Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ MST of "Erotic Fantasies" ❯ Chapter3-mercifully, the end. ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Nesha: Thanks again for wasting your time with me. I do apologize for the short story, but 3 chapters are all I could come up with. Like I said before, this is my first Seto and Isis fic, and 3 chapters was all I could give you. (And to think, this was originally supposed to be a one-shot!) Oh, well. Enough of my rants, read on!

Skye: I am wasting my time! It's far more valuable than this!
Marik: No, it's not
Sasha: *tosses a dime at her* Here, I just bought you for an hour, sit down
Skye: =P Jerk *sits*
Marik: It was supposed to be a one shot?
Seto: What happened?
Bakura: She liked you too much to leave you with wet dreams and jerking off in the shower >;)
Seto: *groan*

Ages: Seto Kaiba - 18, Isis Ishtar - 22

Skye: I thought we already established this
Sasha: This is in case we forgot.
Marik: Should I be taking notes?
Seto: Please don't
Bakura: I don't think notes can help *you* XD
_________________________________________________________ __ ___________________________________

Sasha: *nods*
Skye: That's a lot of minus signs..
Seto: Have you been following the fic so far? It deserves each and every one
Bakura: You're just saying that cause you're not getting laid XD

Erotic Fantasies: Chapter 3

Kaiba and two of his bodyguards from before entered Ishtar's Antiques. It was 10:03 am, meaning that the store opened 3 minutes earlier.

Skye: Excatly 3 minutes earlier
Bakura: And was already full of customers, thus thwarting Kaiba's plans.
Marik: Well, Ishtar's Antiquues does seem like a popular place.

"Wait outside," he told his bodyguards. "I'll let you know if I need your assistance." His bodyguards obeyed his command.

Seto: Well of course they did, that's what they're PAID to do!!

Kaiba closed and locked the door after they left. He turned over the "Open" sign so it'll read "Closed." Turning around, he stood face-to-face with Isis Ishtar.

"What are you doing," she asked.

Skye: Without a question mark, I might add.
Marik: That's not important.

"I'm making sure we won't be interrupted," he answered nonchalantly.

"What do you mean, 'interrupted'?" Isis slowly backed away from him, just as Kaiba advanced towards her.

Skye: (Seto) Well you know, when people come into the store thinking it's open, and...
Sasha: Shut up.
Seto: NO, turn the sign back around! Then customers will come and I can flee!
Sasha: Please do

"I want you, Isis, and I'm determined to have you. I can't stop thinking about you; I'm constantly dreaming of you, I want you."

Isis continued her backwards pace until her back encountered the cashier counter. "I think you should leave," her voice shook.

Seto: I think I should, too!
Sasha: I second that motion.
Skye: No, no stay!
Bakura: If youleave now, we'll never get to all the hot sex!
Marik: What if they break some of the antiques?

"I can't, and I won't do that." Kaiba gazed lustfully at Isis. Her facial expression showed fear. Dammit, he didn't want her to be afraid of him; he just wanted her to understand. In one quick motion, Kaiba kissed her. It was a simple peck on the lips, which soon turned sensual.

Bakura: He just wanted her to understand that he needed to have random sex with her!
Marik: But tht's difficult ot comprehend
Skye: Well, Seto hardly strikes me as the fiery passionate type
Seto: Hey! I'll have you know--
Sasha: *clamps a hand over his mouth* That's enough out of you, dear.

Kaiba massaged his lips into hers, creating a sexy rhythm. Isis' hands caressed his face until… she slapped him!

Bakura: NIce one, Isis! XD
Skye: I'd have to concur
Seto: Geez...

Stumbling backwards from the impact, Kaiba held a hand to his redden cheek. Angry, he began to advance towards Isis again, until he witnessed what she was doing.

Marik: Wow, for achick, she sure can hit hard. Mind you, ti doesn't seem like it'd take much force to send Kaiba stumbling.
Seto: *scowl* Now, dare I ask what was it she was doing?
Sasha: Calling the police?
Skye: Getting out her gun?
Bakura: Getting out some condoms from behind the counter?

Isis unbuttoned her suit jacket, one-by-one. She removed it from her shoulders, revealing an aqua-colored, lacy, Victoria Secret bra which matched her eyes, perfectly. Smirking at his shocked expression, Isis continued. She unzipped her slacks and inched them lower past her hips. She kicked off her heels, and her pants followed.

Sasha: She unbuttoned the jacket, one by one? One by one what?
Seto: Buttons, one would assume
Sasha: Well, it should say that, people might get confused. That wording sounds like she undid the jacket one by one.
Skye: Ooh, lingerie *_*
Bakura: For someone who was so scared a few paragraphs ago...
Marik: What do you mean? I always tke offmy clothes when I get scared!
Bakura: For some reason, that doesn't surprise me.
Marik: =P

Standing before him, Isis leaned backwards until her elbows rested on the counter top. She crossed her legs at the ankles, silently thanking Kami for the bikini wax she recently received.

Skye: Ouch >.-
Sasha: That sounds like a rather uncomfortable position
Bakura: And a bit unbalanced
Marik: I'd laugh if she fell right now

Kaiba's vision filled with the lovely sight before him. Isis wore a lacy, turquoise bra and matching thongs. The sexy lingerie accentuated her eyes exactly. Around her neck, she still wore the odd, gold necklace, and a smile. Her index finger curled as she silently told him to come to her.

Seto: Yes, one's vision does have a tendency to fill with sights.
Skye: Uh.. she's wearing more than one thong?
Marik: Apparently, one just wasn't uncomfortable enough for her.
Bakura: You'd know, wouldn't you? XD
Sasha: The Millenium TAUK! Wait.. why would she be so surprised when he showed up then? It would have told her he was coming...
Skye: Fic logic. Er, antilogic.

Kaiba obliged to her silent demand. He reached out and grabbed one of her laced-covered breasts. He sighed; it was soft and full, just as he imagined. With his free hand, he grabbed the collar of his trench coat and spoke into the microphone implanted there.

Marik: (Isis silently demanding) Make me some coffee
Bakura: Groping!
Sasha/Skye: *crack up at the microphone thing*
Seto: Hey! I like my communicators! *pets his Coat*

"Make sure no one comes in," he told his bodyguards as he continued to fondle Isis.

"Right," both men replied simultaneously.

Removing his trench coat, Kaiba threw it carelessly on the floor. He turned his attention back to Isis' chocolate breasts.

Seto: My Coat! *horrified*
Sasha/Skye: X!D!
Marik: Chocolate, eh?
Bakura: She better hurry before they melt XD

"You have the most perfect breasts. Has anyone ever told you that before," he asked as both of his hands squeezed and reshaped her mounds.

Skye: It's called a QUESTION MARK! It Comes after QUESTIONS! *flails and is restrained by Sasha and Bakura*
Bakura: Dare I ask what he reshaped her "mounds" into?
MArik: BEWDs would be the logical assumption
Sasha: *snicker* I'd have to agree
Seto: I hate you all

Isis closed her eyes and sighed at his touch. "Kaiba…"

"Please, call me Seto," he replied as he remembered how she screamed his name in his dreams.

"Seto…" Right now, Isis was shuddering as Kaiba tweaked her hardened nipples.

Bakura: *mocking* Please call me Seto~
Seto: Shut up *scowls*
Skye: Wow, he tweaked both of them? He's *talented*
Sasha: Tweak harder, theymight fall off, being made of choclate and all..

"I can play with your tits all day, you know?" He felt his pants become tighter as his manhood stiffened. Kaiba turned her around until Isis' back was pressed against his chest. He felt her soft flesh mold against his hard body, making him hornier beyond imagination.

Seto: Look, a question mark *points*
Skye: *overjoyed*
Bakura: What, is she made of plastecine? All this molding and reshaping.. *shakes head*
Sasha: Beyond imagination, you say? *looks at Seto with a raised eyebrow*
Seto: *shrinks in his seat* It's not me!

His left hand covered one of her breasts, as his right hand slipped in between her legs. Kaiba rubbed his fingers against the crotch of her soaked thongs, causing Isis' legs to buckle. He held her in place to steady her balance.

Marik: She soaked both of them?
Skye: It's lemon land, every female must gush obscene amounts of fluid.
Bakura: It didn't take much t get her really turned on either
Skye: Yep, keep her balanced, Seto

While he pleasured her breasts and swollen clit at the same time, Kaiba suckled on her earlobe. He gently scraped it with his teeth. Suddenly, Isis began moaning in pleasure, as she felt Kaiba grind his pelvis into her buttocks.

Sasha: What else is new? *rolls eyes*
Seto: Hey!
Bakura: Wouldn't she be "moaning in pleasure" form the touching and not the grinding?
Marik: You never know with women

"Your ass is so soft," he whispered as he flicked his tongue against her ear. Kaiba's hands moved to her waist as he grinded himself into her faster and harder. "This is exactly what I'm going to do to you. I'm going to hit it from the back so I can feel your ass against me." Kaiba bent her over against the counter and continued to grind her.

Seto: I don't talk like that!!!
Sasha: Tell me about it
Skye: If he keeps that up, he's going to be done before they even do it.
Bakura: Well, if that's what you're going to do, why don't you just *do* it instead of talking about it?
Marik: yeah!
Bakura: Dude, you remember that is your sister, right?
Marik: Oh Ra! *covers his eyes* Can I be excused?
Sasha: No.

Isis nearly choked from shock. Kaiba sounded exactly like one of those guys from porn movies. Never in her life did someone speak to her like that, and it aroused her like crazy!

Skye: You know, eh does sound like that...
Bakura: And you would know, how?
Skye: Starred in a few? ^^;
Bakura: I knew I recognised you from somewhere!
Sasha: *clears throuat loudly*
Skye: Right so, uh, anyway..
Marik: *peering through his fingers* It aroused her even more? Geez, they'r eboth gonna drown if this keeps up

Isis wiggled her bottom into his thrusting penis to heighten the pleasure. She held on to the countertop as Kaiba continued to grind her.

Bakura: We get it. Come on Seto, show us what kind of moves you've got
Seto: *groan* *slump*

Finally deciding that enough was enough; Isis turned around and stood in front of him. She removed the pins from her hair and let the silky strands flow past her waist. Isis tossed her head from side-to-side and smiled.

Skye: Her hair's not that long!
Bakura: Oh give it up. What are you, jealous?
Skye: Are you kidding? *tosses her own mid-thigh-length hair*
Bakura/Malik: *play with it*
Seto/Sasha: *roll eyes*

Automatically, Kaiba's fingers intertwined with her strands. He smoothed her tresses down her back and cupped her bottom. Giving it a light slap, he grinned.

"Are you ready for this? Because once you have me, you're not going to want anyone else. I know that you'll instantly become sprung."

Marik: Automatically, eh?
Bakura: He wasn't grinning before?
Skye: Nope. He needed to smack her around a bit first. You know he's really afraid of women XD
Seto: *pulls his Coat up over his head*
Bakura: Not only that, but arrogant as hell, too
Sasha: *trying to pull The Coat off him* But we already knew that
Bakura: True. I'll bet I'm better anyway >=)

"A little arrogant, aren't we," Isis raised a brow.

"I'm just confident," Kaiba grinned.

Sasha: Again, tell us something we don't know
Bakura: Or you know, just stop talking and get to the sex
Skye: *rolls eyes*

Isis replied with a passionate kiss to his lips. She tugged at his black turtleneck sweater until it was over his shoulders and on the floor. Soon, his shoes and pants followed after. She stared at him, looking at his Calvin Klein boxers. There was a large bulge in the center and Isis licked her lips. She couldn't wait to have that penis inside of her.

Bakura: CK?
Skye: I'm disappointed. I was expecting KC or at the very least, BEWD ones..
Seto: KC doesn't manufacture underwear
Skye: Well maybe they should.
Marik: You know, his pants are usually awfully tight.. could he even fit boxers underneath?
Seto: *shrinks down further*

Pushing Kaiba backwards onto the antique sofa, Isis straddled his hips and stared into his blue pools.

Seto: I have 3 pools, you know. And a hot tub.
Skye: I don't think all of those would have fit into the antiques store XD
Sasha: I, uh, don't think that' s what she meant, dear.
Seto: I could hope...

"How old are you," she asked.

Skye: QUESTION MARK! *flails*
Bakura: Shh! Down in front!

"What does it matter," Kaiba snorted.

"I just want to make sure that you're legal, that's all."

Skye: XD Yeah, otherwise she could be arrested for statutory rape
Sasha: Nowthat would make for a good story *nods*

"I'm eighteen."

Bakura: Legal, but just barely
Skye: Just the way you like em, eh?
Bakura: That or younger, you know... I look like a minor myself and it's not like anyone would believe I'm 5000 years old *preens*
Marik: *trying to choose between watching and not watching, still peering through hisfingers laced over his eyes*
Smirking, Isis continued. "Have you ever been with a Black woman before, Seto?"

Skye: Correct me if I'm randomly colorblind, but Isis isn't black, is she?
Bakura: Not last time I checked. She's brown, like Marik and Sasha *pokes each of them*
Sasha: *swat*
Marik: Ooh, do it again *_*
Bakura: You wish

This question caught him off guard. Kaiba stared at her and answered honestly. "No, I haven't."

Marik: (Isis) Seto, have you been with any woman before?
Bakura: (Seto) No ma'am *hangs head*
Seto: Hey!
Skye: Need me to teach you anything? ^_~
Seto/Sasha: *simultaneously* NO!
Bakura: XD

"So… that means I'm your first, right?" She poked him in his chest.

"I'm curious about a little saying you have…"

"What 'saying'," Isis' brow rose.

Marik: Well yes, if he's never been with one before, of course she's his first. Geez.
Skye: Such a stupid question he doesn't even answer it XD
Bakura: *pokes Seto in the chest too*
Sasha: Hands off, Bakura *bares fangs*

Kaiba smirked at her perplexed expression. "It's 'the darker the berry, the sweeter the juice.' Is it true?"

This time, Isis smirked also. "Wanna find out?" Not giving him a chance to answer, she pushed Kaiba on his back. She lifted her hips to remove her flimsy underwear. Tossing them aside, Isis moved her body forward until her wet pussy was right above Kaiba's lips. "Taste me."

Skye: Wow, kinda, uh, forward, in't she?
Bakura: Like you're one to talk
Skye: Good point.
Marik: ISIS! *covers his eyes again* I'll never look at her the same again.
Sasha: I knew you learned that fromsomewhere *glares at Seto*
Seto: *sobs*

Without hesitation, Kaiba feasted on her bittersweet flesh as though it was the last meal on Earth. He licked her as his hands found their way to the center of her lacy bra. In one quick motion, Kaiba literally ripped the damned thing in half. With her mocha breasts exposed, Kaiba fondled them like a horny teen.

Bakura: With no hesitation whatsoever.
SKye: XD (Isis) Hey! That was expensive!
Marik: It's not like Seto couldn't afford to replace it
Skye: True!
Bakura: He uh, kinda, *is* a horny teen, isn't he?
Seto: I am not!!
Bakura: XD

He slurped her natural honey and suckled her swollen clit. Removing his hands from her breasts, he grabbed her buttocks and rocked them forward to increase the oral pleasure that only he could give her.

Skye: ONly YOU can prevent forest fires!
Bakura: And only Seto can eat Isis out. Nobody else is allowed to XD
Seto: *weakly* I believe the term is cunnilingus
Sasha: You're not helping your case *glower*
Seto: *whimper*

Isis threw her head back and clutched the arm of the sofa. She squeezed her eyes shut and cried out his name. She grinded her hips into his mouth and bounced up and down on his lips to increase the pleasure.

Bakura: Then she bounced so hard that she broke his nose
Marik: Or his teeth
Skye: (ISis) Sorry bout that.. you don't need those, do you?

Kiba's tongue entered her vagina where he licked her inner walls. He rapidly ate her out until she released her honey into his hungry mouth. He happily licked every drop of her, and lifted her from his lips.

Marik: He is quite talented indeed
Bakura: I thought she had alredy released her "honey"
Skye: We must have missed the part when she became a beehive

"I guess what they say is true, because your juice is very sweet."

Sasha: So glad you enjoyed it, dear *eyes him*
Seto: *groans and flops back* IT's NOT ME!

Isis shuddered as she slowly recovered from her orgasm. "I'm glad you liked it. Now," she lowered her body until her face was at his boxer-covered crotch. "I want to know how you taste." She peeled the material from his skin, exposing his thick, length. She stroked it, pleased with it's size as it increased with her touch. She ran her firm tongue against it, causing Kaiba to groan.

Skye: Well maybe that's how he hides them under those tight pants, peeling them off him would involve them being closely stuck to his skin.
Bakura: *grins lewdly at Sasha* How does he taste?
Seto: *embarssed*
Sasha: Bastard *shoves Bakura*
Skye: *boredly* "It's" doesn't need an apostrophy

"Masturbate me," he said. "I want you to jerk it for me."

Bakura: XD Apparently he couldn't do a good enough job on himself
Seto: I don't talk like that...
Skye: So you say. The fic says differently
Seto: The fic also says Isis has hip-length hair!
Skye: Good point *frowns and ruminates on this for a while*

"Alright," Isis replied. "I will." She placed his penis in between her breasts. She gave her mounds a firm squeeze until his penis was trapped in between them.

Bakura: But if she squeezes to hard, she'll destroy all that lovely reshaping Seto did on em XD
Marik: (Seto) Hey! That's not what I asked for!
Skye: It's trapped! XD Not getting that back anytime soon, Seto

Slowly, she worked him with her soft breasts, causing Kaiba to grunt in pleasure. Smirking, Isis continued to "titty fuck" him. Kaiba's hips rose from the sofa as he relished in the pleasure she gave him.

Isis took the mushroom-shaped tip of his penis into her mouth. She released her breasts from around him and used her hand as a replacement. She pushed more inches of his manhood into her mouth, until the tip reached the back of her throat.

Marik: Where it triggered her gag reflex and she vomited onhim?
Seto: No such luck, I'm sure *groan*
Skye: What lovely adjectives, I must say.
Bakura: At least she's finalyl doing what he asked her to
Sasha: *twitch*

Saliva slowly dripped from Isis' mouth as she gave corkscrew-like suctions on his shaft. As she deep-throated him, her hand worked the rest of his length that wouldn't fit.

Skye: Eww, she's *drooling* on herself?
Bakura: Yeah, Seto does that to people XD
Marik: Wow *looks fromthe screen to Seto's pants*
Seto: *crosses his legs* Stop that! *pulls The Coat over his lap*

Kaiba's hand tangled in her thick tresses as he groaned in pleasure. "Oh, fuck yeah," he moaned. "Suck my dick, just like that." His body vibrated as Isis worked him.

Bakura: You talk too much, Seto.
Skye: Especially when he's telling her to do something she's already doing
Sasha: *withering glare @ fic*
Seto: eeehhh~ T_T
Bakura: I prefer making my vic-er, partners scream *nasty smirk*
Marik: Heh...

She felt his penis throb with the beginnings of his orgasm. As she tasted his pre-cum, Isis stopped to lift her head and stare at the hazy-eyed Seto Kaiba. She smiled to herself. She'll never understand how they ended up together, today.

Marik: Well, it all started when he walked into the shop...
Skye: If she's deep throating him, I don't think she could taste anything. That would involve her tongue and taste buds
Seto: Why? Why am I here, watching this??
Sasha: *flicks him* Cause I said so

Kaiba sat up and gave Isis a lustful kiss. It aroused them greatly as they tasted themselves on each other's lips. Isis' hands clutched the back of his head as she deepened their kiss.

Gasping for air, Kaiba said, "I'm ready to fuck you."

Bakura: About damn time
MArik: Can I please be excused?
Sasha: No.

"From the back," Isis joked.

"Exactly." He flipped Isis on her stomach, lifted her rear, and entered. He sighed as overwhelming pleasure enveloped his body. Kaiba pressed his stomach on Isis' back and rested his chin in the crook of her neck. He continued to thrust into her roughly, making Isis yelp every time their bodies came into contact.

Bakura: Didn't know you liked it like that, Seto
Sasha: Odd,neither did I
Seto: Make it stop!
Skye: Eh, he's already more creative than Joey *shrugs*
Marik: Ouch

Kaiba shuddered as he felt her tight, wet warmth engulf his member. Her inner walls clenched him as he increased his brutal stabbings.

Bakura: Brutal stabbing? *perks up* This just gets better andbetter!
Sasha: Did he stab her to death? In a bloody and painful way?
Skye: I'm afraid not, dear *patpat*

"You have… uh, some good… oh, pussy," he grunted in her ear. "Shit, your body feels… mmm… so, fucking… good."

"Oh, Seto," Isis moaned. "Fuck me… ah, fuck me…"

Skye: And still with the porn dialogue.
Seto: For the third and hopefully final time, I don't talk like that!
Bakura: Methinks the lad doth protest too much XD
Sasha: No, believe me, he's not lying

Kaiba increased his thrusts as he lifted his torso from her back. He balanced himself on his knees and clutched her shoulders painfully, as he felt his release coming. Kaiba rotated his hips into hers until he ejaculated inside of her. Soon, Isis followed afterwards. Their juices slid down their thighs and landed on the sofa, staining it.

Marik: Now she'll never sell that sofa. What a shame.
Skye: "Soon, Isis followed afterwards." Gee, redundant much?
Bakura: That was quick.

Kaiba sighed and lay backwards on the sofa. He folded his arms behind his head and gave a satisfied smirk. Isis turned around and straddled his stomach.

"You are good," she said

Bakura: (Seto) Damn good, and you know it *smirk*.

Kaiba reached up and grabbed both of her breasts. "Tell me something I don't know."

Skye: *gives Bakura a gold star for calling it*
Marik: Stop groping her. You hd your fun, now get out so we can all leave *flails*
Seto: I regret to say I ahve toagree with the psycho on this one.

"I'm better," she said.


"Really; and I'll prove it." Isis hovered about his stiffened manhood and lowered her body onto it. She placed her palms on his chest and slowly rode him. Kaiba squeezed and reshaped her mounds as he grunted in pleasure.

Skye: Wow, he's still hard?
Bakura: And he's reshaping her mounds again
Marik: Well of course, she squeezed the shapes out earlier
Seto: *tries to bury his red face in Sasha's lap*
Sasha: *holds him an arm's length away*

He sat up and lowered his face to her chest. Taking a cocoa nipple in his mouth, Kaiba greedily suckled it. Strange noises were created with each suck. He continued to feast on her breasts as she still rode him.

Bakura: Strange noises indeed. Like.. maybe, sucking noises?
Skye: No way. Hehe, he feasted on em. Ate up all the choclate and Isis had no boobs left XD
Marik: *tries to visualize the positioning then wishes he hadn't and curls up* Sasha, I'll never forgive you for this! That's my sister, for Ra's sake!
Sasha: *smirks* Payback, Ishtar

Isis rocked her hips forward and backward as she pleased the CEO of Kaiba Corps. She suckled his neck, making sure to leave a passion mark there. Her motions became faster and harder as she whispered in his ear.

Bakura: *leans in close to examine Seto's neck for passion marks*
Seto: Gah! *swats* Away!
Marik: *snicker*
"Do you like it baby? Uh, tell me you… ah, like it."

Skye: Yes, Seto, "baby", tell you how much you like it ^_~
Sasha: *arms folded* Please do
Seto: Argh... *slumps further*
Bakura: Careful, you're gonna fall out of your seat

Kaiba released his lips from her breasts and whispered, "I love it. Your pussy is so tight, and… uh, my dick is… shit, real sensitive to it."

Marik: Well they do tend to be..
Bakura: His dick is shit? XD
Seto: *growl*
Skye: Well Sasha hasn't seemed too impressed so far..
Sasha: Hmph.

He wrapped his arms around her hips and matched her rhythm with his own thrusts. He gave a couple of hard slaps on her bottom and growled in pleasure.

Seto: *puts his face in his hands*
Marik: *looks at Sasha seriously* Does he hit you, too?
Sasha: No...
Bakura: *slaps Skye and growls* Nope, didn't work
Skye: Bastard

Isis' body shook as she cried out Kaiba's name as she came. Kaiba also released his seed into her a second time. She collapsed on top of him, panting heavily. Their bodies shimmered from sweat as they grinned at one another. Reaching past the arm of the sofa, Isis grabbed a quilted blanket and wrapped them in it. She closed her eyes, rested her head on his chest, and released a contended sigh.

Skye: Well I'd hope she'd be calling out Seto's name, not anyone else's XD Then she collapsed on him like a dilapidated building.
Marik: (Seto) Help! You're crushing me! *dies*
Bakura: He released his seed, eh? No protection? Tsk tsk, Kaiba, what if you got a disease? Or a child? XD
Seto: *muffled through his hand* It's. not. ME!
Sasha: For your sake, I hope it's not. Hmm, now she won't be able to sell that blanket either.
Skye: (Sigh) I'm free! Finally free!
Bakura: And the sigh was a contender! For what we're not sure, but it was "contended!"

"I'm speechless," Isis yawned. "And sleepy."

Sasha: She impressed herself into speechlessness?
Skye: Pfft, I'll bet I'm better ^^
Bakura: I'be got about 4981 years on you, I think I'm better >;)
Skye: =P Prove it
Seto: Talk business outside, okay? Geez.

"So it was that good," he grinned.

"Don't get cute, go to sleep, boy."

Marik: (Kaiba) *obediently* Yes ma'am
Seto: I was already cute *preens*
Sasha: *rolls eyes*

"Boy? I'll show you that I'm all man." Kaiba climbed on top of her, lifted her legs over his shoulders, and entered her, again.

Bakura: AGAIN?? And I thought I could last a long time!
Skye/Bakura/Marik: *all turn and stare at Seto*
Seto: *turns an intruiging shade of crimson and tries to hide*
Marik: Wow.
Skye: *whimpers* Can I borrow him, Sash?
Sasha: NO!
Bakura: *laughs at Skye* I'm gonna tell Joey you said that
Skye: XP


Bakura: Ninja stars? *picks em up and hurls them at the fic*
Sasha: No 5 stars here
Skye: I'd go with one. If that
Seto: Minus 5!

"So," Agent J, Kaiba's first bodyguard said. "How long do you think Mr. Kaiba will be in there?"

Marik: A while, considering he's starting for the third time in what, 5 minutes, and isn't even tired.
Sasha: Such creative names, too
Seto: I don't name them, I just hire em. Besides, not like Kemo or Croquet were any better =P

"I dunno," Agent K, Kaiba's second bodyguard, answered. "What do you think he's doing?"

Sasha: (Agent J) Purchasing antiques of course.
Bakura: (Agent J) I don't know, but he's been in there an awfully long time Maybe he's in trouble! *Agents draw guns and burst in*
Skye: XD Poor Agents

"Beats me," Agent J said. "But I hope he hurries up, because I'm hungry."

"Me, too." Both Agents J and K sighed as their stomachs growled.

Marik: Me three~
Skye: Me four.
Bakura: Yeah come on, *Mr.* Kaiba, hurry up, everyone's starving.
Seto: Oh go blow it out your ear, spirit.
Sasha: Was that it?
Skye: I have to admit it was a far more clever ending than I could have come up with. Hence why I never finish stuff
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Nesha: That's it. R & R please? I have nothing else to say. May sometime in the future, I'll write a longer and better Seto/Isis fic

Seto: Halleluia! It's over! *victory dance*
All: *watch him, amused*
Sasha: How's this for an R&R? *tosses a tomato*
Skye: She's speechless.
Bakura: Yes, write another one!
Sasha/Seto: No, don't!
Bakura: She said it'd be better *shrug*
Marik: Whatever, it's over and I'm hungry. See you losers later *saunters out, followed shortly by the rest of the cast*