Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mokuba's Education ❯ Decisions Made ... Actions Taken ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

(A/N: *Comes in with tissue dabbing at eyes* Arigato minna-san. I appreciate all of the positive support that I have received concerning this fic. This is my first one covering not only this subject, but this pairing. I am so happy to know that there are others out there who find this pairing endearing. As with the other chapters, I'll give a brief disclaimer. Don't own, wish I did, don't sue me cause I'm broke. LOL And now onto the conclusion of "Mokuba's Education"….)

Chapter 3 -Decisions Made … Action Taken

Mokuba had no idea how long he had been asleep, but for the first time in weeks he was able to sleep peacefully and without the dream. He awoke to find that he was still in his brother's bed - his small arms were lying on Seto's firm chest. The small raven-haired boy looked up into his brother's peaceful sleeping face. Sleeping. Seto was actually resting comfortably as well. It made Mokuba's heart leap with joy. So it was obvious … what each brother needed was the other. Mokuba closed his eyes and prayed to the powers that be that they would allow he and Seto to be happy.

It wasn't long before Seto, who was on his back with his hands behind his head, rolled over - his right arm dropping to lazily drape around Mokuba's waist. His left hand fell to his own stomach - fingertips gliding over the thin dark patch of silky hair that dipped into his low hanging briefs. The older boy lowered his head and nuzzled the crown of Mokuba's head. Mokuba could feel the soft and steady inhalations and exhalations emanating from Seto. It comforted him. Mokuba was about to snuggle closer to Seto when he got the sudden urge to urinate. Mokuba cursed a little under his breath because he didn't want to move.

Slowly and ever so carefully, Mokuba moved Seto's arm from around his waist and scooted out of bed and went to his brother's bathroom. It didn't take him long to do what he had to do, flush, wash his hands, and return back to Seto's loving embrace. Just as quietly as he got out of the bed he got back in. The only difference is that when he got back in, he had a pair of beautiful azure eyes beaming at him.

"Ohayo ototo!"

"Ohayo nii-sama. Genki desu ka?"

"Genki mama desu."

Seto lifted a hand and ruffled his brother's hair. "I must admit, I have felt that at peace in a long long time. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I'm glad that we've had a chance to talk about all of this." Seto looked in Mokuba's eyes and could tell that he felt the same way, but there was more on the boy's mind. "What is it Mokuba?"

"Seto, I swear I feel even closer to you now. I've always known that I was able to talk to you about anything. I was just scared to talk to you about all of this. I thought that you would laugh at me."

"Mokuba, I would never laugh at you about anything - unless of course you were doing something worth mirth. You know me, I tend to be a bit of a sourpuss."

"Yeah, too much of a sourpuss at times," Mokuba giggled at Seto before getting a serious look on his face. "But nii-sama, was it … it like this for you? You know, when you hit puberty. Did you go through all of this?"

Seto pulled Mokuba closer to him and stroked the boy's hair as he began to speak. "Well, when I first started feeling these same emotions, I was very scared. I had no one to talk to. Plus, things were just different for me Mokuba. As you know, Gozaburo didn't make things very pleasant for me." Seto paused there for a moment and closed his eyes tightly. It was extremely painful to speak of those days - of the horrors that he had experienced … a lot of them in the name of keeping his baby brother safe. Mokuba had no idea what Seto endured for him and if Seto had his way, he would never find out.

"Let's just say that when I had a chance to do some research, I went to our private library and read a lot. That's how I learned about sex mainly, and found out that what was happening to me wasn't some isolated incident - that I wasn't dying or something." Seto managed to smirk a little at that. Silly little boy. He had honestly thought that he was dying when the sticky sometimes opaque sometimes pearl-colored fluid came from his privates. Seto had no idea. The only thing he knew was that something had to be wrong because this was the same stuff that came out when Gozaburo squeezed him tight and roughly down there over and over. Seto equated the stuff to be like blood because that too had come from down there as well as from his rectum. So to have the liquid come out on its own without him being touched by his adopted father … something just had to be wrong right?

Now Mokuba wasn't stupid, nor was he unaware. He remembered the many late nights that Seto would come back to his room … the sound of tears wafting through the wall to his ears. Mokuba knew that Seto was prideful even then and never mentioned it. But he knew that Gozaburo pushed Seto hard because he was grooming him to take over Kaiba corporation. But Mokuba had an idea, even then, that his brother was enduring unspeakable horrors - horrors that Seto would never utter.

Mokuba closed his eyes and tried to hold back the tears but he couldn't. He had felt his brother's pain and was helpless to do anything about it. Even now, years later, he felt that he was doing little to alleviate Seto's stress and worry. Mokuba sobbed quietly against Seto's chest, his small head moving vertically against Seto's chest - his hair tickling Seto.

Alarmed Seto gently took his arms and put them on Mokuba's shoulders pushing him back a bit so he could look in his brother's eyes. "Mokuba, what's wrong? I didn't mean for my story to alarm you. Please tell me what is troubling your heart."

"Seto. I-I'm so sorry. I couldn't help you then, and I don't think I'm helping you much now. What good am I? Years ago, I could tell that Gozaburo had hurt you in some way and I'm not just talking about hitting you. Those wounds I could see and you couldn't hide. But there had to be mental and emotional injuries that you could hide from me. I watched you lose the innocence in your eyes and the smile you always use to have on your lips. For a while there, you seemed like a spiritless shell."

Mokuba bit his bottom lip at that last statement. His blue eyes went blank for a moment as he reflected on what happened to both he and Seto during the whole ordeal with Pegasus. "I'm sorry for mentioning that Seto. I know we're never to speak of it. But … but … I can't think of any other way to describe how you were back then. You went from happy and outgoing to this zombie-like person. Then as you grew older the zombie-state disappeared and was replaced with this steely, ice-cold persona who was ruthless in business and according to those who don't know you (which is just about everyone except Mokuba) in life as well. It is this last phase that you're still in today. You work so hard, and so long. It's like you're out to prove yourself over and over - like if you don't keep on this mad schedule your whole life is gonna crumble."

The small boy paused before continuing. A small hand rose to wipe away the tears that had gathered on his soft cheek. "Nii-sama, I can see the stress in your eyes. You're exhausted. Please forgive me for saying so, but I think you work too hard. You need a break. What I propose is that you and I take a nice long vacation away from everything - no meetings, no teleconferences, no laptops - unless they're for playing online games, no phones of any sort … nothing to remind you of your corporate life. Now before you object, please Seto … I'm worried about you - about your health. I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you. Please Seto … please!" Mokuba couldn't hold his tears back anymore. He sobbed freely; his small body shivering next to Seto.

Seto looked down at the pleading little angel he held in his arms. His heart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hide the truth from Mokuba. "Moku-chan, I never meant to hurt you. Everything I do, everything I've done … I do it for you. I never want you to feel that you lack anything. I never want you to have to go through the things that I went through. I want your life to be happy, and therefore I'm willing to sacrifice everything for that goal." Seto paused for a moment reflecting on his words. Looking into Mokuba's eyes, he realized the glaring truth … the one thing Mokuba wanted more than anything else in the world was him.

Seto looked down at Mokuba and kissed the crown of his head. "Ototo, I tell you what. I promise to ease up as much as I can as far as work is concerned. And as for a vacation, you pick where you want to go and as soon as we get our next break from school, we'll take a trip … just you and me. How does that sound?"

Mokuba was overjoyed. He raised his small head and wiped away his tears grinning. "Honest? We can take a trip? Oh Seto! You're the best!" Mokuba grabbed Seto and in his exuberance, pulled Seto to him and planted a huge kiss on Seto's lips. Mokuba soon realized what he had done, and broke the kiss looking down … cheeks flushed. "I-I'm… uh…"

"Don't apologize Mokuba. I liked it." To show that he wasn't upset and quite sincere, Seto turned Mokuba onto his back and then leaned over him and gave him a warm kiss … one that was a little longer than the one Mokuba had given him. When he broke the kiss, he looked into his younger brother's eyes to find them filled with love and the budding sparks of desire. Seto backed up a bit … feeling the heat in his own cheeks and a low dull heated ache a lot lower than his cheeks.

For awhile the two laid next to each other just looking at the other. It was obvious that the other had much to say, but neither could figure out a way to begin. Finally Seto broke the silence. "Mokuba, I know that we're both feeling strong emotions right now. But I have to control my urges before things get too far. I don't want to feel like that I've manipulated you into doing something that you didn't want to do. I…"

Before Seto could finish his sentence, Mokuba cut him off. "Seto, whatever happens between us will not be because you forced me or manipulated me or tricked me. I'm walking into this willingly. I love you Seto. I doubt I will ever love anyone the way that I love you. I don't care what society with its double standards thinks … I only care about what you think." Before he lost his nerve, the small boy raised his head and kissed his brother full on the lips - his small tongue darting out of his mouth to casually lick along Seto's bottom lip.

Seto was stunned. He was going through an incredible inner turmoil. Part of him wanted to make Mokuba stop. The other part, the part that was winning, was convincing him all of this was normal and natural and that he should enjoy himself. Seto closed his eyes and laid still. Kami! Mokuba was a quick-learner. What little bit of the porno the boy had seen, was being fully utilized. Mokuba use of his tongue while he was kissing was flawless - it was enough to produce low moans in the brunette. The kisses also were producing a raging reaction in Seto's groin.

"AHHH … AHHH Mokuba!" Seto moaned loudly in between the soft kisses. Seto's mind finally clicked and he gently pushed the small boy away from him. Of course Mokuba looked up disappointed. Before Mokuba had the chance to think that he wasn't pleasing Seto, Seto rolled Mokuba onto his back and began kissing him much the same way that Mokuba had just kissed him. When he stopped, Seto looked down and was happy to see that his ototo's member had began to stiffen. "Mokuba, if you're sure, we can do this. But I want to take things nice and slow okay. If at anytime you want to stop, we can. I want this to be as enjoyable for you as it will be for me. You understand?"

Mokuba nodded his head. His mind was swirling around and around. He could feel the heat in his groin, the pleasurable ache coursing through him causing his nipples to harden. "Seto, I trust you implicitly. We can do whatever you like to do. I give myself to you fully." Mokuba's breathing had already become a bit ragged.

Seto looked in his brother's eyes and saw that Mokuba was fully serious and that he would not have any regrets. So, Seto decided he was gonna go for it - he was going to give Mokuba an education that only he could give him. "Okay, well, I think we should start off with the dream you had. I think it was very very hot. I must admit that I was highly turned on watching you masturbate. I would like to see you do it again … only this time, I will be doing it with you."

Mokuba's eyes went wide before he gave Seto a naughty grin. "Nii-sama, I will like that a lot. But umm … can we forego the entire body massage and just get to the masturbation part? I don't think I can hold out through an entire massage."

Seto grinned at his brother and kissed him softly before answering. "Sure we can skip the massage. I can just give you one later. But that is one of the things that I want to teach you - how to extend your pleasure. Of course technique and resistance comes with time, but if I can impart any knowledge to you in this department, I will be happy to. Well, first thing first." Seto ducked under the covers and placed his hands on either side of his little brother's hips. He grabbed the waistband of his brother's briefs and began to pull them down until they were around his ankles. Seto raised Mokuba's legs and pulled the soft cotton material completely away from his brother's heated torso. His poor brother was actually panting.

Now if this was anyone else, Seto would have tortured the hell out of them. Actually, it would have been an honor for Seto to be in this position with anyone else. Seto was all seme. People … be they male or female … were there to serve him. Seto didn't grant many blowjobs; probably due to the fact that he was forced to give them and accept the foul essence that was demanded he swallow. But this was different, this was someone he loved more than life itself. Seto closed his eyes and opened his mouth. Slowly he enclosed sweet crimson lips around Mokuba's half erect member. His tongue raced up and down the small tool occasionally flicking at the slit in the surprisingly bulbous pink head.

Mokuba thought he was going to explode. He couldn't believe this was happening. It felt so wonderful. He never wanted it to stop. So you can imagine the agonized groan that came from him when the warm wet heat pulled away from his now fully erect tool. "S-Seto! Please don't stop. I-I need you. I need this. It felt so good. Plus I am so close." Mokuba whimpered almost pitifully.

Seto's sapphire eyes filled with understanding. "I know you're close Mokuba, but remember the whole idea of this activity besides providing pleasure, is to teach you control. Now I want you to reach down and take yourself in your hand. Wrap your fingers around your member and stroke yourself slowly. Occasionally reach down and fondle your testes. And if you feel like you're gonna cum, stop what you're doing for a few seconds. Go back to fondling your balls and then start stroking yourself. You'll find that you can extend your orgasm a long time this way. Trust me, when you orgasm … the little self-torture that you've put yourself through will be well worth it. And as I promised, I will teach you by demonstrating myself.

Mokuba watched as his brother got off the bed. His eyes ran up and down Seto's exquisite body as Seto's briefs dropped to the floor. A soft gasp came from Mokuba's lips as he saw his brother's sizable member. Seto couldn't help but grin as he noticed the direction of Mokuba's stare. He climbed onto the bed and crawled over to his curious, and highly aroused little brother. Seto was kneeling so close to Mokuba that it would have been easy for the small boy to move his head and stick his tongue out and touch the soft skin of Seto's penis.

"It's okay. I can see it in your eyes. If you want to try to perform on me what I did to you, it's fine with me. Just promise me that when I ask you to stop, you'll do so."

"I promise Seto." Mokuba's eyes were filled with love and lust. With his eyes locked on Seto's, he snaked his small tongue out of his mouth and tentatively flicked his tongue quickly across Seto's tip. The little cherub found that he actually liked the action and decided to do it again and again … and again.

Seto wasn't about to hide the fact that he was enjoying the feel of Mokuba's tongue against him. "HMMM feels really good Moku-chan. Now open your mouth a little okay."

Mokuba nodded and obeyed. He opened his sweet lips and allowed his brother to slip his manhood further into his mouth. He felt strong loving hands encase the back of his head and gently guided him up and down. The fear of displeasing Seto was completely gone as he watched Seto's head fall back and groan wantonly.

"Oh gods Mokuba! You have such a sweet little mouth. With some more training … you will easily be…" Seto stopped in mid-sentence. Something about calling his little brother `the best cocksucker' didn't quite feel right. But what the hell did he expect? Mokuba was a Kaiba after all… and whatever a Kaiba set out to do … they set out to be the best at it. Seto's hips began to rock and soon he felt himself softly pumping Mokuba's face. He was surprised that Mokuba had naturally fallen into the proper way of giving head. It had taken Joey several tries at this before he wouldn't gag. Seto smirked as he thought of rubbing this bit of information in Joey's face but then thought better of it. Who knows how Joey and the rest of his gang would take knowing that Seto was doing this sort of thing with his baby brother? But then again, Seto would love to see the look of shock on his puppy's face.

"Okay Mokuba, stop. You have to stop now before I cum in your mouth." Seto pulled himself out of Mokuba's mouth panting. Both boys were covered in sweat from their exertions. Seto then sat on the bed and instructed Mokuba to prop himself against the headboard and open his legs. Seto sat facing Mokuba, and he spreaded his legs on either side of his brother's small hips. In this position, both brother's had a full unobstructed view of the others erections.

"Okay, just do what I do Mokuba. You're really gonna like this." Seto took himself in his right hand while his left hand reached down to fondle his balls. Seto's cock was still quite damp with Mokuba's saliva but he decided to stop for the moment to grab the baby oil. He opened the well-used bottle and poured a generous amount over Mokuba's hand and his throbbing arousal. He then did the same thing to himself. "Now go slow. Even though you may have the urge to jerk yourself off quickly, don't. It may seem like you're gonna bust, but you can take it. Trust me, you'll know when you can't take anymore. It will be then that we both can orgasm. Okay?"

Mokuba's eyes were glazed over. He was already highly aroused and didn't know how much more he could take. But he was willing to do what Seto told him to do. He looked from Seto's eyes to Seto's member several times. Seto had the most incredible look on his face. Mokuba didn't know anyone could look so blissful. The small boy mirrored Seto's movement to a tee. Soon he found himself panting and gasping for air. "S-Seto… I-It hurts. It hurts! I need to cum."

"Almost Mokuba … almost. Let go of your penis. Count to ten slowly. Then gently rub your balls and then squeeze them rather firmly. After that, go back to stroking your cock slowly."

Mokuba nodded as tears ran down his face. It did hurt … but it also felt so good … like nothing he had ever felt before. The sensation was out of this world. He did exactly as Seto told him. Amazingly he felt himself calm down and the feeling of him getting ready to erupt subside. It was akin to the feeling of one having to urinate but ending up holding it for so long that it `went back up'. Panting, Mokuba spoke to Seto. "I-It worked Seto. I don't feel like I'm gonna explode anymore."

Seto smiled. Mokuba was most certainly a quick learner. "See. Your big brother knows what he's talking about. Okay, I know you're ready to cum and quite frankly so am I. I warn you now though. This is gonna be really really intense. You're gonna cum so hard that you might umm… pass out. When you feel it start to come, don't be afraid. Let the sensation envelop you and go with it. Scream out if you have to okay?"

Mokuba nodded again and he watched Seto's hand intensely. He saw that Seto had begun to squeeze his testicles harder, rolling them in his hand. He also saw that Seto had begun to stroke his member a lot faster than he had been before. Mokuba's eyes slid shut as he felt an incredible heat that seemed to rise from his toes creep upward. "AHHH AHHH Seto! I-It's too much! Oh Kami! I-I've never felt anything like this. S-Seto!"

Seto knew this was a huge orgasm for his brother and he felt like it was his brotherly duty to help him through it. Foregoing his own release for now, he took Mokuba in his arms and reached down and helped Mokuba jack off. The small boy's head and arms fell on his brother's solid chest as he felt a strong hand pump and stroke him towards the most incredible orgasm that he ever had. But the he felt something that made him cry out in complete ecstasy.

Little did he know it, but Seto had managed to grab the baby oil and completely coat the index finger of his left hand. While holding Mokuba in the crook of his right arm, Seto carefully reached around the love of his life, and ever so carefully spread the small cheeks. It wasn't long before he found the tiny puckered pink entrance. Just like in Mokuba's dream, he stroked the entrance slowly - pressing in gently. But Seto decided to take things a bit further. Slowly, so he wouldn't injure Mokuba, he slid the slick index finger into Mokuba and went straight for the boy's prostrate gland. Between teasing the prostrate and the rhythmic stroking of the small boy's cock, Mokuba's back soon arched and he released the largest stream of creamy seed that he had yet to produce. It was so intense that it splattered all of both his and Seto's stomach. Heck some of it hit Seto in the face falling centimeters from his eye.

Mokuba wasn't quite passed out. But there was no way he was moving or speaking for awhile. His small frame shuddered with the intensity of his release. Seto held onto him and didn't let go until his body started to calm down. When Mokuba stopped shaking, he laid him back against the cool mattress - producing a low moan of pleasure due to the contrast of temperatures. Seto raised a hand and wiped a perspiration drenched patch of ebony from his brother's forehead before kissing him softly.

"Daijouba ka Moku-chan?"

"Hai, Nii-sama. I just feel guilty that you haven't had your release yet."

"Don't worry about me Moku-chan. I will have mine soon enough. You can just lie there and watch me." Seto took himself in his hand and soon stroked himself to a mind-numbing orgasm. "Mo-Mokuba! Oh Kami! I-I- I'M GONNA CUM. I LOVE YOU MOKUBA!" And with several powerful thrusts of his hips, the elder Kaiba came hard. Semen splattered against his chest as well a little bit hitting Mokuba in the chest. Seto was fully spent and he collapsed next to Mokuba kissing him over and over. When he finally pulled away, he saw a grin on Mokuba's face.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing." The small boy couldn't hold back his giggles. "Okay, I'll fess up. So this is what you do with Joey huh?"

"Wha-What? You know about me and puppy?"

"Seto, no one can pick on someone the way you pick on Joey and not like them somewhat. It's cool. I'm not jealous or anything. I think it's cool that Joey is your boyfriend."

"Well, I wouldn't quite call him my boyfriend. It isn't official yet." Seto found himself blushing due to talking about Joey. He had to chuckle at the fact that his smart little brother knew what was going on all along. "Mokuba, what am I going to do with you?"

Mokuba grinned up at Seto and nuzzled next to his chest. He kissed Seto on the chest licking away a small trace of missed cream. "What are you going to do with me? Umm… anything you like. You're giving me an education that I can't nor would I want to obtain anywhere else!" Mokuba smiled at the shock on Seto's face before giving him a soft, passionate kiss.

The End

(A/N: I would like to thank everyone again for their support. I do hope that you enjoyed this fic, and if you would like to see more, please feel free to email me. Depending on the response I receive, I may do a sequel - for we all know that there are many more erotic things these two can get into. ^_~ As with before, please, feel free to review. It's your comments that keep me inspired.)