Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 4
"OW OW OW OW OWWWWW!!!!!" Was Seto's rude awakening late the next morning. Seto's eyes jerked open, wondering what the hell was going on. Another squeal drew his gaze to Ryou across the room, standing in front of a mirror trying to brush his hair, which was wilder that Bakura's.
Seto laughed softly enough so Ryou wouldn't' hear and throw a fit, "Sorry about your hair you fell asleep before it was dried." Seto said slipping out of bed and pulling on a simple pair of slacks from the closet and grabbing two suitcases, one for him and one for Mokuba they would get Ryou's things at Ryou's house even if he had a complete wardrobe here.
Ryou turned and pouted at Seto, his hair a literal mess. Ryou made a little whimper and turned back to the mirror, trying to get it to behave. Finally, he chucked the brush across the room, narrowly missing Seto. "I give up!!" He seethed. Seto eyed his hair, which was still wilder than Bakura's.
Seto smiled going into the bathroom and wetting a towel placing it on Ryou's head "Mokuba wakes up with it like that sometimes too." Seto said "Leave it on for a minute or two then blows dry it, it should be fine." Seto said while folding a shirt.
Ryou frowned. "Not on my hair it won't...." He sighed. "I'll have Bakura take care of it when we go to my house." Ryou said, and Seto quirked an eyebrow, and Ryou smiled. "Bakura can always fix my hair without hurting me." He giggled. "He should be a hair dresser. And he'd kill me if I told him that."
"Bakura would butcher people's hair just for fun." Seto said "I should give him a job as my office security; he could keep people out who are trying to get in unlike the lazy bastard I have working for me now." Seto grumbled. he would be put in the most awkward situations because the guy couldn't keep people out of his office.
Ryou laughed. "He doesn't butcher my hair. He's very gentle. He would brush it all the time. He loves brushing my hair, and I love it when he brushes my hair. We would do it for relaxation." Ryou said, getting dressed. He stretched his muscles, and blinked at a knock on the door. Seto answered it and one of the maids handed him an envelope found on the doorstep.
Ryou didn't see Seto open it; he was busy trying to get his head through the head hole of his shirt.
Seto frowned, instantly stopping what he was doing as he shook his head and blinked at the pictures. "Ryou..." he said simply as Ryou stopped noticing his tone "Please explain these to me, I'm rather confused at the moment." He said handing the pictures to Ryou.
Ryou took the pictures and frowned. They were pictures of the afternoon he had spent with his yami. Bakura carrying him down the street when he had wanted to go back and clobber Yami, them sitting together at the restaurant, and then Bakura kissing his cheek as he left to go to work. "I have no clue.... Who took these?" Ryou asked, looking a bit worried.
Seto took the pictures flipping them over to see if he could at least identify the film but he couldn't "Bastards, they think I'm that foolish...probably one of the mothers or fathers wanting their darling daughter to be with me...trying to break us up." Seto said throwing them away "I know you would never cheat on me, especially not with Bakura of all people." Seto said kissing him on the cheek.
"Hah! Marik and Malik would be delighted." Ryou said with a grin. "And speaking of Bakura, let's go to my house if you're done packing. Oh.... well, how about I go over while you pack for Mokuba, and you meet me at my house." Ryou offered.
"Sure. Then we can have lunch." Seto said, and Ryou grinned, flinging his arms around Seto and kissing him before turning and running out of the room.
Bakura woke up unhappily to a banging on the front door as he groggily got up to answer it "Hikari...what the hell happened to your hair?" he asked laughing slightly as he ushered him inside. "What are you doing over here so early?"
"Hiiii Ryyyoouuuu........" Marik sang, poking his head out from behind the corner. It was quite creepy, actually, but at a glare from Bakura, the blonde pouted and retreated.
Ryou rolled his eyes and smiled at Bakura. "Not telling, yami. But... could you give me a hand with it? Please?" And he gave Bakura the pleading eyes.
"Sure." Bakura said as he walked Ryou into the nearest bathroom having him sit on the side of the tub as Bakura drenched Ryou's hair although even under the water it was still a bit wild, he didn't realized he was practically soaking Ryou's shirt as the boy 'eeped' at the coldness. "Oh sorry..." He said helping Ryou take off the now wet shirt and he wrapped a towel around his neck. "Sorry didn't mean to drench you." Bakura said taking out some hair product as he began to blow dry Ryou's hair it always flattened a little when the heat touched his hair.
Ryou sighed and relaxed as Bakura began to work with his hair. He smiled lightly as Marik and Malik peeked around the corner to watch Bakura and Ryou.
"Seto will be here soon." Ryou said. "We're going on a trip over the weekend, so I have to pack." Suddenly, he looked up at Malik and Marik and smiled sweetly. "Marik, Malik... if you pack for me for a trip to a forest cabin on a lake, I'll give you kiss....." Malik and Marik's eyes widened.
"Really?!" Malik gasped, looking excited. Ryou smiled and nodded.
"SCORE!!!" The Egyptians shouted, and toppled over each other, trying to get to Ryou's room first. Ryou giggled.
Bakura rolled his eyes "You should've specified where, when, and how many times...they are going to attack you and pack your bag with lots of drawn on boxers you know." Bakura said smoothing out Ryou's hair adding a little bit of gel where it was being particularly stubborn.
"Well, I want to be ready when Seto picks me up." Ryou said, and then slowly sobered. Bakura could easily feel the sudden change in Ryou's demeanor.
"Ryou...is something else bothering you?" Bakura asked "you know you can tell me if you want." Bakura said
"Bakura... the other day when we went out to lunch......." Ryou hesitated, but at Bakura's encouragement, he went on. "Bakura, someone was taking pictures of us. Seto got them in an envelope this morning... 'Kura.... it.... it kinda scared me......"
"Someone's been following you?" Bakura asked although it was more of a statement and although it unnerved Bakura he wiped it away for Ryou's sake "Don't worry hikari. I'm sure he's not around anymore, besides you're going on a cabin trip out in the middle of nowhere knowing Seto, I want you to promise me you'll have a good time and not worry about it." Bakura said planning on investigating this and taking care of it himself.
Ryou smiled and covered Bakura's hand on his shoulder with his own, comforted by his yami's words. "Thanks Bakura." Ryou said softly, and stood hugging his yami. He pulled away when there was a knock on the door.
A moment later, they heard Malik and Marik shouting.
"GO AWAY!!! RYOU IS OURS, KAIBA!! OURS!!! MWAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!" Marik screeched, and there was a crash followed by Seto's furious cursing.
"Marik is throwing things at Seto from the window again, isn't he?" Ryou sighed, and Bakura nodded. "I was afraid of that." There was a sudden screaming from both Ishtar's, and a splattering noise.
Bakura grinned. "I do believe that our dear Mr. Kaiba just turned the hose on my boyfriends." Bakura said, and he and Ryou laughed going to investigate.
Sure enough, Malik and Marik had locked Seto out of the house and had started throwing random objects at him from Ryou's bedroom window, and as Bakura had predicted, Seto turned the hose on them, soaking not only the Ishtars, but Ryou's bedroom as well.
Ryou ran down the stairs and opened the door, letting Seto duck inside to avoid the second attack by Malik and Marik.
"Jesus, what is wrong with them?" Seto said shaking his head "you'd think they would have gotten the point by now." he said "I've been trying to limit my visits to this place for their psychotic ways." Seto grumbled.
Ryou smiled. "Well, they're unpredictable. I'm sure Bakura will handle them. Come on, I have to get my stuff." Ryou said, and pulled Seto up the stairs. They went into Ryou's room, and froze.
"Bakura will take care of them, huh?" Seto drawled, staring at Bakura who was pinned to the wall by the Ishtar pair, and was being felt up.
"Ummm......" Was all Ryou could say.
Seto grabbed the suitcase and pulled Ryou away from the scene. "They usually leave us alone let's show the same courtesy...besides I have lunch reservations." Seto said completely bypassing the scene as he pulled a slightly dazed Ryou from the house.
Ryou paused at several crashes from inside the house, and cursing from Bakura. "Oh no....." Ryou mumbled. "IN THE CAR!!!" And he pushes Seto towards the car. Marik and Malik came charging out of the house and grabbed Ryou, who screamed as he was picked up and dragged back into the house. There, he was thrown onto the sofa and both the Egyptians flopped on top of him, Malik shoving his tongue down Ryou's throat and Marik going for his pants. Of course, at Ryou's squeal, Seto leapt form the car and charged towards the house, and Bakura charged down the stairs.
Bakura grabbed Malik pulling him off as both toppled to the floor and Seto grabbed Marik from undoing Ryou's pants. Seto picked Ryou up "Dammit, can't you two just leave him alone?" Seto seethed wanting to kill them
"I agree with Seto." Bakura said, angry that they had stopped with HIM and they wouldn't leave Ryou be.
"Hey, he owes us!!" Malik cried.
"Yeah, he promised!!!" Marik added, bouncing up and down.
Ryou sighed and squirmed away from Seto. "I did.... I did...." Ryou said, and the Ishtars perked up. "No Malik, you already got your kiss." Ryou snapped, and then looked at Marik, who was shaking in excitement. "Come here, Marik." Marik slowly approached Ryou, and Seto and Bakura stared. "Go ahead...." And at that, Marik tackled Ryou and kissed him, shoving his tongue into Ryou's mouth. Ryou squeaked at how into it Marik got, but after a few moments, he tapped him on the back and Marik let go.
"Wow..... This is the best day of my life." Marik gasped, and Ryou blushed and moved back to Seto.
"See what happens when you don't scare me away?" Ryou asked. "Let this be a lesson. Good things come to those who wait." And he kissed a shocked Bakura on the cheek and pulled a stunned Seto out of the house.
"I cannot believe you just did that!" Seto said not knowing what else to say
Ryou shoved Seto into the car. "Hey, be glad I did. I told them I'd give them a kiss if they packed my bag for me. They did that while Bakura helped me with my hair, hence you being able to grab my bag and run. Otherwise, we would still be there, I'd be trying to pack and they would still be trying to get down my pants, therefore you would be feeling paranoid as you always do around them." Ryou turned and eyed the fridge, and Seto knew what was coming.
"And with good reason mind you." Seto said a little gruffly as Ryou lay his head in his lap smiling up at him sweetly "You and those pouting eyes..." Seto said kissing him gently on the nose.
Ryou giggled and made his usual dive over Seto and into the fridge, pulling out the grape soda that Seto could never seem to get rid of. Ryou popped it open and slurped it, eying Seto thoughtfully from under his silver bangs. Seto blinked at the odd look in Ryou's eyes. "So.... where are we going to eat?" Ryou asked, finally.
"The Yellow Rose." Seto said simply, it was a nice restaurant that he didn't go to that often, it was hard as hell to get a reservation there as well but he pulled a few strings and managed to get a table for him and Ryou. He would have waited until Mokuba was out of school but Mokuba didn't like the place much he would much rather have dollar burgers at McDonalds than go to a nice restaurant.
"The Yellow Rose?!" Ryou gasped, spilling a bit of his soda on his pants. "Seto! I'm not dressed for that!! How did you get us in!! It's so expensive!!!" Ryou shot off quickly, looking more alarmed than was required. "We have to go back! I can get my tux or something, and I need to wash my face, and clean my fingernails, and....... why are you laughing?! This is nothing to laugh about?!?" Ryou cried in a high pitched tone.
Seto stopped laughing but couldn't wipe the smile off his face. "For one we're not going back to that madhouse you call home, for two you look fine...you always do." Seto said smiling at him when Ryou blushed slightly. "We'll stop by the mansion so we can put on ours tux's if your that concerned Ryou, we have time and a tux for you at the mansion." Seto said
Ryou nodded, still feeling anxious. "Good. I'm in a t-shirt and purple polka dot jeans." Ryou said, and pouted at Seto's snicker. "Oh, shut up. It's all your fault." Ryou pouted, and leaned against Seto's shoulder. "Hey, are we going to drive to the lodge, or take the chopper?"
Seto shrugged "I'd like to drive, the scenery is nice on the way, it'll take longer but it has a nice view from the window." he said then looked at Ryou confused "how is it my fault you dressed like that? I don't dress you at all." Seto said in his own defense.
"No, it's your fault that my pants have purple spots on them. You startled me." Ryou snapped, and sipped his soda again, this time turning his back on Seto. After a pause, he looked back at his boyfriend. "Ummm... do you really want to drive to the lodge with Mokuba in the car?"
"He'll be fine, he gets hyper at home, I know, but he's pretty good in the car." Seto said "were not driving the limo or anything we'll take my car, he knows better than to act up when I'm driving." Seto explained as the limo came to a halt and they got out.
Ryou nodded and climbed out, clutching his soda to make sure Seto wouldn't take it from him, like he usually did. They went upstairs and changed, and Ryou fussed with his hair until Seto literally picked him up and carried him out, telling him that he was taking to long. Finally, they were back in the limo and in no time, they were in front of The Yellow Rose, and Ryou was getting nervous again, fussing over how fancy a restaurant this was.
"You're being silly Ryou." Seto said taking his hand taking him inside "I've taken you out to nice restaurants before I don't see why you're acting so nervous now." He said as he waited silently shaking his head at Ryou although couldn't help but wonder why he was so nervous this was nothing new in all honesty, he hoped nothing else was bothering him.
Ryou followed Seto into the restaurant, hiding in his shadow. The host greeted them and didn't even check the reservation list; he just took them straight to a table in the corner of the restaurant. Ryou eyed his surroundings nervously, noting all of the malicious glares he was getting, and wondered if Seto noticed them at all. When they got to their table, he quickly took the seat that had its back to the wall, making Seto quirk an eyebrow.
Seto frowned but noticed the hateful stares that were directed at Ryou and himself. "Don't worry about them." He said softly "I refuse to not be seen in public with you, they'll get over the fact that I'm with you because it's not going to change." he said firmly placing his hand over Ryou's. Seto smiled at him "Smile, show them and me it doesn't matter." Seto said
Ryou couldn't help but smile at Seto's loving reassurance, and he did let the other people in the room see his smile. "Thanks, Seto. Bakura was right." Seto blinked at that.
"About what?" Seto asked curiously, it made for a good conversation if nothing else he thought idly.
Ryou gave Seto a mischievous smile. "Oh, nothing... just a little talk we had...." And at Seto's dirty look, he laughed. "I'm just teasing you. Bakura told me to trust you. Not to keep things from you." Ryou said, smiling and thanking the waiter who filled their water glasses. Then, Ryou opened the menu and looked over it. "Hmmm...." He mused.
Seto shook his head and did the same "While were on the subject of not keeping secrets and such, is anything else bothering you, you seem a lot more tense than usual when I've taken you out as of late." Seto asked
Ryou's entire body immediately tensed up. After a moment, he looked up at Seto, forcing himself to relax. "Sorry.... There really isn't a reason. I've just been over reacting." Ryou smiled. "I know that I have no reason to be afraid. I'm just being paranoid. There's nothing to worry about." Ryou said, and looked back down at the menu.
"Why would you be afraid?" Seto asked confused
Ryou was silent for a long time. Seto was about to repeat the question, when Ryou looked up with large eyes. "Seto? If our relationship starts to cause you trouble.... will you, well..... Would you leave me?" Ryou asked.
Seto looked at him appalled "No." He stated firmly "Why would you think such a thing in the first place?" Seto asked his worry for Ryou increasing as their conversation continued.
"Well.... that lady and her daughters.... they said.... well....." Ryou voice trailed off to a low mumble that Seto couldn't hear, and then Ryou picked up the menu and hid his face behind it, hearing snickers from around the room.
Seto pulled the menu down from Ryou's face "You do know if anyone is giving you trouble I'll take care of it." Seto said looking him the eye "I know that people can be pretty cruel to get what they want but if they are threatening you I need to know Ryou." He said.
Ryou thought about how the girls had threatened to make trouble for him and Seto, and those men outside of the hotel at the charity event. But still, all he said was "No, they didn't actually threaten me. Basically they said that you..... Well... that you cared about your business more than me and if I became troublesome, you'd... leave me. And I know how obsessed you are with your company, and... I don't know... for a while I guess I was afraid that what they said was... was true..." Ryou fixed large sad eyes on Seto, silently begging for reassurance.
Seto sighed "You should know me better than that Ryou, after everything we've been through you honestly believed them?" Seto asked a little hurt that Ryou would even consider that he cared more about the company than him.
Ryou looked down at the table, looking ashamed. He sniffled, but managed to control himself as the waiter came back asking them if they wanted an appetizer. Ryou glanced at the menu and asked for a bowl of Lobster Bisque to start with, and the waiter looked to Seto.
"That's fine, come back in a moment." He said fixing his gaze back on Ryou "I'm not trying to upset you Ryou, don't take it the wrong way it's just..." Seto stopped not really knowing what to say to make Ryou feel better "Sorry, I just worry about you is all, I don't want you to be unhappy or hurt on my account." Seto said.
Ryou looked up at Seto and gave him a relieved smile. "You don't have to worry about it. I'll be fine. I knew they weren't telling the truth, but sometimes my mind likes to torture me...." Ryou said, and sipped his water, glancing around the room, noting how many people turned away and acted as though they hadn't been glaring. "I'm going to the bathroom." Ryou said, softly, and stood.
Across the room, two men watched Ryou head to the bathroom. They glanced at each other then both stood, one going towards Ryou in the bathroom, and the other heading over to Seto, who was looking over the menu. He sat in Ryou's chair.
"Hello, Seto."
Seto glanced up at he man, he didn't know the man well but had seen him around frequently always at the banquets and such Seto himself was invited to. "I am preoccupied at the moment." Seto said flatly not wanting to be disturbed at the moment but him or by any one else he was trying to have lunch with Ryou not anyone else that cared to bother him.
The man narrowed his eyes. "With your little.... umm... boyfriend? Is he causing you trouble, Seto?"
"No trouble at all, you however are beginning to irritate me." Seto said; he didn't want to converse with this man he had nothing of interest to Seto.
"I'm going to be blunt. He may not be causing trouble for you now, but he will. What do you see in him?" The man asked, being stubborn.
"That's a matter of opinion and frankly I don't care about yours, and what I see in him is my own business not yours or anyone else's for that matter." Seto said being equally stubborn with the man. "I'd advise you leave me and Ryou alone, if you don't you'll be the one with problems." Seto said.
The man glared. "Is he that good in the sack, Seto? Or is he just a tool to keep the girls away from you so you can worry more about other things?"
Seto glared at the man but quickly composed himself "Again that is my business." He said in a low growl hoping the other wouldn't speak much longer he had a vile temper and this man was pressing his buttons just a little too close for comfort.
"Well, maybe you're not using him. But did you ever consider that he might be using you? He gets things from you that he could never DREAM of having otherwise. People can become great actors when money is involved, Seto. Can you really trust him?"
Seto's fists clenched as he tried to stay calm about the whole situation although he wouldn't be able to stay that way much longer if he kept on talking about Ryou in such a manner "I can trust him because I love him, regardless of what you and the whole damned world thinks about me or him I don't care, our relationship does not include the world only me and him." Seto said firmly
"I am inclined to disagree. The world can make trouble for you as well. As much as you may hate it, we don't understand your sick little fetish for the kid. He's a kid! He's not much older than your brother!!! Would you screw him too?!" The man stopped when he saw the look on Seto's face; he had gone too far.
Seto stood up but when he remember where he was he sat back down wanting to rip open the man who just said something so vulgar to his face but not being able to, if he had to kill he would make sure this man would pay for saying such a thing about Ryou at he glared at him dangerously but then realized that Ryou had yet to come back from the restroom making him worry slightly.
………………………&# 8230;…
The man followed Ryou as the said boy splashed some water on his face; he seemed a little upset as he dried his face his mind plainly off in another world as the moment. He made sure no one else was present as he walked behind Ryou wrapping a strong arm around Ryou's torso and arms, of course Ryou immediately struggled but he put a stop to that with a simple threat.
"You scream and I'll break your jaw." He threatened further "you and I are going to have a little talk okay?" He said
Ryou froze in obedience, fixing frightened eyes on the mirror, staring at the man's reflection. "W-What do you want?!" Ryou gasped, his body shaking in his fear. While he couldn't call out for help, he did have another way to get it. He immediately reached out with his mind to his yami.
/Bakura? Are you there? Please, be there!!/
Bakura frowned //Ryou I'm a little...// "Marik put that down right now!" //...preoccupied at the moment can this wait, please// Bakura said giving Marik a 'just try it, I dare you' look, not realizing his mistake at the moment for daring Marik of all people.
The man noticed Ryou not paying attention as he pulled his hair roughly bringing him back to reality "Pay attention!" He barked.
Ryou yelped, and let Bakura hear his yelp to let his yami know that no, this could not wait. "Let go of me!!"
/Kura, please... I need you to call Seto on his cell and tell him to go to the bathroom. Please! / He continued to squirm in the man's grip. "What do you want?!"
Bakura didn't bother to reply as he ran for the kitchen phone but not finding it, "Dammit, where the hell is the phone?!" He yelled as he began searching for it.
"What do you think? Don't you recognize me?" he said as realization dawned on Ryou that he was the same man giving him trouble before "I had hoped you would have heeded my warning the first time but you are being the stubborn little bitch aren't you?" He growled close to Ryou's ear.
Ryou whimpered and began to struggle harder. "L-Let go of me!!! You can't come between Seto and me!! You can't!! Let me go!!" Ryou cried, getting a little too loud for his attacker's tastes.
/Bakura!! If Marik ran off with the phone, use the one in my dad's room! Seto's cell number is in the top drawer of my desk in my room in the address book! Please hurry!!/
Bakura ran upstairs first grabbing the address book before trying to fly downstairs only to be stopped by Marik half way and dragged back upstairs "Marik! I don't have time for this, Ryou's in trouble! Put me down!" He yelled
The man pulled Ryou's hair harder forcing his head back as he pressed a finger against his windpipe making Ryou stop struggling slightly. "That's a good boy, now me and you are going to make a little deal all right?" he said smoothly as if he was talking to a child.
Ryou had his eyes tightly closed, and he had stopped struggling, but he couldn't stop his shaking, which only got worse. He whimpered and slowly nodded, letting the man know that he was listening.
"Good..." the man drawled as he released Ryou's hair but still kept his thumb firmly against Ryou's windpipe which if he applied the right amount of pressure could hurt terribly and with enough force, could even crush the frail pipe. He ran his hand down Ryou's chest stopping right above his waist line. "now that I have your full attention… Monday night I want to meet with you at the address I'm now slipping in your pocket, you didn't listen to me last time and now is not the time or place to discuss things so I've made different arrangements, if you fail to meet me then all hell will break lose for you and Seto..." he growled
Bakura growled trying to break Marik's grip as the said yami kissed him roughly but Bakura thrashed in his arms making the other look at him confused.
Ryou glared defiantly at the man. "You can't threaten me..." He snarled, and then made a pained whimper as the man pressed down on his throat. He still refused to be quiet and compliant, however, and he began to struggle fiercely. "Let go! When I tell Seto--” He was cut off as he gagged as the man pressed down harder.
Bakura heard Ryou cry out for him desperately. "Don't make me kill you Ishtar!" Bakura said throwing Marik off him running down the stairs Marik chasing after him although Bakura got into Ryou's father's room closing and locking the door before the other got in as he picked up the phone dialing Seto's number quickly.
The man grew angry throwing Ryou up against the wall hard making him slump to the floor "You'll change your mind in a few days. But just know that what I'm doing can get a lot worse if you don't meet me later." He hissed and left the bathroom leaving the restaurant.
Seto's phone rang and Bakura quickly said something about Ryou being in trouble as he heard him crash to the floor by Marik. Seto quickly got up and went into the restroom where Ryou was crouched on the floor gasping for breath.
"Ryou?! Are you all right?" He asked urgently.
Ryou whimpered and launched himself into Seto's arms and began sobbing. He clung tightly to Seto's coat, refusing to let go. For nearly ten minutes Seto sat there on the floor and held Ryou, trying to get him to calm down.
"You love me, right?" He finally said, looking up and fixing his desperate gaze on the CEO. "You really do love me, right? Please say you do.... please......" And he hid his face into Seto's chest, plagued by the hiccups and on the verge of hyperventilating.
/Bakura.... thank you......./
"Of course I do, with all my heart I love you." Seto said rocking him gently deciding that it would be best if they left as they did without another word. "Ryou...what happened?" Seto asked deeply concerned for him as he held him in the back of the limo.
Ryou moved his hand up to his neck and rubbed it.
"He... he threatened me... he said if I didn't break up with you, 'all hell would break loose,' and he hurt me.... I was scared. I'm sorry....." Ryou whimpered, refusing to look Seto in the eye, ashamed. "He said he'd hurt me, so I didn't call for help. But I could call Bakura, and had him call you, but...." Ryou sniffled and moved away from Seto, curling up in the corner of the seat as far from Seto as he could get. He buried his face in his knees and cried.
Seto pulled Ryou back to him "Don't worry Ryou I won't let anyone hurt us I swear no matter what they throw at us I will never leave you." He whispered into Ryou's ear as he kept on showering him with reassurances as they went back to the mansion changed clothes got into Seto's car and went to pick up Mokuba.
"Feel better love?" He asked holding Ryou's hand reassuringly in his own...
Ryou sniffled and nodded, cuddling close and closing his eyes lightly. "Seto... there's something else that has started to worry me...." He said, softly through sniffles that refused to go away. "If trying to cause trouble for us like this fails.... what if they try to hurt Mokuba?" Ryou asked, looking up with a deep concern in his eyes that had even Seto startled. "Seto, I love Mokuba like my own brother. If something happened to him because of me... Seto, I would never be able to live with myself!!!"
"Ryou, I'd be lying if I said that hasn't crossed my mind but I doubt that even those bastards would hurt a little kid...no they would sooner go after you and that's what worries me." Seto said keeping his eyes on the road, he didn't know how but he knew that they wouldn't hurt Mokuba and unfortunately their main target was Ryou.
Ryou nodded, trying to calm himself down. He gave Seto a weak smile.
"Excuse me for a moment..." He said, and Seto glanced over in time to see Ryou's eyes glaze over.
/Bakura? Are you.... err, available? /
"Next time I say Ryou's in trouble I expect you to...!" Bakura stopped yelling at Marik when Ryou interrupted his thoughts //Ryou! Are you all right?! What happened?!// Bakura asked worriedly not even noticing Marik slowing inching closer to him while he was distracted.
/I'm fine, Bakura. Thank you. I wish you had gotten to the phone sooner, but I know it's not your fault. I was attacked and threatened by.... well... you know that bruise on my arm you were asking about? /
//yes// Bakura said he knew something was amiss about the bruise. //You said it was nothing// Bakura said gruffly.
/Well..... It wasn't.... nothing..../ Ryou said slowly, and Bakura patiently waited for him to go on, but not before turning and slamming his foot into Marik's crotch and ordering the crying yami to go get Malik out of the bathroom, he'd been in the shower long enough with the tape of Ryou and Seto having sex. /Well, this guy hurt me, and gave it to me. He was trying to scare me into leaving Seto. And I didn't. And he came after me again, and he was threatening me, and hurting me, and he said he'd break my jaw if I screamed for help, so I called you, and.... Kura, he scared me......./
A pouting Marik left him alone finally and he swore that tape would be burned by tomorrow. //Ryou listen to me, I'm always here for you when you need me and even though Marik and Malik are a little crazy they care about you too and don't want to see you get hurt either, not to mention Seto above everyone else...// Bakura paused feeling Ryou relax slightly through their link as he closed his eyes //I won't let this man hurt you I swear, if you need me for any reason know that I will be more than willing to help you. // Bakura said gently.
Ryou smiled. /Thanks, Bakura. It means a lot to me. I'll let you get back to wrangling your boyfriends. / Ryou stopped when Bakura let out a mental yelp as Malik and Marik both charged into the room and tackled him, picking him up and dragging him down to the bedroom. Ryou snickered and purposely let Bakura hear it. /Sounds like you have your hands full, and will need all your concentration. I'll leave you alone now. I love you, yami. Thanks again. /
Seto saw Ryou smile and laugh a little "Bakura having problems?" Seto asked noticing his spaced out expression moments before.
Ryou grinned. "Malik and Marik practically LIVE at my house with him, what do you think? From what I've gathered, Marik is really hyper right now, because all the flashes I got were of him. I don't know what Malik is doing, but Ra help Bakura when they both get hyper." Ryou said with a grin as they pulled up in front of Mokuba's school. The bell had just rung and the kids were tearing out of the school like bats out of Hell. Ryou smiled at Seto and took his hand, and then both turned to look for Mokuba.
Mokuba came tearing out of the school and made a beeline for Seto's car. He flung open the door, tossed his backpack in and then launched himself into the back seat.
"Alright!!! Vacation!! Hey Seto, you packed my navy swim trunks, right? Hi Ryou! How are you? Did ya get packed?" Ryou laughed.
"I'm fine, Mokuba. Good to see you too. And yes, I'm packed. Seto, did you remember his navy blue swimming trunks?" Ryou asked as Seto pulled away from the curb.
"Yes." Seto said giving Mokuba a pat on the head "how was school?" Seto asked as he waited for the cars to thin out a little before pulling completely away. Seto noticed Mokuba's silence at his question. "Mokuba? Is everything all right?" Seto asked softly.
Mokuba frowned and looked away. Seto glanced at Ryou, who turned around in his seat.
"Mokuba? Are you okay? Is something wrong?"
"I have a feeling that I should be asking you that." Mokuba said, and Ryou's eyes widened. "How are YOU two doing?" Mokuba asked, and Ryou's mouth fell open in surprise, and he looked at Seto for either help, or an explanation.
Seto glanced at Mokuba through the rear view mirror as he pulled out "What's that supposed to mean? Me and Ryou are doing just fine, what would make you think otherwise." Seto interjected
"All the kids at school... they're talking about you two. They know that you're.... together. They've been talking about me, too. They just aren't familiar with the entire concept of homosexuality. A lot of them haven't even HEARD of two guys being together before. A lot of the kids are weirded out." Mokuba said. Ryou blinked and looked at him.
"Some kids wouldn't know about it I guess...." Ryou said. "And most can't handle it as maturely as you do, Mokuba... but why would that make you ask about your brother and me?"
"They were talking about how their parents thought that you two should be broken up for the sake of appearances. And some were saying that, well....Some were saying that their parents were TRYING to split you up. They're saying that.... Seto, they're saying that Ryou is evil! That he's seducing you for your power and money. I know it isn't true, but the kids at school are starting to believe that Ryou is, I don't know, the antichrist, or something."
"Don't be silly." Ryou giggled. "That's Bakura, not me." Ryou said, but he gulped at the look Seto gave him. He could tell that Seto was disturbed by what Mokuba had said.
Seto didn't mean to be unnerved by all this but if little children were talking about him and Ryou this way what was older society thinking...it did bother him even if it shouldn't.
"Don't worry about it Mokuba, they're children and they'll grow out of that behavior soon enough, you forget me and you both grew up a little ahead of our time." Seto paused "besides were going on a vacation were supposed to have fun, let's not talk about this anymore and lets make plans on what to do once we get to the lodge." Seto said
Ryou smiled at Seto and took his hand again.
"Make S'MORES!!!!" Mokuba sang, immediately, and Ryou laughed.
"How about tonight. We should get there and still have a few hours of sunlight. Why don't we go for hike?"
"That's good. Seto could use the fresh air." Mokuba said, and he and Ryou giggled.
"Seto could just use the exercise." Ryou said, winking at Mokuba. "He's putting on weight around the middle." And Mokuba toppled over, laughing. Ryou laughed too, enjoying getting on Seto's nerves.
"I could say something but there is a child present." Seto said giving Ryou a playful glare "We'll both get enough exercise if that's what you want." Seto said letting go of Ryou's hand momentarily to shift gears before taking it once again. Soon enough they arrived at the lodge overseeing the lake as Seto got out taking a deep breath it was nice to get away from the busy office and crowded streets of Domino...it was quite and serene here, at least until Mokuba squealed and ran into the cabin.
Ryou laughed and followed him, reminding him that he needed a key to get in, and leaving Seto to take care of the bags. Ryou unlocked the door and went in. When Seto made his way inside with all of the bags he had to smile at Ryou on the floor, tickling and wrestling with Mokuba.
"SETO!!! SETO!!! HELP!!! I'M BEING ATTACKED!!!" Mokuba screamed, and Ryou gave Seto an evil look.
"Hmmm... Are you sure he'll help you? He might help me." Ryou said, and Mokuba squeaked at the idea, and then managed to flip them over and he ended up on Ryou's stomach, tickling his brother's boyfriend. But not for long. Soon enough, they were rolling around, and both screaming to Seto for help. Now Seto had a tough choice; his brother, or his lover.
Seto rolled his eyes at the two "You got yourselves into the mess you can get yourselves out too." Seto said putting the bags in their respective rooms as he lay down on the bed smiling at the two boy's laughing until Ryou ran into the room and locked the door panting heavily.
"Did Mokuba give you a workout? Or am I still going to have to?" Seto said picking Ryou up and kissing him "It's so quite here...I thought Mokuba would be sleepy but I guess not." Seto said releasing Ryou.
Ryou laughed and took Seto's hand, pulling him out of the bedroom and to the living room where Mokuba was. Seto eyed Mokuba's evil look, and then realized that Ryou was wearing the same look. Before he could do anything, they had both pounced and tackled him to the floor.
"If you don't ally yourself to one side, the two sides may ally themselves against you!!" Ryou cried as he and Mokuba began to tickle Seto.
"Hey!" Seto said as the two teamed up on him making Seto laugh into near hysterics as he cried out uncle until they finally stopped "That was unfair! I was trying to keep the peace; besides Ryou you were the one that started it to begin with." Seto said standing as he dusted off his clothes as shook his head at the two boys. "Now that we've attacked each other let's go for a swim while it's still light out hmmm?" Seto suggested
"What about the hike?" Mokuba asked, but Ryou bent over and whispered into Mokuba's ear. Seto was immediately suspicious..... And for good reason. The pair attacked him once again and began to drag him out the door and down the small hill and onto the dock.
"Hey!" Seto yelled "C'mon, what is with the gang up all the sudden?" He said seeing their intent and struggling with the two, granted Mokuba was easier to throw off Seto knowing his weakness but Ryou was a little bit harder to get off as the two stumbled on the dock and Seto fell backward but not before grabbing Ryou's shirt as they both fell in Mokuba laughing hysterically at the two as Seto came up for air soon followed by Ryou.
"Serves you right." Seto said splashing Ryou's face playfully as he pulled himself up on the dock taking off his soaked Jacket.
Ryou spat out a stream of water and glared at Seto.
"I'm gonna tell my yami!!!" He whined, making Mokuba laugh and offer Ryou a hand. Ryou sighed and took it and let Mokuba pull him out of the water. Then they both giggled at Seto, who was going through his pockets to assess the damage.
"Your Yami would probably agree that you deserved it too." Seto said taking off his wet shoes and socks practically stripping to his pants which eh rolled up to his knees. "No sense in getting my suit wet." he said diving back into the water, “you two coming? It's not like anyone else is here anyway." he said swimming out to the platform in the middle of the lake.
Ryou quirked an eyebrow, and Mokuba snorted.
"I'm not swimming in my clothes." Mokuba said, and Ryou frowned, and then tackled him into the water with a loud "Oh yes you are!!!" They landed in the water with a loud splash and immediately began a dunking battle
Seto rolled his eyes "Ryou! You're going to drown him!" Seto said as he swam over to the two, "C'mon what happened to rest and relaxation on vacation's?" he said as the two once again tried to attack him but he was a much better swimmer than the both as he quickly got out of range from the two "I'll be at the platform when you two decide to play nicely." Seto said.
Poor Seto ended up sitting on the dock for nearly half an hour until the pair floundered over and pulled themselves out of the water, collapsing onto the dock in exhaustion on either side of Seto. Seto looked back and forth between the two with an amused expression on his face. Mokuba was panting with his eyes half open, but Ryou looked ready to fall asleep, at least until he began to shiver.
Seto wrapped his arms around Ryou kissing his cheek lovingly which made Mokuba wrinkle his face at them as he plopped back into the water.
"I'm going to my room before you two scare my virgin eyes." Mokuba said swimming back toward the cabin with Seto shaking his head at the said boy.
"I'm glad he's happy." Seto said resting his chin on Ryou's shoulder as he kissed his forehead. "You're not falling asleep on me already are you?" Seto asked
"mmmm...... he wore me out...." Ryou sighed, pulling off his wet shirt and snuggling closer for warmth. "Your brother has almost as much energy as Marik. And that's saying allot." Ryou giggled and traced random patterns across Seto's chest with his fingers.
Ryou looked across the lake and to the cabin, watching the lights in the kitchen turn on. He was considering telling Seto of what the man at the restroom in the restaurant had said about wanting to meet with him. But for some reason, Ryou didn't know why, he decided not to tell Seto.
"I'm so glad we could do this, get away from all the nonsense in Domino and such that we aren't meant for one another." Seto sighed looking at the sunset as it made the lake look like it was on fire from the rays bouncing off the surface. "Nothing will ever take you away from me." Seto murmured in Ryou's ear softly.