Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved ❯ A Pissed Yami ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authoress: Hey ppl^^ I am in the mood for typing so lets get another chapter going here!

Yugi: You better fix this screwed up story! Yami is mine…*Sobs*

Anzu: *glomping Yami* So hot, so hot, so hot….

Yami: *flushes*uhhh….

Yugi: AHHH! THE TOURTURE! *Glares at Authoress*

Authoress: Don't Worry Yugi I will change it ok, you think I would allow that to happen?!

Yugi: yes….

Authoress: -_- Well your wrong, no I wouldn't let that happen…Anyway I am also going to start answering/replying to reviews. I know that ppl have reviewed this story since chapter one so I am going to do all of the reviews now then I will only do the newest ones…that way it all works out…. I hope that makes sense…?


Yes, Yugi and Yami 4ever! I love them so much, and I am also glad Yugi has a new friend! ^^


Don't worry next chapter is up, and thank you for the review^^

Schwarz tot schwarz das bloot

Thank you for the review but was my spelling and grammar really that bad???


Aww you guessed what was gonna happen, but don't worry Yami will only be with Anzu for a while, b/c I would never really do that. Yugi and Yami 4ever! I also thought about your second idea. Yami being the manga way…I don't want him completely insane but you gave me an idea for later on, so I thank you. Bloody Yami…. *Licks lips*Yummy^^


Hello. Thanks for the review, Yugi and Yami all the way^^

Stwabewwy Cotten Candy

Thank you, thank you very much. ^_-


*Giggles* Thanks for the review Wing and Silver. I really appreciate your kindness^^ I will not let Anzu be victorious! *Runs off with lab top*


Yep I also liked the health class part^^ Poor Yugi. He has never had sex…*thinks then smirks* I wonder if that will change. Anyway your guess on what Anzu wants was probably right, >.< What a slut! *Cusses out Anzu*


I like it when Bakura abuses Ryou sometimes, only if they make up later in the story though. I did write one though about Ryou and Bakura with Bakura abusing Ryou…but Ryou killed himself in that story and it was a depressing story. I guess I was in a bad mood *shrugs* But thanks for the compliment as well.


I love them too^^ And I will update as soon as possible*grabs lab top and types*


It had been about a week since Anzu and Yami started going out, and being Anzu she had already informed the whole school. Over the past few days Yugi had become quiet and rather gloomy. Every time Yami tried to cheer up his Aibou he only seemed to make it worse. To be honest Yami was utterly confused.

He thought that making Anzu happy would make Yugi happy due to him respecting and caring for his friends so much, but for some reason Anzu's happiness brought Yugi sorrow and Yami was going to get to the bottom of it no matter what it would take.

Due to Yami's absence at school Anzu would drop by Yugi's house on a regular basis, even if she wasn't invited. It was now Monday and school they had just left school. Yugi had been walking home with his friends the last week, but this week Yugi didn't seem up to it and decided to walk home alone.

Anzu had some how talked Yami into walking her home instead of going with Yugi. As bad as Yami felt about him not walking home with his Aibou something told him to let Yugi be alone for a while, he was hoping time alone was all the young teen needed to start feeling better.

"Yugi are you sure you don't want me to walk home with you?" The darker of the two questioned. "No Yami I'm fine you go ahead and go with Anzu." Yugi replied. Yami raised an eyebrow in his direction. "But Aibou why-," He was cut off as Anzu grabbed a hold of his arm. "He will be fine Yami, besides I want you to walk me home." Yami frowned and glanced at his Aibou once more. Yugi merely nodded and began to walk home alone.

Yami sighed and allowed himself to be drug off with the rest of Yugi's friends. Yami didn't see how Yugi put up with some of these people. They were nice at times, but as nice as Yugi was to them…they didn't deserve Yugi's kindness.


Yugi continued on his way glancing at his friends and his Yami one more time before slowly trudging down the sidewalk. Yugi sighed, he was on the verge of tears, ever since Anzu had started dating Yami it was as if Yami didn't have time for him any more. He felt as if Yami didn't care about him anymore as well. Yugi also hated how Yami kept his end of the link so unreadable all the time. Yugi could never since any of Yami's emotions yet Yami could read him so easily.

Yes, Yami could still talk and had the link open, but none of his emotions ever showed it was like there was a second barrier behind the first. Yugi sighed again, why was he always thinking about Yami? Yes he was one of his best friends, but did he think about Yami too much some times?

Yugi shook the thoughts off and continued walking taking out some of his frustration on an empty can that lay on the sidewalk. He continued to kick it down the pavement until he finally reached that alley again. This time he didn't even stop to think and just ran past. Yugi hadn't got beat up on his way home form school for some time now, but it was only because Yami walked home with him.

Now Yugi was alone and once again scared. He ran past the alley and stopped running a good distance away catching his breath. He then continued on his way home, which wasn't too far away now. Yugi looked back with a relieved sigh when he saw no one there. However some one was there and they advanced quickly upon the smaller teen.

Before Yugi even knew what had hit him he found himself once again in that dark alley way up against the wall. Yugi looked up at his attacker expecting to see on of his usual bullies, but instead it was a different person, someone Yugi had never seen before. It was an older man maybe in his 30's. (A/N: Damn allies! They always cause a problem. They are scary too!)

The man smirked down at Yugi and advanced upon him pressing him up against the wall further with his own body. Yugi whimpered and struggled trying to get away. But the older male only punched Yugi in the stomach, hard. While Yugi struggled to inhale oxygen the man roughly pinned Yugi's arms above his head scrapping his hands on the brick wall.

Yugi cringed and continued to fight against the older man, but was only rewarded with another blow to the face this time. Yugi felt tears well up in his eyes as half of his face throbbed with pain, "Please sir, please let me go!" The man only smirked at Yugi's cries and roughly placed his lips on the others. (A/N: EEWWW AH! *Covers eyes*)

Yugi's eyes widened when realization of what this man was really going to do dawned on him. He cried and tried to pull away from the other, but the wall wasn't going to move anywhere so he was trapped. The man hungrily devoured Yugi's lips and then licked away the boy's tears. Yugi's body jerked hard when the man let his one hand drop to the front of Yugi's pants. "Please…don't…stop," Yugi squeaked as his face scrunched up, eyes closed tightly.


Yami gloomily walked down the street with the gang. He wished Yugi was there though, it was so boring right now. Anzu was rambling on about how much she liked Yami and it was rather annoying. Yami just randomly nodded his head towards her every couple of seconds. "Bye guys." Joey said finally reaching his house.

"Oh hey Honda you wanna swing by later, I need somebody to talk to." Joey said blankly. Honda raised an eyebrow at the blonde. "Um sure Joey if it makes ya happy." Joey smiled and nodded, "Yeah. Ok well see ya later then." The four people remaining then continued on their way home. Yami couldn't help but glance over his shoulder every couple of seconds.

Ryou, being at the back of the group, walked with his head down. He wore a long sleeved shirt and a sweater jacket over that with the hood up, surely he was getting overheated. Why with this weather they have recently been having, you would think he would have collapsed already. Yami couldn't help but show some concern for the boy. He was Yugi's best friend before him was he not?

Ryou felt a pair of eyes on him and glanced up to see Yami looking at him curiously. Ryou's face was flushed due to the heat and his embarrassment. Yami raised an eyebrow at the albino. Ryou only quickly averted his eyes back to looking at the ground. Yami was utterly confused. He would have to talk to Yugi later, had Yugi even noticed Ryou's behavior?

Probably not, Yugi wasn't acting normal at the moment either. Yami sighed and continued to watch the sidewalk up ahead. Ryou sighed and quickly thanked the gods for letting Yami not question him. Yami was suddenly drawn from his thoughts when Honda poked him. "Hey anyone in there?"

Yami looked at him; "Oh sorry...there is just a lot on my mind. What did you say?" Honda shook his head; "I was saying goodbye. We are at my house." Yami observed the obvious. "Oh well…bye?" Yami said blankly. Anzu suddenly grabbed a hold of his arm yet again. "Isn't he cute when he is thinking?" She smiled at him, Yami sweat dropped.

Honda waved goodbye to the two and took off into his house. Yami practically screamed, `Come back don't leave me with this girl alone!' At least when Honda was there she could talk to him and let Yami think for a second. But now he was the only one left to talk too considering Ryou hadn't said a word this whole time. Yami sighed, "So Yami do you think that I am hot?" Anzu asked with a smile. Yami couldn't believe this, if she wasn't Yugi's friend he would probably have her locked in the shadow realm right now.

Yami however couldn't do as he wished and just nodded absently, "Ooooh I knew you would say that." Yami sighed, `Then why ask you idiot.' Truthfully he was loosing his patience. Anzu suddenly turned her attention the boy still following them. "Ryou must you keep following us? Yami was going to walk me home and I am sure you can manage on your own now."

Ryou only nodded and turned on the next corner. Yami blinked, `How can he stand her talking to him like that?!' Yami couldn't even believe Yugi was this low life bitches friend. But there wasn't anything he could do about it so he continued walking her home. When Anzu's house finally came into view Yami almost couldn't contain his joy. `Finally!' Was the only thought the plagued his mind.

Anzu sighed as though upset and went to her door Yami following, "Well here we are I should get going now." Yami said hastily, but before he could even step off the porch her voice rang out. "Um Yami wait! Uh… I was wondering…do you want to come in?" Yami felt his face pale. `Oh great! Now what?!' Yami turned back around and looked at her, she was blushing slightly. "Well it's just…I was thinking you would wanna stay on account of my parents being away on business."

Anzu stepped closer to him causing him to sweat drop once again. "Well you s-see…u-uh…I really shouldn't." Yami nervously stammered out. Anzu stepped closer to him carelessly running a finger down his chest, "Aww why not Yami? Don't you like me anymore?" Yami's eyes went wide and he again backed away from the advancing brunet.

Before he knew it he reached the end of the porch and his heel slipped off the step causing him to come crashing down with a thud. He winced and looked up at her, she giggled slightly. He was cursing her out in his head. He slowly got back to his feet and rubbed his lower back with his one hand, `Ouch.' Yami sighed, "You sure are funny when you're shy."

Anzu said with a smile, "You think with your good looks you would be a stuck up snob too, but no you are just a shy little hottie." Anzu winked at him and he flushed slightly and rolled his eyes. Suddenly Yami noticed that Yugi opened his end of the link, he had recently explained to Yugi how to close and open his end of the link so that Yami could feel his emotions but lately Yugi had been keeping it closed.

Taking Yugi opening his end of the link as a good thing Yami felt a little better until he was suddenly over come by a wave of fear and horror from the other end of the link. Yugi was so scared it made Yami's vision blur some, but he quickly recovered. Yami then immediately tried to contact his other.

//Yugi, Yugi what's wrong? // Yami's worried voice called out. /Y-yami…. Please. /Yugi's voice was frantic and shaky. Yami was suddenly very upset and angry, why was Yugi so scared. Who was making him this way? //Yugi please tell me what's wrong! // Yami almost demanded. Yami was suddenly shaken with another wave of fear from the smaller teen, however pain also came with it. Now they are hurting Yugi! Yami was furious.

//Yugi where are you?! // Yami was so mad and worried right now it was making him dizzy. /I-I'm…by my h-house...Oh please Yami…make him stop! / You could now tell Yugi was crying as he spoke. Yami clenched his fists, whoever was doing this would pay dearly.

Anzu eyed Yami curiously, he had suddenly seemed to space out and now he was shaking. She nudged him, "Yami? Are you ok?" Yami looked up suddenly remembering she was there. "Anzu I must go." Yami then quickly turned and was about to leave when again she stopped him. "Yami, why? Don't you wanna stay with me?" Yami glanced at her; "Yugi is in trouble and needs my help!"

Anzu just wouldn't seem to give up, "I am sure he is fine Yami, please stay." Yami abruptly turned and glared at her pushing her off of him firmly, but not to hard. (A/N: Damn he should knock her out!) "Anzu I need to go right now, Yugi is hurting and needs me! Now goodbye!" Yami then took off towards the Kami Game Shop. Anzu crossed her arms and huffed. `How dare he leave me here by myself,' She thought, then went inside and slammed the door.


Yugi bit his lip hard drawing blood and tried not to cry out as the attacker's hands toyed with certain parts of his body. Yugi's body was betraying him with every stoke of the attacker's hand and Yugi couldn't take anymore. He wanted it to end right now, and was Yami gonna save him? Yugi sure hoped so before things got worse.

Suddenly Yugi was thrown down against the hard cold ground, little pieces of glass puncturing his hands and now exposed chest. And the dirty water that entered his new cuts didn't help any with the pain. Yugi winced as he tried to push himself up, but was only pushed back down by the attacker's weight. The older man straddled the back of Yugi's hips keeping him face down on the ground.

The man grabbed a fist full of Yugi's hair and yanked his head back causing the small boy to cry out and the man to smirk. Yugi again began to struggle but was only rewarded with another hard yank to his red and black locks. Yugi quickly gave up, resting his cheek (A/N: FACE!) on the dirty ground and sobbing silently. "There now that wasn't so hard was it?" The man laughed hysterically.

Yugi closed his eyes and tried again to contact Yami but it was suddenly very difficult to concentrate when the man began grinding his hips against Yugi's backside. Yugi flushed and tried to get away still sobbing, "Please stop! Let me go!" "A beautiful little thing like you? I think not," The man whispered into Yugi's ear before sucking on the lobe. Yugi squeaked a put up another fit of kicks and surged motions from his body hoping to free himself.

The attacker quickly grew mad and raised his hand about to hit Yugi yet again, but before Yugi could even tell what was happening the weight from the older man was flung off of him and he could easily sit up, and he did. Yugi quickly turned to see Yami standing in front of him protectively and his attacker a few feet away on the ground holding the back of his head with one hand.

"You little punk you will pay for that!" The man quickly rose to his feet and Yami made no attempt to move as he lunged at him. Yami raised his hand quickly the millennium eye glowing on his forehead. The man was only about a foot away from Yami when he was suddenly flung backwards once more but this time he came in contact with the brick wall.

Yami lowered his hand and stalked closer to the man; Yugi scooted back up against the wall and watched with wide eyes. "You bastard!" The man yelled as he again tried to get up, but was a bit wobbly getting to his feet. (A/N: He is suffering form a head injury, duh.) He reached behind his head once again and brought a bloody hand back to his face. "I will kill you!" The man yelled as he saw that he was bleeding. Yami mockingly rolled his eyes and watched the man again try to attack him.

The man threw one fist at Yami's face, Yami merely moved a little to the left and let the attacker fall flat on his stomach. The man landed with a wince in front of Yugi. Yugi tried to scoot farther back and stared at the man, now in shock. The man was about to grab Yugi by the leg but Yami kicked him in the side rolling him over in the process. "I don't think so, you will not touch him again." The man held his side and looked up at Yami his crimson eyes showing not even a spark of mercy in their blood red depths.

"Now then…What you have done will cost you dearly. You have trespassed on my soul and must be punished, and I think I will due so by taking your life," Yami said while looking down at the man. The man only looked up at Yami helplessly; Yami smirked and raised his hand yet again. Yugi watched with wide and trembling eyes as the man was lifted in a glowing sphere. Yami looked purely insane under the glow of the sphere, and smirked evilly at his captive. (A/N: Oooooo scary, shadow magic is so cool!)

The man inside the bubble shrieked as his body began to bend ways it shouldn't. Bone snapped and twisted as the man was totally broken and stretched. The man was in mid scream when a loud crack silenced him and told the two teens he was finally dead. Yami instantly dropped him letting his now rubber like body slump to the ground.

Blood pooled around the body, as it lay motionless on the ground. Yugi was in pure shock horror plastered on his gentle features. Yami slowly made his way over to the other, "Yugi, are you ok?" Yami asked as if nothing he just did ever happened. Yugi scooted as far away from Yami as he could tears welling up in his eyes. "Yugi?" Yami finally got close enough to crouch down in front of his hikari and touch his face. Yugi pulled away and put up his hands as if to shield himself, "N-no…don't t-touch me Yami please." Yugi sobbed silently.

Yami cocked his head and lowered his hand; he then noticed the bloody hand print on Yugi's face. Yami then looked at his own hand and noticed some blood on it, it must have happened when he was killing that guy. Yami curiously looked at his shirt and pants as well; blood was also splattered on them. Yami shrugged it off however and returned his attention to Yugi.

"Yugi what's wrong, are you ok now?" Yugi opened his wavering violet orbs and glanced at the blood covered Yami. Yugi paused for a moment looking over Yami's body, `He doesn't look bad covered in blood like that…AH NO! What am I saying!? It's blood and that…Man's blood!' Yugi suddenly began to shake.

Yami was utterly confused, wasn't Yugi happy he saved him? "Why?" Yugi squeaked. Yami raised an eyebrow, "Why what Aibou?" Yugi choked back more sobs, "Why did you kill him!?" Yami was taken back a bit, he was protecting Yugi. It didn't matter if that guy died or not, he was unimportant to him and further more he was hurting his precious light. "He was hurting you Yugi, and he would of done far much more if I hadn't have saved you." "But he didn't have to die!" Yugi blurted out. "He was just like you or me Yami…he was only fulfilling his own needs."

Yugi looked at the ground, "M-maybe it wasn't right but…He didn't have to die! And you killed him!" Yugi cried more and hugged his knees. Yami again went to touch his little one, "Yugi I…. You are ok and that's all that matters." Yugi pushed Yami's hand away, "I rather have died then seeing him killed in front of me like that! You…you like horribly mangled his body right there!"

Yugi suddenly rose to his feet; he flushed when he had to quickly zip up his still unfastened pants. He then grabbed his shirt, jacket, book bag, and took off towards the game shop. Yami stood with a sigh letting Yugi go. Yami glanced back at the dead body, mouth open and eyes white. He snarled, `I don't see how someone like you could receive forgiveness after what you did and were going to do to him. Then again it is Yugi we are talking about…he can forgive anyone. He has such a big heart.' Yami smiled inwardly.

Yugi was always so kind and bright to anyone he meet, no matter how poorly they treated him. Yami thought about this for a moment then sighed, `I hope he can forgive me.' Yam then slowly followed his hikari home.


Authoress: EEEEE! Sry it took me soooo long to post this! I have been so busy lately I mean with school coming up and all. *Sighs* I HATE SCHOOL AND I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK! *Sobs*…*Sniffs* If I am gonna be in school it will be really hard for me to keep posting chapters, yes I will keep posting them but it could take me a really long time until they are finally posted. SO SRY! PLEASE FORGIVE! But for now please review and let me know what you think, ok? That way I know I should continue this.

Yugi: *faints at the sight of the blood*

Yami: Yugi!? Yugi are you ok? *Shakes him gently* YOU! *Points at me* You better fix this! Or I'll…*Raises hand*

Authoress: *Screams and Runs* I WILL FIX IT I PROMISE!

Yami: *chasing me* Then do it!

Authoress: I WILL! You don't think I would let Yugi stay mad at you forever do you?

Yami: -_- Yes…

Authoress: * Anime falls*…*Sighs* Please R+R, thanks.