Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved ❯ An ingured Albino ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authoress: Konnichi wa! *Bows* Gomen, I haven't been able to update…school is just taking up almost all my time! I mean I just started high school and with me being a freshman and all, it's kind of confusing. But hey I am finally getting some time to update! ^^ *Cheers* and I really hope you ppl will like my fic!

Yugi: She does not own Yu-gi-oh sadly *Sobs*

Yami: And the warnings are the same as last chapter including attempted rape. Now on with the story! ^^



Ryou stood in front of his house, slowly fumbling with the keys. He sighed and slowly opened the door; he was so hot it wasn't even funny. He shut the door and immediately threw his backpack down and removed the sweater jacket that was practically sticking to his body. Once that was off he also removed the long sleeved shirt underneath the jacket.

He shivered and sighed as the cool air from in the house hit his over heated skin. Now shirtless, Ryou moved to sit on the couch letting his head tilt back and his eyes to close. The house was dark just like it always was and the only sound audible was the soft breathes Ryou drew in and then let out. He lived with his dad, but he was always away on business. His dad was a specialized archeologist and was always traveling.

So Ryou was usually taking care of himself, his dad of course would send him money for the house and the stuff he needed but Ryou couldn't help but feel like his dad never even existed. "Ah there you are my sweet Hikari." Ryou's eyes shoot open as he heard that voice. True, Ryou live without his dad, but just recently someone new had taken refuge in Ryou's household.

Ryou too had a Yami. His Yami was also trapped in one of the millennium items that Ryou possessed. His dad had sent him the millennium ring from one of his expeditions, and thought that Ryou should have it. Ryou however now wanted nothing to do with it. His Yami was cruel and dark, nothing like Yugi's yami at all. Yugi's yami was nice and watched over him, his was just plain evil.

"P-please Bakura…don't hurt me," Ryou squeaked and tried to move away from his yami. Bakura's eyes grew cold and he grabbed a hold of the smaller boy, "How dare you try and avoid me! I have been waiting for you all day and now you want to leave!? I don't think so!" Ryou flinched as he was slapped hard against the face. Bakura just glared at him.

"G-gomen Bakura-sama, "Ryou said sadly while holding his now throbbing cheek. (A/n: Face!) Bakura merely smirked and pulled his hikari closer to him. Ryou shivered and closed his eyes; he was positively terrified of his yami. He had only had him for about a week and he was already covered in bruises from head to toe. That's why he would where so many articles of clothing to school, to hide the evidence of his abuse.

"Open your eyes and look at me hikari." Bakura barked. Ryou did as he was told, his eyes were sad and held tears about to fall. Bakura smirked and cupped his hikari's face; "You're so pretty when you cry." Bakura then drew his hikari into a rough kiss. Ryou froze up immediately and his eyes went wide. Never had his yami kissed him; sure he touched him and abused him most of the time but never had he kissed him.

Bakura felt his hikari tense in his grasp and bite down on his lower lip to bring him back to reality. Ryou yelped and opened his mouth. Bakura greedily plunged his tongue into the other's mouth. Ryou struggled as the taste of his own blood filled his mouth. Bakura held him in a death grip though, so he couldn't get away. Ryou closed his eyes and he pushed against his yami's chest.

Becoming annoyed, Bakura broke the kiss and glared at his other. Ryou quickly wiped his mouth on his arm and coughed. Bakura glared at him, and hit him again. Ryou whimpered and didn't look up at his yami. "You make me sick! Here I am trying to be nice and you reject me!" Bakura growled. `That was being nice?!' Ryou thought. "Just for that I am gonna make you suffer!" Ryou yelped again as he was suddenly pushed back onto the couch and Bakura's weight help him down.

"Please no Bakura!" Ryou yelled as he cried. A quick blow came to his ribs right after his words left his mouth. "Shut up! I will do what I want when I want!" Bakura snapped. Ryou gasped for air and his eyed watered more. `Why me, why is this happening to me?' Ryou thought. `Someone help me please!'

As if Ryou's pleas were heard the doorbell rang. Bakura suddenly glared at the door and then looked back at his hikari. "Move and I swear I will make this as horrible as possible for you." Bakura then rose off of his little light. He stomped over to the door and flung the door open. Ryou's body quickly reacted and sat up; he had to get out of there.

Ryou quickly, yet quietly went to the kitchen. He slowly opened the window, trying to be as quiet as possible. Once the window was open he climbed out and took off down the sidewalk not looking back once. `Thank god!' Ryou cried in his head totally relieved, he had to go some where safe, but where?


Honda casually made his way up to Joey's front door. He knocked and about a split second later the door flew open. "Hey!" Joey said. Honda looked at him with a curious expression on his face, "Hi." "Come on in, "Joey said inviting the other inside. Honda entered and followed the teen up to his room. Joey sat down quickly and watched Honda sit down as well.

"Soooo…um what's up?" Honda asked. Joey fidgeted, "Well remember I said I had to tell you something?" Honda nodded, "Yeah." Joey bit his lip nervously and avoided eye contact with the other. Honda raised an eyebrow. "Well? What do you have to tell me?" Honda was itching to know hat was on Joey's mind, he usually never had anything big to talk about, but this was certainly bothering the blonde.

"Come on Joey, what's up? I have never seen you so on edge about something," Honda stated. Joey looked up and smiled weakly, "Well let's say I have…meet someone." Honda grinned, "Really?! You meet someone as in like someone you're dating or going to date?" Joey nodded. Honda beamed, "You dog! That's awesome!" Joey smiled back, "Yeah I know."

"So who is she? Would I know her?" Honda asked happily. Joey paled some in color. "Ummm well no…you don't know…her." Joey lied. Honda raised an eyebrow, "Really? Then where did you meet her? Is she from our school." Joey began to sweat; it was now or never. "Well…uh...the thing is-," Joey was having trouble finishing his sentence. Honda was on the edge of his seat, "What?"

Joey shifted uncomfortably, "I never said…that the person…I am seeing was a girl."

Honda was silent, and Joey didn't like the sudden uneasiness in the room. Honda just didn't know what to think of that. "You're really gay?" Joey's face turned slightly red and he nodded. "But…you always check out the girls in school, you have even been out with Anzu." Honda stated.

"That was all just an act Honda, I didn't want anyone to know I am really gay. But I can't lie anymore...that's why I had to tell you this." Joey explained. Honda blinked blankly. Joey sighed, "You're still my friend right?" Honda looked almost hurt, "Oh course I am!" Joey went wide eyed, "You don't think I am gorse or weird?" Honda shook his head no.

"No I don't. It's ok that you are that way, you can't really help the fact like you like guys. But just to let you know I am straight so no hitting on me." Joey laughed some, "No don't worry Honda I know that, and besides like I said I am already kind of seeing someone." Honda nodded, "Oh yeah that's right, so who is he?" Joey's face paled, "Well…u-uh…"


Yugi quickly pushed open the front door, panting. He had to get upstairs before his grandpa saw him. So he dropped his bag, shirt, jacket, and ran up the stairs as fast as he could. His grandpa called him but he didn't answer and instead went straight into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door then turned his back resting on the door. He slowly slid to the floor with a sigh.

Yami was next to enter the household, and a shocked looking old man greeted him. "Yami, what happened?!" Yugi's grandpa had Yugi's shirt in his hands; it was spotted with blood. Yami just stood there, not really sure of what to say. He himself was covered in blood and Yugi's grandpa looked horrified. If Yami told the truth about him killing someone Yugi's grandpa might kick him out and he would never get to see his precious light again, but if he chose to lie…what would he say happened?!

"Where is Yugi?" Yami asked, choosing to not explain what had just happened. Yugi's Grandpa pointed to the steps; "He just took off up the steps! What happened to him, is he ok Yami?!" Yami nodded, "He is fine, but I need to talk to him…so if you don't mind I need to go." Yami then attempted to walk past Yugi's Grandpa.

"No you tell me what happened before you go anywhere! Did you do this to him?!" Yami blinked, taken back a bit; "No I did not. I would never harm Yugi in anyway. He was attacked in the alley near here, now please let me pass. I need to make sure he is ok." Yugi's grandpa was still shocked but stepped aside and let the spirit pass.

Yugi quickly turned n the water in the tub to nearly scalding hot. He then threw off his remaining clothes and stepped in, he winced as he turned on the shower and the hot water caressed his skin. He quickly adjusted to the water though and began scrubbing every inch of his body, he felt so...so dirty. It could be worse but even the thought of having some one else's blood on himself disgusted him.

Yami heard the water running in the bathroom and sighed, his poor little hikari was fragile. He really shouldn't have done that, he could of easily saved Yugi and left the man living but for some reason…anger over took him. Even now he grew mad just thinking about that man's intentions with his little Yugi. He paused…his little Yugi?

He sighed and knocked on the door, "Yugi, are you ok?" Yugi heard his Yami's voice but didn't answer, Yami got somewhat upset. // Yugi? Please answer me…I am really sorry. // Yugi sighed into the link, /I don't really wanna talk right now Yami. / Yugi then closed off his end of the link. Yami looked upset but didn't further try to contact his little light and instead went down stairs to use the other restroom; he too needed to clean up.

Later that evening Yugi sat quietly in his room on his bed now dressed in his pajamas, he had practically rubbed his skin raw in the shower he just couldn't get over the dirty feeling. Yami slowly opened the door and peaked inside. "Aibou?" Yugi just stared at the floor; his hands folded in his lap. Yami sighed and came in, closing the door behind him. Yugi also sighed and refused to raise his eyes.

Yami cautiously sat down next to his other, "Yugi please answer me, I am sorry that I did that but I didn't want you hurt...or worse." Yami slowly took Yugi's hand in his. Yugi looked up at his other; his eyes holding unshed tears. Yami's eyes softened and he pulled Yugi into his lap. "Oh Aibou please don't cry." But Yugi did cry, he cried into Yami's chest with all his might.

Yugi finally calmed down and was now silent in his Yami's arms. Yami gently rubbed his little light's back. Yugi relaxed some and sighed softly. "Please forgive me Aibou," Yami begged. He couldn't stand his little Yugi being mad at him like this and he was only trying to keep him safe. Yugi suddenly looked up at his other; Yami could only stare back into the smaller ones violet orbs blankly.

Yugi smiled weakly and made Yami also smile, "Forgive me?" Yugi nodded his head, "Yeah, I forgive you Yami. You were just trying to protect me…and for that I am thankful." Yugi hugged Yami and rested his head against his chest. Yami was happy but tensed up at the thought of Yugi and him being so close.

"But do you think you could be a little more friendly when dealing with something like that?" Yugi asked. Yami chuckled and nodded, "Ok Aibou." Yugi smiled and sighed. Yami was drawn back to his thought about him and Yugi being so close and again tensed. `Why am I so on edge with him sitting in my lap?' But of course Yami already knew the answer to that, he just couldn't admit to it yet, because what if Yugi got mad at him for that next? His little hikari might not ever talk to him again if so, and Yami wouldn't be able to handle that.

"Yugi!" A voice yelled from downstairs breaking silence. Yugi quickly got up and went to his door peeking out, "Yes Grandpa?" "Someone is here for!" Yugi looked back at
Yami with a curious expression, "I wonder who it is, but I will be right back ok Yami?" Yami suddenly stood up; "I will come with you, if you don't care." Yugi shook his head no, "No not at all, you can come." Yugi smiled and then made his way downstairs Yami following close behind him.

Yugi's face paled when he saw his white haired friend standing in the living room without his shirt and soaking wet from the rain that now poured down outside in the cool night air. Ryou's pale upper body was covered in purple and blue bruises and he was shivering from the cold. Yugi felt total grief wash over to him and he rushed over to the albino.

Yugi suddenly hugged Ryou and tried to keep him warm, "Yami could you get me a towel please, he is freezing." Yami looked over Yugi's white haired and nodded quickly leaving the room. Yugi carefully sat Ryou on the couch and sat down next to him, "Ryou what happened?" Yugi asked with a worried tone. Ryou only shivered, "Y-Yugi…I-" Ryou then fainted.

Yugi gasped and shook him lightly, "Ryou?" Yami then returned with a towel and a pair of his pajamas, there was no way Ryou could fit in a pair of Yugi's. Yugi took the towel and slowly began to dry off his friend. Yami sat down on the floor in front of the two. "Yami we can't let him leave here right now, he is hurt and who knows what happened to him. Can he stay with us?"

Yami blinked and looked a little surprised for a moment but nodded his head. If it would make Yugi happy then so be it. "Thank you Yami, "Yugi said before putting his attention back on Ryou. Yugi slowly dried him off carefully making sure he didn't hurt the slightly taller teen. Yami watched a little shimmer of jealousy in his eyes, but he ignored it, also he didn't know if Yugi was straight or gay yet.

Yugi then looked at Yami, "Yami could you help me by carrying him upstairs to our room?" Yami yet again nodded and got up. He then gently lifted the albino to take him upstairs, Yugi following him. Once in the room Yami laid Ryou down on the bed and stepped back to take a seat across the room in the chair at Yugi's computer desk.

Yugi, Yami's pajamas in hand, sat down on the edge of the bed next to Ryou. Yugi then slowly put the shirt on the white haired teen. With some difficulty he finally got the shirt on waking the teen in the process. "Y-Yugi…" Ryou breathed out as Yugi appeared in his blurred vision. "Shh, you're gonna be fine Ryou I am just trying to get you into dry clothes so you will warm up some. I don't want you getting sick." Yugi said softly.

"Yugi if you need me I will be in my soul room." Yami suddenly said. Yugi nodded, "Ok Yami. I will call if I need you." with that Yami slowly vanished with a soft glow of light. Yugi sighed and looked down at Ryou, "Are you ok?" Ryou nodded slightly and tried to sit up with a wince. "Don't try to move Ryou, you'll hurt yourself. What happened to you anyway?" Yugi asked yet again. Ryou lowered his eyes as if he was afraid to say anything. "Ryou?" Yugi questioned, "Tell me please? You can trust me with anything." Ryou looked back, "I know Yugi…It's just-…" Ryou trailed off.

Yugi sighed, "If you don't wanna tell me right now that's fine all that matters at the moment is making sure you don't get sick. Now do you wanna change into these pants or…do you want me to help you?" Yugi asked a faint pink tinting his cheeks. Ryou blinked and also blushed at the question, "I think I could do that myself. Is that a bathroom?" Ryou asked pointing to the door in the room.

Yugi nodded, "Yeah you can change there or I could lave the room." Ryou shook his head `no.' "No, don't leave just wait for me out here." Ryou carefully and slowly got up then went into the bathroom. Yugi sighed once the door was shut, `What happened to you Ryou. And why is Yami acting so quiet all of a sudden?' Those were some questions Yugi needed to get the answers to, and he promised himself he would soon.


Anzu sat in here living room watching some stupid show about couples dating and it was pissing her off, "How dare he talk to me like that." She said as she threw the remote down on the floor. "He will regret that. And how could he care about that little wimp when I was offering so much more to him right then, but nooooo he had to go save his little stupid baby! I man why does he even care about him?! No one else does!"

She crossed his arms and pouted, you could say she was throwing a temper tantrum. "I will make him feel so bad tomorrow, and I might now even give him a second chance with me." Anzu thought about that a moment though, "No I will forgive him but only after he begs for it, because I have to admit I don't wanna dump him. With him at my side I am like the most popular girl in the school." She smiled and turned off the TV. "Tomorrow Yami, just you wait." She then went up to her room, ready for sleep and the next day.


Authoress: Well there ya go next chapter complete! ^^ Hope you like it.

Yami: I know I don't…

Authoress: Well why no, Yugi forgave you didn't he? Isn't that what you wanted???

Yami: Yeah but, now what's Ryou doing with Yugi?!

Authoress: -_-Oh stop being so damn overprotective!

Yami: I'm not!

Yugi: *Has no clue what's going on* Why is Yami so upset?

Authoress: Oh he is just being Yami…stubborn and extremely gay…

Yami: Hey I heard that! And don't make fun of my sexuality!

Yugi: *cracks up laughing* OMG! ^^

Yami: -_-

Authoress: *Sighs* Anyway, please R&R…Thanks. I will try to get the next chapter up as soon as possible. But like I said some much stuff with school and everything is just eating up my time, so I am trying here…please forgive! *Bows*