please!