Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Eyes ❯ Broken Hearts ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Blue Eyes
Power, Money, Looks. These are some of the qualities that make up of Seto Kaiba, words as simple as Love and Kindness don't fit in his world, but what happens when he meets a lonely Blue Eyed girl who keeps calling him master? What sort of connection can she have with his prized Blue Eyes White Dragon?
This fic is an AU meaning that it has nothing to do with the original anime, this is something that came out of my head.
Warnings- None
Chapter 5- “Broken Hearts”
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Kinasha was sitting on the chair looking at all the huge varieties of food that was laying there on the huge table, she might be Kaiba's little pet, but she was treated as a member of the house even if it came with prizes, she slowly picks the fork and pokes the strange food that was present in her plate, not far from her was Kaiba, he was sipping on a cup of fine wine, staring into her like if looking for something hidden deep in her soul “What's wrong?” he asked with not a hint of worry in his voice, Kinasha looked at him her light blue eyes looking at him “Nothing master…it's just…I don't know what this is” she said poking the strange meat again, at her other side came a small giggle, she turned and watched a small boy staring at her as well, with a wide smile, it was Mokuba, he was always so cheerful and happy, completely the opposite of Kaiba and surprisingly they are brothers “That is Lobster in butter, silly Kinasha!” he laughed again and continues to eat the huge plate of chocolate cake he had at his front, Kaiba sighed “Mokuba just hold on the sugar…”, Kinasha smiled lightly her small fangs showing, she really did enjoyed watching them talk and laugh, yes even her master laughs and not in a cold tone, she finds it very cute, and to think this man treats everyone else coldly and merciless but with his brother his all the opposite of that.
Kaiba finished with his food and stood up walking passing by Mokuba and Kinasha, he lightly traces his hand on her cheek as he walked, Kinasha blushed this were some of the few times he showed any affection towards her, once Kaiba was gone Mokuba looked at her a cute little grin could be seen on his face, she blinked “what?”, Mokuba chuckled “Oh come on just tell him…”, Kinasha looks at him one more time “Tell him what?” she said trying to sound like she didn't knew, Mokuba sighed “Tell Seto how you feel Kinasha isn't it obvious that you like him?”, Kinasha nods “Yes…I do Mokuba-san”, Mokuba smiled “And is obvious that Seto likes you too”, she blinked, did she heard correctly? Her master liked her? But not just because she was a dragon or his pet but truly liked her as a person? “Are you sure Mokuba?” she said staring at the boy, Mokuba nods grinning lightly “If you would only knew how much Seto talks about you when you aren't around”, Kinasha widens her eyes “Oh my…you're kidding boy”, Mokie shakes his head “It even scared me I mean…no one has actually made him smile like that”, all of this made Kinasha smile, this was her chance to tell him how she felt, Mokuba looked up at her “Kina please make Seto smile…I want him to be very happy with someone, he's very lonely” Kinasha pats the boys head and smiled again “I'll try sweetie…and thank you”
Kinasha quickly made her way to the room were Kaiba usually hangs out to continue his never ending cycle of typing in his Laptop; she lightly knocks on the door “master Kaiba…?” Kaiba looked up just for a second to stare at the person then went back to his computer “What is it Kinasha…” she approaches him quietly and took a seat opposite to him, Kaiba looked at her again stopping his typing on the computer and just staring at her, he loves her eyes, so pure and innocent to the fact that she's a killing machine “Your break will end soon…” Kinasha nods lightly knowing that when her break was over is back to the collar and leash and more experiments on her “Yes sir…” Kaiba nods “but why are you here? Is there anything you need?” he scowls at her his chin resting on his hand while elbow rests on desk. Kinasha gulped it was now or never “Master Kaiba…I have this…feelings of you…like little butterflies are in my stomach every time I approach you…master I love you…” she looked deep into his eyes, Kaiba did no emotion he just kept his gaze at her, a few seconds passed then he finally spoke “Love is for weak Kinasha…and weak you are not, you're a Blue Eyes isn't that right?” Kinasha nods lightly keeping her head down “exactly Kinasha and is a bit ridiculous that a dragon will fall in love with a human and needless to say her master…” a tear fell down her cheek but Kaiba didn't noticed it “You're a pet Kinasha, my pet, my slave, you are nothing more than an object for me to have pleasure on, a scientific experiment nothing more…” said Kaiba in the coldest of voices, Kinasha couldn't take it anymore pain clouded her heart and mind, she gets up and quickly races out of the room tears falling down her cheeks like rain.
Mokuba watches her storm away from his brother's office, he blinked “Kinasha?” she stopped looking down at the boy “…im nothing more than an object to him…an experiment…im leaving Mokuba”, he widens his eyes “Wait Kina!” but it was too late the young dragoness was gone, out of the house of that cruel being, Mokuba quickly entered his brothers office “Seto!”, Kaiba sighed and lifts his head staring at his younger sibling “What is it Mokuba?”, “How could you Seto! How could you break the heart of Kinasha?” he asked sadness in his eyes, Kaiba shakes his head “Mokuba she's a dragon, a monster, she cant have emotions like human beings” Mokuba blinked, how can he say that about her? “You're wrong Seto, she does have feelings! Feelings for you! She loves you!! Don't you see Seto?? You just let go the only person other than me that cares about you, that loves you!! Everyone has feelings it doesn't matter the species!! And she's a Blue Eyes White Dragon she's connected to you!!” Kaiba looked at him speechless he didn't know what to say “Also…didn't you used to tell me how much you cared about her? Why didn't you tell her the truth? Please Seto drop the cold attitude for her and tell her how you feel…” Mokuba asked him his large eyes watering, Kaiba sighed and puts his hand on his forehead “…Kinasha”. Flashbacks of days before appeared in Kaiba's mind, how he forcefully took her innocence away, how he always treated her badly and yelled at her, yet, she never fought him back, she was always there to greet him with a smile on her face but that wasn't enough for him, no, he abused of her power by all the countless experiments they had done on her, yet, Kinasha was always there minutes after the torture with a beautiful smile, it hits him “…What have a done…” he whispered, Mokuba blinked tilting his head, Kaiba looked at his brother smiling “Thanks for bringing me those stuff Mokuba…now were is her?” he said as he got up, Mokuba gulped “She ran away”, Kaiba widens his eyes “WHAT??” and that's when he suddenly ran out of his office and stormed out of the mansion to look for Kinasha.
End of Chapter 5