Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 5
Seto, Ryou and Mokuba had an enjoyable weekend at Seto's lodge. Seto and Ryou had some bonding time with Mokuba….. And with each other. By the end of it, they had begun to believe that nothing would ever taint their relationship again. But when they arrived back home on Monday morning they were all met with the most unpleasant of surprises.
The supermarket tabloids had somehow gotten a hold of Pictures of Ryou and Bakura, with a few of him kissing Marik and Malik. It was a horrible scandal the paper saying Ryou was cheating on Seto and was incestual. There were more papers all about Ryou's horrible behavior that he was nothing but a slut and such, only getting worse as you read on.
"I don't believe this bull shit!" Seto yelled angrily slamming his fists on his desk while at work. Ryou was upset beyond comprehension and was being harassed almost everywhere he went, granted Bakura was angry too but there was no way to figure out who took the pictures. They were being exploited and there was nothing either could do about it. Seto was trying his best to convince partners that his private life had nothing to do with his business not to mention Ryou was completely innocent but it left him nonetheless conversing for hours on such matters keeping him late at the office.
………………………&# 8230;
Across town……
"So..." One man drawled "nice little scandal you created for that kid and Kaiba huh?" He said sitting down "is he going to meet you here tonight Tomo?" He asked
"He'd better, Seto is tied up at the office probably till dawn; I made sure of that for tonight." Tomo said with a wink. "We'll have plenty of time to make this kid give up Seto." Tomo smiled as he called the mansion as the butler picked up and he asked politely for Ryou.
Ryou had been locked up in Seto's bedroom crying and ignoring numerous attempts by Bakura to contact him through their link. But when butler knocked and told him he had a phone call, he sighed and picked up the phone, suspecting that Bakura had talked Malik into trying to talk to him.
"H-hello?" Ryou said into to the phone.
Tomo smiled "Well hello there, I tried calling earlier but you wouldn't answer; you better not be thinking about ditching our date now...are you?" Tomo threatened "I have something much worse in store for both you and Seto if you don't show up tonight." He growled.
Ryou froze and felt like bursting into tears.
"Alright.... you have my attention... I'll be there...." Ryou said, and in an attempt to be rebellious, slammed the phone down.
Tomo looked at the phone a little irritated "He'd better come alone" Tomo said going into the kitchen where his friend was leaning against the counter.
"What if he refuses?" He asked
"He won't, trust me with what I have, he wouldn't dare." Tomo said "I bet with what I have we could get a lot more out of him then a break-up...what do you think?" Tomo asked giving his friend a mischievous glare.
"Why not?" He said as they raised their glasses and drank patiently awaiting the arrival of their little pawn.
At five minutes until six, Ryou was staring up at the hotel building. He shivered and thought of calling on his yami to handle this but quickly decided against it. Bakura may be a good body guard, but he wasn't always the smartest. He screwed up his courage and entered the building, moving across the lobby and getting into the elevator, taking it to the thirty seventh floor. By the time the doors slowly opened, he was sweating and shaking slightly. The man had said that what he had was far worse than what he had already released to the papers. Ryou couldn't imagine what was worse, and he didn't feel very good about knowing that he was going to soon find out. He moved down the hall silently and stopped in front of the door. Room 3702. He gulped, and knocked lightly on the door.
Tomo answered the door and dragged Ryou inside before shutting and locking it immediately. "Nice to see you've made it, and didn't bring anyone with you...smart boy." Tomo said as he approached Ryou "To get right to the point you'll be breaking up with Seto very soon." Tomo hissed at Ryou as his friend emerged from the kitchen flipping through some paper, which he tossed to Ryou, smiling evilly. Ryou stared, horrified at the images this one possessed.
Ryou flipped through the photos, feeling more and more sick with every new one. He backed into the wall and leaned against it for support. He kept his eyes down, unable to look the two men in the face.
"W-where did you get these?" He managed to gasp. "How? Why are you doing this?!" He was near tears and it took all he had to keep his composure.
"We've been having you followed around, I thought that was obvious." He sneered "and a little manipulation of photos...you'd be surprised what you can accomplish" He laughed as his friend picked the paper up
"Looks like he really loves you...with all the cheating you've done with your own brother Seto loses his temper and rapes you right in his backyard...in the pool no less." He flipped through the pages as the pictures truly made it seem like Seto had raped him "Poor little boy crying out so desperately and no one cared, the camera man was too scared to help you with Seto so enraged." he said running a hand through his hair “...don't worry though little Ryou…your salvation is us." he said laughing loudly at Ryou.
"Provided you do what we want." The other man said
Ryou shuddered at the entire thing, and the shaking didn't stop. He ran things through in his head. If he broke up with Seto, this would all stop, right? No... The damage had been done. Hundreds of people would see him as nothing but a whore. And he loved Seto. But if he left him, things might be easier on them both. And Mokuba. He was having trouble with the kids and school. But he also couldn't shake what Bakura had said to him. And he was right. Ryou loved Seto, and Seto loved him. And while many believed what the tabloids said, Ryou, and those he loved knew the truth. And giving in would also only show that he could be blackmailed. He didn't want to give in, but at the same time......
"And what is it that you want from me?"
"Stupid question little boy, what is it you think?" Tomo said "Honestly I don't care if you're with Kaiba it's not my daughter who wants to marry the guy, hell I don't even have a daughter women never interested me in the first place, this is just a job and I get paid a lot for doing it, I have a few friends who want to get their kids hitched with the guy, and you are simply in the way." Tomo said. "It's a simple as that kid, leave Seto and no more harm will come upon him." He smirked. “The girls are still dying to be with him now more than ever since his heart has been broken by you...I wonder what that paper would do for his image...?" He said folding his arms.
Ryou finally lifted his eyes and glared.
"Fuck off." He snarled. "You are NOT blackmailing me into leaving Seto."
Tomo's hand shot out as he backhanded Ryou across the face as the youth fell to the floor "This is not negotiable little boy, if you don't leave him you'll be in a much worse situation than you already are." He snarled.
Ryou anger boiled, and he looked up, glaring.
"You are already in a bad situation for messing with me. Soon enough, that mistake will catch up to you." Ryou snarled, and enjoyed a mental picture of Bakura and Marik laughing maniacally while gutting the two men.
"Funny...nothing yet has happened, we know all about your bad-ass brother and his two slutty boyfriends and they're tough but not smart enough to catch me or my friend here." Tomo advanced on Ryou slamming him against the wall "You're little family is nothing to me, and if you don't stop mouthing off you're going to get a hell of a lot more trouble than just cheating tabloids...I see the doubt in some of your friends' eyes and Seto is nearing his breaking point, how would he feel at a home video of his little lover fucking two complete strangers? Well he might know Kakyo..." He said pointing to his friend "But that'll make it all the more horrible." Tomo said.
Ryou froze in fear and backed into the wall again, staring up at the man, mortified.
"You..... You wouldn't dare...." He gasped, shaking his head in denial. Then, he blinked. "And Bakura, Marik and Malik are a lot smarter than they look!!" And yet, a little voice in the back of his head started laughing at that.
"They may be, but like I said, we're a lot smarter...now are you going to coo operate or are we going to have to hurt you?" Tomo said as the two cornered Ryou in case he tried to make a break for it.
And Ryou indeed tried to make a break for it.
"NO!! I won't leave Seto!! I love him!!" He shouted as he bolted for the door.
Tomo easily grabbed him and slammed his fists into Ryou's stomach repeatedly until Ryou was a sobbing and almost immobile on the floor. "I tried to warn you." Tomo said in a sarcastic sympathetic way. "You just have to misbehave don't you." He said pulling out a small black kit as he filled a syringe with a clear liquid. He saw the fear in Ryou's eyes as he tried to scramble away from Tomo who easily pinned him down "Now, now don't be that way...this could hurt quite a lot, this will help you give in to all your desires." Tomo said trying to keep Ryou still.
Kakyo took the syringe since Tomo had his hands full with Ryou at the moment. In fact, he was currently lying on top of Ryou to keep him still. He moved over and pinned Ryou's left wrist with his knee and jabbed the needle into his arm, injecting the liquid inside. Ryou thrashed, and began to scream.
Tomo clasped his hand over Ryou's mouth the muffle the screams to the best of his ability, he was glad that he brought the drugs now considering of how much a fight Ryou was putting up, not to mention the boy surely wouldn't enjoy anything unless he was under the influence...raping him was not the initial plan but he refused to renounce his love for Seto and Tomo was intent on following through with any drastic measures he would have to take.
"Can you feel it?" He asked softly in Ryou's ear as the boy's struggles slowly became weaker "Warm isn't it?" He asked knowing exactly how good the drug made one feel in body and mind. Tomo smiled as the boy sobbed slightly underneath him, he wouldn't be able to resist to much or even at all, it was powerful enough to make even the most moral people fall into lust and desire, and that's what he wanted; he didn't want this to appear as rape but pure lust to the eyes of his lover...should Ryou not coo operate and they must show him what a naughty little boy Ryou was being. He switched on the hidden camera and waited until he could stop holding Ryou down.
Tomo's accomplice put the syringe away in a bag and checked the camera to make sure it was positioned correctly. He nodded, and then moved back over to watch Ryou continue his struggling.
Ryou whimpered, and gradually his struggles became squirms. Finally, Tomo backed off and watched Ryou writhing on the floor, panting, trying to focus his vision on something, the door most likely.
"What now?" Kakyo asked.
Tomo smiled. “Give him a few seconds, it reacts differently to each person the initial effect is the same but some take longer to give in, the point of this is blackmail...granted the paper was too but I have a feeling he'll be more inclined to behave if his lover was to see him fucking someone else without resistance." he said with a wicked smile as Ryou whimpered on the floor "Do you wish to participate?" Tomo asked Kakyo
Kakyo grinned, eyeing Ryou on the floor, trying to get up, but found himself too dizzy.
"Why not? This one won't charge me." And they both laughed.
The laughing was a dull roar in Ryou's ears. All he could really hear was the blood pounding in his head, flowing hot and rushing straight down and between his legs. He could barely even gather a single thought; the only one that he COULD manage to make out was 'I wish I didn't come.' He didn't want to betray Seto, it was the LAST thing he wanted to do. He knew he had to get out of here, but he couldn't even stand. Slowly, panting and moaning, he dragged himself to a nearby chair and managed to pull himself to his feet. His head was spinning, and his vision was blurry as he tried to keep himself on his feet. After he decided that he was balanced enough, he tried to stumble to the door, slumping against the wall for support every few steps.
Tomo smiled "looks like he will take longer than anyone else." He glided over to Ryou picking him up easily the said boy moaning in protest. "This is not the best neighborhood to be wandering about at night, especially when your drugged." Tomo said going into the bedroom "You should lie down." He said laying Ryou on the bed admiring him for a moment, his cheeks were flushed and his breathing uneven, it must be frustrating when your body wants something so terribly and you can do little to stop it. Tomo looked to see Kakyo place the camera in the bedroom as he smiled at him approvingly before turning his attention back to Ryou.
"Let's help him along." He said as he began to gently caress and massage Ryou gracing him with feather light touches and kisses as the camera rolled.
Ryou groaned loudly, arching into the touches. His heart ached in shame and anger at himself for the situation he had willingly walked into and now couldn't get out of. Comprehensive thought was still eluding him, but once again, a few made themselves known. One, that Ryou was trying to banish, was dwelling on the warm shudders that ran through his body, and was demanding more. Another was berating him for giving in. Another was telling him to fight. And still one more, making Ryou cry, said 'How can I ever face Seto again?'
Tomo noticed Ryou's eyes well in tears and quickly brought his lips across his eyelids, crying would make the tape worthless. He licked his face where a stray tear had fallen and continued this action prying that the tears could not be seen. He brought his hand down in-between Ryou's legs massaging the youth's length gently as Ryou arched his back to gain more of the touch and whimpered obviously trying to ignore the feeling but not being able to stop himself.
"See, feel's wonderful doesn't it? You should enjoy yourself Ryou." He whispered in Ryou's ear kissing along his neck as he began to remove Ryou's shirt noticing the golden ring around Ryou's neck as he removed it with a curious stare placing it on the dresser drawer before returning to his task at hand to help Kakyo who was currently undoing Ryou's belt.
Ryou blinked and twitched as the Ring was removed. Suddenly, his body tensed and his eyes began to clear.
"No... No!! The Ring!!! YAMI!!!!" Ryou screamed, and began thrashing. "YAMI!!!" Both men cursed and pinned Ryou down as he struggled, mind clearing enough to know that the Ring was his ticket out of this situation. But even his sudden burst of clarity didn't last, and in moments, his struggles began to weaken again as the drug shrouded his mind in a lustful haze once again. And of course, the hand down his pants wasn't helping.
"Guess you're gonna have to edit that video...." Kakyo muttered as he roughly pumped Ryou's erection in an attempt to get him to relax. And it worked. Ryou finally slumped back down into the mattress and squirmed, whimpering.
Tomo growled; everything was going so well and he had to go and spoil it, at least nothing bad happened and he was back under control. He kissed Ryou forcibly, diving his tongue deep into his mouth enjoying the fact that Ryou tried to pull away before actually stopping his struggle completely and submitting to the feeling, probably more Kakyo's doing then his own but god the boy tasted wonderful and his skin was so smooth and soft. This was going to be more pleasurable than Tomo first thought...no wonder Seto loved the boy so much; he was really beautiful.
Ryou gasped into Tomo's mouth as he felt his jeans being slid off of his legs, followed closely by the boxers. They were bunched up around his ankles while Kakyo worked on the knots on his shoelaces. Ryou's body began to shiver in its desperate need, and, against his will, one hand reached up and gripped Tomo's hair, pulling him to his mouth harder, and his other hand sliding down his body to caress his arousal. When he did, he whimpered and lifted his hips, making Kakyo laugh.
"Hah!! Now he's performing for us!!" The man laughed, trying to get Tomo's attention.
Tomo pulled away from Ryou happy to see Ryou try to pull him down for another kiss although he had to pull Ryou's fingers from his hair to prevent him. He stopped Ryou's hand and took Ryou's erection in his mouth as he began to remove his own clothes. Ryou gasped at the sudden warmth around his arousal which only made Tomo work harder upon the youth as Kakyo kissed and sucked upon Ryou's hardening nubs soothing away various bite marks with his tongue.
Ryou threw his head back, issuing a lustful cry, not thinking any longer, only feeling. And he liked what he was feeling so much so, that he hardly felt the pain of guilt in his heart. All thoughts of resisting, trying to get to Ring to call Bakura, all went out the window where the rain was beginning to fall. And unfortunately, so did all thoughts of Seto. All that Ryou cared about was the intense pleasure in his body.
Tomo pulled away from Ryou not wanting it to end yet, he still had many things to do as the boy sat up in protest looking at Tomo like a child who was denied their desert. Tomo couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the said boy as he brought him to his now bare chest and Kakyo sat behind Ryou trailing kissed down his neck.
"Do you want more little one?" He asked seductively in Ryou ear. Body sweating and quivering in desire, Ryou cuddled closer, rubbing against Tomo's stomach, panting in his ear.
"Gods..... Yes......" He purred, digging his fingers into the man's back, moaning at Kakyo's hands roamed up and down his back. "P-please..... Need it.... now....."
Kakyo fixed a smile of amusement and amazement on Tomo. "What WAS that stuff you gave him?!" He asked, a laugh in his tone. "I need to get some of it, whatever it is...."
Tomo grinned at him as he tangled with Ryou, who was getting more and more aggressive, and was also getting a bit noisy.
"Hey Tomo...." Kakyo snickered. "I'll bet you fifty bucks that this one is a screamer......." Tomo laughed at Kakyo's comment as Ryou pulled him down for another kiss.
"Considering the pictures we've seen, I'm sure he is." Tomo said with a wink after he pulled away from Ryou "Ryou, I want you to pleasure me as I did you, if you do well I will give you what you want." Tomo said hoping that he was hazed over enough to do so without question.
And unfortunately, Ryou was. He nodded enthusiastically, lip trembling in desire.
"Yes.... Anything you want...." Ryou said, softly, and went for the buckle of Tomo's belt. Kakyo covered his face, snorting into his hand.
"This is great!!" He laughed, but shut up at Tomo's warning glare. Ryou ignored the exchange and tossed the belt aside and unbuttoned Tomo's jeans, pulling down the zipper. He looked up at the man for approval.
Tomo nodded as the boy freed his hard erection as he trembled slightly in his own anticipation giving a loud moan as his length was enveloped in the wet cavern and the boy moved expertly over his manhood. Tomo threaded his fingers in Ryou's hair making the youth go faster upon him as he rubbed Ryou's back whispering enticing words into his ear only making the youth more eager. Tomo watched with silent amusement as his friend began to gently ease a finger inside Ryou's body making the boy moan which sent vibrations through Tomo's already throbbing erection making him cry out slightly as he began to thrust into Ryou's mouth while Kakyo prepared him.
Ryou thrust back to into the fingers entering his body, continuing to suck on the organ in his mouth. He let it slip from his lips and he licked it up and down before suckling the head again, lapping up the pre-cum greedily.
In the mean time, Kakyo was thrusting three fingers into Ryou's body, grinning as he did. He looked up at Tomo when Ryou was ready, silently asking him permission.
"You don't need my permission Kakyo." Tomo said breathlessly pulling Ryou's face toward him so the boy would take his entire length into his mouth wanting the warmth to completely envelop him. The warmth and soft whimpers that erupted from Ryou's throat only stroked the blaze between Tomo's legs as he groaned loudly as Ryou's tongue swirled around the head of his penis massaging the underside driving Tomo near to insanity as his breaths came in heavy gasps and he prayed this pleasure lasted for eternity.
Ryou pulled away suddenly, crying out as Kakyo entered him from behind. The drug worked its way through him and he thrust back, taking Kakyo's erection all the way into his body. Ryou let his head fall as he groaned in pleasure, Kakyo hissing in surprise.
Tomo snickered and placed his hands on Ryou's face and gently lifted it up. Ryou's eyes cleared to see Tomo's arousal in front of his face, and without hesitation, Ryou look it into his mouth again, groaning as Kakyo began to move harshly, not wasting any courtesy on the drugged up boy he was taking from behind.
Tomo relished the feeling, holding back as much as he possibly could until he filled the boy's mouth with his seed making sure Ryou swallowed every drop and clean up what he couldn't swallow. Tomo smiled kissing him forcible as he pulled Ryou to stand on his knees and lavished kisses up and down his torso placing Ryou's hand on his arousal as the boy brought him back to a pulsating erection. He smiled as he pressed his fingers inside Ryou's body along with Kakyo's length and he began to stretch the boy further. He jabbed his finger's into Ryou's prostate repeatedly and would stop when he knew Ryou was close. Ryou tried to reach for himself but Tomo quickly put a stop to that, wanting this boy to be within a rapture of pleasure even when the drug wore off; he wanted the boy to scream in ecstasy, true lust taking over his body and mind which was just as powerful as any drug could ever be.
Ryou buried his face into Tomo's chest, his gasps turning into desperate pleas as he felt the extra digits slide into his body. He bit down on Tomo's shoulder, groaning into it as he spread his legs further, trying to give the two men more room to work their craft on his body. He had his eyes tight shut, and the only thought running through his mind was 'Oh God Oh God Oh God Oh God........' He let his head fall back with a loud whine as he felt three fingers enter him along side Kakyo's penis, and he moved forwards, crushing his mouth to Tomo's.
The intensity of Ryou's kiss and Ryou's body shuddering every time Tomo stroked his prostate made him smile broadly. He looked to Kakyo who apparently knew what Tomo was planning but not just yet, he would wait till he knew all Ryou's senses were aware and he wanted it anyway. Tomo reached around Ryou sliding digits from his other hand inside Ryou to properly stretch him as he kissed his neck and locked his mouth onto Ryou's who feverishly kissed him back. Ryou began to plead with him for release making Tomo only grow harder with each time Ryou begged him.
Ryou broke away from the kiss and let his head fall back, gasping in intense pleasure.
"Oh Gods....." He groaned. "Oh Gods... please.... more.....please........" He begged, bringing a grin to Tomo and Kakyo's face. "Oh Gods, please.... harder....Nnnnh....... yes, please..... Please....... more.... I need more........." And he buried his face into Tomo's shoulder again, and his pleading continued. And then, suddenly, the pleading stopped, and his eyes opened. Ryou lifted his head and blinked, still moaning slightly. Tomo looked at Ryou and watched him blink, his eyes clearing up. Ryou closed his eyes briefly with another moan, and then opened them wide, a look of horror on his face. Tomo pressed his fingers to Ryou's prostate again, and he closed his eyes and gasped, letting his head fall to Tomo's shoulder again. Ryou whimpered as a thought formed in his head.
'...... oh gods, what have I done?' He whimpered and thrust back into the intruders in his body.
Tomo saw the haze clear slightly, the drug was strange like that suddenly wearing off without warning. Ryou plainly was coming out of it's effect as the look of pain and shame crossed his features… but he plainly still wanted their touches and Tomo was not one to deny him. He looked at Kakyo telling him to slow his movements, and then he slammed himself inside Ryou alongside Kakyo's own erection.
Ryou's eyes flew open as he jerked and screamed. Both pain and pleasure ripped through him as he clutched tightly to Tomo, flinging arms around him and digging his finger nails into Tomo's back hard enough to draw blood. Tomo felt the blood tricking down his back as Ryou felt the blood trickling down his thighs. He whimpered and stared into Tomo's eyes in horror. Tomo smirked at him, and at a nod to Kakyo, the pair began to move. Ryou's eyes rolled back into his head and he gave a quavery moan as his body went limp under the assault. He breaths came faster, his chest rising and falling quickly as he bit his lower lip and groaned. He couldn't help but to clench around every motion that the two men made in him, and he began to rub his groin into Tomo's stomach, grinding against him in desperation.
"Tell me what you want." Tomo breathed heavily in his ear as Ryou's body clenched tightly around him making him desire release, but also wanting Ryou to know the act he was committing. He wanted Ryou to scream in pleasure, not caring how badly he was betraying his so called lover. Tomo thrust powerfully into Ryou's body and he held him close "Tell me..." He breathed.
Ryou whimpered and shook his head, shameful tears forming in his eyes. Tomo frowned at that, and glanced at Kakyo. The other man snorted, and they both stopped. Ryou cried out in horror, and began to squirm, but Tomo and Kakyo held him still, pinning him between their bodies.
"Tell me....." Tomo hissed again, and Ryou sobbed in his desperate need.
"......... m-more......" Ryou moaned. "Please.... I need more... PLEASE!!!!" He screamed, the tears streaming down his face in shame and desire. "PLEASE!!! I NEED IT!!!"
Tomo smiled and began to slowly move in and out of Ryou's body purposely not going deep enough to strike Ryou's prostate and Kakyo was performing the same torture, making Ryou cry out in desperation, but Tomo's game had only just begun upon the poor boy. He gently ran a finger over Ryou's weeping erection spooning his precum onto his fingers and forcing Ryou to suck it off. He drew Ryou's mouth to his own, their tongues intertwining. Kakyo's hands began to tease and pinch Ryou's nipples as Tomo continued the bruising kiss until he pulled away and took a fistful of Ryou's hair jerking upon it painfully, making Ryou cry out slightly more from surprise then pain as he slowed his movements even more, Kakyo following his every move.
"Tell us what a naughty little boy you are..." He said sucking upon Ryou's earlobe "Tell me you're nothing but a whore, scream it Ryou..." He breathed heavily making the boy whimper "Tell me how much you love this and that you are nothing but our slut!" He yelled pulling harder upon Ryou's hair.
Ryou shook his head furiously, and then yelped as his hair was jerked. Tomo jabbed his prostrate harshly, trying to encourage Ryou. Ryou yelped, and then stared at the ceiling with a look of despaired shock on his face.
"I'm..... I'm a whore......." He whispered to himself, and the tears flooded down his face. "I'm a whore.... I'm a whore........."
"We can't hear you!" Kakyo snapped, twisting Ryou's nipples harshly. Ryou sobbed and hid his face in Tomo's shoulder.
"I'M A WHORE!!!" He screamed, his voice reflecting his agonizing heartbreak. "I'M A SLUT!!! I LOVE IT, AND I'M A WHORE!!!" And he broke down and cried.
Tomo smiled wickedly pulling Ryou's face to his as he rewarded the little outburst by slamming into Ryou's prostate over and over making him cry out in pleasure from the force.
"Whose whore are you? Who do you belong to?" Tomo asked, loving making the boy scream the most profane things knowing it was all upon camera. Ryou shook his head again but whimpered as his movements slowed. “Come now Ryou; scream for me how naughty you are." He said barely kissing him as he rubbed the youth's erection slowly almost painfully.
Ryou continued to cry, his boy shuddering with every thrust it was subjected to. And through it all, he screamed the words that the men told him to.
"I'M A NAUGHTY BOY!!!" He screamed, only wanting to reach his orgasm and go home..... Gods how he wanted to go home.... He continued to scream as they bade him to, but there was one thing he wouldn't say. He refused to say that he belonged to them.
Tomo knew he wasn't doing everything but he was doing quite enough as he stopped his torment and continued his ministrations upon Ryou's body going faster and harder taking hold of Ryou's erection and he began to pump him in the rhythm of his and Kakyo's thrusts making him moan and scream in pleasure, waves of that pleasure that were hitting him in monstrous violence that he simply couldn't stop.
"Whether you believe it or not, you ARE a whore and you ARE a slut Ryou...Seto will never love you should I give this to him." He threatened; he wasn't finished with Ryou yet as he slammed over and over into his prostate. When he drew out Kakyo would thrust in creating an intense slam against Ryou's prostate that was never ending combined with the gentle yet powerful strokes upon his erection making Ryou scream at the intensity of it all.
Ryou didn't have a chance against the alternating thrusts and constant jabbing of his prostrate, and whether Tomo was ready for him or not, Ryou's body spasmed as he screamed out his climax, releasing his seed violently into Tomo's hand. Then, with a tiny whimper, he went limp and slumped over onto Tomo's chest, uttering tiny squeaks as the pair continued to thrust into him. Kakyo groaned and stopped suddenly, holding himself still as he reached his climax, biting down hard onto Ryou's shoulder, making the boy yelp as his teeth pierced the skin.
Tomo soon followed as the three fell into an unorganized heap upon the bed all breathing heavily as they lay in the afterglow of their orgasms the only sound was Ryou's crying that could be heard through the sheets as he cried into them his body shuddering. Kakyo slipped out from underneath Ryou and staggered to the camera turning it off and pulling out the tape as he handed it to Tomo. Tomo sat up pulling Ryou into his lap as he forced Ryou to see what he held.
"Everything we just did, everything you said is now upon this little tape Ryou...you break it off with Seto or he will see this and break it off with you I'm sure, and I'm sure you'd like for you two to part on semi nice terms instead of him knowing how you screamed that you were a whore and a slut as two men fucked you senseless." Tomo said making Ryou cry even harder.
Ryou hid his face and cried for a moment, before he suddenly hurled himself off of the bed and forced himself to his feet, clenching his teeth at the pain between his legs. He jerked on his shirt and pants, forgetting his boxers and belt and socks on the floor. He pulled on his shoes and grabbed the Millennium Ring from the floor next to bed. He then turned and headed for the door, sobbing hysterically.
Tomo laughed as the boy left as he held the tape between his hands thinking to himself silently as he leaned back onto his bed still exhausted from the activities as Kakyo lay beside him tired as well. "Well...that worked out better than I thought." Tomo said as the two shared a laugh.
Ryou ran to the elevator and out the lobby, getting a lot of shocked looks as he tore out of the hotel, sobbing hysterically. The rain pelted his body, and he was freezing in seconds. He looked right and left, and then ran left. He couldn't face Seto after what had just happened, so he couldn't go to Seto's house. And he couldn't go home. He didn't think he could handle Bakura's questioning. Seto would go to Yami and Yugi first when he wasn't with Bakura, Mikado and Otogi would fuss too much while Ahmose would just sit and fix that unnerving stare on him, and Joey and Tristan were such loudmouths.....
Ryou sobbed again, pushing his wet bangs out of his eyes. He made his decision. He turned and ran.
Twenty minutes later, he reached an apartment building. He went up the stairs to the third floor and pulled his keys out of his pockets. With shaking hands, he unlocked the door and entered Malik and Marik's apartment. He closed and locked both locks and slid the chain into place, then stumbled through the living room to Malik and Marik's room, shedding his soaking clothes as he went. He entered their room and collapsed onto the bed, curling up and sobbing brokenly until he had cried himself to sleep.
By the time it was 1 in the morning Seto was becoming frantic as he dialed Bakura's number, hoping that he was there and the yami just forgot the call him, as he waited for someone to answer, impatiently.
Bakura was in the kitchen with Marik. The pair were nosily squabbling over the last slice of pizza, so Malik went into the other room and picked up the phone.
"Hello, Bakura residence, Malik speaking." He said, sweetly, wincing at a crash from the kitchen and a loud 'FUCK' from Marik.
"Malik, is Ryou over there...I got home around 6 and Ryou wasn't home and he still hasn't arrived, please tell me he's there, has Bakura heard from him..." Seto continued to ramble on until Malik finally calmed him down a bit to get a word in.
"No, he isn't here, Seto... That's not like him... hold on a sec." Malik said, and then turned his head. "HEY, BAKURA!!!!"
Bakura winced as Malik yelled at him as he gave up the battle letting Marik have the last piece as he walked over to Malik "What?" he asked a little lazily.
Malik gave Bakura a worried look. "Bakura, Seto's on the line. He can't find Ryou. He wasn't home when Seto got in at about six, and Seto hasn't heard from him. Have you heard anything?" Malik asked, and Marik waltzed into the room chewing the pizza triumphantly.
Bakura's face turned instantly concerned as he took the phone "Seto?" he said
"Bakura, tell me you've heard form him." Seto said desperately
"No...I haven't heard anything I haven't even felt anything honestly...did he say anything about leaving?" Bakura asked
"No, nothing, and with the recent events I've had my bodyguards with him, I asked them if they knew where he went but they didn't even know he had left." Seto said "I might be a bit paranoid but I can't shake the feeling that's something wrong." Seto said.
Bakura frowned; it was odd when he couldn't even receive a feeling from Ryou. He licked his lips that had gone dry "I'll go look for him, stay home in case he decides to come back, I'll call you if I find him okay?" Bakura said as Seto agreed a little hesitantly as he hung up the phone pacing nervously in his living room.
Bakura looked to Marik who was looking at him a little concerned as well. "Marik, help me look for Ryou apparently he's gone missing, Malik I want you to stay here unless he drops by, call me right away if he comes here, I'll have my cell." Bakura said as he walked out the door Marik close behind.
As soon as the door closed, Malik turned and dove for the phone, dialing up the Turtle Game Shop.
Malik tapped his fingers, waiting for an answer.
Yami awoke a little startled by the phone ringing as he reached for it bringing it to his ear "H-hello?" He asked obviously still asleep.
"Yami? It's Malik." Malik said, hearing Yugi whining in the background, using some very un-Yugi like words. "Yami, by any chance, have you seen or heard from Ryou since six this evening?" Malik asked.
"No, why?" Yami asked noticing the slightly distressed tone of voice Malik was using
"He's missing. Seto hasn't' heard from him, Bakura hasn't heard or FELT anything from him.... He's out searching for him with Marik right now." Malik said, and blinked as there was a sudden scuffle.
"Malik?" Yugi said into the phone. "I'll have Yami go out and help. That's not like Ryou." Yami was heard protesting, but at a sharp word from Yugi the Pharaoh shut up.
'Whipped!!!' Malik thought to himself. "Thanks Yugi." He said out loud. "I'm gonna call the others, just in case. If I hear anything, I'll let you know."
"No problem." Yugi said, and they hung up. Malik then dialed up Ryuuji Otogi and the last yami and hikari pair, Mikado and Ahmose.
Hato-Chiisai and I are calling upon our readers now. On a site called AnimeSpiral.com, a person under the pen name of 'ryouin' has STOLEN our fics and are taking credit for them! Not only that, but she is taking credit for the web site that I made, not only for myself, but ryouin is calling the page that I made for Hato-Chiisai, her fics and her art, My homepage, and may be passing Hato-Chiisai's art around the net as HERS. We are asking for your help and support to take care of this situation. We ask that you go to Anime Spiral and review ryouin's stolen fics, revealing them as stolen material and asking her to take it down. But let's keep it mature people! Here's the link to her Author's Page.


A nd don't forget to review our fics, here!!!!