Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Eyes ❯ The Beast Awakens ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Blue Eyes
Power, Money, Looks. These are some of the qualities that make up of Seto Kaiba, words as simple as Love and Kindness don't fit in his world, but what happens when he meets a lonely Blue Eyed girl who keeps calling him master? What sort of connection can she have with his prized Blue Eyes White Dragon?
This fic is an AU meaning that it has nothing to do with the original anime, this is something that came out of my head.
Warning- I guess a bit of violence…and I don't own Yugioh, just my character Kinasha. Oh! Thank you so much for the kind reviews ill try my best to make this story longer ^.^
Chapter 7- “The Beast Awakens”
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Kaiba smiled down at Kinasha and goes to give her another sweet kiss, Kinasha shivered “Master…” he blinked a bit annoyed “What?” he stared at her eyes, they were showing a hint of nervousness he frowned and turned around watching as a small group of men surrounded them they were completely dressed in black, grinning at the couple “There she is boys…” Kinasha widens her eyes “Master…we got to get out of here!” Kaiba stared at her for a second before turning around and glaring death at the men “What do you retards want…”, “We came for that little bitch you are holding, she killed 3 of our most prized members, we came to teach her a lesson” said one of the men as he took out a gun, Kinasha shivered and hides behind Seto, fear once again entering her mind, why did she feared them? She could kill them if she wanted, Kaiba blinked and remembered the gruesome view he saw the day he saw her, those men's bodies were completely destroyed, he growled “You assholes will not have her without a fight…” honestly Kaiba didn't knew what to do, he usually walks around with weapons of his own but this time he forgot them, 4 men with guns versus one wasn't fair, Kaiba looked at Kinasha “Kinasha…kill them”, “I…I cant master…im scared!” she said, Kaiba growled “Do it!! We will get killed if you don't do anything!!” Kinasha keeps shaking her head her body shivering, one of the men grinned and pulled the trigger of his gun, shooting, the bullet hit its target, it was right on Kaiba's shoulder, he quickly growled loudly in pain, as a stream of rich, red blood came out from his wound and ran around his arm, drops hitting the cold ground, Kaiba fell to the ground on his behind holding his shoulder with his other hand, desperately trying to ease the pain.
Kinasha widens her eyes as she sees her master down on the ground, helpless, and it was her fault, because of her cowardice they shot her master, her love, they had caused him pain and right now they are going to pay for it, she turns giving her back to Kaiba, her wings stretching covering him up, a stare of death could be seen in her beautiful eyes “You…you had caused pain to my master…you will now suffer a thousand times his pain!!” The men blinked and looked at each other “Quickly kill her before she turns into that beast!!” They started to shot at her non stop, bullet after bullet trying to hit her body but failed, the gold aura that was surrounding her protected her from them, bullets dropped to the ground next to her like rain, she hissed at them as she starts to transform into the ultimate beast of destruction, the creature that few had survived to tell of its horror, Kaiba widens his eyes at the sight of these magnificent creature, the creature that has helped him win many battles, the creature that he and Mokuba loved and respected, there standing in all its pride and joy was the Blue Eyes White Dragon, its 30 foot long wings spreading majestically and all 25 feet tall of muscle and terror just standing there glaring at its victim.
Kinasha hissed loudly at them, opening her jaws and letting out a colossal roar, saliva spilling to the ground, Kaiba just laid there back on the wall as his shoulder was still bleeding, his white trench coat stained with the red liquid, he had a dark smirk in his lips “Kinasha…” he whispered dangerously “Dispose of them…” The dragoness nods, following her masters orders, she took a giant step towards them her talons hitting the ground making it shake, the men were so scared at this creature “We cannot let her intimidate us! Quickly shoot her!!” said the leader, as the men took out their guns again and fired, but the bullets did nothing, her skin was like armor, nothing penetrated it, Kaiba chucked “You fools…nothing can hurt a Blue Eyes, pathetic weaklings”, the men dropped their guns, they had wasted all their ammo on her, they were trapped, Kinasha raised a foot and quickly caught 2 men on her foot, crushing their bodies with her weight, The dragoness lowers her head, growling loudly catching one of the helpless men in her jaws, ripping him apart and throwing him to the air, letting the body fall to the ground, dead, they were only two left, she raced over to them, one missed her jaws but was not that lucky because he was slammed to the wall with a quick slap of her whip-like tail, and the one who was left was the unluckiest of all, Kaiba saw this gruesome violence end with a powerful blast of light coming from her jaws, white lighting hitting the body of the last men standing, cooking him up like raw meat, Kaiba couldn't believe that this sweet and innocent girl was completely the opposite when she turned into a Blue Eyes, she was nothing more than a blood thirsty creature, just like the description of the Blue Eyes White Dragon that appeared in the card.
Kinasha quickly turned into her sweet self, and runs to Kaiba “master Kaiba…you need help…” Kaiba snarls at her but then looked behind her, he widens his eyes, Kinasha tilts her head “What's wrong Mast-“ she gasped, she couldn't finish the sentence because she felt a very sharp pain in her back, small drops of blood crossing around her leg and dropping to the ground, there was a small knife painfully stabbed in her back, one of the men, the one that she slammed to the wall with her tail had survived and he pulled a knife from his jacket and stabbed her on the back, tears of pain ran from her sweet eyes “Master…Kaiba…” she goes numb and falls right on top of him, her face buried on his neck, Kaiba widens his eyes as he sees her there, not moving, resting on him, wounded as well, then he closed his eyes as he hears the man laugh at his crude victory “I got her!” Kaiba suddenly opened his eyes, his icy cold blue eyes piercing at the killers body, his anger boiling inside, how dare him hurt his little pet, Kaiba quickly with his only functioning arm grabbed a gun that was laying next to him, he grinned it still had one bullet left, he points it at the still laughing man “Die you piece of trash…” he pulls the trigger and shots the guy right between his eyes, killing him instantly, Kaiba growls loudly, he was trapped his wound was getting worse and he could see that Kinasha is losing blood rapidly, he grabbed his cellphone that was inside his coat and called Kaiba Corp for help…
Kaiba and Kinasha were quickly taken to Kaiba Corp's medical center; Kaiba was treated rapidly while Kinasha was taken to the emergency room, her wound was very deep and she clearly lost a lot of blood, a few hours had passed and the sweet, young dragoness was still in the room, unconscious, Kaiba entered he had ignored the pleads of the doctors to stay in bed and rest, he wanted to see how she was doing, he looked at a doctor “Is she going to be alright?” he said with a glare, the doctor looks at him a bit concerned “We are trying our best Mr.Kaiba…she was injured in a very delicate area” This Kaiba didn't took happily, he grabbed the doctor by his shirt with his good arm and growled at him “Well you better try harder…I want her to have the best medical care ever…I want her alive!!” he yelled, the doctor nods lightly afraid of his rage “We will Mr.Kaiba…leave her to us” Kaiba lets go of him and before he could say something else a faint groan was heard, he blinked and looked, she was waking up! The doctor gasped “How could that be? It's impossible for her to wake up at her stage!” Kaiba grinned “That's because she's not an ordinary girl you idiot…” he walked over to her, a stern look in his face as he stared down at her, Kinasha slowly opens her eyes to look up at him, Kaiba smirked “Amazing how you completely obliterated them so easily but then…a single knife stopped you” Kinasha shrugged “I didn't sensed him around…” Kaiba growled at her “Well in that case you're nothing but a weakling…a cry baby; you could have prevented this if you didn't run from home…” Kinasha shivered as she stared at Kaiba, his look was like venom, highly frightening “Im sorry master…” she lowered her head, Kaiba kept staring at her, his eyes piercing her body, then he turned and walked away, leaving her alone still in pain, what happened to him? He was forgiving not long ago, Kinasha lets a tear drop from her eye, he really hated her, and he was just power hungry, having her represented that he truly had power over all…
Seto's POV-
I walk inside my bedroom and sat down on my chair, next to the window were there was a view of the night sky, the sky truly calms me down a bit, its amazing how much my life has changed in the passed 4 weeks, having found Kinasha was something I never would had dreamed, and to the fact that she's a Blue Eyes? I still don't believe it, it's too good to be true, I remember all the things I had done to her, its amazing she never snapped at me, most people do, those fools, I can stomp them if I wanted but she doesn't, I had never told this to anyone not even to Mokuba but I do like her company, not only she does every little command I tell her but she's always there with a smile on her face, now…What the fuck is wrong with me? What do I truly feel about her? The times I had taken her to bed was just to pleasure myself and to show her whose boss, bullshit!, the next time I take her it might as well be in my office…on the desk, handcuffed, down and dirty, I really never cared about what she felt and frankly when I do it again…I won't care about her feelings, like I said Love is for the weak…
-You know that you like her…-
“What? Whose there??”
-Im your inner thoughts…-
-The voice inside your head you idiot…”
“Well what do you want??”
-Face it Kaiba you have feelings for her, don't try to hold back-
“No I don't…”
-Yes you do, look at her she's perfect! And she's quite a cute one, you got to at least admit that-
“…she is beautiful”
-Ha! Beautiful you said it! You like her!-
“I guess…I do like her a bit but that doesn't mean anything…”
-She has marvelous eyes-
“Portals to Heaven”
-A soft voice-
“A chorus of angels”
-Well, Well someone is in love…-
Kaiba grinned, watching the full moon “Guess I am…”
End of Chapter 7
Me- please review and tell me what you think of my fic so far oh…maybe I should do a Lemon >.>'