Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 6
Marik quietly got the door when the bell rang, and stepped aside to let a haggard looking Seto in.
"You don't look too good." Marik said, and Seto simply sighed. "You and Bakura both...." He said, and followed Seto to the living room where Bakura sat with Malik on the sofa. Seto had to admit, Bakura looked like shit. Malik looked up at Seto and sighed, then went back to stroking Bakura's hair.
"Still nothing?" Malik asked Seto, softly.
"Absolutely nothing..." Seto said distraught "Yami and the others haven't seen him either. Ahmose tried fire gazing, but he didn't see anything that would help." Seto said “Did you two search everywhere he could possibly be?" Seto asked praying the two Yami's had over looked some place at that his little lover might be.
"We've looked everywhere." Malik sighed.
"Yeah.... I've been looking non stop." Marik said, and at a second glance, Seto realized that Marik looked just as bad as himself and Bakura. Malik was the only one who looked half alive out of the four of them. "I haven't been home in three days. Not this home, and not Malik and my apartment, either..... Come to think of it, it's been a week since I've been back to our apartment." And Malik snorted.
"Sometimes I forget we even have it." Malik said, and Bakura's eyes snapped open.
"Your apartment!" Bakura yelled "How could we have NOT gone there! Ryou has a key dammit!" He yelled showing the first signs of life in the past few days as he ran out of the house followed by Seto and Marik, the three not bothering to hop into the car as Bakura ran toward the apartment, pushing himself as hard as he could gaining ahead of the other three. He rushed into the apartment going upstairs as quickly as he could and rushing inside once he unlocked the door and broke the chain.
"Ryou!" He yelled looking about the house frantically.
Back in Malik and Marik's room, Ryou twitched and opened his eyes. He shivered and moaned to himself, pulling the blankets around him. The first time he woke up, he managed to bathe himself, and then collapsed back into the bed. He hadn't left it since except for a few very painful trips to the restroom. His body shivered again as a drop of sweat rolled down his flushed face. He gasped and jerked when he heard Bakura's frantic yell and buried his head under the covers, shaking. If Bakura was here, Seto was probably right behind him. And Ryou still wasn't ready to face either one of them. He closed his eyes tightly as he heard the group rushing back to the bedroom.
Bakura instantly noticed the form on the bed as he pulled the sheet back slightly to reveal Ryou, shivering and flushed. Bakura gently picked him up, hugging him gently; he felt like he would cry. Seto walked over as well, letting his hand grace across Ryou's cheek.
"Ryou?" Bakura said softly "Ryou please say something, have you been here all this time?" Bakura asked feeling Ryou's barriers go up in a powerful stronghold that he wouldn't be able to break. "Malik would you get some water?" Bakura asked as he attempted to give Ryou to Seto but Ryou latched his arms around Bakura's neck making both of them look at Ryou, confused.
Ryou's naked body shivered as he clung desperately to Bakura, hiding his face in his yami's chest. He refused to answer Bakura's question. In fact, he refused to speak at all. Malik came in with a glass of water and Marik gathered up Ryou's clothes that were stiff, letting him know that they were wet when Ryou dropped them. But as he carried them to the laundry hamper, he froze. His eyes widened and he swallowed, then turned and poked his head into the bedroom where Malik was holding the glass of water to Ryou's lips, and Bakura was desperately trying to get Ryou to drink, but Ryou kept pulling away from the water.
"Seto." Marik called softly, and Seto turned and looked at him. "Could you give me a hand for a sec?" And he walked out to the living room.
Seto frowned at the seriousness of Marik's tone as he followed the yami reluctantly into the living room. Marik had to draw his attention to the subject at hand, so he gave him Ryou's jeans. Seto shook his head confused for a moment until his eyes focused upon what Marik was trying to show him; he dropped the jeans to the floor as backed up until he hit the wall and he shook his head silently. Marik looked at him, sympathy lining his face as Seto slid to the floor as tears began to fall from his eyes. Seto covered his face wanting to scream. Marik knelt next to him shocking him greatly when he embraced him and shocking himself when he returned the embrace burying his face in the yami's shoulder letting his emotions out as his body trembled from the fact his lover was more than likely raped.
Bakura managed to get Ryou to drink some water as he rocked the sobbing boy until he became curious of what was keeping Marik and Seto. Ryou's arms slacked as he set him back down upon the bed and went into the living room seeing Seto crying on Marik's shoulder which made his heart leap into his throat as he looked to Marik for some type of answer.
Marik looked up at Bakura, not knowing what to say. Instead of saying anything, he simply turned and picked up the jeans, passing them to Bakura.
"Look......" He said, softly, before going back to holding Seto.
Bakura dropped the jeans not looking "You'd better not be implying what I think you are." Bakura growled shaking his head as Marik looked at him sympathetically "If this is one of your sick..." Bakura stopped not even having to look to know what happened, it being one of his worst fears. Malik wrapped his arms around Bakura's waist, comforting the yami to the best of his ability knowing with the recent event's he could do little to help the situation. The four just sat in silence until Seto's voice broke through the room like a siren.
"DAMMIT!" He yelled shoving Marik off him but not to be hostile just not having anything else to do as he slammed his fist against the wall screaming upon how it was completely his fault, how Ryou would hate him now and would never recover, how he was so selfish never thinking of how who he was would affect Ryou and being so damned stupid for leaving Ryou unattended, that while he was worried about his self image Ryou was somewhere being hurt beyond comprehension. Marik stopped Seto from slamming his fist before he would break his hand although it was already bruised and bleeding as he broke down falling to the floor crying uncontrollably as Marik took him back into his arms trying to console the man but unsure of how to make himself feel better. Bakura looked at the state Seto was in wishing there was something he could do but knew there was really nothing at the moment any of them could do.
Ryou opened his eyes hearing Seto throwing his fit. He closed his eyes as he felt his tears gathering, knowing that he was the cause of his lover's anguish. And all he could think was, if Seto was upset NOW, what would happen if he found out that Ryou had BEGGED for it? Ryou didn't even try and force any of the blame on the drug. He was completely aware when he had pleaded to the men to finish him off, betraying his lover. Ryou finally sobbed. He had betrayed his lover.... He curled up in fetal position and rocked himself, sobbing in self loathing.
Marik and Malik both looked up as they heard a wail from the bedroom. Malik glanced at Bakura, who also looked up, and Marik squeezed Seto's shoulder, bringing Ryou's cries to his attention as well. The four moved back into the bedroom together, and all converged on the bed. But when Bakura laid a hand on Ryou's shoulder, the hikari jerked and scrambled away, quickly backing into the corner and hiding his face in his thighs, continuing to cry. Marik and Malik looked at each other, and waited to see what Seto and Bakura would do.
Seto walked over to Ryou kneeling in front of him as he placed a gentle hand on Ryou's head as the boy jerked away pushing himself against the wall as if he would go through it to get away from Seto's touch.
"R-Ryou...please love." he said softly in near desperation as he moved closer wanting to draw Ryou into his arms but Ryou wouldn't allow him he just kept on pushing him away. Seto looked to Bakura for help and the yami knelt next to Seto.
"Ryou, Hikari..." Bakura began but Ryou screamed at him for calling him a Hikari yelling he was nothing of the sort, shocking Bakura and the other three in the room as he continued to sob and say he was dirty.
Sobbing hysterically, Ryou leapt up and ran at the door. Malik and Marik moved in a caught him, picking him up off of his feet, kicking and screaming.
"Whoa, Ryou! We just want t help!!" Malik gasped.
"Yeah!! And as fun as it sounds, you can't go streaking down the street!" Marik added, followed by "GAAH!!!" As Ryou slammed his fist into the yami's face, and jerking away from Malik. But now that his exit was blocked, he went to the only place he could; the closet. The four boys slowly approached the closet, where Ryou was huddled in the corner, shaking, and hiding under Malik and Marik's laundry.
Seto was about to approach the boy but shook his head rethinking it "Bakura, try to talk to him...I need to use the bathroom." Seto said feeling slightly ill as he walked out of the room a little hurriedly as Malik followed but Marik stayed to keep the door blocked in case Ryou tried to make a break for it.
"Ryou." Bakura said, digging in the laundry for Ryou. Finding him, he took the youth into his arms sighing relived when he didn't try to run off "Please angel, talk to me." Bakura said not wanting to say Hikari again in case Ryou would shove him away.
Ryou shook his head and sobbed, and Bakura could tell he was torn. He wanted to cuddle closer to his yami, but at the same time, he wanted to get away from being touched, and this inner struggle was the only reason he put up with Bakura holding him at the moment. He was shivering in a kaleidoscope of emotions, including the pain from aggravating the injury between his legs. After a moment, he felt a hot trickle, letting him know that he was bleeding again.
In the bathroom, Malik stood behind Seto as the man bent over the toilet and vomited.
"Seto.... get this out of your system.... I know you're upset, but you need to be strong.... for Ryou. He is far more emotionally damaged than you. He needs you to be strong for him, Seto. Can you do that?"
"I'm trying to get this out of my system all right..." Seto growled he didn't want to be this way knowing it would one day come back to haunt him and he also knew that Ryou needed him much more. "He won't even let me touch him though." He said standing up.
Bakura noticed the blood that was seeping into his pant leg as he stood up taking Ryou with him into the bathroom that was in the bedroom as he began to run the shower for Ryou. "Come on Ryou, let's get you cleaned up...remember how I told you I would always be there for you? Well this is no different; I'm here for you now as I always will be. Now talk to me, baby, tell me what happened." Bakura said.
Ryou slowly looked up and stared at Bakura.
"Y-yami...." Ryou whimpered, and threw himself into Bakura's chest and sobbed. "Why?! WHY?!" And he continued to cry and scream in Bakura's arms, clawing at his chest in his anguish. Malik and Marik ran to the door to see what the commotion was, but they did not interfere as Bakura rocked Ryou, crooning softly to him, trying to get him to calm down. Seto peered in over Marik and Malik's shoulders, watching the yami calming his light.
After fifteen minutes, Ryou calmed down enough to let Bakura set him into a warm bath. Ryou tensed as gave a scream of pain as the water stung him between his legs. But after a bit, Ryou relaxed and stretched out, revealing bruises over his body, showing finger prints and bite marks. His entire stomach was bruised from being pounded there, and he rubbed his bruised cheek, wincing. Malik's eyes widened in horror and Marik's narrowed in fury. Bakura began to gently bathe Ryou, who lay limp with his eyes half open. After a few moments, Ryou blinked and looked around, then turned his gaze on his lover.
"Seto....." He called, and reached his hand out to the CEO, tears welling up in his eyes again.
Seto took his hand sitting on the edge of the tub as he stroked his hair lovingly, he was happy that Ryou was at least acknowledging his presence as he squeezed Ryou's hand in reassurance although he was sure it didn't help much.
Ryou clutched Seto's hand tightly, lowered his head, and began to cry again.
"Seto... I'm sorry....." He cried, shoulders shaking. "I'm sorry.... I won't even ask for your forgiveness, I don't deserve it..... I'm so, so sorry........" Malik and Marik looked at each other, surprised, then at Bakura and Seto to see what they would do.
Seto frowned shaking his head as he wrapped his arms around Ryou's abused form being gentle with him as he held him. "Don't be sorry, it'll be okay, we'll be okay Ryou I promise you I won't let whoever did this get away with it." He said as he felt Ryou's hands wrap around his wrists as Ryou pushed him away. Bakura moved away slightly to give them room but he didn't understand why Ryou was so reluctant to let Seto touch him and why he kept on saying he was sorry...Bakura knew Ryou well enough to know that he would never blame himself in a situation like this.
Ryou debated silently whether or not he should tell Seto, staring down at his own body, silently. He closed his eyes and gave another sob, then sniffled and rubbed his eyes. For the past three days he had done nothing but sleep and cry.
"M-Malik? Can I have that water....?" He asked softly, and Malik immediately brought it. Seeing Ryou's hands shaking, Malik knelt and held the glass to Ryou's lips. Ryou gulped the water quickly, and panted as Malik moved to the sink to refill the glass, making Ryou drink it slower the next time. As he did, Bakura moved down and spread Ryou's legs gently, to cleanse him of the blood and check the damage. Bakura's eyes widened and Marik cursed; Ryou was hurt far more than Bakura had ever imagined.... Bakura was mortified; he had never seen an injury like that… the flesh around the anus had been torn apart, split wide open, and was raw and enflamed. Ryou needed medical attention, quickly… the wound was already showing signs of infection.
"Ryou...." Malik said, softly. "You didn't do anything wrong. There is no reason for you to apologize. Seto isn't angry with you." But much to everyone's dismay, Ryou burst into tears again.
"HE ISN' T ANGRY BECAUSE HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!!!" Ryou sobbed, and struggled out of the tub and flew back into the bedroom, where they found him hiding under the covers again.
"He's a wreck....." Marik sighed, and Malik glared.
"Ya think?!"
Bakura sat up and went to Ryou "Ryou stop this, you know better than to think that Seto or any of us would judge you...it doesn't matter what happened not to us." Bakura said lifting Ryou's chin but saw angry tears flowing down his cheeks.
"Ryou please don't be this way I'm sorry I wasn't there for you but..." Seto stopped not knowing how to make his situation better.
"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!" Ryou screamed, slapping his yami's hand away, shocking them all. But when he said next was more shocking than anything they had seen all day. "I didn't even fight them!!! I let them have it their way!!! I LET THEM!!! I didn't even fight! AND I ENJOYED IT!!! I EVEN BEGGED THEM!!!" And Ryou collapsed onto the bed again, shaking. "They were right.... I'm a whore... nothing but a filthy slut......." Ryou shivered and continued to cry as he rubbed fiercely at his arm where they had given him the injection.
Seto felt his heart twist painfully in his chest and his stomach turn as he took a shaky breath and went over to Ryou gently touching his face but Ryou slapped his hand away and looked at him with tears cascading down his face. Seto took a step back away from him giving him a little room "Ryou please...I only want to help." Seto said in all honesty that's all he wanted was to hold and reassure his love, tell him that everything would be all right, even with what Ryou said he still wanted to help.
"Ryou..." Bakura said "Look at you; you're hurt. You couldn't have possibly wanted that." Bakura said trying to convince himself more than Ryou.
Ryou shook his head, fisting his hands in his hair. "I didn't.... but they held me down.... a needle.... and then... flashes...." He groaned as his head hurt as he tried to remember. "And then, I was between them..... both of them... inside me.... at once....." And he cringed at the memory, and Malik and Marik winced at the thought. "I couldn't help it.... I needed it..... and they made me beg them for it.... and I did....." Ryou finished in a weak tone, and swayed slightly. "And they gave it to me.... both at the same time... and......." He trailed off, then his eyes widened briefly before he doubled over and wretched, vomiting up the glass of water all over the Ishtar's bed. Malik and Marik both made faces, mostly out of sympathy for Ryou, but also at the sight of their bed covered in watered down bile. Ryou crouched on the bed, shaking and crying quietly.
"I'm so sorry..... Gods... why me....?"
Seto stood speechless as he took in what Ryou said connecting the dots slowly in his mind of what had befallen Ryou and for what? For him maybe? Just because of the tabloids? Seto didn't understand why someone would be so cruel how they could do something so horrible when Ryou had done nothing to deserve it. The only thing Ryou ever did was love him and now...Seto shook his head furiously leaving the room for a moment so he could try and calm himself down so not to upset Ryou anymore than he already was. Bakura jerked his head for Marik to follow him and silently told Malik to give him a moment alone with Ryou as he removed the said boy from the bed.
"I'm here Ryou, don't worry about what they did, it doesn't matter." Bakura said softly.
"Bakura?" Ryou asked softly. "Does Seto still love me?" Bakura nodded, and Ryou looked up, putting on a brave face. "Then it doesn't matter." Ryou said, and slowly managed to get to his feet. He leaned on Bakura for a moment, and then slowly limped out to the living room. Marik and Malik, who were sitting on either side of Seto looked up, then stood from the sofa and moved away. Ryou slowly limped over, then dropped to his knees before Seto, and took his hands.
"Seto... I'm so sorry.... I love you... Yes, I let them have their way with me. And yes, I did.... beg them...." Ryou closed his eyes briefly. "And I hated myself every moment of it, because all I could think about was you." And he closed his eyes and laid his head on Seto's lap. "Seto... do you love me?"
Seto drew Ryou into his lap being careful with Ryou so not to hurt him too much "Of course I do, why wouldn't I?" He asked to particularly no one. There had to be some explanation on why Ryou would do this...he doesn't just sleep with random people. "Who were they Ryou, where did you meet them?" Seto asked.
Ryou shivered and shook his head.
"I.... I don't know who they were....." He lied, and the lie was quite obvious to Bakura. "But... they want me to leave you. But.... Seto, I love you! I want to be with you, and.... oh, gods, I just want to go home...." And he curled his arms around Seto's neck. "Please, Seto, I just wanna go home."
"Umm.... I'll go get you some clothes...." Malik said, softly, and he and Marik went back to the bedroom.
Seto hugged Ryou but pulled away slightly to look Ryou in the eye "there are a lot of people who want us not to be together Ryou...as I've told you a hundred times that it doesn't matter." Seto said kissing Ryou gently on the lips "Do you know what they look like? Is there anything you can tell us?" Seto asked as Bakura sat next to Seto.
"Ryou...we need to know who they are." Bakura said
Ryou shuddered and looked away.
"It... it was dark.... I didn't see them." Ryou said softly, as Malik came into the room with some boxers, sweatpants and t-shirt. Ryou smiled at Malik and moved off of Seto's lap, pulling the boxers on, followed by the pants and shirt. Then he simply stood and stared at his feet.
"Can... can we go home now?" He asked quietly, hoping to avoid discussing the identities of his attackers.
Seto sighed heavily deciding not to pressure Ryou anymore, he needed rest. "Yes, we can go home now." Seto said picking Ryou up gently as he looked to Bakura and the other two. "As strange as it is would you mind staying with us a few days?" Seto asked feeling like they were the only ones he could rely on as Bakura nodded in agreement.
Ryou smiled and reached his hands out to Bakura, smiling when the yami gently kissed the tops before going to collect Malik and Marik.
"Umm... Seto? Would you maybe get someone to clean up their bed?" Ryou asked, shyly, and then smiled slightly. "Actually, a whole new bed would be a good idea. It isn't very comfy.... Please?" And he gave Seto the pleading eyes. Seto sighed and eyed Malik and Marik as they came out of the bedroom. He wasn't used to them acting so.... sober. And he did appreciate Marik and Malik's support over the last hour, so he nodded to Ryou, who smiled and rested his head on Seto's shoulder. Seto winced at the heat that radiated from Ryou's flushed cheek; he had a fever.
"I'll take care of everything Ryou, and you." Seto said softly as they made their way outside "Ryou, love, I need to take you to the hospital, okay?" He asked hoping Ryou would be okay but honestly not knowing.
Ryou jerked in his arms, however, not happy at all with that idea.
"No! No, Seto, please, I just want to go home!!" He whimpered, fixing large eyes on his boyfriend. "Please don't make me.... please!!" Malik and Marik glanced at each other.
"Ryou, you REALLY need to go." Marik gasped.
"Yeah... especially if you were...." Malik gulped and looked a bit queasy. "Penetrated by two men at the same time..... in the same place." Ryou winced and looked away.
"B-b-but.... but I don't want to!!" He whined, looking back and forth between Seto, Malik, Marik and Bakura, trying to find an ally, but with no results.
"Ryou love." Seto said rubbing his back soothingly "You have to go, I want to make sure you're okay, we don't know who these men were and also they injected you with something...we need to figure out what it was." Seto said.
"We're not doing this to hurt you Ryou we simply want to make sure that your okay...I know you don't like hospitals but it's for the best, we'll be there right beside you okay?" Bakura said as Ryou sighed in defeat although he didn't say anything as they silently drove to the best hospital which was conveniently the closest as well.
The doctors took Ryou and told the rest of them to wait in the lobby which looked like a fancy living room. Seto sat in one of the chairs and Bakura laid out on the couch his head in Marik's lap as Marik stroked his hair lovingly and Malik was holding his hand. Bakura looked at Malik who said little and nothing the whole time.
"Malik? Are you all right, love?" Bakura asked.
Malik sighed and nodded. "I'm worried about Ryou. And about those guys who hurt him... And Bakura... the bad press about Ryou and Seto over the weekend. Those guys must have had something to do it.” Bakura was about to open his mouth when suddenly a mental shreik from Ryou reverberated through his head. He yelped and winced, and a moment later, they all heard a commotion from the doors through which Ryou had disappeared. The doors flew open and Ryou tore through them in his underwear, a threesome of harassed looking doctors in pursuit. Ryou took a flying leap onto the sofa with Bakura, Malik and Marik, and buried himself behind the three of them, his activity re-opening the wound, the blood staining the seat of his boxers.
"What the fuck Ryou!?" Marik howled, and the doctors stopped.
"Mr. Bakura, please, we won't hurt you." The single female doctor said, and reached her hand out to Ryou, who was latched onto Bakura. "But we have to examine you. You're guaranteed to have some tearing that we need to see to--"
"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Ryou cried, looking like he was trying to rejoin Bakura through osmosis. Two of the doctors looked at Bakura, silently asking for help, while the third said, "Mr. Bakura, if you don't calm down we will have to sedate you." Needless to say, Ryou did not calm down.
Bakura rolled his eyes at Ryou as Seto came over to him rubbing his back gently as he tried to calm him down but it wasn't helping much both Bakura and Seto looked to Marik.
"Marik...please do something." Bakura said not wanting the doctors to even attempt injecting anything into Ryou considering that had already happened once before and it wouldn't help calm Ryou; it would only drive him into hysterics.
Marik quirked an eyebrow, then sighed and nodded. He gripped the Millennium Rod (keeping it out of the doctors' sight), then pressed his forehead to Ryou's.
"Ryou.... Look at me.... I want you to calm down... they won't hurt you. I promise." Of course, the words were only for show. Using the Rod, Marik had taken control of Ryou, calming him. "Now, you do what the doctors say, alright?" A glassy eyed Ryou nodded, and slowly stood, allowing the doctors to gently guide him back into an exam room a small trickle of blood making its way down the back of his leg.
"That work for you, Bakura?" Marik asked with a grin.
"Thanks...he'll be pissed when he comes back but they need to check him out regardless." Bakura said leaning against Marik "Thanks for everything Marik; you've been a big help the last few days." Bakura said, his weary body wanting to give into sleep but Bakura wouldn't allow it… not until he knew how Ryou was. Seto leaned into the couch as well after telling Marik and Malik his own personal gratitude. The four sat in silence for a while as Seto prayed someone would say something soon to relive the tension and thankfully the doctor walked up to them shortly after this thought.
"Family and friends of Ryou Bakura..." The doctor stated knowing that they were waiting for the news on Ryou considering that he jumped on them a while ago. "He should be okay in a few days, he was torn rather badly around his anus and we are going to have to give him a few stitches, which won't take long and will dissolve in a few days so he won't have to come back and have them removed." The doctor took a breath "He has a few bruised ribs and one broken rib, his movement will need to be to a bare minimum until they heal, as for his other bruises, scratches, and such they are all moderate and will heal soon." The doctor sighed "It's obvious he's been raped so we'll need permission to perform a few blood tests to make sure he has not contracted an STD." the doctor said as Seto spoke up.
"They injected something inside him. Can you figure out what it was?" Seto asked
"Yes, we've already taken a urine sample to the lab, we'll know soon enough what they gave him." The doctor assured "He'll be able to go home in a few hours, I'll give you a prescription ointment and antibiotics and a strong painkiller, he seems a little dazed but I think he'll be okay." The doctor said walking off as Seto and Bakura looked to Marik who shrugged at the comment.
"Meh, once I relinquish control, he won't be dazed." He said, and Malik giggled.
"Yeah. He'll be furious!!" Malik giggled, and poked Marik. "I sure don't wanna be you when Ryou comes out of there." Then, suddenly, Malik sobered and went slightly pale. "Waitaminnit.... stitches? Did they say stitches?!" He looked around. "Ryou needed stitches.... THERE?!?" He looked sick. "Oh, Ra... He must really be hurt, then...."
Seto shook his head "Not really, the stitches go inside his body there will be bandages but as the doctor said they will dissolve in a few days." Seto said as a dazed Ryou was wheeled out to them and Seto thanked the doctor and took care of the bill as Bakura took him out to the car. Seto got in and noticed Ryou was still dazed. "Marik, release him already." Seto said
Marik looked at Seto nervously, and Malik snickered.
"He's scared too."
"Scared?" Seto repeated.
"My big tough bad ass yami fears the Wrath of Ryou!!!" Malik said, and Marik glared, thought Bakura snickered.
"And with good reason." He said, and Seto had to agree. Marik sighed and nodded, and relinquished control. Ryou blinked, and shook his head slightly, looking around.
"Huh? What the.... waitaminnint...... MARIK ISHTAR!!!!" He yelped and glared at Marik. He made a move to lunge, but cried out and toppled to the floor of the car, stiff and whimpering. "Oww.... what is that? Oww.. oww.... b-bakura......" And his yami carefully helped him up and passed him to Seto.
"Don't move love, you've been given stitches and you have a broken rib...I don't want you moving unless you have to, all right?" Seto said stroking his face lovingly as Ryou nodded and settled for glaring daggers at Marik for the moment as he was carried into the house. Bakura gave Ryou one of the antibiotics followed by pills which would ease his pain and help him sleep as Seto kissed him gently, deciding to get some sleep as well.