Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Misunderstandings ❯ Gone ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: I know I haven't updated this account in forever... but hey, if anyone here wants to see any of my stories, check the penname 'Bookkbaby' on fanfiction . net (remove spaces)
And for my fanfiction . net readers, here is the UNCUT version of chapter 1! Enjoy!

Ryou took a deep breath, releasing it slowly to help calm himself down.

It wasn't really helping- and that was to be expected, given his current situation.

He had woken up a few minutes ago and his sleep-fogged mind hadn't processed what was going on, though he could tell something was wrong. He shortly found out what.

He couldn't move- his arms and legs were restrained, but not like a kidnapper would restrain him. His wrists were tied together, and then tied above his head to something hard and wooden. Judging from the soft mattress and sheets below him, he was tied to the headboard of a bed.

His bed, if he wasn't mistaken.

His legs were spread, and (if his theory about it being a bed underneath him was correct) tied to opposite ends of the endboard. It wasn't the most comfortable of positions, as it left him feeling rather open, but Ryou couldn't do anything about it.

The ties weren't even the worst of it. Ryou couldn't see anything either. Soft material covered his eyes, rendering him blind. He had absolutely no way of knowing if anyone else was in the room with him, and that fact scared him.

He couldn't even call for help- he could taste cloth in his mouth, and he had tried several times to spit it out. The gag had remained in place.

The final and most frightening fact about his situation is what had him nearly panicking.

It had taken him several moments to realize why the room felt cooler than usual- it wasn't just because he was no longer under his blankets. It was because he was no longer under anything at all. His blue cotton pajamas had disappeared from his body, leaving him bare as a newborn babe.

He was blind, mute, immobile in an exposed position, lying on a bed, and naked. If that wasn't license to panic, nothing was.
Ryou- trying to think rationally and hopefully find a way out of his predicament- tested the bonds holding his hands and feet. They seemed to be made out of some sort of strong cloth- and tied very well. To get free, the ties would either have to be untied or ripped and Ryou knew he didn't have the strength to rip the cloth and free himself.

Ryou froze at the sudden sound of the door opening. It seemed unnaturally loud in the quiet room.

The white-haired teen quickly tried to fake sleep, hoping the person who he could hear coming towards him wouldn't know the difference.

"I know you're awake, yadonushi." the person said, their footsteps soft on the carpeted floor.

'Bakura?' Ryou thought, relief flooding through him. He relaxed his body, no longer feigning sleep. As much as his yami seemed to hate him, Ryou knew that Bakura hated having someone mess with whatever the Thief King considered 'his' more. Bakura would untie him and then berate him for being so weak, but Ryou could handle that.

'I won't lie and say it doesn't hurt to know he hates me and thinks me weak.' Ryou thought, feeling someone- his dark- sit on the edge of the bed. Mentally, the pale teen shook himself.

It did him no good to harbor feelings for his yami- they would never be returned.

"I wouldn't be too relieved, hikari." Bakura said, and Ryou could actually hear the smirk in his dark's voice.

'What could he mean by that...?' Ryou wondered. A soft 'clunk' informed him that Bakura had just put something down on the nightstand. His confusion multiplied.

<Bakura? > he tried asking, using their mindlink.

It was blocked.

<Bakura?!> Ryou tried again, a sinking feeling in his stomach. With no link and that gag, as well as his arms and legs immobilized, he couldn't communicate with his other half at all.

"Why would I set you free..." Ryou nearly jumped when he felt a slender finger run down the center of his chest, from his sternum to navel. "... when I'm the one who tied you in the first place?"

'What?' Ryou's eyes widened in shock. Bakura must have caught the small motion of the cloth covering his hikari's eyes.

"It's not that surprising, but enough talk. Let's move along, shall we?" Ryou could feel the taller's weight shifting and he could feel it as the heat of Bakura's body settled over him, legs straddling his thighs.

Ryou blushed in embarrassment and shock, feeling something hard press against his body as Bakura leaned over him.

'Is this some sort of dream?' he wondered, slightly dazed as Bakura pressed open-mouthed kisses down to the hollow of his throat. Something warm and wet ran along Ryou's collarbone to the junction of his neck and shoulder.

His face was firmly turned, opening up his neck to his dark's hungry mouth like a victim to a vampire.

"I've wanted this for a long time, Ryou." Bakura said, face still buried in the smaller's neck. Ryou shivered as the puffs of warm air cooled his saliva-slick skin.

He moaned lightly into his gag as Bakura continued down his chest to his nipples with his mouth. He jerked in surprise when he felt one of he tomb robber's hands lightly run up and down his side, fingers splayed.

Bakura's hot tongue drew lazy circles around Ryou's nipple, not quite touching the slightly darker flesh. The smaller teen's back arched, trying to force Bakura's mouth to hit him fully.

To Ryou's surprise, his dark seemed to comply with what his body wished, lips wrapping around the stiffened peak and sucking like a child on his mother. Bakura's hands ran over the teen's body, as though memorizing him by touch.

'This isn't a dream...' Ryou thought, body tensing in anticipation as Bakura's hand moved slowly- teasingly- towards Ryou's already half-hard cock. His hips bucked involuntarily when his dark's strong hand finally did wrap around him.

"Even if you don't want this, your body does." Bakura said, tone revealing nothing of what the tomb robber was thinking. Ryou's momentary confusion was chased away by a surge of pleasure as the taller's mouth changed nipples, hand stroking the hikari's sex firmly to bring him to full arousal.

Ryou's arms strained against the bonds, arms trying with a will of their own to reach out and touch the one tormenting him so sweetly.

Bakura's mouth began trailing down his prey's chest again, pressing small, open-mouthed kisses along the barely there edges of the teen's muscles. His body slid down Ryou's, eventually settling in what seemed to be a laying position in-between the other's legs. When Bakura finally reached Ryou's navel, he swirled his tongue around the edge and inside the small indentation, teasing the hikari with his proximity to Ryou's need.

'Please.' Ryou thought, hips bucking. 'Oh gods...'

"You're mine, Ryou." Bakura said, tongue now circling the head of his light's cock and teasing the small slit at the top.
Ryou's breath caught in his throat, feeling the pleasure swell within him.

'Bakura... gods, this feels so... so...' Ryou thought, body jerking and toes curling with the sensation as his yami's mouth swallowed his head, tongue still tormenting the sensitive tip.

A small 'snap' was heard. Vaguely, Ryou realized that Bakura had removed his hands.

The taller's weight suddenly shifted, and Ryou's need was abandoned to the cold air. He whined, though the sound of protest was silenced by his gag.

Cool fingers were pressed against his entrance, slick with something. A few seconds warning was all Ryou got before two fingers were inside of him, stretching him.

Ryou winced. Those fingers inside of him hurt. He shifted- trying to lessen the pain- but Bakura's other hand came and held down his hips, forcing him to stay in place.

A third finger was added and the pain intensified, making the hikari squirm even more under his dark's hands.

The spike of pleasure through his body was an unexpected but wonderful surprise.

Ryou gasped, his body stilling as the tomb robber hit something deep inside of him. The pain had not disappeared, but it seemed a whole lot more bearable, if only Bakura would hit that spot again...

He moaned into his gag, body shaking with the sensations of pleasure and pain.

Ryou mentally protested as his dark withdrew his fingers, but stopped when he felt something much larger than three fingers press against him.

Something warm and heavy- Bakura's body- positioned itself above him.

A warm and wet tongue ran along the shell of his ear.

"Please." Bakura said. Ryou almost didn't hear him; his dark was so quiet.

The teen nodded, barely feeling himself perform the action. His mind was still foggy from the pleasure, and almost didn't know what he was agreeing to.

The tomb robber's body shuddered above him as Bakura thrust his hips forward, burying himself up to the hilt inside of Ryou. The light's breath stopped. He felt like he was being torn in two, but it was a sweet sort of pain that made you want more, and the pleasure spike of having Bakura rub so intimately against him from the inside...

His dark barely paused, drawing back out and thrusting deeper. Ryou cried out again, gag quieting him, and Bakura thrust again.

They fell into an odd sort of rhythm, Ryou's hips involuntarily moving (not that he could move very much) to meet each of the tomb robber's motions. The hikari's legs strained against the ties holding him down, longing to wrap around his yami's waist and help pull him in deeper. His arms tried to wrap around Bakura's torso and pull them close to meet skin to skin, but they couldn't move. He was immobile as Bakura drove them both higher and higher.

His dark's pants and moans were the sweetest sounds Ryou ever heard, ecstatic at the thought that he was the one Bakura got such pleasure from.

"Ryou..." Bakura groaned as he came, spilling his seed deep inside of the body below his. He collapsed, arms no longer able to support him.

'Gods...' Ryou thought, Bakura's release triggering his own. He felt his own cum hit his chest as his body relaxed into a boneless mess.

He felt Bakura's cock go limp inside his body and the yami pulled himself out of his hikari.

"Mine..." Bakura said one last time, kissing the teens jaw lightly. Ryou felt his darks weight shift, rolling off of him, but he was too tired to care.

His eyes shut slowly, unable to stay open. Vaguely, he felt his hands come free and then his legs. His gag was removed and then his blindfold.

Ryou curled up underneath a blanket he felt placed over him, then reached out for the other warm body he felt close by.

'Bakura...' he thought sleepily, blurry eyes barely making out the white blur that was his dark.

"Sleep Ryou." Bakura commanded softly. Ryou's eyes shut and his hand dropped. He fought to stay awake, but was already halfway to dreamland.

The last thing he remembered before passing out was a soft pressure on his lips and two quiet words.

"Goodbye Ryou."


Bakura closed the door behind him with a soft 'click'. He looked over his shoulder one last time before he walked to his room- the one Ryou had been kind enough to give him- and entered. He didn't bother washing up, just slid on some clothes and grabbed a small bag he had packed earlier that night. Inside of it were a few things that he treasured most.

The Millennium Ring was one. His Deck was another, along with a few other items he figured he might need.

Thus ready, he made his way down to the kitchen- and the front door. He would have left right then and there, but something stopped him.

His reflection stared at him mockingly from a large mirror Ryou had put in the closet.

His reflection that looked so much like Ryou.

Sweet, innocent Ryou.

He snarled at it, turning around and stomping through the kitchen. He set his bag down and drew a kitchen knife, drawing three quick and angry lines across his cheek- two horizontal and one long vertical line down the entire length of his face.

Next, he grabbed his hair at the base of his neck and hacked it off. It fell to the tiled floor in bunches.

He turned back to the mirror, staring as the cuts across his face healed into scars as he drew on the magic of the Ring he carried.

Ryou no longer stared at him from the mirror. His reflection was his own this time.

He dropped his knife and grabbed his bag.

He left, pointedly not looking in the mirror a second time.

At the street corner, he paused.

Bakura glanced back at the house he had lived in one last time, staring for a long moment at where Ryou's room would be.

Eyes hardening, Bakura turned away and continued on, hand absently going to the piece of paper in his pocket.

It was a ticket given to him by an old friend.

*Time Skip- To Ryou*

Ryou awoke slowly the next day, needing to blink several times before the room came into focus.

'Was that a dream?' Ryou wondered, sitting up. He winced, lying back down immediately.

After a few minutes, he slowly sat himself up and shifted until he wasn't putting an unbearable amount of pressure on his backside. He looked around.

'Where's Bakura? And why did he...?' Ryou thought, biting his lip as the events of last night began flashing through his mind.

He couldn't say it was exactly how he had planned on losing his virginity, but at least he had lost it to who he had wanted to.

'Where is he?' Ryou wondered, standing up gingerly. He shivered as the cool air touched his skin and grabbed his sheet, wrapping it around himself. He began making his way to the door.

"Bakura?" he called, brow furrowing in concern when his yami didn't answer. He exited his room, making his way carefully to Bakura's room down the hall.

"Bakura?" he called again. No one answered. When he opened the door, no one was there.

As he closed the door, he noticed something that unnerved him- the Ring was missing, along with Bakura's Deck.

A cold feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. He took the stairs down to the main floor as quickly and carefully as he could.

"Bakura?" he called, as loud as he could.

No answer.

Ryou hung onto the doorframe of the kitchen door, hoping against hope Bakura was in the kitchen and had simply decided not to respond.

No such luck.

Something shiny on the floor caught his eyes. He fell to his knees upon realization of what it was.

Beautiful silver hair- rougher and lighter than Ryou's own- littered the floor. Lying on top of the hair was a knife, the edge bloody. Small drops of dried blood completed the scene.

Ryou's eyes followed the small drops to the front door.

'He's gone...' Ryou's eyes began to water, and he collapsed the rest of the way. He curled up into a ball, wrapping the sheet more tightly around him as he cried.

'"Goodbye Ryou."' Bakura's last words to him echoed in his mind.

"Goodbye Bakura." Ryou whispered, the words seeming too loud and too final in the silent house.

*Time Skip*

"Where's Ryou?" Yugi whispered to Yami, concerned. The final bell had just rung- and Ryou had never been late to school before. The teacher began calling roll, marking Ryou absent with a sigh when she came to 'Bakura, Ryou' in her list.

Yami shook his head, a look of concern on his face.

"I don't know, Yugi, but I'm sure he's fine."

"But he's never been late before." Yugi said. "Maybe he's sick?"

"That could be. We can go visit him after school if he doesn't show up." Yami said.

"Yeah! Anzu can make some of her chicken noodle soup she gave me when I was sick!" Yugi exclaimed excitedly, then looked sadly over at Ryou's empty desk. "Poor Ryou-"

A noise at the front of the classroom interrupted what Yugi had been about to say. When he turned to look, his mouth dropped open.

"Sorry to be late, sensei." Ryou said dully, bowing politely to the teacher. "I overslept." It was a bald-faced lie, but no one called him on it. The teacher just nodded, though she looked very concerned.

"Bakura-kun, that's your first tardy. I won't count it against you, but don't make it a habit. Please take your seat." Ryou nodded, though he seemed stiff. He turned and walked slowly towards his seat, lowering himself softly onto the hard plastic.

'Ryou?' Yugi thought in shock, eyes dumbly following his white-haired friend. Certainly, the person looked like Ryou, but Ryou had always taken care of himself. This teenager in front of him looked half-dead, with dark circles under his eyes- which were also suspiciously red and puffy, as if he had spent a night crying. His clothes were rumpled, as if he hadn't changed clothes since yesterday. His hair seemed to be a tangled mess, the fine strands sticking up in random directions. It looked like it hadn't seen a brush in at least two days.

And his eyes- usually bright and full of life- seemed hollow and filled with an almost unspeakable sadness. His entire posture- usually so straight and tall- seemed defeated. The kind smile usually gracing his face was nowhere to be seen.

<What's wrong with him? > Yugi asked Yami through their link.

<I don't know. We'll have to speak with him at lunch. > Yami said. Yugi could feel his dark's concern.

With one last look at Ryou, he closed the link and focused on the lesson, taking out a notebook and a pencil.

'Hopefully Yami and I will be able to do something about whatever made Ryou so sad.'

When the bell finally rang for lunch, Ryou was the first person out the door.

It took Yugi and the rest of the gang a good fifteen minutes before they found him.

He was leaning against the fence on the top of the school building when they found him, facing away from the steps they had run up.

"Ryou? What's up, man?" Jounouchi asked, walking up to the other. Ryou glanced over his shoulder at them- fresh tear tracks could be seen on his cheeks.

He hurriedly wiped his face with his uniform sleeve and tried to force a smile.

"Oh- I didn't see you there. I'm fine. Really." Ryou's voice trailed off at the end, and the pained smile shattered.

"What happened?" Anzu asked, moving ahead of Jounouchi and placing a comforting hand on Ryou's shoulder. "It might help to talk about it."

"Did the tomb robber do this?" Yami asked. Ryou's tears began flowing faster, and his breathing became more audible.

"What did he do?" Yugi asked, genuine concern in his voice.

"We'll give him what-for!" Jounouchi declared, throwing punches to an imaginary target. "No one messes with our friend!"

"H-He's... gone." Ryou said, as if he hadn't heard Jounouchi. "He left..."

"Well, good riddance then!" Jounouchi said. "Never liked him anyway."

Everyone else could tell that had been the wrong thing to say.

Ryou- soft, gentle Ryou- glared at Jounouchi, a glare cold enough to rival his yami.

He shook of Anzu's hand and walked right past Yami, Yugi, and Honda. He didn't even look at Jounouchi as he passed.

His shoulders shook visibly and he was crying again by the time he began descending the steps.

"Nice going, Jounouchi." Honda said flatly.

"What? What'd I say?" Jounouchi demanded, looking back and forth between his four friends.

"Jounouchi, you should learn the art of 'tact' one of these days. Or grow another few brain cells." Anzu said.

Yugi listened half-heartedly as Jounouchi defended himself against Honda and Anzu, but his eyes remained where he had seen Ryou disappear down the stairs.

"Ryou..." he said quietly, concern written plainly across his face.

It wasn't a big surprise to them when the white-haired teen didn't show up for afternoon classes.

A/N: What do you think? Not too OOC I hope! I hope we all enjoyed this- look for the next chapter sometime next week!