Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ MST of "Erotic Fantasies" ❯ Chapter1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

MST of "Erotic Fantasies"

Story by Nesha, MST by Sasha J


Sasha Janre

Skye Hatheway

Bakura Akuma

Marik Ishtar

Seto Kaiba

Note: Rating's NC-17 folks, so be wary. Also, it'll stand for any jokes and language from particularly, Sasha, Skye, Bakura and possibly Marik. If you want your standard "why are they there?" story at the beginning of these things…there was a flux in the space time portal thing. Also, Sasha, in the Role Play I have with Amy, she's married to Kaiba (Through a duel, are you surprised?) and Skye's claimed Joey.

Nesha: Welcome, and thanks for wasting your time with me! This is my first Seto fic, especially considering that I was an anti-Seto fan. But… anyway, this fic is starring Seto and Isis. If you don't approve of this pairing, then leave and go somewhere else! Also, this fic will contain, SEX!!! And I mean graphic sex!!! (At least, I hope it's graphic.) If you don't approve of sex in fan fiction, then leave! It's not my job to "baby-sit" anybody that is underage who's reading this story. So, if you know that you're too young, or offended by explicit sexual material, then GO!!!

Seto: Why must they torture me like this?
Marik: *glares* Stay the hell away from my sister, Kaiba!
Sasha: I think someone had fun with the bold command.
Skye: *rolls her eyes* Dear lord, what are they going to do? Tell you it sucks? That's what we're here for!

This is also an Alternate Universe fic, so that basically means that it won't relate to anything dealing with the YGO manga or the anime! Okay, now we've gotten that settled, let's continue with the fic!

Marik: So we're jumping right into it?
Sasha: If only you knew.
Bakura: *smirks* you're rather at ease with this whole thing.
Sasha: Hey, I chose the story. I'm going to have fun with this one.

Ages: Seto Kaiba - 18, Isis Ishtar - 22

Skye: Into older women, eh, Kaiba?
Seto: *looking ill*
Bakura: Hey, the real fun hasn't even started yet!

WARNING: Some of the characters might be OOC, but I hope you'll still enjoy reading this fic. Moreover, there is a certain twist to this story: EVERY CHAPTER IS GOING TO BE A LEMON!!! (At least I'm going to try to make it that way.)

Sasha: Didn't we already go through this?
Marik: Apparently not.
Skye: Every chapter we have to be sick to our stomachs?
Bakura: Looks like it. At least we won't run out of things to make fun of.

By the way: Words in italics indicate a dream, flashback, or emphasizing of a word.

Seto: Oh God…
Sasha: I liked my flashbacks better.
Bakura: *smirks* me too.
Marik: All that blood and torment, we're a lot a like!
Seto: … Oh GOD.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything! Please don't sue me…

Skye: (Owners of Yu-Gi-Oh!) Too late! *Massive lawsuits*


All: …?
Marik: …what the hell was that?
Sasha: Divider.
Bakura: …Indeed.

Erotic Fantasies: Chapter 1

Kaiba laid Isis down on the satin covered mattress. He stared in her aqua-colored eyes, to her chocolate flavored skin, licking his lips. Damn, how he wanted to taste her!

Sasha: Well that was rather fast.
Seto: *eyes wide*
Bakura: Does brown skin taste like chocolate? *Licks Sasha*
Sasha: Eh! Not while Seto's here. *Laughs*
Skye: *dies laughing*

He kissed her lustfully on her full lips. Isis allowed his tongue entry, and together their mouths made love. Kaiba closed his eyes and groaned deep from within his throat. She tasted good, damned good. However, there were other parts of her body he wanted to sample.

Marik: *dryly* Well wasn't that romantic.
Skye: Wow, didn't know you had it in you, Seto!
Seto: *trying to hide inside of his coat*
Sasha: Jeez, why don't you try anything like this with me?
Bakura: >=) I'll gladly do it.
Seto: ABSOLUTELY NOT! *Glares*

Kaiba finally released his lips from Isis, causing a whimper of protest from her. Kaiba only smirked and continued to trail his kisses from her jaw line, neck, collarbone, only to stop in between her breasts. He propped himself on his elbows and stared at her full mounds.

Bakura: Mounds of what?
Marik: Dirt?
Sasha: Yes. Her breasts were made out of dirt. You idiots!

His left hand lightly stroked her nipple, causing Isis to shudder. He chuckled as he continued to fondle her. Kaiba watched Isis' facial expression became a mixture of lust and passion. He closed his eyes, lowered his head, and suckled her breast, like a baby nursing from its mother.

Skye: Now…I'm all for similes, but do you want incestuous images?
Seto: *weakly* I guess if you're going to sin, might as well go all the way.

Isis moaned as her fingers clutched Kaiba's head. He continued nursing from her, enjoying the feel of her in his mouth. His tongue flickered across her nipple, while his other hand toyed with her neglected breast. Kaiba's head bobbed up and down as he continued to taste her. Opening his eyes, he noticed that he created a small, red bruise near her areola. Chuckling, Kaiba moved his head to give Isis' neglected breast the same oral treatment.

Bakura: *idly* so, does he do this with you?
Sasha: Are you kidding? I had to duel him to marry him!
Marik: (neglected breast) Yes, play with me, Seto! I feel so alone and cold!

After he finished feasting from her mounds, Kaiba gave them one final squeeze before lowering his head towards her navel. There, he dipped his tongue inside and gently nibbled her. Isis chuckled at his touch at it tickled her skin. He kissed his way lower until he reached the junction of her hips. He took in sight of her womanhood as it glistened in the moonlight from her natural honey.

Skye: WHY do you call them mounds?
Seto: How the hell would I know!?
Marik: *snickers* well at least we know your performance makes the women laugh.
Seto: *glares* Shut the hell up, you like guys.
Bakura: *flatly* the aforementioned "womanhood" is more than one organ, and I seriously doubt she'd be having an orgasm already.

Swallowing hard, Kaiba lifted Isis' thighs over his shoulders, stole one final glance at her, licked his lips, and went in for the kill…

Sasha: Yes! Death!
Skye: I don't think that's what she meant, dear.
Sasha: =P I can interpret it anyway I want.

"Mmm… you taste good," the CEO of Kaiba Corps whispered into his pillow. He continued to suckle on his pillowcase until it nearly choked him. Gagging, Kaiba woke from his naughty dream. He noticed his body was soaked from sweat, he was rock hard, and his pillow contained a large saliva stain.

Bakura: Now, what if Mokuba walked in at that moment?
Sasha: What, do you think he's as stupid as everyone else? The kid's a genius!
Bakura: True…
Marik: Mm…pillow!
Seto: *tries to stab himself with the jutting out parts of his coat*
Skye: There's a sight I'd love to wake up to! ^_~

Clearly embarrassed and utterly pissed, Kaiba turned over and sat up. He looked at his digital clock on his nightstand and nearly fell out of bed. It was 3:48 am and here he was, having wet dreams about a woman like a damned inexperienced teenager!

Sasha: Oh, there were other women?
Seto: No! Seriously! There…uh…*realizes he's screwed either way*

All of this is her fault! That damned bitch! If he'd never entered her antique store yesterday, this would've never happened. Kaiba sighed and closed his eyes, replaying the events of yesterday in his mind…

Skye: I thought she ran a museum exhibit.
Marik: It's AU, remember? Keep whatever continuity we have.
Skye: Right, my bad.


Sasha: This doesn't deserve five stars!
Skye: Will you quit stealing jokes from my first MST?

Seto Kaiba and two of his most trusted bodyguards stood outside of Ishtar's Antiques. He was currently looking for a small gift for his number one employee, Helga, his house cleaner. The aged woman has been with him and Mokuba since he took over Kaiba Corps. Her birthday was arriving next week, and Mokuba of course, suggested purchasing her something nice. Kaiba decided to stop at an antique shop, hoping to find the old "battle axe" as he often called her, a gift.

Sasha: *gushes* How cute!
Seto: Ugh…*blushes and hides more*
Bakura: Battleaxe, eh?
Seto: I don't hire people named HELGA.
Marik: Isn't that…name discrimination or something?

Upon entering, he expected to find an old man, wearing thick glassed, a tacky, outdated pantsuit, and a baldhead to appear in front of him. Instead, he spotted a scantly clad Mai Valentine reclining on one of the antique sofas. She was sitting cross-legged, which exposed her long, ivory legs in her micro skirt. Her feet were covered in expensive, designer-brand heels. She looked at Kaiba, scowled, and continued talking. It was then; Kaiba noticed that Mai was speaking into her cell phone.

Skye: There's a shocker, Mai dressing like a slut.
Sasha: Kind of like you.
Marik: Where the hell did she get this money?
Seto: Maybe she actually married that Jean-Claude-Magnum idiot.
Bakura: But she talks all the time! Does it need to be on her cell phone?

Kaiba muttered an obscenity under his breath and stood in front of her. "Where is the owner," he demanded rudely.

Marik: You couldn't look for her yourself?
Seto: Why do that when I can get someone else to do it? You should know that point better than anyone.
Marik: Good point…

"Hold on," Mai told her caller. "I'm busy, Kaiba."

Seto: You don't turn me down!
Skye: Easy Kaiba-boy.

"I don't care! I asked you a question: Where-is-the-damned-owner?"

Sasha: Down there, *gestures vaguely* can't you see?

"I'm right here," a sexy, feminine voice spoke.

All: ….-_-; …
Bakura: Then the voice suddenly turned male and Kaiba was horrified (or excited, depends on if you're a yaoi author or not) that the voice belonged to Yami Yugi.
Sasha: Eheh…

Kaiba turned around and looked at the owner of Ishtar's Antiques. His vision filled with the lovely image of Isis Ishtar in a cream-colored business suit. Her thick, silken, raven colored-hair flowed past her waist, and at that moment, Kaiba wanted to know what it'll feel like if he touched her strands. It was probably as soft and silky as it looked.

Seto: Well vision does fill with sights, one would think.
Marik: Get my sister out of your sights, Kaiba!

He gazed into her aqua-colored eyes, which were settled perfectly in her mocha face. Her eyes, they weren't blue, but they weren't green either. He never had seen such a color before. Her eyes shined like aqua diamonds. Her full lips were covered in a coffee-hued lip gloss. Kaiba's eyes trailed lower and there, he noticed an awkward, but beautiful necklace around her neck. It was gold, and it had an eye symbol in its center.

Skye: But there's no such thing as aqua diamonds.
Bakura: All this talk about chocolate, coffee, I'm getting hungry.
Sasha: Do you even eat?
Bakura: I don't have to, but it's an acquired taste.
Sasha: Ah…

Lowering his gaze further, Kaiba's eyes continued their journey to Isis' chest, where two large and firm breasts rested comfortably, stretching the material of her suit jacket. Not caring about how she felt at this moment, Kaiba let his eyes roam her body further. He licked his lips as he saw her All McBeal-length skirt hug her thick thighs and hips. Looking at her long, shapely mocha legs, he instantly pictured them wrapped around his waist, or better yet, his shoulders. And finally, her feet were covered in a pair of matching, cream-colored heels, which gave Isis a much taller appearance.

Marik: I'm assuming by the misuse of Ally McBeal, Isis turned into a stick?
Seto: I don't think like this! All I'm there for is for something for my stupid maid!
Sasha: It doesn't sound like that's all you're there for.
Skye: I would have to concur.
Bakura: You'd think she'd notice him eying her so much.
Skye: Seto doesn't strike me as the pig-ish sex type.
Seto: That's because I'm not!

Kaiba met her gaze with an arrogant smirk, and said, "You're not what I expected."

Bakura: Sadly, that's what I expected him to say.
Skye: Yeah, he's a bit of a jerk, isn't he?
Seto: I'm still here!

"My name is Isis Ishtar," Isis told him, ignoring his statement. "I'm the owner of Ishtar's Antiques." She extended her hand, but Kaiba refused it.

Sasha: He preferred to stare at her body some more. How professional.
Bakura: Hey, he's horny, who cares about business?
Sasha: Well you prefer to do business and be horny, so I'm not surprised.
Bakura: Heh…

"Well it's about time you arrived. I'm looking for a gift for an old battle axe."

Skye: (Isis) You give gifts to inanimate objects?
Sasha: (Seto) Well my computer already got its anniversary present.

Kaiba's two bodyguards chuckled, while Isis gasped.

Bakura: That Kaiba, so full of kind words.
Seto: Oh, like you know what `kind' means!

"Look, I frankly don't give a damn about why you're here. But keep your disgusting insults to yourself!"

Marik: Well you should care since the richest guy in Japan walked into your store looking to buy something! Think financially, woman!

"Lady, do you know who you're talking to," one of Kaiba's bodyguards said. "This here is Seto Kaiba, the most powerful man in Japan. He's also the CEO of Kaiba Corps."

Marik: *annoyed* Didn't I just say that?
Skye: Well you said something similar, and you'd think Isis would see his coat all monogrammed with KC and stuff. It's not hard to miss the damn thing.

"That's right," Kaiba smirked. "So I'd suggest that you address me with a little more respect. Now," his face was mere inches from Isis'. "Where-can-I-find-a-damn-gift-for-an-old-battle-axe?"

Sasha: (Isis) I don't sell fetish items.
Skye: (Seto) That's not what your sign said! >=)

By now, Mai finished her phone conversation. She sat with her chin rested comfortably in her palm, watching the entire soap opera-like display.

Bakura: I hate to say it, but Mai might be the only smart one there.
Marik: I'd have to agree.

Isis closed her eyes and silently counted to ten. "Follow me." She turned around and headed for her antique doll collection. As Kaiba followed, his eyes instantly zeroed on her full bottom. It was round, and by the way Isis' hips moved to her ever step, he knew it was incredibly soft, too."

Skye: Jeez, Kaiba, I didn't know you were such a slut!
Sasha: So he's an ass man?
Marik: *looks ill* He's sizing up my sister's ass! I'm going to be sick!

Without warning, Isis kept her legs straight and bent over to pick up a porcelain doll. Kaiba had to choke back a groan as she presented him with a full view of her rear. He looked underneath her skirt and noticed she was wearing a pair of cream-colored thongs. Isis exposed a little more of her flesh to him, and whether he would admit it or not, he was attracted to her: sexually attracted to her.

Bakura: She was wearing more than one thong?
Seto: *has his hand permanently plastered against his face*
Sasha: It seems he really wants to admit he wants to nail her.
Seto: *aghast* Sasha!
Sasha: What? It's true, isn't it?

Isis rose and turned around to face him. "How's this?" She showed him a small, porcelain doll.

"I'll take it," Kaiba grunted, although he never looked at the damned thing.

Marik: For all you know, she could've held up a little figure of yourself wearing Yami's clothes.
Seto: …Shut up.

"Right this way," Isis smirked. She walked behind her counter and stood at the cash register to total the price for the doll.

Sasha: And Isis, now being the smart business woman that she should've been, racked up the doll for a good two thousand.
Skye: And Seto, being the idiot that he is, paid it.

"You don't look like you're from around here," Kaiba said as he casually leaned against her counter.

Bakura: (Isis) Very good. I'm from Egypt. Have a good star. *Plasters it to his forehead*

"I'm not," Isis replied as she continued working on her cash register. "I'm African-American. I'm originally from the United States."

Marik: No, you're originally from Egypt, in Africa!
Sasha: *helpfully* She did say it wasn't following the guidelines.
Marik: *Frowns* I hate having my nationality insulted.
Bakura: *pained* Yes, we know.
Skye: (Isis, working on the cash register) Assembly required my ass!

"Well I guess…" Kaiba trailed off.

"…Guess what," Isis' brow rose.

Seto: Not a lot, I know everything for sure.
Bakura: *snickers*
Seto: *annoyed* What?

"I shouldn't purchase anything from here. I'm with the Ku Klux Klan, you know," he smirked devilishly.

Sasha: *blankly* Because you're a redneck in the southern states.
Skye: I think he was trying to be adventurous.

This time, Isis leaned over the counter to face Kaiba. She noticed that he looked incredibly handsome with his blue eyes and brown hair. He was tall, lean, and from what she heard about his reputation, a total asshole. She smirked also as she replied, "Well, I suppose you should leave then. I would hate it if you wasted your money in a … 'nigger store'."

Marik: Well aren't we being risky with our racial comments.
Bakura: Asshole? That's Kaiba to a T!
Seto: *indignant* Calling the kettle black, aren't we?

"Touché," Kaiba replied. "Since we're on the subject of money," his eyes traveled to her exposed cleavage as he spoke into it. "How much is that damn doll gonna cost me?"

Sasha: (Isis) Eyes up here, Casanova.
Bakura: (Seto) I'm talking to you, aren't I?
Skye: Zing!

Isis rose as the cash register made a ca-ching sound. "Four hundred and seventy-five yen, no tax."

Marik: I don't think we're doing exact conversion here.
Sasha: Isn't 1000 yen a dollar American?
Skye: Something like that.

"What," Kaiba bellowed as he rose from the counter. "This is an outrage! 475 yen for a fucking doll?"

Bakura: Well they're not called antiques for their cheap price, Kaiba.

"Kaiba…" Isis smiled. "I run a special kind of store here. My merchandise does not have price tags and…" She thrust her chest forward and kept her chin held high. "If you have to ask or make a scene about any of the prices on my items," Isis' voice lowered as she whispered in his ear. "Then it means that your broke ass can't afford it! Now, do-you-want-the-damned-doll-or-not?"

Sasha: Way to go, Isis!
Seto: You're on her side?
Sasha: Well, fic you isn't exactly Mr. Gentleman.
Bakura: *snickers* Looks like you've been shut down, Kaiba.
Marik: (Seto) No, I'd rather have random sex with you!
Skye: (Isis) Fair enough!

Kaiba chuckled. This woman has clout. She was pretty, no beautiful, witty, and sexy as hell. No one ever dared to speak to him that manner, but she did. He'll let it slide, since he's sexually attracted to her, after all.

Sasha: Well if THAT'S all it took to scam Seto Kaiba-
Skye: Then we'd all be damn millionaires by now!
Bakura: Didn't you talk to him like that, Sash?
Sasha: Eh…there were more swears involved, needless to say, it was more colourful than what Isis was saying.
Marik: I didn't think you were as easy as Isis.
Seto: *looking around for an escape*

"Fine, I'll buy it." He reached in the pocket of his trench coat to retrieve his leather wallet. Kaiba opened it, and prepared to hand her the money, but Isis raised a hand to stop him.

Bakura: Actually, what she raised her hand for was to slap him.
Skye: On the ass!
Seto: *groans*
Skye: Oh you like that, huh?
Seto: No!!
Marik: If he throws up on me, you're going to be gutted like a fish, Hatheway.

"Oh," she chuckled. "I forgot to mention that I'll only accept cash. I don't want your dirty checks or credit cards."

Seto: My checks aren't dirty!
Marik: They just bounce.
Seto: No they don't! I have more money than you do!
Bakura: You have more money than the Government of Canada!

"I like your style, woman," Kaiba smiled as he handed Isis some folded bills. "Keep the change."

Skye: Hey Isis, can you spot me a few bucks?
Marik: Have you no shame?
Bakura: You're a fine one to be talking about shame.

"I will, and here's your doll. I do hope the uh… 'Old battle axe' enjoys it." Isis gave Kaiba a small box which contained the porcelain doll. "Have a nice day," she waved.

Sasha: (Isis) I hope I'm in your wet dreams!
Bakura: (Seto) You're the starring role!
Seto: Argh…

Kaiba didn't reply. He and his bodyguards left the antique store. Isis exhaled a breath and walked from behind her counter.

Skye: Putting her .45 colt that was in her hand back on the counter.
Marik: People today, so violent.
Sasha: Are you just FILLED with contradictions today?

"He's got some nerve," she told her best friend, Mai Valentine.

Bakura: They're best friends?
Skye: Well that's something new.
Sasha: Of course he does, he's a millionaire! Like a prince, he has to act like the world's not good enough for him!

"And he likes you, too," Mai smiled. "If I were in your shoes, I'd go for him."

Seto: Please don't. I don't want to waste time with carbuncles.

"Why? Because he's young, rich, dangerous, and fine?" Isis and Mai both chuckled. "Hmm… we'll just have to wait and see what happens…"

Sasha: Dangerous? With what? The BEWD'S he throws at people?
Skye: Of course, because paper cuts are DEADLY!


Bakura: Are we back to real time?
Marik: Would it honestly matter?

Kaiba angrily threw his thick blankets off him and stood. He removed his boxers, walked into his master bathroom and turned on the light. Turning this "cold" nozzle counter clockwise, he ran an icy shower. Stepping in, he welcomed the freezing water on his inflamed skin. Looking down, he noticed that his manhood was still solid. Shrugging, Kaiba grabbed himself and began stroking. Shit, in the state he's in, he needed a good jerking-off, anyway.

Sasha: There's a sight I like, him walking to the bathroom like that.
Seto: *blushes brightly*
Bakura: You honestly thought cold water was going to cure that?
Seto: *says nothing and shrinks further into his seat*

_________________________________________________________ __

Skye: All hail the minus signs!
Marik: I hail nothing.
Sasha: Except a cab since your bike broke. XD
Marik: I know you were behind that!

Nesha: Well, that was chapter 1. What do you guys think, should I complete it or delete it? You decide.

Seto: I personally hate it!
Bakura: You're just upset because you're not getting laid!

A personal note: People, please don't get offended by the KKK comment Kaiba made. I simply wrote that because I thought that would be something he'd tell Isis. I'm a Black female myself, and I just decided to put that in for… flirtatious reasons. If I did offend anyone, I apologize. And also, that statement Isis made about her merchandise and prices came from a movie: which, right now at the moment I can't remember the name. But it starts Laurence Fishbourne.

Sasha: No! Not Morpheus! *Sobs*
Skye: *pat* There, there, you Matrix nerd.
Marik: Well at least she apologized for it.
Seto: Those things would NEVER come out of my mouth!
Bakura: Pity it didn't, you might've actually become *interesting* then.