Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Eyes ❯ Loving a Cruel Man ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Blue Eyes
Power, Money, Looks. These are some of the qualities that make up of Seto Kaiba, words as simple as Love and Kindness don't fit in his world, but what happens when he meets a lonely Blue Eyed girl who keeps calling him master? What sort of connection can she have with his prized Blue Eyes White Dragon?
This fic is an AU meaning that it has nothing to do with the original anime, this is something that came out of my head.
Warning- Heh well this Chapter doesn't really have a warning…Unless you count the sweetness of Kinasha as a warning, also this is her point of view so enjoy!
Chapter 4- “Loving a Cruel Man”
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Kinasha's POV
It has been a few weeks since I was saved by my master and it looked like years had passed, trapped in the hands of this man, so cold and dominant he showed me in that night when he forcefully took my innocence away honestly even if I was forced I loved it, his warm body so close to mine, his lips and his soft whispers in my ear, after that night he took me away a couple of more times, doing the same thing every time, tie me up to the bed, torture me a bit then take my soul to heaven, why don't I stop him? Why do I keep letting him take advantage of me? When im close to him I feel like im connected to him and not just because of some card, no, I feel something more powerful that keeps us together, like if we had met before and we don't know about it, those dreams I kept having of him days before I met him personally, something tells me that those dreams are happening, I love them and I hope it will end like my dream did with another night with him and our dance of love ending with a simple 3 word sentence “I love you”
I get up from my chair and opened the door of my room, yes master Kaiba gave me a room of my own, he told me I need my space and he's right I love to be alone most of the day well anyway I got out of my room and looked at the door at the end of the long hall, it was were my master spends most of his days when not at his massive corporation, he spends it in his office back here at the mansion, I tiptoed over to the door and peeked in, the room was not that much decorated, a few book shelves, a big couch in a corner and right in the middle of the room was his desk, the computer was still on and right there in the big, black leather chair was my master, sleeping, I blinked and watched the clock that was on the wall, it was almost 3am, I sighed, my master works so hard I really don't blame him if he falls asleep during his work, I slowly walk over to him, reaching to his desk and standing next to him, looking down at his sleeping form, he looked so peaceful, and so handsome, its amazing how my master has these intense cold eyes when awake then suddenly he looks sweet and gentle when asleep. I slowly moved my fingers over to his left cheek, touching his skin, feeling how soft it is, once again very careful not to wake him up, my fingers travel around his chin, and lips feeling the same softness of his cheeks, perfect, he was perfect.
I took my hand away when I hear a very light groan coming from him, I sighed lightly safe that he didn't awaken, my same hand traveled down his neck, index finger touching the soft material of his turtleneck, then slowly it traced down the perfect frame of his chest, my hand travels up again and starts to caress his hair, my fingers burying at the back of his head, feeling his soft hair, I blushed, then it hit me, I leaned down and my lips lightly touch with his, quickly ending the forbidden kiss, heh he really is a heavy sleeper and my god he's so perfect in everything, body, voice even attitude, but how can I like such a cruel man? this is the same man that slides knives around my body when he take me to bed, the same man that yells at me and growls at me every time he has a chance, the one who has done countless of scientific experiments on me just to prove that im a fake why the attraction? It's very simple.
“I love him…”
End of Chapter 4