Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mokuba's Education ❯ The Confession ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

(A/N - Same legal stuff from the first chapter. Don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Just using characters cause I love them so much and I can just see things like this happening. As always, don't read this if this sort of thing offends you. For those who enjoy it … read on and please, feel free to review.)

Chapter 2 - The Confession

Mokuba soon traversed the short distance between his and Seto's room. Mokuba stood at the door and hesitated a moment. He didn't want to wake Seto up if he had finally managed to fall off to sleep. At first he didn't hear anything, but soon he heard a soft sound drift out of the room. The sound was muffled but Mokuba could tell that the sound was coming from Seto's big screen television. But there was some other noise wafting from the room as well. It was a lot lower than the sound of the television but Mokuba was still able to detect it. The sound was guttural and deep. A wave of excitement shot through Mokuba like a thunderbolt as he realized what the sound was. Seto was moaning! A bright sanguine tint developed on Mokuba's cheek as he subconsciously began to envision what his brother was doing. Soon all sound ceased and Mokuba could detect the television being switched off. The smaller Kaiba brother, feeling embarrassed yet strangely aroused, gave up his original notion and turned to head down the hall when he heard his name being called out. Mokuba turned and came back to the door but didn't enter his brother's bedroom.

"Daijouba ka Mokuba-chan?"

"Hai, daijouba nii-sama."

"Mokuba, please come on in. We need to talk."

Mokuba swallowed hard and turned the doorknob and slowly walked into Seto's room. He closed the door behind him. He walked in and stopped a few meters from Seto's bed. His head was down, locked on the plush blue carpet beneath his feet.

"Mokuba, you can come and sit on the bed. It's okay." Seto patted the space next to him. Mokuba looked up at Seto and gave him a warm smile. It had been a long time since Seto had offered to let the small boy in his bed. Mokuba's face lit up and he ran and jumped in the bed next to Seto. Mokuba immediately noticed the box of tissues that were also in the bed with Seto. The boy thought it was best not to ask about the tissues. He could look in his brother's eyes and tell that even though his face was slightly flushed, he definitely had not been crying.

"Mokuba, I'm aware that you know that I haven't been sleeping well lately. I've had … things on my mind. I want you to know that I'm alright and you don't have to worry." Seto gave Mokuba a soft smile as he ruffled the smaller boy's hair. Mokuba closed his eyes and leaned into Seto's touch. He laid his head on Seto's chest like he use to do when he was younger and he threw an arm around Seto's waist. It was then that Mokuba noticed that Seto was slightly sweaty. Mokuba looked up at Seto.

"Seto, are you okay? Your body feels feverish. Should I call the doctor for you?"

Seto smirked a little and mumbled under his breath about the doctor not being able to fix his particular ailment before continuing to run his hand through Mokuba's hair. Seto leaned forward and kissed the crown of his brother's head. "I'm fine Mokuba. I guess I'm just a little tired is all. It's nothing that a nice hot bath, and maybe a few days off can't handle. I'll be just fine don't you worry." Seto looked in his brother's eyes and gave him a bright smile - it was something that Seto didn't do often. Mokuba thought that was a shame too because Seto had a beautiful smile. Heck, he would have given his right arm to hear Seto laugh. Mokuba knew that Seto was under a lot of pressure and whatever was bothering him - and Mokuba knew something definitely was - had to be taken care of and soon. Mokuba just prayed that Seto would open up and talk to him about whatever it was.

For a few moments, neither boy said anything. Mokuba just laid with his head pressed against his older brother's firm chest. His eyes closed as he felt Seto run his fingers through his hair. Mokuba's eyes began to droop and he mumbled a few words to Seto. "Feels good nii-sama. Don't stop." The boy inhaled slowly taking in a familiar soothing scent … it smelled like … like baby oil. Seto's hands continued to twirl in silky strands of ebony as his eyes began to droop closed. He sighed softly at the loving tone in Mokuba's words and soon … for the first time in weeks he was able to fall asleep.

Of course Mokuba's eyes immediately popped open. Something registered in his mind. Baby oil! Mokuba's laid still as his mind was reeling. Hot tears pressed behind his eyelids. He wanted to talk to Seto about all of this … but … what if? No, it couldn't be. Seto wouldn't come in the middle of the night and do something like that. But it most certainly would explain a lot of things. Mokuba didn't know what to do. He was frightened yet excited at the same time. He looked up into Seto's eyes and saw the sweet smile on his brother's lips. Mokuba didn't have the heart to wake him up. Curiosity got the best of Mokuba and he reached over to the grab the remote control. Mokuba turned on the television and pressed the small button that activated the internal DVD player. Just as he thought … Seto was watching some porno … and not just any porno - oh no! It was filled with hot young males in every possible position imaginable doing every kind of sexual act known to man.

Mokuba swallowed hard and looked from the television screen to Seto's face and back to the television screen. Eventually the action on the television got to Mokuba and he slipped a hand under the cover to grip his member. It didn't take him long to entice himself to full erection. While he was watching the erotic film, flashes of his own dream came to him and little by little the identity of his mystery lover began to come to him until he had a full image in his mind. Tears began to stream down the boy's face as his hips began to move a bit faster. He tried to control himself, but since he was new to self-arousal, he couldn't help himself. Grabbing some tissue, he wrapped it around his cock as he came hard. Mokuba laid his head on Seto's stomach - his breath was labored. Slowly he tilted his head upward and he got the fright of his life.

Artic blue eyes were staring at him. A look of lust filled those eyes as well as something else … a look of heart-breaking sadness.

"S-Seto, I …"

"Shhh. Don't speak right now Mokuba. I have things I need to think about. Maybe it's best if you return to your own room."

Mokuba couldn't take it anymore. He began to cry like he hadn't cried in years. "Seto please … don't reject me. I did nothing wrong. I love you. I will do anything for you … even … even that."

Seto looked at his brother a bit confused. With an arched eyebrow he began to speak slowly. "What are you talking about Mokuba?"

Mokuba looked at Seto with his mouth agape. Could he have been wrong? Could Seto honestly not have done what he for a moment thought he had done? This only made Mokuba cry harder. Seto didn't know what his baby brother was crying about, but it didn't matter. He hated to see his brother in so much pain. He wrapped his arms around Mokuba's small shaking form and held him tightly. He spoke softly to him and tried to soothe him by stroking his hair.

"Ototo, gomen nasai. I didn't mean to hurt you. I - I was just embarrassed that you found out what I was watching. That's all. I-I have desires and …"

"SETO! Don't you get it! I have the same desires too. I don't know what's been going on with me lately. I get erections at the drop of a hat. I keep having these weird dreams, and for the past month or so now, I wake up most mornings sweaty and I have semen everywhere. Seto what is happening to me? I'm really scared Seto. And-and … I think that … that … I'm in love with you." Mokuba spouted all of that out before burying his head in his brother's chest - sobbing again.

To say that Seto was shocked would be an understatement. This was the first time that Mokuba had ever raised his voice to him, let alone screamed at him. A knowing smile crossed Seto's face. Ah puberty. He knew he would eventually have to have this discussion with Mokuba. He was going to address each of Mokuba's concerns. But first he wanted to hear about these `weird dreams' for the way Mokuba just reacted … there was a bit of information that he needed if he was going to be effective in helping his little brother.

Mokuba told Seto the entire dream. When Mokuba got to the baby oil portion, Seto's eyes went wide with understanding. His baby brother thought that he … that he would …

Seto closed his eyes. He couldn't hold the tears back anymore. Seto was visibly shaken. Partially because Mokuba would think that he would be capable of doing something like this, but also because well… he had once in a while thought of what it would be like with his brother. Seto did carry this guilt with him, but never once had he acted on it. But something happened tonight. Thanks to the fact that he was well versed in controlling his emotions, he was able to suppress the erection that was dying to develop a few minutes earlier. It took Seto every bit of will power not to reach down and jerk off as he watched Mokuba please himself. It was a strange mixture of emotions. On one had he was appalled that he was getting aroused by watching Mokuba. But on the other hand, the part of him that loved Mokuba more than life itself, thought it was a beautiful act and wanted Seto to take things to another level with his brother.

Mokuba was afraid. It wasn't very often that he witnessed Seto crying. "Seto, please don't cry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.."

Mokuba didn't get to finish his sentence. Seto had leaned forward and gave his brother a warm, loving kiss. "Moku-chan, you have nothing to apologize for. It's just that all of the love that I have for you just hit me all at once. I know what your dream means. First let me say, that I have never touched you inappropriately while you slept. That's just something I wouldn't do to you. I would rather get up in the night and find someone to quench my arousal before I touch you in that manner. Having said that, I have to be honest and tell you that on more than one occasion I have had to get up in the middle of the night and go to a club and find someone for the evening. I'm not proud of it … but I would do anything to keep you safe … even if it's from me."

The smaller Kaiba nuzzled closer to his brother, and he kissed his brother's chest softly. Mokuba had managed to calm himself and he listened to Seto's loving confession. Well, it was out there now. They both admitted how they felt about each other. The question now was what they intended to do about it.