Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Millennium Moon Items ❯ Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chpt 3
Lily: Eh, not much to say…you already know that I don't own YGO, and if you don't know that, that's really sad.
Notes to my readers:
Danielle: Yay! I get a nickname! Glad you're enjoying the story. This story is going to your faves? Wow, I'm flattered! ^_^
Yamifanner: Yup, Iris is my yami. I can't very well call her Water Princess in the story eh? I think that's gonna be her name from now on…yeah, I think that's a good idea. Glad you're enjoying the fic too!
Tuesday (after period one)
“So what's next?” Iris inquired.
“Uh, we have gym class now,” Lily said, checking her schedule.
“Cool. So where is it?” Iris said, looking around.
“I have no clue. The secretary didn't give us a map of the school,” Lily said, also looking around.
They couldn't use the Millennium Pendant/Staff to find their way again because other people were looking. Finally, Lily spotted a group that was clustered around the lockers, and she hurried over to ask them where the gym was. The group just happened to be Yugi and company.
“Hey guys! I was wondering where the gym was?” Lily asked.
“Oh hi! Lily right?” Yugi asked, turning around and smiling.
“Yup. So where's the gym?” Lily asked anxiously, not wanting to be late for another class.
“It's over-“ Yugi started to say, but Tea cut him off.
“Oh! It's so cool that you moved here! Wouldn't it be awesome if we became friends?” Tea said all bubbly-ish.
Lily smiled forcefully. She hated preps like her, always wanting to make friends with people that didn't like them. “Yeah…so where's the gym?”
Duke pointed to the left. “Over there. You turn a left and it's right there.”
“Hey thanks,” Lily said.
“No problem babe,” Duke said, winking.
Lily rolled her eyes. She hated guys that thought that they were a total woman attention grabber. She spun on her heel and walked back to where Iris was, still waiting outside Mr. Takashi's room.
“She's pretty nice,” Tristan stated.
“Yeah. Did you see the way she was staring at me the whole time?” Duke said proudly.
“Oh please, she was not. She thought you were disgusting! Did you see her roll her eyes?” Mai said, also rolling her eyes.
//Yugi, I had the strange feeling again. She's not like us!// Yami said through the mind link to Yugi.
/She seemed nice enough though…/ Yugi protested.
//Looks can be deceiving aibou.// Yami said.
/Would that make her dangerous?/ Yugi asked.
//I don't know. Watch out though. You never know what she can do to us.// Yami replied.
/Yami, we're not normal! I mean, you're my yami! How many people do you know have a yami?/
//Not many.// Yami admitted.
/Exactly! And everyone you know that has a hikari or a yami is perfectly normal!/
//We'll see…//
“Hey Yug'!” Joey said, waving his hand in front of Yugi.
“Huh? Yeah?” Yugi said, coming back to the present.
“You totally spaced out dere. You were like into some kinda trance or somethin'!” Joey said.
“Oh, I'm fine,” Yugi said, not mentioning the conversation he just had with his yami.
“Well come one guys! We have to get to class!” Marik said.
“So where's the gym already?” Iris asked, as Lily approached her.
“Come on, this girl-ish hair style dude showed me,” Lily said, leading the way.
Iris laughed and followed her hikari. “So tell me about that group you talked to.”
“Well, there's a prep that just has to make friends with everyone,” Lily paused here and made a disgusted face.
Iris knew all too well that Lily hated preps like Tea. One time, back at home, there was a girl named Katie. She was fat, but popular and thought she was the coolest girl in school. Katie also thought she was friends with everyone, so she just loved talking to whoever was near her at the time. Katie was basically a slut. She slept around, and wore close to nothing. Finally, Lily was just so fed up with her that one day, she sent her to the Shadow Realm. Obviously, Katie never came back, and her mom, to avoid any rumors about how her daughter `disappeared,' said that Katie had gone to Timbuktu to visit a cousin.
“Any others?” Iris asked.
“There's a guy with hair that he obviously made into a point with cement gel, two Brits that look are probably hikari and yami, a blondie that was wearing a lot of purple, an two Egyptians that are also probably yami/hikari, a shorty with pointy hair and his yami that's a bit taller with pointy hair too,” Lily said.
“Sounds like an interesting bunch,” Iris said snickering. Ooh, she and Lily would have some fun with them…
“Here we are!” Lily said, opening the door that said `Girls' Locker Room' on it.
Upon entry, Lily groaned again. The prep was there. To make matters worse, she was approaching her and Iris.
“Hi guys! My name's Tea!” Tea said, acting all bubbly again.
“Hi…” Iris said with an obvious lack of enthusiasm.
Tea took the lack of enthusiasm as shyness and said, “Oh, don't be shy! Come on! Let's go play volleyball!” And with that, she started to drag Iris and Lily into the gym, where half of the class was already assembled.
“Wait! We haven't changed yet!” Lily said, thinking of the first excuse that popped into her head.
“Oh…” Tea said, her face crestfallen. She wasn't going to introduce them to their class after all. “I'll be waiting for you outside then.”
“Ok,” Iris said, glad that her hikari had gotten rid of the prep.
Once Tea was out of earshot, Iris turned to Lily. “Nice excuse, but we don't have clothes to change into.”
“I was thinking about that…” Lily said.
“Oh well…come on…we don't have any clothes so let's just get going,” Iris said, thinking about how disgusting it was to not change.
The two girls went into the gym. The students were running laps around the gym, and Lily and Iris blended right in. Suddenly, both heard a wolf whistle. Iris turned around to see one of the Brits jogging up to them.
“Hey gorgeous,” he said to Iris.
“Who're you?” Iris said, rather nastily.
“Ooo! Feisty! I like,” Bakura said.
“Shut up and go away,” Iris said, not in the mood for horny guys.
Bakura merely grinned evilly and said, “Meet me at the flagpole after school,” and he jogged away again.
“Someone's got the hots for you!” Lily said, smiling slyly.
“Shut up,” Iris said, blushing just a bit.
“Oh, go on! You can take him if he decides to rape you or something. You got a Millennium Item, remember?”
“Didn't you say that he might be a yami?” Iris questioned.
“Uh…yeah?” Lily said, wondering what Iris was aiming at.
“Then he has an Item too,” Iris said.
“Glad to see you finally thinking,” Iris teased.
Before Lily had a chance to retort to Iris's remark, the 2 gym teachers split the class in half to play volleyball. Iris and Lily were on the same team, along with the Brit from before and a couple of other students.
With a blast of his whistle, Mr. Nakamura, one of the gym teachers, signaled the start of the game.
The game was fast and furious. Both Iris and Lily were great in volleyball because they loved the sport, along with swimming, badminton, track, and softball. The team, well actually Iris and Lily, quickly beat the other team.
With a shrill blast of his whistle, Mr. Yamamoto, the other gym teacher, ended the game. Iris and Lily went under the net to shake hands with the other team, but most of the opposing players, mostly guys, were too pissed at being beat by two girls to shake hands.
The bell rang and everyone made their way back to the locker rooms. Tea made her way to Iris and Lily to congratulate them, but they were saved by Mai, the blondie from before.
“Lay off of `em will ya Tea? Let them catch their breath!” Mai chastised her.
“Ok Mai! Anything for a friend!” Tea said, walking away again.
With a roll of her eyes, Mai walked away too.
Iris and Lily looked at each other and shook their heads. They were both very sweaty and wished desperately for a shower, but then they would have no clothes to change into. With a sigh, they both grabbed towels and did the best they could to wipe off the sweat.
Lily looked over her schedule to see that French Class was next. “Come on Iris. French next…”
“Whoopee…let's hope we have a better teacher than Mr. Takahashi,” came the reply.
Hikari and yami turned to the door and made their way out amongst the jostling of the other girls.
Lily: Whew! At this rate, I'll need a chapter per period! But that wouldn't be too bad right? RXR!