Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Morning ❯ "It's cold Kura..." ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bakura hustled through the door hurriedly with the kitten under his arm. The wind blew against his back blowing a few leafs in with him. He shut the door and sat the cat down taking off his coat and hanging it on the rack. The kitten rubbed up against his leg still purring.


"Oh stop it."


Bakura picked up the kitten and headed towards the kitchen.


"Your not going to like me as much when I am through with you."


He picked up the plug to the sink and placed it in the drain. He ran some warm water as the kitten sat on the counter next to him. Bakura rummaged through the cupboards bringing back to the sink some dish towels and hand soap. The kitten tilted his head cutely as he looked from Bakura to the running water.


"Oh don't give me that, you know what's coming." Bakura said as he pumped some soap from the dispenser in to his hand. He then picked up the kitten with his soapy hands and brought him over the sink. When the kitten's fur was thoroughly soaked he began so lather its fur up with the soapsuds. By this point the kitten was digging in to Bakura's wrist with razor sharp claws trying to stand in the rising water squirming around as hard as he could meowing.


"Hold still you little rat."


He laughed to himself. This kitten really did look like a half drowned rat. He continued to scrub away at his fur then pulled the plug and let the water drain.




"Well get your tail out of there."


At this point the kitten had ceased his struggle and was just holding on for dear life when his tail started to slip down the drain along with the brown soapy water. Bakura pulled the kitten out of the sink and placed him on a towel he had laid out. Hi picked up another towel and started rubbing the kitten dry. When he lifted the cloth he saw the kittens fur was all fluffed up and almost pure white. He looked up to Bakura with toughs bright green eyes and let out another long pitiful meow.


Bakura reached out to the cat to pick him up but kitten backed up in to the wall, did its best imitation of a hiss and sneezed.


"Told you, you wouldn't like me after this. Now come here, I have to get you ready to see Ryou."


Bakura picked up the sneezing cat and headed back in to the living room.



There was a silence through out the house.


"Ryou get down here!




Ok I didn't want to make a separate chapter so I am just switching view K?

You are now back in that steamy bath room with Ryou who is only wearing a towel around his waist.




The mist swirled around his arm as he reached for the handle.




Ryou's extended hand shook, as it stayed suspended in the air. He's home already. What douse he want? Tears rolled down his face he wasn't ready for him to be home yet.


"Ryou get down here!"


Oh no. He was mad to. Ryou wiped his face and twisted the handle to the door. Steam spilled out of the doorframe. He better answer his yami. He poked his head out of the door and looked past the railing down in to the living room where Bakura stood looking up at him.


"Yes Yami?" he said as cheerfully as possible.


Bakura glared up at him.


"Bakura." He corrected. "Don't ever call me Yami. Now get down here I have something for you."


Ryou blinked in astonishment.


"Y…yes Bakura -sama." Ryou opened the door wider stepping out of the little heated room and in to the chilly air now surrounding him.




He shivered and wrapped his arms around his chest. He walked over to the railing and griped it firmly.


"Right now Bakura? I am still wet and its cold out here…"


"Ryou just get down here. You can get dressed in a bit."


Ryou stepped down the stairs one by one dreading what his Yami had in store for him. He wished he had been at least clothed when his yami decided to come back and vent his anger on him. He wondered what it would be tonight. He hoped it would just be some bruises. He could cover toughs up fairly well. He shuddered. That knife was still some where in the living room probably under a couch cushion. He reached the last step and turned to Bakura. He was standing right next to it. Ryou could see the glitter of metal sticking out just a bit under a pillow and Bakura's hand dangled at his side inches from it. He closed his eyes and said a silent prayer.


"Ryou what are you doing? Get over here."


Ryou's eyes snapped open and he walked over to Bakura. Something was odd about him. He was smiling.


"Bakura are you alright? Oh my gosh! You're bleeding!"


Ryou ran over to Bakura reached for his hand.


"Bakura," Ryou said as he lifted Bakura's wrist up. "You know you can't kill yourself. Come up here. I have some bandages for you."


"Ryou." Bakura laughed. " I wasn't trying to kill my self here, I just wanted to give you this."


Ryou's eyes went wide as he looked up to the kitten Bakura held up in front of him.

"Oh Kura! He's beautiful! Thank you so much!"


Ryou wrapped his arms around Bakura surprising the spirit a bit.


"I am sorry I yelled at you and I am sorry I wouldn't clean you knife for you and I am sorry I didn't want to wear your ring any more. I am sorry for making you unhappy with me. Oh thank you so much!"


Bakura stood there holding the little kitten almost in a trance. Ryou was hugging him. He had made his host happy. He looked down at the mass of white hair snuggled up against him. Oh his hair smelled good.






"One," he said playfully "I have never heard you call me Kura. Two don't ever say your sorry so many times in the same paragraph and three what are you going to name him?" He held the kitten up and Ryou scooped him up and held it close to him. Ryou looked deep in to the kittens green eyes.


"I don't know yet," he said setting the kitten down. " But lets go take care of toughs screeches neh?"


Bakura held up his bleeding wrists and looked at them.


"I am fine Ryou. Its nothing that I am not use to"


Ryou picked the kitten back up and sat down on the couch cuddling up with it. He looked up to Bakura and tilted his head.


"What do you mean Bakura?"


Bakura sighed and sat down next to Ryou smiling.


"Nothing. I have just had a lot worse then these. That's all. This is nothing Ryou."


He wiped some blood off on his pants hand held the wrist up again showing Ryou.


"See? They are very shallow cuts and they will heal fast to. Shallow cuts don't hurt because they don't go deep enough to cut any little sensors that your brain picks up. Unless you aggravate them with salt or sweat. Or even hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. So I am not going to let you fix me up with that crap cause I don't want my perfectly fine writs stinging like hell afterwards and I prefer scabs over toughs plastic band-aids that pull all the hair off you arm when you pull them off. Your blood is actually working to heal you when it pools up like that."


Ryou of course wasn't looking at the tiny cuts as more blood droplets formed.


"Bakura… thanks for talking to me and all. It's really nice of you to do. But you're grossing me out."


Ryou rested his head on his yami's shoulder as the kitten started to purr in his lap.


"I am really tired Bakura."


Bakura looked down at his light with sad eyes.


"I am really sorry for what I have done to you Ryou. You should have never gone through any of the things I have done to you."


A smile came to Ryou's lips as he closed his eyes.


"Its ok Bakura-sama. I forgive you." Ryou moved closer to his yami's body.

"Kura I am so cold."