Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Eyes ❯ Hello and Goodbye ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello and Goodbye
"I'm here to collect my prize."
Jou, Honda and Ryou quickly stood in front of Anzu.
"I won her fair and square, Weevil and I both agreed on the terms. If he won he would get my title and I would leave him and his little girlfriend alone." He put on an evil smile.
"But if I was to win, I would get your little friend here."
"Well sorry to burst your sick little bubble you sick twisted thing, but you can't have Anzu!" Jou threatened.
"Oh really, and what exactly are you going to do to stop me? Beat me, the international campion in a duel? I don't think so little boy" He mocked.
"Oh yea, I could kick your ass right now, lets go."
Keith had on a bored expression and looked the boy up and down.
"You have nothing I want. Why would I duel you?"
Honda looked relived and started to whisper to Jou that this was for the better, and to "shut the hell up," When the smallest of their group, pushed forward and looked Keith straight in the eyes.
"I will duel you."
Keith almost jumped backwards in surprise. Standing in front of him was a young boy that practically radiated sex.
His eyes glared like red rubies burning directly into his own. He looked the new boy up and down practically drooling as he sized him up picturing his small slender body under his own moaning his name. The thought caused him to start to harden. He grinned excitedly at the boy.
"And you are . . . "
"Their friend, and that is all you need to know, and I am NOT planning on losing this duel. Do you accept Keith?"
"Yes, "He paused and licked his bottom lip. "But if I win this time, YOU will be my prize."
He gave the regal teen a twisted smile and rested his hands on his hip, giving the boy an idea of what he would be forced to do, should he be subject too loose.
Yugi seemed unfazed by Keith's threats and ignored the pleading cries his friends and the people that had formed around him.
"Agreed. And if I shall win, you must never step a foot in KaibaLand again, nor willyou everthreaten me, or my friends as long as you live."
Jou knew that noticed that something was majorly different in Yugi, and was becoming a little uncomfortable around the new dark, commanding person who a moment ago was the definition of bubbling innocence.
"Yugi, not to doubt your duelin' skills or nothin', but I have a really bad feeling about this."
He gave a quick glance at Anzu who was looking straight at the ground with silent tears running down her face.
"Yea Yugi, this is really brave of you, but I can't let you put yourself in this situation." She gave him a week smile and began to walk over to Keith.
Yugi gripped her arm and looked at Keith.
"Are we on?"
Keith was grinning like a madman.
'You bet your hot little ass we're on.' He thought. He let out a laugh at the irony of what he just said to himself, and faced the crimson eyed boy. "Oh yea were on."
He smirked, his mind was filling with things he could to the leather clad teen, all involving him removing all of the tight materiasl from his petite body.
"Aren't we gonna have some fun!"
As Yugi walked by Keith the crowed parted making a path for the two men to make their way to the arena. Yugi practically glided towards his destination. Keith from behind keeping a good five feet behind him, becoming overly excited with the way the boys hips swayed and the leather that cracked every so often.
'The girl is NOTHING compared to this one! I am defiantly liking this situation.'
He became all hot and bothered as he thought of the boy taking him into his mouth with his perfect, full, pink lips, and his hot little tongue.
'Oh man, he seems so feisty, I can't wait to have him submit to me, begging for me to ravish him!'
Keith skipped the hole rest of the way, thoughts of later activities running through his head.
Yugi on the other hand was shaking inside. He had no idea what had just come over him. Sure he wanted to stick up for his friends, but challenging someone who was one of the top duelists in the world, was not one of his brightest ideas.
He could feel Keith's eyes glued to his body, burning holes threw his clothing. Yugi forced his legs not to run down the hall and out the front doors and run to his grandfather, but Anzu was counting on him, and he couldn't let her down.
The walk seemed endless and he hurried his pace a bit more. Yugi was just happy couldn't see his face, because he was sure that with one glance, Keith would be able to see that his cool exterior was all just an act, and would see his fear leaking threw his two indigo orbs that were direct windows too all his emotions.
Yugi quickly turned left to go to his side of the arena. He placed his hand in his pocked and felt around the sides of his cards.
'My deck has never let me down before, and with my millennium puzzle, there is no WAY I'll loose.'
He felt the now familiar, comforting warmth spread threw his body and felt his fears wash away. He simply did nothing, and was being engulfed in the felling, which is so surprised when he heard a voice, very similar to his own come from his mouth and speak in a deep, sensual, confident voice. Everything that was around him seemed to be just out of reach, as if everything was slowly slipping away from him. He could see things happening but they seemed to be going by so fast. He saw himself planning strategies, laying traps, and summoning his monsters, but he wasn't really doing it himself. He could almost hear someone else's voice in his mind. He opened his mouth to call out but he found he couldn't.
/Oh my gosh! What's happening to me! Wh . . . Why can't I move/ Yugi could feel himself starting to freak out, he couldn't move and it was like all his senses were going numb. He cleared his mind when he heard a voice in his head.
Yugi suddenly felt himself laying down with his eyes closed, which shot open instantly. He jumped up to find himself situated in a rather colorful room, getting off the bed, he tripped on something that looked like a jack-in-the-box. The hole floor was covered in small children's toys. He spun around the room trying to figure out where he was, nothing looked familiar to him, and he noticed that the walls seemed as if they went on forever.
/Where am I/ Yugi asked himself, defiantly not expecting to receive an anser.
/ In your soul room of corse./
Yugi jumped, landing painfully on a small wooden block. He frantically looked around searching for the source of the voice in his head.
/What? What's happening? Who are you? Why can't I see you? What's going on/ Yugi screamed inside his head starting to becoming hysteric.
/Calm down little one! You are inside your soul room, through the power of the millennium puzzle. Nothing is wrong, you simply have broken connection with me and the rest of the world./. The voice echoed in Yugi's head. The voice sounded like it was no big deal. But Yugi couldn't understand how, suddenly appearing in some strange room when one minuet ago you were playing a duel monsters game, could NOT be a big deal.
/What do you mean, I lost connection with you, who are you/ Yugi could almost hear the voice sigh from deep inside his head.
/I am the spirt of the millennium puzzle, I am hear to help you Yugi, we were dueling Keith and you suddenly just left my mind./
/Okay this is defiantly strange, I'm having a conversation with a spirt that lives in my puzzle, who wants to protect me from all the evil in the world./ Yugi thought sarcastically to himself. /This is completely normal./
/I did not say that I would be able to protect you from all the evils, but I will try to protect you Yugi./
Yugi jumped again as he heard the spirt comment on what he had just thought to himself. He landed on what looked like some sort of wooden duck, and cursed himself mentally while he hopped around in what the "spirt" called his "soul room".
/What? How did you.../
/Read your mind? Yugi, you and I now share the same mind. I live inside of you, I am you, we share the same thoughts, unless you choose not to share them with me./
Yugi bit his lip, trying to let what the spirt had just told him sink in. He laughed out loud.
/ Dark powers! This must be what grandpa was talking about . . . That means, I got my wish/
Yugi smiled. Even though he didn't know this spirt that lived inside of his puzzle, he couldn't be bad if he only wanted to help. Yugi immediately decided that he must be the best friend that he had wished for. One that would love him no matter what, someone who would know him inside and out.
He immediately wanted to begin to know all about his other side, but was reminded by a voice that seemed far away of what was going on. Yugi could hear Keith's mocking voice from his room.
/Um, do you know how I can get out of here? I want to finish this duel with Keith and go home./ Suddenly a thought of what was going to happen to him went through his mind. He imagined to ever detail what Keith would do to him, and judging by the way the older man was undressing him with his eyes, it wasn't to invite Yugi over to have a friendly chat. Yugi's fear and panic spread over to the spirts emotions.
/Do not worry aibou, everything will be fine. I promise./
Yugi could feel the spirit's own confidence flow over him, making him feel complete and unafraid. He smiled/I think I can get used to this./ He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on the far away voice of Keith until he found himself standing back on his side of the field facing his own dueling counter with his own familiar cards in his hand.
"... was gonna be nice but now that you got all cocky, thinking just because you have a slight lead your gonna win? Well sorry kid but that's not gonna happen with Bandit Keith here to stop it I am gonna beat you so bad ..."
Keith continued his empty threats, but Yugi was ignoring him trying to concentrate on what cards he was holding and what he was planning on doing now. /I don't even know what cards I have face down. This is too much/
/Defense Paralysis and Living arrow/
He jerked at hearing the voice in his head but recovered quickly, starting to get used to having another presence in his mind. He looked down at the score. /Well at least I have a big lead./. The score was 3700-830 and he had his Summon Skull on the field in attack mode and Keith had nothing on his side. He looked over to where his friends were standing under him. They were all staring at him. Jou looked concerned, and was trying to say something to him. Ryou was just starring at him with an odd look on his face as if he was trying to figure out something very interesting. Anzu and Honda were just smiling up at him, silently encouraging him to keep it up.
/We should probably move now, it's been our turn for about 2 minuets./
/Oh! Yea! I forgot/ Yugi placed a card in defense mode and he heard his voice again call out to Keith to make his next move.
/Can you take over my body whenever you want? I mean, can you like do whatever you want with me/ Yugi trusted the spirt of the puzzle, but he still wanted to know just how in control of himself he really was.
/I suppose I can do whatever I want, but I would never do anything you didn't want me to do. Don't worry Yugi./
/I know, I was just wondering, I mean, how long have you been, um living inside me/ Yugi was remembering some of the strange things that had happened to him lately, (A.N. Bathroom incident, and his little urge to look as sexy as possible.) and just wanted to know if maybe this was why he was acting all strange.
/Well, I just now found out today how to communicate with you and how to leave my soul room. There are many mysteries to the puzzle that I have not uncovered yet, but yes, I have been able to see and hear you for some time now, even though I do believe that time travels differently in these different realms./
Keith had moved by placing a card face down in defense mode, and ended his turn. Yugi smiled, as he flipped his defense paralysis card face up on the field, and attacked his monster with a 1700 defense, reducing Keith's life points to 30. Everyone cheered for their new small hero. Keith's face turned stone cold and he threw his cards down on the counter.
"You forfeit then?" Yugi's voice was booming in a deep, rich voice that was not his own.
Keith refused to answer him, he picked up the rest of his cards, glared at Yugi, and allowed his dueling platform to lower. The crowd parted again, but this time in fear of the man who had just suffered a humiliating defeat against a inexperienced, unknown duelist. He stormed down the hallway sending sharp glares at anyone who dared to look towards him.
Yugi felt his body fall back into his own control. He picked up his cards from the deck zone, and allowed himself to be lowered back to the ground. He was surprised at how loud everyone was cheering, he was at least relieved when they started to leave, and disperse around the rest of KaibaLand. He made his way back over to his friends, who rushed over and hugged him.
"You did great Yugi! You totally kicked Keith's butt! He hardly even got a shot on ya!" Jou had one arm around Yugi's shoulder and was beaming at his friend. "You should have told me you were this good! You whipped the floor with that guy Yug!"
"That was simply splendid Yugi! A very exciting match! You did seem a little, offish, though, was there something wrong? Ryou questioned, his voice was soft but the look in his eyes seemed to be demanding an answer.
Yugi sweat dropped. He didn't know why, but he didn't really want to let the others know about his millennium spirt until he knew him better first. "No, I'm fine Ryou." Yugi managed "Just a little nervous."
"NERVOUS! Are you kidding? You looked great out there, when you destroyed his Slot Machine, I knew you were gonna win! You have the greatest game face I have ever seen, even your voice changed! You were intimidating me! I feel bad for whoever has to face you in a duel." Honda exclaimed. "I even saw that Kaiba guy watching you guys in the beginning."
Yugi laughed, "Thanks you guys. Oh, and Jou you do know, you and I never had a chance to play each other today. You are still up to dueling me aren't you?" Yugi, pouted his lip and gave Jou his best puppy dog eyes.
"Yea sure Yug, anytime, I'm just really glad you won, I mean, If you didn't win ..." Jou trailed off to let everyone have their own little pictures pop up in their mind.
Yugi shivered at the thought and tried to think of other things. "I'm just glad Anzu's okay."
"Um, guys, where is Anzu? Honda asked after looking around. "She's not with us any more."
All four boys looked around, " Damn it! Don't tell me we're going to have to go and save her again!" Jou yelled angerly.
"You mean Ryou save her again! If I remember correctly, Ryou was the one that took out those to guys, you just picked her up." Honda turned to Ryou, "How did you do that any ways?"
"COMMON GUYS! We have to find her, who cares who saved her last time. She might not even need saving, lets just find her."
"All right, Ryou and I will go look around the food courts, Yugi and Honda go look around the bathrooms."
The group split up. Yugi could hear Honda mumbling curses towards Anzu as they made their way to the bathrooms. Yugi highly doubted that Jou or Ryou would really try and look for her especially if they were around any food court. Neither seemed to like her very much, he looked around searching for his friend.
He turned around to tell Honda that he doubted that they would ever find her in this mess, but Honda was busy being attacked by the blond woman from earlier. Apparently she was still upset about him touching her, judging by the way she was hitting him repeated with her purse.
Yugi rolled his eyes and was walking back over to help him out, when he spotted Anzu. She was being dragged out of the park with the two men from earlier. "Honda! Over here, those two men have Anzu."Yugi yelled, "Go get Ryou and Jou!" Yugi walked quickly towards the entrance. He could hear Honda yelling for him not to go, but Yugi ran out the doors. He could hear Anzu shouting on the side of the building.
He turned the corner, his eyes were stunned by the sudden loss of light. He waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness and it greeted him with jabs to the ribs.
Yugi kneeled over, and let out a cry, he had heard some of his ribs snapping under the punches. The attacker kneed in the stomach, and gave him an uppercut to the jaw. He felt himself slowly slipping away, when he felt a wave of strength, sweep over him just before he blacked out.
"HEY! No need to push!"
"Watch were your going buddy!"
'This crowd is much larger then I thought.' Grumbled Kaiba in his head, as he pushed, his way threw the mass of people surrounding his arena. "Stupid people."He mumbled in a scathing voice. He pushed a rather dirty looking man out from in front of him. "Who let's these people in here?"
After a few more hopeless attempts to make his way threw the crowd, Kaiba gave up and turned to walk back though his wake of angry, pissed-off people. When he made his way to the end, he noticed a small group of people sitting around watching one of the TVS. He noticed the boy with white hair and made his way towards the group. He noticed the girl from earlier with her chin on her knees being comforted by the boy with red, gold, and black hair.
He quickly jumped behind a pillar, his heart rate increased, and he prayed that no one in the purple-eyed boy's group had seen him. He peeked back over when he heard a girl's voice start to cry. The four boys were all standing around with their mouths hung open staring at the TV. He caught a glimpse and noticed that Weevil's score had gone down to zero. He let his eyes lay on his multi-colored hair crush, who was gently stroking the brown girls hand. He tore his eyes away when he saw the crowd parting to let a very smug looking Bandit Keith walked up to the four guys and the crying girl. He stopped in front of the brown haired girl, with a giant grin on his face.
"I'm here to collect my prize."
'I knew it!' He gave himself a mental high five for being so damn smart, and watched as three of the boys jumped up and blocked the view of the girl and his new crush. The blond boy and Keith argued for a while and Keith laughed as the boy challenged him to a duel, after checking him out and telling him that he had "Nothing that he wants"
Kaiba's heart slowed down for the second time that day, when his crush stepped out from behind the three taller boys, and in the most sexiest voice Kaiba had ever heard calmly announced his presence by speaking calmly.
"I will duel you."
The boy that Kaiba had been stalking stood up and Kaiba couldn't help but drool at the boy. He we without a doubt, the hottest male or female he had ever seen, wearing tight leather pants with a rather dull jacket that looked somewhat like a uniform. The boy had some sort of sexual aura that was forcing Kaiba to use all his control just to keep certain areas of himself, "calm", and to not attack the blond adult, as he watched Keith's eyes travel up and down HIS boy's body. Keith was obviously aware of how good the teen would taste and it made Kaiba's blood boil. He watched as the boy's friends begged him not to go along with Keith's demands of getting to have him, in replacement for the girl, if he were too loose the duel. Kaiba saw a flash of his ruby gaze and almost fell backwards.
'I know his eyes were violet,' Kaiba told himself, as he watched the two walk over to the dueling arena. Kaiba was growling as he saw Keith's eyes watching the boy's swaying hips, causing the brunette with a giant spike on his head to look in his direction. Kaiba watched as the boy did a double take at him.
'Great.' Deciding now to leave so that he wouldn't have to deal with any questions, he walked quickly away, heading towards a door with the words 'EMPLOYEES ONLY.' Reaching the top of the stairs Kaiba strolled into a large blinking room.
"Mr. Kaiba!" A short white haired man with large round glasses stuttered in his direction. "We've been expecting you, but unfortunately sir, the duel has terminated. Keith was the victor."
"I know that already!" Kaiba snapped, "Put arena 21 on screen. I want as many angles as possible."
The room suddenly lit up with dozens of bright TVs, showing the arena with two people preparing to approach for a duel. As the man complied to the proud CEO's demands, Kaiba was delighted to see that he had over ten camera angles pointing directly at the new object to his lust.
"I am finished with your services now, you are dismissed."
The people in the room with him quickly left, leaving him all bye himself. He picked up the main keypad and quickly typed a virus that would crash the dueling system for arena 21. He was planning on using it when Keith began to win, hopefully the boy would be smart enough to take a hint and be able to get away from the duel.
Judging from the way Keith was still staring at the boy, and from the obvious bulge in his pants, Kaiba could tell that Keith wanted the same thing from the boy as his own body was desperately craving. He felt a small twinge of jealousy as he watched the boy stare intensely at his opponent.
"I wish I was dueling for his body." Kaiba said to himself, as he looked at one of the screens that happened to have a perfect view to the boy's leather clad pants. The boy had just stopped being raised to the platform, he looked up. His eyes looked scared and on the verge of tears. Kaiba's hole heart aced, as he watched the boy nervously get out his deck, big purple eyes looking afraid and vulnerable. He was tempted to just push enter and send disallow the duel from even beginning, but stopped when he noticed that the boy had straightened up and was glaring with a stunning ruby gaze, blazed warning in the directly of Keith. The blood red eyes made the boy seem dark and powerful, full of determination.
"Wow, some game face." He said memorized at the stunning change of appearance of the boy. "He looks like he did when he challenged Keith in the first place."
He turned the speakers up, and the room was instantly filled with the rich booming voice of the tri-colored hair teen.
"... and for threatening me and my friends you will pay!"
Kaiba felt really bad now, 'There is no way he could beat Bandit Keith, he's the international champion! He would almost come close to beating me! I mean sure, he's hot and all, but that doesn't make him an expert duelist.' He let his finger lay on the keypad upon the enter button.
Kaiba was watching the boy with an appraising gaze, and was madly smirking at Keith, who's life points were plummeting. Keith had looked like he was enjoying himself at the beginning and had a twisted smile plastered on his face. Now he had a vicious scowl, which grew bigger and bigger each time Kaiba's ruby eyed crush defeated another monster and cleverly outwitted the all his opponents strategies. Kaiba was practically bouncing in his chair as he watched the display.
'Who is he?'
Kaiba ran a frame with a clear picture of the boy into his main computer. He ran a search including it to newspapers, schools, and the police. Minuets later a large page came up.
"Yugi Mutou"
A picture and a Yugi's hole life history appeared on the screen. Kaiba was now in control of every document that was ever written on the boy. He quickly read through Yugi's general information, skipping over the boy's grades and all his medical history. He began to mumble little things out loud as he read.
"Domino High . . . Grandpa's Turtle game shop . . . 15 years-old! Good I was hoping he wasn't too young." He finished looking over Yugi's report just in time to see him turn Keith's points down to 30 points. He clapped his hands together and pushed out of his chair.
'This is amazing! He is everything I never thought was possible! He's sexy as hell and an excellent duelist.' he laughed out loud. 'I'll go down now and congratulate him on his duel, its not everyday someone like me goes and says hi to you.' He was walking back out into the main hallway just as the crowds start to clear up.
Kaiba scanned the crowd and spotted Yugi walking with the same brunette that had earlier been staring at him. He had stopped walking, a little preoccupied having some crazy blond woman hitting him viciously with a large purse. Kaiba made his way over to the two teens when he noticed Yugi had left and the brunette was yelling at him to wait. Kaiba turned around just in time to see a flash of red and black run out the overly large front doors.
He stood there a moment debating on wether or not he should follow him. 'What would he think if he found out the head of KaibaCorp was stalking him?' He smirked.
"Why the hell not!" He headed to the exit only to find no trace of Yugi. He heard a small cry come from the side of the building. He was pacing quickly to that direction.
A deep voice was audible, Seto could barley make out what they were saying. It sounded something along the lines of something about a shadow realm. A brilliant, purple light were soon evoked Kaiba's senses.
"Jou? Help me! Yugi, he's . . . He's not waking up!" A deep panicked voice replied. "I cannot even fell his presence." The voice said quietly this time.
Kaiba fingered the radio chip stitched to the inside of his jacket.
"I need an ambulance NOW! Send it to the corner of KaibaLand!" Kaiba demanded, into the small "KC" stitching. He continued his search, trying to find the small boy.
"Where are you?" He cried, just as he saw a flash of light and a disappearing figure from the dark. He rubbed his eyes, and took in the view the small figure laying on the floor. He quickly ran to the boy's side and noted the red angry bruises on his once flawless face. He softly caressed the boy to his chest, and laid him down on his back.
"Where the hell is my damn ambulance?" He asked to no one, as he noted the pained expression on the boy's face. He could hardly see but he knew that whatever had happened to him, he would need serious help. From the looks of it, Kaiba was just glad that the other person had come to help him. He recalled the figure that had disappeared when he found Yugi.
"YUGI!" A heavily accented voice called out. " Buddy where are you." Other voices joined in, all calling, and coming closer to the small boy that was now laying at his knees.
Kaiba watched as a tall blond boy stepped into view, not noticing the crouched CEO. Kaiba slowly stood up as the boy noticed him and began to hurry in his direction.
"What the HELL did you do?" The furious boy yelled. "What did you do to Yugi?"
Kaiba backed away from the small unconscious boy, and glared down at the blond that had the nerve to accuse him of ever hurting his new angle. He remained silent as two others came into view, they were the same two boys from before. The white-haired boy was cracking his knuckles suggestively and had a look of mad excitement on his face. The other just looked shocked..
"Seto Kaiba?" The brunette that Kaiba had seen been attacked earlier asked uneasily, he squinted in the darkness, and as if confirming his own question. "You! You were the one that was staring at Yugi earlier."
Kaiba realized he probably DID look suspicions, but that didn't help him from automatically disliking the ones accusing him of trying to hurt Yugi.
"Yes, I am Seto Kaiba. I was going to congratulate this boy on his duel with Keith when I saw him run back here. I found him laying on the floor just like this when I came. I thought there was someone else here but they vanished when I turned the corner." He grunted softly. "Not that it's any of your business. "
The white-haired boy came closer with an intense gaze, he seemed to be deep in thought when his face suddenly softened and he ran to Yugi side. The sound of an ambulance filled the parking lot and soon they had loaded the multi-colored hair boy into the flashing van.
'I hope he's alright.' Kaiba thought softly to himself before he turned and walked away.
The three boys stood and watched as their friend was loaded into the small ambulance. Kaiba stood behind them and quickly walked away as soon as it had left. Ryou felt bad for how mean Jou had been to him. All he was trying to do was help, but Jou didn't see that. He smiled as he thought of how protective Jou is about the ones he cares about. He silently wished that one day Jou would feel the same way about him.
He heard his Yami snort in his soul room. He blushed as he realized his private feelings were leaking into Bakura's link. Bakura had always been able to block him from his mind, but Ryou had never got the hang of it.
"Poor Yugi." Jou whispered. He turned to Honda. "YOU, were supposed to be with him." He said angerly, shoving the brunette. "Why didn't you follow him?" He shoved him again, Honda backed away from the angered teen.
"Hey man, he told me to get you guys, and even if I did follow him, it would just be Yugi AND me being carried away in that ambulance."
"Honda's right." Ryou cut in. "If he didn't get us, Yugi andHonda would both have gotten hurt. We're just lucky Kaiba was over here."
Jou snorted. "Yea, I don't believe his little story, I still think he did this."
Ryou shook his head. "I believe that this has something to do with Bandit Keith, what would Seto Kaiba have to gain from knocking Yugi out, and then calling the hospital?"
"I still don't like that guy, he gives me the creeps."
Ryou laughed, the sound made everyone feel a little better. "Would you guys like to come to my house and have dinner?" He asked politely, "I would love to get to know you both better."
"YEA, you bet!" Jou shouted a little too loud for their situation. He blushed slightly and turned to Honda who was looking at his watch. "Come on Honda lets go."
"Nope, sorry can't, I gotta finish my English paper. Maybe next time." He said smiling, "I'll catch ya later Ryou, I hope you know what you got yourself into, Jou here eats like an animal." He disappeared, turning around the corner of the building.
Ryou was trying not to look tpo happy when Honda said he couldn't come. "I guess its just you and me then." He said casually, controlling his excitement.
/Jou's coming to my house! Oh my gosh/ He smiled at Jou and started to walk in the direction of his house. "It's just over here." He smiled again at brightly at his friend.
/You do know you're acting like a little girl right/ His Yami said deep in his head. /You are so week and childish./
Ryou shook of his Yami's nagging and started to talk to Jou. They talked about duel monsters, school, and the events of today. Jou would not admit the possibility of Kaiba trying to help Yugi.
"No Ryou, you didn't see him standing over him like I did. He was inches away from his face. I know he did it." He said stubbornly.
"Why would a man like Kaiba do that to Yugi?" Ryou playfully spit back at him. "He has everything anyone could ask for, why would he ruin it by beating a kid up behind his own theme park?"
"I don't know, but I'm sure gonna ask Yugi when we visit him tomorrow, I feel really bad, I know that I should have protected him better. He trusts me as his best friend, and on the first day to take him somewhere I mess up and now he's laying in a hospital bed all bye himself. And Kaiba's not a man. He used to be in the same class as me."
Ryou shrugged as he turned to a white house, "This is it!" He pulled out his silver key and opened the door to his guest. Jou having never been to Ryou's house before, was amazed at the collection neat artifacts that were scattered around it. It was almost impossibly clean. Jou grinned thinking about Ryou running around with a feather duster in a French maid outfit, cleaning everything until it spotless.
'Wow, calm down Jou, this is Ryou, you just met him a couple weeks ago!' The image stayed in his head for a few lingering moments until Ryou began talking.
Ryou smiled and looked at the clock. "Thanks for walking me home Jou, I know its late. So what would you like something to eat?"
"Anything sounds great! Whatda got?" The blond said skipping to the white-haired boys sides. He seemed more comfortable now that everyone else was gone. He pulled up a bar stool and laid both elbows on the table. He watched as Ryou walked into the kitchen. "I'll go check, you can stay hear if you want."
Ryou was in the kitchen busy looking for something to fix when his ring glowed. He looked up find his Yami standing beside him smirking. Ryou was a little surprised it had been a few days since he had come out to talk to him. It seemed as if he was avoiding him for a while, ever cense Ryou had told him to stop popping out and grabbing him so fast. He quickly looked back to see if Jou had followed him into the kitchen.
"What are you doing! I have someone over!"
"I know that, that why I decided to come out, So darling what's for dinner?" he joked
"Not funny," he said then looking back to the hallway. "What if Jou were to come in here? I really don't want anyone to know about you yet."
Yami Bakura snorted moving Ryou out of the way. "I'll go say hi to him right now if you don't calm down."
"NO!" Ryou blocked his way and put on a straight face.
His dark double glared at him before disappeared seconds before Jou ran into the kitchen.
"What's wrong?" Jou said in a concerned tone. "I heard you shout."
Ryou put on a smile.
"Oh nothing I just couldn't decide on what to make. What would you like to eat?" He felt Bakura take control of his mouth. "Besides me that is."
/Bakura! What are you doing./
The spirt did not anser and Ryou felt his tongue go back into his control. Only to be looking at a very flushed and confused Jou.
He felt his own face turn red. He turned to open the freezer, avoiding the shocked boy's gaze.
"We have fish. Do you like fish." He said quickly.
Jou shook his head and put on another smile.
"Yea! Fish is great! Are you sure you're up to cooking, I mean, its getting pretty late and I don't want your parents to come home and get mad at you." He said forgetting about the comment for earlier.
"No, my dad wouldn't care, besides he's gone for a couple weeks. He's on a dig in Egypt."
"Really! That cool." The boy placed his hands in his pockets and stood their uncomfortable while the other placed a few pots on the stove and began to cook them their dinner.
"Um, you can wait in the living room if you want, the remote for the TV should be on the coach."
Jou nodded and waked back out of the kitchen.
Ryou's eyes flashed as he yelled into his mind like.
/WHY DID YOU DO THAT? Now he probably thinks I'm a psycho./
His double appeared next to him. A large grin placed on his ruggedly handsome face. Ryou tried his best to give him a glare. Needless to say it had no effect on the tomb robber.
"Why would you care what that boy thinks of you. I don't think you're a psycho." He said, slowly advancing on the boy. He reached out a hand and placed in on the smaller ones cheek, which was still had a pink tinge.
Ryou was NOT amused. "Why did you do that? Now what am I supposed to do?"
Bakura removed his hand, and disappeared. But Ryou could not feel his presence in the ring.
/Calm down Ryou, I'm just taking care of your little problem./ Ryou's eyes went impossibly large.

I've decided to cut this chapter in half... I donno why I just didn't like having one chapter longer then all other 4 chapters put together. Any ways, I hope you liked this. Next chapter already up so enjoy!