Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Eyes ❯ His Pet ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Blue Eyes
Power, Money, Looks. These are some of the qualities that make up of Seto Kaiba, words as simple as Love and Kindness don't fit in his world, but what happens when he meets a lonely Blue Eyed girl who keeps calling him master? What sort of connection can she have with his prized Blue Eyes White Dragon?
This fic is an AU meaning that it has nothing to do with the original anime, this is something that came out of my head.
Warning- This fic might contain scenes of violence, language, sex and even rape, please if you don't like any of this stuff I suggest you don't read it, also…if you don't like the way Seto acts beat it!!! I am hitting my brain hard enough here to make nice stories! And I am trying very hard to make him like he's supposed to be… *growl*
Chapter 2- “His Pet”
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Gauzes and Wires were covering the body of the unconscious girl, she was resting on a bed inside Kaiba Corp's medical center, Kaiba had the best doctors available there, but even the best doctors couldn't explain why she had wings, tail, claws and fangs, they examined them, took x-rays and nothing, Kaiba entered the room and stared at her as the doctors kept giving her pain killers and changing the gauzes so her wound wont get infected, such a lovely tone of skin, her skin was a creamy color, her body was also a sight to stare at, perfect in every angle, her hair was long and smooth, a light blue color, the only thing he didn't got was that tail and those wings, they seemed so familiar, this definitely was the girl that appeared in his dreams, one of the doctors approached Kaiba carefully, showing him some x-ray scans “Mr.Kaiba this girl has a strange bone structure…it seems that her tail and wings are truly attached to her body, she looks like a dragon” he shows him the line of spiky bones that made up her long tail and the light bones that made her wings, Kaiba looked down at him, his face without emotion, he frowns “I don't believe any of that crap...just get out of my sight…I want to be alone with her” The doctor nods and wasted no time in walking out of the room, Kaiba turned to look at her again, he walked over to her and stared down at her body, truly a magnificent sight, her tail captured his interest as he started to lightly trace his hand on it, the skin was smooth, then he runs his finger up her tail noticing that smooth skin turned rough, he widens his eyes, the tail was made of scales, reptile scales, very unusual, he's eyes run over to her face and noticed that she was waking up, he took a step back and crosses his arms.
The girl lets out a soft moan as she opened her eyes, huge light blue orbs, her vision was still a bit burry, Kaiba blinked, those were the same eyes he saw in his dreams, so pure, so innocent, so intriguing. The girl turned her head catching a glance of the man standing next to her, she blinked her eyes tracing up and down the body, such a masculine structure, she blushes but soon she meets with eyes as blue as hers but they were cold and menacing.
“Who are you…” he asked glaring down at the being laying there, helplessly, The girl kept staring at Kaiba like if she was looking for something, staring deep into his soul, “I'm waiting for your answer…” asked Kaiba again an irritated tone in his deep voice.
“I'm…Kinasha” said the girl, such a sweet voice she had, Kaiba nods “I see…and were do you live?” Kinasha shrugs “I don't know…” Kaiba blinked “What do you mean?? You don't know were you living??” The girl shivered a bit at his stone cold voice “The only thing I know…is what am I…and why am I here for” she said looking straight into his eyes, Kaiba blinked staring at her again, no one has actually had the nerve to stare it him in the eyes, this girl certainly has something “You're my master…Im your Blue Eyes” she said sitting down on the bed, her wings exposed she lightly stretched them, she suddenly heard his cold laugh, she blinked and looked up at him, Kaiba continued to laugh then sneered at her “Oh please this is just like those stupid little dreams I keep having, you cant be a Blue Eyes, dragons don't exist and I cant be your master, you're nothing, just some scared little girl dressed up trying to impress someone”, Kinasha shakes her head and got up, she was at least 5'3 she didn't even reached Kaiba's shoulders “I came to serve you, protect you from harm” once again she stared at him, Kaiba growled “stop looking at me…I told you, dragons don't exist, and you protect me? Please look at you! You're a shrimp!” The girl couldn't believe how stubborn and cold he was, she just lowers her head to stare at the floor, Kaiba chuckles “But…I am in interested in that tail and wings of yours, they look so real…”, Kinasha looked at him “they are real…”, Kaiba gives her a dark smirk “We'll see about that…” Suddenly a few doctors entered the room and took her by the arms, the girl blinked and got a bit scared of them “What's going on?” she looked at Kaiba, he just keeps grinning “They will make a few experiments with you, just to find out what you really are”, he turned glaring at one of the doctors “If something happens call me…” the doctor nods “yes sir”
The room is white, full of advanced medical equipment and computers, dozen of scientists writing down the reports and looking at Kinasha, she was inside a large room, 4 cameras were inside giving them view of the entire room without hurting them or her, Kinasha was tied with some steel wires, everything tied up, tail, wings, legs, she was so scared, she didn't knew what they were going to do with her, suddenly a sharp pain ran around her body, one of the experiments included shocking her with huge amount of volts, this she didn't took lightly, she growls loudly, her sweet temper suddenly replaced by rage, this really interested the scientists a lot, one went to tell Kaiba about this, Kinasha quickly broke away from the chains and started to growl loudly and she wraps her arms around herself, her razor sharp claws exposing, all of this happened just in time to Kaiba walk in and stare as her slender body emits a bright light, everyone saw in amaze as the sweet girl suddenly turned into the bloody thirsty Blue Eyes White Dragon, she started to roar loudly, making the room shake, Kaiba was staring at this speechless then suddenly a small smirk formed around his lips, he turned to look at them “open the gate im going in”, “but Mr.Kaiba this is dangerous!”, “Don't give me any opinions you idiot just do it!!”, The doctor nods and opened the door, Kaiba calmly walks in and stared up at the Blue Eyes, Kinasha looked down at him and made a loud hiss, opening her jaws and lowering her head, preparing to strike at him, Kaiba chuckled, truly this cute little girl has some power in her “Are you going to hurt…your master?” He frowns looking at her, the majestic dragon stopped and closed her jaws lowering her head in respect to him “That's more like it…” said Kaiba with a smirk he truly have power over this huge and majestic creature of destruction, Kinasha quickly turned back into the sweet and gently girl, transforming into a dragon really gets her exhausted she kneels to the floor right in front of Kaiba, this made him grin more, a mischievous grin “That's right, bow down to your master” with one hand he lightly caresses the top of her head making his way down, burying his fingers in her soft hair “My little pet”
End of Chapter 2