Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Eyes ❯ Secret Admirer ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Secret Admirer
An annoying buzzing sound was what awoke Kaiba from his daze of papers, keypads, and signatures. He glared at the phone pad that was interrupting him. He distinctly remembered telling his secretory, Trina or something, that he was very busy today. He pressed the intercom button with his long index finger.
"What is THAT important that you decided to go against my DIRECT instructions and INTERRUPT my work?"
Then in a sickening sweet croon, "Are you there sweetheart?" he gave himself a mental smirk, he could hear his secretary shaking and her voice sounded near tears.
"So...rry, Mr. Kaiba ... I ... I thought you..." He could hear her moving around papers.
Again in his fake croon, "You thought what? Common sweetheart, tell Mr. Kaiba what you were going to say."
When she didn't provide him with an anser, he swung his leather chair around to face the endless window that surrounded his office. Looking down on the city of Domino, he felt rather good about himself. He had everything he could ever want, a multibillion dollar company in his complete control, a couple billion in his personal bank account, the title of #1 duelist in the world, his three blue eyes, and most importantly, his younger brother Mokuba.
He combed his long fingers threw his thick brown hair, waiting impatiently for the women he was talking to, get her thoughts straight, and talk. After waiting for a few more seconds, far too long for his liking, he stood up, stretching his muscles from the change in position. They rubbed up on his silk shirt exposing his long and slender well-built form.
His feet strode soundlessly on the black velvet carpet. By looking at his distinctive frame and strong face, you would probably think that Seto Kaiba as a 25-year-old business man, devoted to himself and no one else, but Kaiba was really a 16-year-old who was forced into his position by his cold-hearted step father, who taught him the art of being a selfish, power-hungry, CEO. He worked hard day and night, not for himself but mainly for his brother Mokuba. Kaiba had experienced a horrible childhood and did everything he could do in his power to make sure that Mokuba was better off in the word that anyone else.
He pushed open the heavy Mapa Burl wood doors, which had 3 dragons etched expertly into the wood which he had flown in from Africa, the blond color with had spots which resembled a leopards skin and a thick gloss, no less then a quarter of an inch witch enhanced the excellence of his office, showing everyone his eccentric personality. Strolling out into the hallway. He shot glares at anyone who had the misfortune of glancing at him. He turned into a larger hall, straight to his secretary's desk.
The poor woman was still looking through her notes, when Kaiba was almost at her desk. She picked up a note and pushed the intercom button again, just before she gazed into the brilliant blue orbs that were glaring down at her.
She fell over when she looked up right into the eyes of the man that had pushed her near tears seconds ago. She recovered and started moving her mouth trying to talk, but was still in some sort of shock.
"Hmm . . . pretty girl, too bad she's as STUPID as THAT PENCIL she's holding!" Kaiba rolled his eyes. "What important news do you have for me . . . " Looking at her name plate, "Trisha?" Kaiba said this in his what the hell are you wasting my time for voice.
She swallowed the lump that was disallowing her to talk, and said almost in a whisper, "You told me to tell you if anything of interest was happening at KaibaLand." she added as a 2nd thought, "Sir."
"AND...?" he growled losing all patience with the girl.
"And well, the department just called to let you know that Weevil Underwood and...," glancing down at her slip of paper not daring to look the enraged Seto Kaiba in the eyes. "Bandit Keith I believe, they are dueling at this moment at arena 21, they are creating a great deal of interest and a large cowed has gathered." She looked up at the boys sapphire eyes, feeling her heart beat even quicker as his face lowered closer to hers, she could barley breathe as the boy looked her in the eyes and moved his mouth. She couldn't hear him though, or anything else for that matter, she was stunned by Kaiba's handsome feachers.
His eyes were the brightest blue she had ever seen. Her heart started beating again as the big blue eyes stared straight at her, throwing angry daggers her way. Snapping her out of her trance. "What was that?" She asked brokenly.
"I SAID," The CEO replied in a snappish voice, "That I would be leaving for the rest of the day and if you wouldn't MIND would you call me a car!" She snuffled as he yelled the last part at her and nodded her head, no longer having faith in her voice when the taller boy was around. Kaiba bowed mockingly at her and left her to wonder if her job was in any danger.
"Where do I find such mindless idiots to work with all day? There has to be someone who knows how to talk long enough to tell me what I need to know! He shook his head and strode towards the elevator. Everyone that worked at KaibaCorp knew that there were five elevators, they all went to the basement, to the 43 floor at the very top. The first 4 were very elegant and fitted a good number of people, but the fifth, and largest one, was Seto Kaiba's elevator. It was used twice a day. Once on his way from the entrance, to his office on the 43rd floor, and the second on his way back down in the evening. Which is why Kaiba was surprised to see it currently stopped on the 16t floor.
"Well, well, aren't I in for some fun" he thought dryly. He pushed an over-ride button that called his elevator up to the 43 floor, IMMEDIATELY. When the doors opened several seconds later, Kaiba smiled, as he looked at the two attractive young men who were sprawled out, staring up at him with looks of horror on their faces.
Kaiba glanced his eyes over them. They were sprawled over the floor as if a crazy elevator had just carried them 35mph to the top of a 43-story tall building.The man in front had sandy blond hair which was mussy all over his face The other was holding his hand as if it were broken and had large green eyes, which were currently twitching in fear at the powerful CEO in front of him. They both started stammering their apologies, when they were finished, they just sat there in shock of being in this situation.
"Would you MIND removing your vile bodies from my brand-new $1,500 carpet?" He yelled, giving a shot of his painfully evil glare that caused even the most brave business men to cower in fear. Both men were about 10 years older then him and were shaking in fear at the enraged 16-year old teen. When neither made an attempt to move, Kaiba's eyes grew large and he roared, "NOW!" Both men shot out of the elevator for their lives.
"NEVER STEP FOOT ON ANY KAIBA PROPERTY AGAIN!" The last time this had happened, Kaiba fired the 52-year-old woman who scuffed up his carpets and had her sit a few days in jail for damaging company property. After the men had cleared the hall, Kaiba touched a stitching on the collar of his trench coat which had the initials' KC. They lit up and beeped once. "Find the men that were just using my elevator and have them removed from my property now!" Flashing, it replied a polite "Yes Mr. Kaiba." And went back to normal.
Pulling himself into the elevator he quickly reached the bottom floor, soon he was walking out the tall glass building, walking to his personal limousine. He sighed, "I said, I wanted a car." Grumbling at no one, he seated himself comfortable in the leather seats and crossed his legs. He motioned for the driver to go and they speed off to his own theme park. He pulled form behind his seat a white remote, and pushed a button. A large TV materialized in front of him.
Pushing a few more buttons, 2 more screens popped out. He now had in front of him a full status report of the duel that he was heading to. The large TV in the center showed the duels live feed, the one on the left showed the past moves and cards that had been sent to the graveyard, and the one to the right, showed a list of cards that are being played, and the amount of life points each player had. The score was currently 3550 - 1300. 'Great this is going to be over before I even get there.' He urged his driver to go faster and resumed his inspection of the duel. A large crowed had gathered around the arenam just like his secretary had said, which wasn't unusual for a duel containing to champions.
Weevil Underwood was of little interest to him, he was only interested in Bandit Keith. Kaiba had heard of him before and had yet to see him duel in person. Kaiba was interested to watch him duel as he had a powerful deck made form machine type monsters. 'Keith will surly win.' Kaiba thought to himself after seeing the look of fear on Weevil's face.
He kept looking at an all right looking brunette, that was being held around the waist by a strong looking man who seemed to be friends with Keith, he had a friend standing next to him and the both seemed to be harassing the girl. The ugly green haired boy was sweating heavily and looked down at his hand, he obviously didn't have anything that could help him because his face turned a green color and looked back to the girl, who was yelling something at Keith. He nodded to the two men holding her and the one that was not holding her slapped her hard across the face.
"Ouch!" Kaiba winced, "That's gonna be a bruise." He was enjoying this now, this was more then just a duel he figured. 'That girl must be going out with Underwood, and Keith here decided that he wanted to duel for her. He rolled back his head and laughed, 'Why would they even bother with that ugly . . . " he looked back at the screen.
The girl was gone and in her place the two men sat there in a heap on the floor. One was holding his stomach and the other was holding his hands over his face, blood was running down his hands. Kaiba looked excitedly around for the plain girl. Pushing another pad on his remote, he zoomed in and found the girl. She was being carried by a blond boy who was running away from where she was just standing. Behind him ran a boy with brown, pointy hair and another with long white hair. He looked at them, studying the group, as he noticed another who was a little behind.
Kaiba froze, he was starting at the petite boy who was hardly keeping up with the rest of the running teens. He had turned around only for a second, to look back at the two men laying on the floor. Kaiba could feel that his heart had stopped beating as he got a quick peek into the boy's face. It was surrounded by a crown of spiky gold, red and black hair and had the largest eyes he had ever seen. Kaiba tired to zoom in closer on the boy but lost him as the group ran deeper into the crowed. 'Damn!' He yelled as he scanned it looking for the multi-colored hair teen that he had lost on his big-screen.
Kaiba slouched back into his leather seat, the duel was begging to bore him, any minuet Keith would win and it would be over. He decided to go to KaibaLand any ways, just to check out the place again. Thinking about the boy again her decided that he should check on that girl and make sure she was alright, he laughed out loud at what he just said in his head.
'Okay Seto, Im sure you just wanna check up on the girl, and not check out her little friend.' He picked back up the remote tried to rewind the live feed he had just been watching. He paused it on the boy's face and zoomed in even closer. He let out a gasp as he looked into the boys eye's, they were a beautiful violet color. He stared into them until he realized what he was doing.
He sighed, 'When did I become so gay?'