Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Beloved ❯ A Not so Innocent Hikari, and Puishments for an Albino ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Authoress: Hey Ya'll^^ Hehe, here is the next chapter. I hope you will like! Please R&R!

Yugi: Yeah! ^^ Anzu and Yami are not together anymore!

Yami: *Looks at Yugi curiously*…why are you so happy about that?

Yugi: U-uh…no reason! ^^





The rest of the school day went by rather slowly for Yugi. On the one hand he couldn't wait to see Yami after school, but then again he didn't really want to because he always feels…so shy and strange around Yami, and he couldn't figure out why. He was brought out of his thoughts though when the school bell rang and ensured his release from the place know to the teachers as school, but originally it was prison.

Yugi nearly ran out of the room with all his stuff, Ryou trying to keep up, "Yugi, wait!" The white haired albino shouted out after the smaller teen, but his yell was unheard as Yugi just kept going until he reached his locker. Ryou soon made it there as well, panting lightly from running. "Jeez Yugi, what…is wrong…with you?"

Yugi looked at the other and sweat dropped, "Oh, oops. Sorry Ryou, I was just…in a hurry to get out of there." Ryou eyed the other suspiciously as he smiled weakly. Yugi blinked when he noticed, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Ryou grinned, "Tell me Yugi…why are you in such a good mood? You have been ever since lunch. Ever since Yam-", the albino was cut off suddenly.

"W-well like I said, I-I just am…I don't know why." Yugi then shut his locker and began to walk off. Ryou laughed inwardly, having a pretty good idea as to why Yugi was happy. `I will get you to admit it eventually,' Ryou thought to himself as he followed his friend out of the school.

Once outside they meet up with Honda, Yami wanting to join them. He wanted to walk home with his hikari. "Hi Tristin. Is Joey going to walk home with us, or do you not know?" Tristin looked around, "He was suppose to be here. I am sure he won't mind if we start to go without him."

Yugi nodded, "Ok then let's go." They then began to walk home. Yugi and Ryou walked up ahead of Honda, while Yami trailed behind. Yugi looked back and noticed his other walking kind of far behind, so he abruptly stopped. "Yami?" Yami looked up from the pavement, which looked to be the only interesting thing Yami had seen all day.

"Yami, What's wrong? Are you ok?" Yugi asked worry is his voice and on his gentle features. Yami smiled weakly at his precious light, "Yes Yugi I am fine." Yugi nodded, however he wasn't convinced, `What's wrong with you Yami? Did I do something that made you like this?' Yugi thought to himself making sure his mind link was closed.

Yugi was about to continue walking when Yami's voice made him stop yet again, "Well…actually Yugi…there was something I wanted to tell you." Yugi turned and faced his other, Ryou and Honda looked at Yami as well. Yami suddenly was at a loss for words with everyone staring at him, and Yugi noticed.

"Um guys, could me and Yami be alone for a minute?" Yugi asked looking at Honda and Ryou. Ryou smiled, "Sure Yugi. Let's go Honda." Ryou suddenly walked off practically dragging Honda with him. Yugi smiled then turned his attention back to Yami who had somehow gotten closer to him.

Yugi's breath hitched and he felt his heart flutter in his chest at how close him and Yami had become. "Well Yugi," Yami started his voice barley above a whisper, "I…I wanted to tell…you that-", Yami's sentence was cut short however when a certain blonde came running up. "Yug, there you are!" Yugi and Yami blinked and stepped away from each other, "Hi Joey." Yugi said, now able to breathe.

Joey bent over for a second trying to catch his breath, "How… could you…guys…leave without…me?" Yugi was currently trying to get his breathe back as well and trying to keep the tint of pink off of his cheeks, "W-well…Honda said that you would catch up so we should just go." Joey stood up straight with a sigh, "Oh…ok then."

Joey looked down the street seeing Ryou and Honda at the cross walk talking to each other; they seemed to be waiting for someone. "Why aren't you up there with them?" Joey asked looking at them curiously. Yugi suddenly blushed a little; "Um Yami was going to tell me something." Joey blinked and looked at Yami who seemed to be fidgeting. "Oh, well what were you going to say Yami. Sorry if I interrupted you."

Yami looked at Joey," Oh…n-no it's ok. I will just tell Yugi later." Joey blinked, "Oh. Ok" Yugi sighed; he really wanted to know what was bothering his Yami. Then they all went to meet back up with Ryou and Honda.



"Yugi, I am running to the store! Anything you want in particular?" His grandpa called from the bottom f the stairs. "No, thanks you though!" Yugi answered back form his room. He was currently working on his homework at his desk. Yami was sitting on his bed, watching his little hikari's every movement, it was now 6:30pm.

"Ok, be back in a while!" with that Yugi's grandpa left the house. Yami sighed heavily as he laid back on Yugi's bed. Yugi glanced at him, and then blushed somewhat. Yami looked totally erotic laying on his bed all sprawled out, his hands above his head.

Yugi blushed even more, `Did I just imagine what I think I did?!' Yugi suddenly put his attention back on his homework now flustered. Yami noticed Yugi's sudden tenseness and looked at him, "You ok Aibou?" Yugi sweat dropped, "U-uh yeah…j-just fine." Yami blinked somewhat confused at his hikari's sudden tone of embarrassment.

About an hour later Yugi was finally done with his homework. He sighed and turned to his other, "Yami?" Yami looked over at his hikari, "Yes, what is it Aibou?" Yugi paused but then finally asked, "Um you wanna watch a movie together?" A slight blush crept up onto Yugi's gentle features.

Yami sat up and smiled slightly, "Sure." Yugi then got up and went down stairs Yami following close behind him. Once in the living room Yugi sat down in front of the TV, "So what do you wanna watch Yami?" Yami sat down on the couch, "Whatever you wanna watch is fine Aibou." Yugi smiled and nodded then turned to dig through all the movies in the cabinet next to the TV.

Yami watched his hikari with a smile on his lips; he was just so cute at times. Yami truly did have feelings for the other and he wouldn't deny them anymore. "Yugi?" Yugi, who was now putting in a movie looked back at the dark spirit, "Yes, Yami?" Suddenly Yami couldn't speak; his words had dissolved completely under his hikari's gentle gaze, the far of sudden rejection plagued his mind.

Yugi blinked, still waiting for Yami to speak, but when he heard the movie starting he got up to turn off the lights and then join his Yami on the couch. Yugi scooted closer to Yami and looked up at him still waiting, "What were you going to say Yami?" Yami shook his head, "Oh never mind. It was nothing important." Yugi nodded and then turned his attention to the movie, which had now begun a scary title appearing on the screen in red.

During the movie, Yami only heard about one sentence through the whole thing; his attention had been elsewhere. Yugi had purposely picked out a scary movie, yes he knew he hated them but then again watching it with someone you could maybe cuddle up against wasn't so bad. Yami was in heaven, his little hikari had scooted even closer to him, his one hand gripping Yami's pant leg tightly and occasionally hiding his face in Yami's well built chest. Yami shifted to wrap his arm around Yugi, Yugi only sighing happily when he did. Yami felt his heart melt at the sound.

During the climax of the movie Yugi had become extremely scared and tightened his grip on Yami's pants even further his face completely buried in the others chest. Yami could feel his hikari's warm breath through the material of his shirt, and it caused him to shiver slightly. However, Yami pushed his hentai thoughts aside when he noticed his hikari's uneasiness because of the movie and took the hand that gripped his pants in his own.

Yami stroked the back of his Aibou's hand with his thumb gently causing Yugi to look at their hands and then up at Yami. Yami only smiled down at his hikari, "Yugi, why did you pick such a scary movie if it make you this tense?" Yugi felt the heat rising in his face again causing him to blush, "Um…w-well I thought you would like it."

Yami watched his hikari with curious eyes, "But I don't want you to be uncomfortable Yugi." Yugi lowered his eyes; "I'm not." Yami felt his heart flutter in his chest at the whispered response. Soon the movie ended and the credits came on the screen. Yugi knew he should go to bed now, but he didn't want to move. Yami felt so warm and he just wanted to stay like this forever, Yami thinking the same thing on his end.

But Yami knew his hikari would be tired in the morning if he didn't get to sleep now, "Aibou, you should get to bed." Yugi had his eyes closed and his head rested against Yami's chest, "Yami?" Yugi's whispered voice caused Yami to look down at his little light, "Yes, What is it?" Yugi opened his eyes halfway and looked up into crimson orbs, "Would…would you sleep with me tonight?" Yugi face suddenly flushed and he looked down shyly.

Yami's eyes went wide slightly at the thought, there were two meanings to that request and you can guess which one Yami probably thought about first. "I-if you want me to Aibou." Yugi nodded but still didn't look up, "Please, that movie was scary." Yami nodded, "Ok Aibou." With that Yami gently tried to pry Yugi off of him, Yugi almost whimpered in response but held it in. However he couldn't help but yelp when Yami swiftly picked him up in his arms.

Yugi wrapped his arms around Yami's neck tightly afraid of falling. Yami smiled at him, "It's ok, I won't drop you Yugi." Yugi smiled weakly and nodded loosening his grip on the dark spirit. Yami then carried his little hikari up to his room and laid him down gently. Yugi propped himself up on his elbows and stared up at his other with half lidded violet orbs. Yami could have sworn his heart stopped, didn't Yugi know how he looked right now and what he was doing to the poor spirit.

Yugi sighed lazily as Yami joined him in the bed. Almost immediately Yugi snuggled up against his dark's body. Yami pulled the covers up over the both of them then wrapped his arms around his hikari nuzzling his hair. Yugi purred lightly before slowly falling asleep. Yami took the opportunity to watch his precious tenshi sleep. His already angelic features now so soft, Yami didn't think it possible for some one to look so pure and innocent.

But soon sleep over took the tired spirit as well and he allowed himself to leave the world in a dreamless sleep.




Yami was suddenly jolted from his sleep when he felt the warm body next to his shaking furiously. He sat up and looked at his hikari with worry in his eyes, Yugi was flushed, whimpering and shaking as he slept. Yami shook him lightly, "Aibou?" Yugi only whimpered a little louder, Yami was now really upset. "Yugi!" Yami said as he abruptly sat the boy up.

Yugi's violet eyes suddenly snapped open, he looked around as if he didn't know where he was for a second but then he saw Yami, "Yami…" Yami watched his hikari carefully, he was panting and a cool sweat covered his body. "Aibou are you ok?" Yami asked as he put a hand to Yugi's forehead, "Yugi you're burning up." Yugi sighed, "Yami I…I don't feel so good."

Yami glanced at the clock and sighed when it read 4 am, "Yugi your not going to school today." Yugi nodded and sighed, wiping his forehead on his upper arm. Yami gently got out of the bed, "I will be back, ok Aibou?" Yugi shook his head `yes' and lay back down. He really didn't look good, his face pale yet red in the cheeks.

Yami then left the room, quickly going down stairs to look for something that would help reduce Yugi's fever. After reading almost every bottle of pills in the cabinet Yami finally found some medicine that would help Yugi. He then grabbed a cup of water and went back up stairs with the pills for his chibi ichi. Yugi was lying on the bed, his eyes closed and panting harshly. Yami sat down beside the sick teen.

"Aibou, here. Take these." Yami whispered. Yugi opened his eyes lazily and sat up, "T-thank you Yami." Yugi then took the pills from Yami's hand and popped them into his mouth, the water following them down. Yugi then lay back down and closed his eyes, rolling on to his side so he could face Yami. //Please get better Aibou. //

Yugi smiled weakly. /I will Yami don't worry. But thank you for caring. / Yami smiled and grabbed Yugi's hand in his own, rubbing gently with his thumbs.

// Why wouldn't I care about you Yugi. You're all I have. // Yugi felt his heart swell with happiness and he opened his eyes to stare back into crimson ones clouded over with emotions Yugi couldn't seem to read at the moment. Maybe he was hallucinating but he could have sworn he saw love in Yami's now gentle crimson depths.

Yami had eventually pulled up a chair next to the bed and stayed next to his hikari the rest of the night, watching to make sure he was safe. Even though he was tired he would make sure his hikari was ok before he worried about himself. About 8 am Yami was even downstairs trying to cook for his weak light.

"Morning Yami, I thought you would be at school with Yugi right now." Yugi's grandpa said glancing at the clock. Yami looked back over his shoulder, "Huh? Oh Hello." He yawned and continued to try and cook, with out much success. Yugi's grandpa took a seat at the kitchen table watching Yami with a curious look, "So, what are you doing Yami?" Yami rubbed his eyes trying to get the sleepiness out, "Yugi is sick, he stayed home today. I am trying to make him some soup."

Yugi's grandpa soon joined Yami in front of the stove; "Oh, well you don't look so good yourself. Here why don't you take a seat and I will get this for Yugi." Yami nodded and plopped down at the kitchen table with a sigh. "Thanks." Yugi's grandpa smiled back at him; "It's not a problem Yami. He is my grandson, I should be taking care of him as it is."

Yami sighed and leaned forward, resting his head against his folded arms on the table. He couldn't stop his eyes from sliding shut and he was soon consumed by the darkness of sleep.





Vision slowly returning; the spirit lazily blinked his eyes. Yami slowly sat up and looked at the kitchen clock that blinked on the microwave. `1:15pm…what was I doing earlier?' Then it hit him, `Yugi!' The spirit quickly arose from the table nearly tripping in the process. He then made his way through the house in attempt to get upstairs to his sick hikari. `Damn, how long was I asleep?'

Once in the living room the spirit skidded to a stop when he saw his hikari occupying the space right in front of the television. "Yugi? What are you doing up- I mean shouldn't you be in bed?" Yami asked somewhat surprised. Hearing the others voice, Yugi turned his head, "Oh, hi Yami." Yugi's warm smile greeted the darker one. Yami blinked in response.

"You sure were tired earlier. I didn't want to wake you, but I am feeling better now." Yugi replied. Yami moved to circle around to the front of the couch and then sat down, so he could look at his hikari better. Yugi, now completely turned around, was only wearing a pair of black jeans the rest of his upper body completely exposed to wondering eyes. Yami couldn't help but stare, he just couldn't look away from the beautiful creature that sat before him.

Yugi noticed and suddenly felt rather nervous, and slightly confused. "Yami, did you hear what I said?" Yami was suddenly drawn from his rather inappropriate thoughts and nodded at his other. "Oh um yes, Yugi. That's good that you are better. I am glad you are ok now." Yugi watched the dark spirits expressions with curiosity.

Yugi moved to sit on his knees, leaning forward slightly. Yami blinked and watched his hikari move, as if studying him. "Yami?" Yugi's voice was barley above a whisper. Yami felt his heart skip a beat at the tenderness of his light's voice. "Yes?" Yugi's mouth opened slightly but before any words could come out someone entering the room interrupted them.

"Oh Yami I see you are up. Thanks again for helping Yugi out. I guess I made a good decision when I let you stay here." Yugi's grandpa smiled at the older teen. Yami nodded towards him. "No, thank you." Yami replied back. Yugi's grandpa only waved a hand at him before entering the kitchen. Yami sighed and then forced his attention back on his hikari, if he would have still been there. The space Yugi had currently been occupying was now empty.

Yami blinked and stood up looking around for the smaller teen. Yugi, sensing Yami's sudden worry, spoke to his dark in their link.

/I'm upstairs Yami. I am going to take a shower really quick. / Yugi's voice made it's way through Yami's head, soothing his sudden state of panic.

//Ok Aibou. // Yami sent back, then sat back down. What hit Yami then was rather unexpected though. A huge wave of warmth and happiness lined with just a hint of what Yami thought was love came pouring into their open link making Yami's vision blur slightly.

Yami felt himself go limp as he excepted the great amount of emotions from his little light. He sighed heavily and closed his eyes sinking back into the couch. Didn't Yugi know what he was doing to him…he had to, and Yami could have sworn he felt just that little bit of love seep through there link. Whatever it was, Yami was going to tell Yugi how he felt today. He had too, if he didn't do it soon he was sure he would go crazy and probably end up ravaging the poor boy as well.




Yugi giggled slightly to himself after he sent that wave of ongoing emotions. Yugi could feel the other's sudden shock when he sent it and then how Yami almost willingly gave into the emotions as if he liked them a little too much. And actually that's what Yugi was hoping for. `If I can't ever get the chance to ask Yami about how he feels, maybe I can just find out on my own.'

Yugi now nude stepped into the welcoming warm water of shower, his body instantly relaxing. He sighed and closed his eyes, now also closing his link. Some emotions Yugi would easily let Yami feel but not these ones. Almost instantly after Yugi closed the link he began to think about him and Yami together. The warm water having an effect on his body he wasn't yet aware of.

Yugi sighed again picturing him and Yami on a deserted beach in the setting sun, Yami pinning him into the warm golden sand on the beach; the waves of the ocean rushing up on the two of them gently. Yugi's fantasy soon got the better of him and he moaned softly into the now steamy bathroom. Yugi's hand ran down his chest slowly, exploring. Of course he had heard about masturbating before but never had he attempted it. He was just to innocent, but Yami…he had some magical effect on him that he just couldn't describe.

Yugi didn't even know he was gay until Yami came into his life, he just couldn't help but be attracted to him. And who couldn't look at such an erotic creature in that skintight leather Yami always seemed to be wearing without being aroused? To put it plainly, Yugi was just falling head over heals in love with the spirit. He actually cared about Yugi; he didn't treat him like a little kid either.

He respected and took care of him; he just proved how much Yugi meant to him when he stayed by his side all last night. That right there showed Yugi he cared and would never leave him. And now at this age, still being a virgin, Yugi's hormones were finally getting the better of him, he couldn't help but want maybe just a little more from Yami than love.

Another moan passed through his soft lips, as his hand paused now just above where he needed something he didn't quite understand yet. He finally gave into his need and ran his hand across his now erect length. He had to bite his lip to keep quiet as he began a slow up and down motion with his hand. His eyes closed tightly and he returned to his fantasy, imagining his darkness being the one touching him.

His pace soon increased and he was panting lightly, feeling something he had never experienced before. "Yami." Yugi whispered, he felt a coil seem to tighten in his groin as he further increased the movement of his hand. His other hand pressed against the wall for support. He again let a moan seep pass his now parted lips. Then suddenly Yugi's violet orbs snapped open and a powerful shudder ran through his whole body as his orgasm finally hit him.

"Yami!" Yugi hissed through clenched teeth as his body convulsed, his essence spilling out onto his hand to quickly be washed away by the warm water. He stood there for a moment trying to regain his breath using the wall for support. `Wow, Oh that's it. I can't take it anymore. I have to tell him sooner or later.' Panic then shot through him, `Oh crap, how loud was that? Oh Kami-sama I hope Yami didn't hear that!' Yugi then quickly began to wash his hair and his body, hoping that if he got out of there before Yami came upstairs he would just think he was imagining things and wouldn't question Yugi.






Yami raised his eyes towards the ceiling where his Aibou was upstairs taking a shower. `Did Yugi just call me?' Yami blinked and then stood to go upstairs. `I hope he is ok.' Yami then picked up the pace of his walking.




"I am sorry Bakura!" Ryou practically screamed as he backed up against the cold tile of the bathroom wall. "Silence! You will be punished for your actions you little whore! How could you run off with that little fucking shrimp for a whole day! If I find out you willingly gave yourself up to that…that-" Ryou suddenly burst out into sobs as he interrupted his Yami, "I didn't do anything with him, Bakura-sama! I wouldn't do that, I just needed to get away for a little bit, I wouldn't do anything to displease you-" A loud crack rang out as skin met skin, a red hand print now appearing on the white haired tenshi's face.

Ryou slid down to his knees and continued to silently sob; now holding his throbbing cheek. "Don't interrupt me! You will be punished, you can beg all you fucking want but you aren't getting out of this. You left for a whole fucking day, after I told you not to move from that spot! You disobeyed me and ran away! Then making matters even worse you stayed with the pharaoh's...little...little whore!" Bakura was now enraged and he picked Ryou up by the collar of his shirt.

"Now tell me the truth, did you touch the pharaoh's light?" Ryou shook his head `no' and still sobbed. Bakura slammed him roughly up against the wall then dropped him. Ryou winced and fell limply to the ground. "How can I believe you, you're a fucking whore!" Ryou just lay there, knowing arguing was useless and that it would only cause him more pain.

"Get up!" Bakura spat. Ryou winced but lifted him self shakily off the floor, not looking up at the darker of the two. Bakura looked him over for a second then roughly picked him up and dumped him into the tub. Ryou squeaked and didn't have much time to react as Bakura closed the shower curtain and turned on the water to nearly scalding hot. "Let's wash all the essence of you being someone else's whore and disobeying me away."

In an instant Ryou was soaked, his clothes clinging to his body. Bakura, however, took care of the problem by ripping off the light's clothes. Ryou flushed and tried to cover himself but was only greeted with a hard blow to the chest, a new bruise appearing on his pale skin. Ryou gasped for air, his ribs felt as though they just cracked. His tears were no longer visible. Bakura pinned the light to the bottom of the tub rather roughly, his lips devouring his hikari's. Ryou's eyes closed tightly, it's not like this hadn't happened before but he still hated it just as much as the first time.

Bakura successfully pinned Ryou's arms above his head before he pulled back form the bruising kiss. Bakura smirked, it was a look that was sure to cause a shiver to run up your spine, and it sent fear racing though Ryou every limb. Ryou again closed his eyes and Bakura, still dressed but soaked, began rubbing their lower areas together rather roughly.

Ryou couldn't help but pant and moan, his body acting on its own accord. Bakura loved every minute of it; the way Ryou looked right now sent him into another word. Ryou's pale features flushed, his lips parted and moist, eyes closed tightly as he moaned from his dark's touch, his hair damp, he looked just plain fuck-able. Bakura stopped his ministrations and kissed his hikari again, earning a whimper form his light.

Ryou arched, squirming against the other in a sad attempt to get away when suddenly his dark's hand found his erect manhood. Bakura chuckled and pumped Ryou harshly with his hand. Ryou gasped sharply and panted; back still arched, "Bakuurraaa." Bakura loved when his hikari begged. "What love?" Bakura's voice was now lower, pure need dripping from it.

Ryou whimpered and pushed up into the hand, which now started to tease and slow it's pace. "Please." Ryou panted and squirmed even more his hands twisting in Bakura's grasp almost painfully. The warm water was driving Ryou crazy; his body was on fire. It was so wrong yet he loved Bakura with all his heart, he just wished he was gentle and nicer to him. He would readily give himself up to Bakura every time his dark wished it, if he were only gentle towards him.

Bakura suddenly grew frustrated and removed his hand racking his nails down Ryou's chest, remembering why he had put Ryou in the shower in the first place. Ryou gasped and squeaked trying to get away form the cause of the pain. "Beg me to fuck you. To rid you of the essence of the pharaoh's little whore." Ryou kept his eyes closed tightly, sobbing still. "I didn't do anything with Yugi, Bakura. Please believe me!"

Bakura only hit his light again, "Beg me to fuck you!" Ryou whimpered and tried to ignore the pain in his body. Bakura's form pressing on previous wounds, the way he was making new ones causing even more pain, and the pain of being denied release, it was all so overwhelming.

"P-please…please f-fuck me B-Bakura-sama." Ryou whispered his eyes closed in defeat. Bakura chuckled and rewarded his light by running his tongue down his chest. Ryou gasped as his dark's pink tongue ran over the welts that Bakura's nails had caused, making them burn. Bakura let go of his hikari's hands but commanded that he kept them above his head, now allowing himself to move lower down his light's body.

Ryou whimpered when the spirit licked up his length slowly. Bakura then swallowed Ryou whole sucking roughly. Ryou nearly screamed and arched up off the bottom of the tub. His breath coming out in pants as he moaned, "Oh Bakura! A-Ahhhh! Oh!" Bakura brought his light to the edge then pulled away.

Ryou felt tears well up in his eyes; he needed release so bad. Bakura chuckled at the pained and frustrated look on his hikari's face. During this time Bakura removed his clothes as well throwing them out onto the bathroom floor with a `splat.' Ryou sobbed knowing what was about to happen, and how bad it always hurt.

Bakura placed himself in-between his tenshi's legs, parting them more. Ryou allowed himself to be moved his hands still above his head gripping one another in fear. Bakura then leaned forward kissing Ryou again, letting his tongue snake into the lights mouth to re-explore the warm cavern. Before Ryou could even think he felt his dark force his way into him roughly, no preparation taken. Ryou screamed into his Yami's mouth, choked sobs following it.

Bakura didn't wait, he moved as soon as he was in the other, starting with full rough thrusts. Ryou squirmed and arched, sobbing out loud now, and begging for Bakura to stop. "Bakura, please…stop! Kami, it…it huuuurrrts!" But his pleas were ignored and Bakura only growled, fueled by Ryou's whining.

Blood soon joined the water that poured through the drain at the bottom of the tub. The blood helping lubricate Bakura as he now easily slid out and then back into Ryou's body. He angled his thrusts, hoping to hit that spot that would make Ryou scream and turn him on even further. Then finally he found it, hitting it head on as Ryou screamed and arched up, his hands now wrapped tightly around Bakura.

Bakura reached in-between the two bodies and grabbed Ryou's manhood stoking it roughly. Ryou screamed more now hoarse. Then finally his body allowed the pain to stop when his orgasm hit him, his body shaking violently. His essence spewed out coating Bakura's hand and his stomach. Bakura growled and through his head back, allowing himself to finally spill into his tenshi as well.

Ryou, silently screamed and arched as Bakura's essence burned his torn insides, then fell limply back. Darkness overcame him as he passed out from pain. Bakura took a moment to catch his breath then he pulled out of his light. Standing up he rinsed the blood and semen off of himself and his hikari, before turning off the water. Then he picked up the broken angle in his strong arms and stepped out of the tub, carrying Ryou out into his room and laying his on his bed, still wet.

Bakura then went to the bathroom again, wrapping a towel around his waist and grabbing another one. Then, returning to the gentle albino's room, he dried off his hikari and tucked him in under the covers of his bed even though he was still nude. "I will be back my sweet tenshi." With that Bakura left the room to go get dressed and plan Ryou's other punishments.





Authoress: FINALLY! *Sighs and wipes sweat from forehead* Man this one took me forever to finish! I am just glad it's done…poor Ryou.


Ryou: Yeah poor me! What the hell is wrong with you!?


Authoress: Sorry, it's not my fault I was born with a masochism streak.


Ryou: -________- Well use it on some one else! Like Yugi and Yami….


Yugi: *Gasps* NO! Yami would never hurt me! *Hugs Yami*


Yami: *Nods* That's right! I love Yugi; I wouldn't hurt him, ever!


Yugi: O.O Y-you…l-love me?!?!?! *Passes out*


Authoress: *Laughs* Aww…


Yami: Yugi! *Shakes him* Yugi wake up!


Bakura: Now's your chance to fuck him pharaoh…


Yami: *Flushes* I would never do that with out his permission!

Bakura: *Smirks* So you do wanna fuck him, just not without his permission?

Yami: U-uhhh…. *Blushing*


Authoress: Ehehehe^^ Yami wants to screw Yugi!


Yami: *Hides face*


Authoress: ^^ Anyway please R&R and tell me what you want to happen next! Should Yami tell Yugi how he feels, should they have hot passionate sex?! Let me know, and will Ryou ever cope with his Yami's abuse? And what about Joey and Kaiba?!?!? Review and find out in the next chapter. Thanks ^_-