Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 3
Ryou walked home, wondering if Yami would still be there. He didn't notice the figure following him with a camera. But he did notice the noises coming from inside of his house when he got home. 'Do I even want to?' He asked himself as he reached for the doorknob. He quickly decided that no, he didn't want to, but for the sake of his home, he HAD to. He shoved the door open.
Marik and Malik were unphazed by such a thing, if Yami saw them making love and they didn't care it would take a lot to distract them at this moment.
But Yami did not want to see them, and was ransacking the house, looking for the tape. Ryou scowled and stormed in.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY HOUSE?!?” He screamed, and Yami jumped and turned, a guilty look spreading across his face. “WELL?!?”
“Answer me this.” Yami said with a little frown. “Why is it that you don't care that Malik and Marik record and listen to you having sex with Seto, but you hate me for it?”
“Three Reasons! One, because for Malik and Marik, that's COMLPETELY normal. And two, who on earth can stop them? And third, Seto doesn't hate them like he hates you, and I didn't know they were recording us!! And I did it to give Bakura a hard time. Not to give YOU a GOOD time!!!”
At that moment, Seto opened the door and his glare fixed on Yami. Yami's eyes widened, and he turned, and ran. Ryou blinked as Seto's briefcase flew past his head and hit Yami in the back of his head. The former Pharaoh collapsed to the floor.
Ryou rolled his eyes as Malik and Marik came charging up the stairs to see what all the commotion was….. In the nude.
“Whoa!!! What did you do to the Pharaoh?!?” Marik gasped, and Malik giggled, kneeling down and poking the dazed yami. Ryou looked Marik up and down, and sighed, shaking his head.
“Well, hel-LO Ryou!!” Marik said, flinging an arm around the hikari. Ryou's eyes widened and he let out a little `eep!' as he was hugged close to the naked yami.
“Mmmmm……” Malik purred as he slowly stood, tracing his finger up Ryou's thigh.
“Get away from him!” Seto growled, and pulled Ryou away from the two blonde's. “Come on Ryou, let's go home.” Seto said, and kicked Yami on the floor. “I'll deal with you later when I don't have to worry about my boyfriend being molested by horny naked yamis….. And their hikaris……” And he pulled Ryou towards the door.
“But Seto!! The house is a mess! I can't leave it like this!!” Ryou whined, and Malik and Marik laughed.
“Ryou, you are so obsessive compulsive.” Malik said, and Marik knocked over a nearby house plant.
“OOPS!! Oh no, Ryou! A mess!!” The yami teased. Ryou glared and stormed across the room, heading for a broom.
“Oh, no you don't!” Seto said, catching Ryou by the wrist the dragging him out of the house. “I'll hire someone to clean the house if you're so worried about it, but we are not hanging around those nymphomaniac Egyptians any more.” Ryou frowned, and jerked away from Seto, long enough to run back to the front door.
“I HOPE BAKURA RACKS YOU BOTH!!!” He screamed at Malik and Marik, then picked up a nearby houseplant and chucking it at Yami's head. The Pharaoh, who had finally been getting up, yelped and collapsed again.
“Holy shit, Ryou!!” Marik squeaked. Ryou glared, and ran back out to Seto, leaping into his arms, making the taller boy grunt.
“Hey Ryou!!! Can we play with Yami?” They heard Marik call.
“Play with him how?” Ryou called back, suspicious.
“Oh, hang up by his ankles from the tree out back, throw things at him…..” Malik called back, and Ryou snickered and cuddled into Seto's chest.
“What do you think, Seto, dear? Should we give them permission?”
“Fine, dear, let's just go home.”
“Go for it boys!!!” Ryou called, and climbed into the limo after Seto, giggling at Malik and Marik's happy thanks. Ryou made his usual dive across his boyfriend's lap to get to his coveted grape soda, and popped it open, slurping it, before cuddling up in Seto's lap and nuzzling his ear. Seto smirked and pressed the button that raised the blinder between them and the driver.
“What, you don't want to give him some entertainment while he's driving at high speeds?” Ryou asked nipping Seto's ear and slurping his soda again, running his free hand through Seto's hair.
“We've entertained enough people today.” Seto said, slipping his hand up Ryou's shirt and kissing his lover. Ryou moaned and blindly groping around for a cup holder to put his soda into so that he would have both hands. Finally finding it, he smiled evilly and slipped his wet freezing hand up Seto's shirt. Seto jumped and pulled away, hissing at the sudden cold.
“Cold is a major turn off, you little brat.”
“Depends on how you use it, you big dork.” Ryou said grinning. “But I guess you are just not knowledgeable in such things, are you?” He said loftily, looking around aimlessly, pretending to not notice Seto. Seto snorted as the limo driver called back to his boss, letting him know that they were home.
“Why don't we go up to my room?”
“Hmmm…. Ryou said, eyes twinkling in mischief. “Are you going to make it worth it? I don't want to climb all those stairs for no reason.” Ryou said, and yelped as Seto picked him up bridal style.
“Well, I'll just carry you if you're worried about wasting your time.” Seto said, and carried Ryou into the house, ignoring his whines for the abandoned grape soda left in the car.
“Oh, hush you….” Seto put Ryou down at the top of the stairs "You need to gain some weight." Seto commented softly as they went into his room Seto closing the door behind them and began kissing Ryou although the said boy pulled away a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Come now Ryou, are you always going to make me work for it?" Seto pouted slightly.
"You were the one who said I need to gain weight... we can go down to the kitchen and..... find something to make all of this more..... Interesting...." Ryou offered, tracing random patterns across Seto's chest with his finger. He looked up at Seto with a sultry gaze, biting his lower lip lightly.
"We're already here though." Seto said taking Ryou's hand in his own kissing his fingertips gently. "Let's play nicely for once." he drew Ryou into his lap and kissed up and down his neck removing the youths shirt and kissing down his chest capturing one of Ryou's nipples with his mouth teasing the other with his hand.
Ryou groaned. "Okay.... I'll play nice.... Just this once....." Ryou panted, and wrapped his arms around Seto, running his fingers through his brown hair. He bent over, curling his body around Seto's head, nuzzling his face into his lover's hair. "I love you........." He whispered, and pulled Seto away from his chest to kiss him.
"I love you too." Seto said after their lips parted and he continued the task at hand laying Ryou on his back moving further south relieving Ryou of his pant's and boxers. He listened to the gentle moans and mews of approval as he kissed and nipped at Ryou's most sensitive areas before taking Ryou's length into his mouth.
"Oh God......." Ryou moaned, and winced at the pounding on the door.
"SETO!!!" Mokuba called. "I need--"
"GO AWAY!!" Ryou shouted to Mokuba. "Talk to Seto later!!!"
"Is it an emergency?" Ryou shouted, and Mokuba paused.
"Then it can wait!!! Go play!!!" Ryou ordered, and listened to Mokuba wandering away.
Ryou then glared down accusingly at Seto. "Your brother has the worst timing I've ever seen......."
Seto pulled away laughing slightly "He's just a kid, besides he went away didn't he." Seto said removing his own shirt "He's not used to having my attention divided." He said kissing Ryou to silence any further words or comments.
Ryou pulled away, frowning. "Well.... you really haven't spent much time with him. Maybe you should......" Ryou sighed, and avoided Seto's mouth, trying to kiss him. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. "I've got it!!!"
"You promised to play nice." Seto said "Besides you were the one who told him to go away." Seto huffed slightly this was absolutely a mood killer. Talking about his brother was not one of Seto's favorite subjects while in bed.
Ryou smiled. "Just listen to me for a moment. Then we can play....."
"I'm listening." Seto said simply
"Why don't we take a trip for the weekend? You, me, and Mokuba. We can spend time with your brother, and he can leave us alone certain times of the day.... and night. He's a good kid, and if we asked him, he'd respect us and let us have our alone time. But he does need some attention." Ryou grinned. "And you need a break. So what do you say?"
"I do pay attention to him Ryou, but between work and school, I can only spare so much time, I don't get much free time with either of you, this isn't to say I wouldn't like a vacation I would love to go on one...where did you have in mind?" Seto asked
"How about your forest lodge? We can swim, hike, have sex on the little island in the middle of the lake....." Ryou listed off, once again tracing his finger over Seto's chest with a teasing look in his eyes.
"If you absolutely insist." Seto said pinning Ryou beneath him once again "Now no more talk, you said if I listened you'd play."
“Oh, I know….” Ryou said with a naughty glint in his eye. “Let's play…..”
Seto awoke with Ryou curled up next to him he gently removed himself away from Ryou as he glanced at the clock which read 10:30 pm. 'Great now my sleep schedule is all messed up' Seto mentally though as he went into the bathroom turning on the shower and then back into the bedroom gently shaking Ryou awake. "Come on love, we need a shower." He said gently.
"Hmmmmm?" Ryou groaned, and that was followed by a very noisy groan from his stomach. Ryou blinked and blushed as Seto snickered behind his hand. "Oh, shut up. You were the one who didn't want to give me the chance to eat." Ryou pouted, and stood, stretching, then wandering into the bathroom and stepping into the shower, scratching his head and yawning. He leaned against the wall of the shower and his eyes drooped closed.
Seto followed him in the shower and cuddled him gently and turned him around to scrub his back as his kissed his shoulder affectionately. "When would you like to leave for this little vacation?" Seto asked making small talk as he lathered shampoo in his lover's hair.
Ryou jerked his head up, having been woken from his light doze. "Huh? Oh.... well, when can you get away from the office? Because Mokuba does have school tomorrow. So at the earliest, tomorrow after Mokuba gets home. And I'll have to run by home as well. I have to let Bakura know where I'm going."
"I can get away whenever, I just usually don't." Seto mused slightly, "After we drop off Mokuba we'll swing by your place to pack your things, then we'll pack a bag for me and Mokuba, pick him up, and head off, I'll bring my own car it's not that far but it's a nice secluded area nonetheless." Seto said
Ryou smiled and latched onto Seto, being in a fuzzy cuddly mood all of a sudden. "Great...... Now I'm hungry. Is your cook up at this hour, or are we having cereal for dinner?"
Seto nodded as they finished their shower "Let's go find out if he's actually up." Seto said stepping out of the shower slipping on a robe and tossing one to Ryou, granted he paid the guy to cook for him whenever he wanted but he didn't really need to wake him up if he already was asleep.
Ryou grinned and quickly pulled on his pajamas (that were actually stolen from Seto) and pulled his boyfriend out of the room, still trying to get his top on. "C'mon, I'm hungry, Seto!!!" Ryou said, dragging Seto down the stairs.
Seto nearly fell down the stairs considering that his head was in his shirt and he didn't see the stairs coming. But he made a recovery and was dragged into the kitchen. There, he stumbled into Ryou, who had frozen on the spot.
"MOKUBA!!!" Ryou scolded, and Seto pulled his shirt down and stared at a guilty Mokuba, sitting at the table eating Coco Puffs..... At nearly 11 pm.
"What are you doing up so late?" Seto scolded slightly "You should have been in bed hours ago, is anything wrong?" Seto asked slightly concerned hoping his brother wasn't becoming an insomniac like himself that's all they needed a young boy running about at early hours of the morning while...other things were taking place.
Mokuba's eyes darted back and forth, nervously. "Ummm.... couldn't sleep?" He said, hopefully, and Ryou waved the box of Coco Puffs.
"Gee, I wonder why..." Ryou said. "Mokuba, you know your brother's rule: no sugar after six."
"It's not sugar!! It's chocolate!!!" Mokuba whined, and Ryou gave him a look that let him know that he was not falling for it.
Seto smiled; Ryou was a lot more paternal than he let on "Come on Mokuba, I'll put you to bed, me and Ryou have been planning something so we could spend a little more time together....if you promise to try and sleep I'll tell you what it is." Seto said, granted he would find out soon enough but Mokuba needed his rest.
Ryou gave Seto a look that clearly said 'so much for discipline.' Mokuba quickly drank the chocolate milk, and hopped out of his chair and started following his brother out of the room. At the last minute, he turned and looked at Ryou.
"You know Ryou, I was eating it for the milk. There's a chemical in milk that makes you sleep and relax. You should be more educated before you get mad at me for eating sugar." And the boy grinned devilishly, before turning and running out of the room. Seto grinned at Ryou, whose jaw had dropped, and was wearing a shocked look of disbelief on his face.
Seto laughed slightly at Ryou before turning to Mokuba "You've been finding different excuses to eat sugar on your computer again haven't you?" He said ruffling his brother's hair as he led to boy upstairs. "Me, you and Ryou are going to go to the cabin on the lake for the weekend, we can spend some family time together and you and Ryou can call a truce or something." Seto said lifting him up into his bed "I'll pick you up after school tomorrow, how does that sound?" Seto asked
"Great!! And what do you mean 'call a truce'? We're not at war. I just like to shock him every now and then." Mokuba gave Seto a sly look. "I told you he'd be good for our family."
Seto smiled "Be nice to one another is all I want, I want you to be happy as much as him...you two are the most important people in my life right now." Seto said giving a raspberry to Mokuba leaving the said boy giggling, "Now go to sleep." Seto said leaving Mokuba and heading back down to the kitchen where Ryou was cooking. "What are you making?" Seto asked
Ryou gave Seto a mischievous smile. "Your brother gave me an idea." He said, and Seto looked over the assorted fruits on the table. Ryou smiled and came over, placing the pot down on a pot holder, revealing the melted chocolate inside. Ryou grinned and dipped an apple slice into it, then ate it, giggling as the melted chocolate dribbled down his chin.
Seto kissed him licking up the remaining chocolate from Ryou. "We're never going to get to sleep tonight if we eat all this sugar, you know that right?" Seto said getting a strawberry and dipping it in chocolate himself before eating it plainly not complaining.
Ryou grinned. "Need I remind you of the five hour nap we took? And just woke up from." Ryou said with a grin, dipping in a banana slice this time, before moving over and making himself comfortable in Seto's lap and popping open the ever present grape cola.
Seto shook his head at the cola. "Yeah I guess so, our sleep schedule will probably get messed up on the trip anyway, not to mention Mokuba stayed up a bit late too, we should try and keep him up all day tomorrow so he'll sleep like a rock when it's time to go to sleep." Seto said nuzzling Ryou's neck.
"Mmmmmm........" Ryou purred, turning to straddle Seto's lap. "Does that mean 'play time'?" He asked, popping a strawberry into his mouth and slurping his soda again.
Seto lifted Ryou up onto the island in the kitchen pushing the fruit out of the way but keeping the chocolate close by as he kissed him strongly "You have far too much stamina." Seto said playfully kissing down Ryou's chest and stomach easily removing his shirt since it was too big on him to begin with. He dipped his fingers into eh chocolate running it over Ryou's nipples as he kissed and nipped at each of them.
Ryou whimpered. "What are you talking about?! I was just playing!! Teasing you! You're the one who has the stamina...... oh gods..... I'm not gonna resist you, though. Hey......." Ryou gave Seto a look. "Quit hogging the chocolate." He said, and stuck his fingers into the chocolate before retransferring them to his mouth, and licking the chocolate off.
"You brought it up, it's your fault." Seto said pulling at the waist on Ryou's pants "Besides we need something to help us sleep, right?" He asked grinding his hips against Ryou's as he massaged his thighs gently.
Ryou moaned. "If Mokuba comes back down and catches us, it's your fault, Seto Kaiba." Ryou snarled, and with a grin, coated his hand in chocolate and smeared it over Seto's chest before kissing him and going to lick it off.
Seto let a low purr come from his throat as Ryou's tongue danced over his chest "I think it would be worth it..." He said finally tugging down Ryou's pants but stopping to let Ryou finish what he was already doing.
Ryou stopped and stared at him. "For Mokuba to walk in on this?!? Seto!!!" Ryou cried, horrified. "What are you thinking?! He should not see this, even if you think it's worth it! Where's your responsibility?!"
"Out the window at the moment." Seto said pushing Ryou on his back "Shush before you spoil the mood." Seto said kissing Ryou as he spread the warm chocolate over Ryou's length gently stroking him before going down to clean up the chocolate.
"Ahhh.... Oh Ra......." Ryou moaned, but sat up on his elbows to glare at Seto. "And with your present parenting skills, it would serve you right if I spoiled the mood!! Oh gods...." Ryou fell back onto the countertop rocking his hips into Seto's ministrations.
"Do you really want me to stop? I will if you think it's the right thing to do." Seto said stopping giving Ryou a seductive smile knowing he was close and to have Seto just stop was plain mean.
Ryou groaned and covered his face with his hands. "I hate you!! You suck!!!" Ryou cried in irritation, squirming on the counter, refusing to beg for Seto to come back and finish him off.
"I'm not sucking anymore, per your request; that is inappropriate." Seto said a smug look on his face Ryou had a lot of pride and he loved making Ryou beg even though it was a hard task to accomplish.
"Arrrrrrrhg!!! Fuck you!!" Was Ryou's frustrated reply. Then, suddenly, his squirming and whimpering stopped and his hands fell from his face. Ryou fixed an evil grin on Seto.
Seto frowned; he hated that look. One reason why it was hard to get Ryou to beg was because the little imp was resourceful. "No evil grin and mean plans." Seto said.
"You deserve it...." Ryou said, then leapt off of the counter and ran out of the room at top speed, flying down the hall buck naked.
"Hey!" Seto said giving chase "and running around naked is inappropriate!" Seto yelled “you could have at least grabbed you pants!" he said chasing Ryou down the hallway wondering where on earth he was headed.
"Catch me if you can!!" Ryou called over his shoulder, and skidded around a corner. When Seto whirled around the corner, he stopped. Ryou was nowhere in sight.
"Dammit..." He said with a growl as he shrugged his shoulders and began opening the doors scanning the room for Ryou before going to the next one, and the next one, and the next one, at this rate he wouldn't find him till dawn.
Seto suddenly looked up at a faint yell.
"CANNONBALL!!!!!!" Ryou screamed, and launched himself into the pool out in the backyard.
Seto rolled his eyes going outside to the pool leaning down near the edge as Ryou's head came to the surface. "Midnight skinny dipping...has potential." Seto said with a wink taking off his own pants and slipping into the water himself. The clicking of a camera could faintly be heard.
"Come and get me, Seto...." Ryou teased, and swam away, ducking under the water that was illuminated by the pool lights.
The water was clear as Seto easily found Ryou pulling him up to the surface to kiss him passionately.
Ryou squeaked as he was caught so quickly. He jerked away. "Next, time, give me a chance to breathe first, hmmm?" He said, giving Seto a sultry look, then curling arms around his lover and kissing him, very glad that Seto was tall enough to reach the bottom of the pool; he certainly couldn't.
Seto was very gentle with Ryou now, as he cuddled him and nuzzled him "I love you." He said softly in Ryou's ear kissing him and caressing his most sensitive of areas.
Ryou sighed and cuddled closer, wrapping his legs around Seto's waist. "Sex in the pool..... This is new....." He mused, looking around them. "Hmm.... at least I'm not sticky anymore....... But now we'll need another shower, so my hair doesn't turn green."
"Small price to pay, not to mention you can be as loud as you want now that we're outside." Seto said bringing them over to the steps of the pool so he could lay Ryou down upon them as he kissed him gently before driving himself fully inside Ryou's lithe body.
True to Seto's words, Ryou was as loud as he wanted, and that was VERY loud. His shriek echoed over the grounds of the Kaiba Estate. Neither of them noticed the light coming on in a window upstairs.
"KEEP IT DOWN!!" Mokuba screamed. "AND KEEP THAT STUFF IN THE BEDROOM!!!" And the window was slammed closed and the light flicked off. Seto and Ryou remained staring in horror at the window for a moment longer, before Ryou burst into hysterical laughter.
"We deserved that!!! We deserved that!" He giggled, to Seto's annoyance. "So much for screaming as loud as I want! I probably woke the neighbors!! They're gonna be calling the cops and reporting a rape!!!" And he collapsed into gales of laughter.
Seto couldn't help but laugh as well after a moment of Ryou's behavior and Mokuba's "I can't really rape the willing, doesn't work that way." he said with a wink not willing to ignore his need at the moment for any reason as he continued to plow himself into Ryou reaching under water to stroke the boy's erection, Ryou making a small effort to be a little quieter.
"Mmmmm..... You're not..... Raping me..... But the neighbors won't know that.... gods.... harder......" Ryou panted, dragging his finger nails over Seto's back leaving angry red lines.
The camera man smiled slyly as he took close ups of the two, he knew that the kid was enjoying himself but the slight pained expressions and his screaming from earlier, those shots could make a very juicy story for his tabloid, he smiled continued to shoot away at the scene before him.
Seto obliged to Ryou's wishes as he went harder and faster upon Ryou as he gripped onto the grooves of the steps to add more force into each thrust. He was so close he could practically scream himself.
Ryou threw his head back and let out another scream, moving his hands up and down Seto's arms, bucking his hips into his lover's thrusts. "Seto... oh gods.... I'm getting close.... I love you.... I love you......" He continued to gasp and whimper, the distorted light from under the water of the pool casting an eerie glow on the two boys.
"I love you too." Seto managed to breath as he thrust his hips a few more times before releasing deep inside Ryou as he felt Ryou's own release the youth screaming at the sensations, his legs locked around Seto's waist. They laid there panting heavily in the afterglow of their love making. Seto smiled at Ryou "I'm so happy I have you." He said kissing him gently and passionately.
Ryou smiled and cuddled close. They lay by the pool for a few minutes, until an odd noise made them both lift their heads. "What's that hissing?" Ryou asked.
"I don't know..." Seto said, then his eyes widened. "Oh no...." But before Ryou could ask Seto what was wrong, the problem revealed itself as the sprinklers popped out of the ground and turned on, re-drenching Ryou and Seto with freezing water.
"You've got to be kidding me..." Ryou drawled in a monotone voice, and let his head fall back to the flagstone patio around the pool.
Seto visibly shivered "Come on, we need to get inside before we freeze to death." He said jumping from the pool and running into the pool house which adjoined the mansion to get some towels and grab a quick shower before they went back inside.
The camera man smiled taking pictures of Ryou simply laying there after Seto left him, though soon enough he got out himself and followed, and the camera man quietly went back the way he came escaping the grounds easily and undetected.
Ryou followed Seto into the pool house, his teeth chattering. "That was a n-n-nasty shock...." Ryou stammered, rubbing his arms, his skin covered in goose bumps. "Gods, I'm f-f-freezing..."
Seto pulled Ryou into the hot shower as he closed the curtain steam wrapping around them like a blanket. "Sorry I forgot all about the sprinklers." Seto said relishing in the warmth of the shower as he washed the chlorine from Ryou's hair; they already had Ryou with pink hair once they didn't need it green.
Ryou sighed and relaxed as he was warmed by the water and caressed by Seto's hands. By the time they were finished with their shower, his eye lids were drooping, and he was having trouble standing straight. "Ready for bed?" Seto asked, and his answer was Ryou's mouth stretching open in a yawn and his eyes fluttering closed. He began to list to the side slightly, before suddenly jerking upright and snapping his eyes open. Of course, this didn't do much as his eyes began to drop closed again almost immediately.
Seto smiled pulling Ryou into a hug before wrapping him in a fluffy towel lifting him up in his arms after he tied one around his own waist, he loved to carry Ryou actually it wasn't as if he was heavy or anything he was light as always cuddled so close when he did carry him as he went back inside and settled Ryou into the sheets before he crawled in himself, Ryou's hair was still a bit damp but he was practically already asleep, besides it would make an interesting spectacle in the morning anyway as he kissed Ryou's temple and snuggled close to him. "I love you." He whispered gently as he soon fell asleep as well.