Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ MSfAT: You'll Always Matter ❯ Ok, Mom. ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Yami awakened in a hospital bed, with clear eyes. He doesn't get the chance to look around before his mother hugs him, having been waiting at his bed side since she was called there. "Oh, Yami, my baby! What happened to you?" she cried hugging him tight. He hugged back, and looked at her confused. "What... what did happen?" he said getting her to move so he could sit up in the bed. "Yami, don't move too fast!" she warned. "I'm fine now, mom." he says with a soft smile to her. All she could do was cry more. Suddenly, there was a laud bwhale right next door to them. "Oh, Yugi! Yugggggggggggggi!" a woman yelled. Yami got out of the bed and to the door, before he recoginied the voice as Yugi's mother. Yami's mom didn't stop him, but followed close behind and they both witnessed the mother Moto and grandfather Moto is tears. "My baby! WHHHHY!?" she cried out, and almost feel over losing the feeling in her legs. Thankfully, Grandpa was holding her too tightly to let her fell. 2 tall male doctors came out of the room with a body in a black body bag on the rolling bed, walking towards to 'vator. Yami just watched the doctors take Yugi's body away, and turned back to the family. The hard pain hit Yami's chest again, and he leaned on the door frame, and slowly sled to his knees, suddenly in tear also.

"Yami!" his mother went down to him, and called for help. A male nurse came over and helped Yami back into his bed. The nurse quickly took his blood pressure, and asked him to describe the pain he's feeling. "Hard... like someone kicked me inside my chest." The nurse recorded everything he needed to record and left to get a doctor. Atemu appeared next to him, floating in a setting position looking down sadly in silence. "Yami, don't worry. Everything will be ok. Ok?" his mom said sweetly. She was worried, but she never let anything make her too overwhelmed to comfort her son, no matter her she felt. It's like she was putting more faith into him, then she had herself. He gave her a sad smile, wishing he could tell her what happened, but she wouldn't understand.

A few days later, Yami was released from the hospital. They told him to take it easy for a while, that meant no football this season, but he could continue to do light labor at the store he worked it. It was also suggested he eat more sweets. He wasn't one for candy, but he made note to add more fruit to his diet.

Yami woke up, and wipes his watery eyes. Ever since he saw the doctors take Yugi away he had been re-play the whole thing in his head awake, and in his dreams. He cried in his sleep and became visible depressed. All he could tell people someone very near and dear to him died. He didn't know how he was going to tell Joey, Tristan and Tea-- Tea! How was he going to kill or fall in love with her new boyfriend? He sat on the bed as he prioritized things. First, his mom. He had to confess why the gay porn was under his bed. Then, the Motos. He didn't know how to tell him Yugi's death was his fault, but he would. Then, Joey and Tristan, which was the easy part. Tea, too, if he could get a hold of her. No one had seen much of her since she started going out with Malik. Then he had to deal with said Malik, after his birthday.

"I don't want to go to prison for murder," he said aloud, openly talking to Atemu. "I doubt you'll have to worry about that. The Gods have their ways," he replied only in voice. "You may as well explain why I have to kill him," he says looking forward, and Atemu appeared at the foot of the bed, sitting facing away from him. He's looking down with his arms crossed, hesitating to speak. "Go on," Yami says. "I... I raped Malik..." he coldly admitted. "He tried to kidnap Yugi, first. Then, he tried to kill me. And then,... he captured Yugi, tortured him, and killed him," he said before putting his hands over his despaired face. "And, what did you do after that?" he asked. "I killed myself. I could live without him...," he answered. Yami narrowed his eyes and shook his head. Not out of disbelief of the dead king. Out of the disappointment in that being where he saw himself going. The world was gray, and nothing could cheer him up. He could manage a sad smile at anything, but that was it. It was like he was going through the mental stages of accepting death, in perfect health. Or health that was once perfect. He wouldn't be surprised if he developing a heart condition in all this.

"Well, first thing's first," he conceded getting out of bed. He washed up, and went down to his mother, who was making breakfast. "Good morning, sweetie!" she said brightly and he smiled. He walked over to her and hugged her gently. "Mom..." he signed in her chest. "I love you, ok?" he said and she hugged him back. "I love you, too. You know that." he replied. "I want to tell you... about the gay stuff I had." She pause, then turned the food down so not to burn it. "I was in love with another boy, but I couldn't admit it, mom. Now everything's ruined." he said. "Not as long as you're live, my son," she offered hopefully. "But, he's dead. That was him in the body bag," he explained with tears form in his eyes, but he voice wasn't breaking. She was silence for a moment. "We all make mistakes Yami. You have to make it as right as you can, now," she said, and he looked into her identical colored eyes. "I through all that stuff away. You don't have to worry about seeing it anymore," he said with a light smile. "Oh, boy's will be boy's. I'd rather you look at porn, than practice unsafe sex habits," she said being bright again. Yami stared at her for a moment. "Now, breakfast?"she added. "I LOVE YOU, MOM!" he said hugging tighter and almost tackling her. "I love you, too... but that hurts!" she yelled back, still smiling. "Oh, sorry," he said with a light blush.

They ate breakfast, and Yami headed out. First the Motos.
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