Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 8
Seto woke up fully rested and feeling better then he has in the past week for two reasons; one he hadn't slept in about four days and two Ryou was back, safe and sound with him again. He glanced to his right and sat up seeing Ryou was not in the bed with him. Panicked he threw on some pajama bottoms and ran from the room praying everything that had happened wasn't a dream, and that Ryou was back with him and thankfully he saw Ryou walking down the hallway. Seto sighed relieved as he walked up to him.
"Love? You should get back in bed, you need to save your strength and heal before you start moving around." Seto said remembering Ryou still had a broken rib and other ailments that suggested that he shouldn't be moving around to much. However Ryou just turned and walked away from him without a word. "Ryou." Seto said gently taking his hand "Are you all right?" He asked concerned although he knew he wasn't all right he wanted to make sure nothing else was wrong.
Ryou paused, and blinked down at the hand, then slowly looked up at Seto. Seto felt a lump rise in this throat at the sad, hollow look in Ryou's large brown eyes. Then, Ryou turned and walked away. Seto blinked, and followed, calling Ryou. But Ryou gave no sign that he heard; he kept walking. Seto slowed to a stop and watched as Ryou slowly made his way down the stairs and out of sight. A door opened behind him, and Seto turned to see Bakura, Malik and Marik leaving their bedroom.
"What's going on?" Marik asked, but Seto's only answer was a glare; the three were completely naked. Another door opened and Mokuba poked his head out of his room.
"Hey, what's going.....? Never mind...." He said, seeing three naked butts in the hall. Marik, Malik and Bakura looked over their shoulders at Mokuba, who retreated back into his room. The three at least had the decency to blush.
Seto growled shoving the three back into their room "Please, you can walk around naked in your house but I do have a little brother who doesn't need to see any of you or anyone else naked at this time." He said as the three started to pull on some clothes and Seto pulled on a shirt from the closet it was, after all, his house. "By the way, I'm a bit worried about Ryou, he wouldn't answer me or even act as if knew I was speaking to him...I think the after effects are kicking in and I'm not sure really how to handle them." He admitted not knowing what he could do for Ryou.
Marik and Malik frowned, concerned.
"Bakura, maybe you should talk to him. He IS your hikari...." Marik said, and Bakura gave him a look.
"No shit, genius." Malik drawled, rolling his eyes, and then looked at Seto. "And you calm down. Mokuba is mature for his age, and we're all guys, it's nothing he hasn't seen." And he finished dressing and the group strode down the hall, searching for Ryou. An hour later, and they still hadn't found him, and Seto was getting frantic. Bakura wasn't much better as Ryou had closed off the link.
"If you're looking for Ryou...." Mokuba said as he wandered into the room munching what had to be his seventh Pop Tart. "I saw him out in the back yard. He's wandering around the water lily pond." And he continued on his way. The group headed to the living room which had large French doors looking out over the backyard. Sure enough, there was Ryou, slowly wandering around the pond among the wisteria. Malik looked at Bakura.
"Well....? Go talk to him."
"I'll be with you in a moment." Seto said running after Mokuba 'I thought I hid those damn pop-tarts' he mentally said as the distant yelling and Mokuba pouting could be heard as Seto took away his half eaten pop-tart and shooed him off before returning. Finding Bakura in the distance trying to talk to Ryou but got the same response...nothing.
"Ryou...Hikari please open the link, why have you blocked me?" He asked slightly desperate as he looked at the others unsurely as Ryou sat down and just looked at the water. Bakura kneeled next to him trying to get Ryou to at least look at him but with no success. He sighed standing looking at the others silently asking what he should do now.
Marik rolled his eyes and Malik motioned for Bakura to keep trying. Seto was shifting impatiently. Sighing, Bakura decided to keep trying. He knelt before Ryou and took his hands. He talked softly to him, encouraging him, asking him, and eventually, PLEADING for Ryou to speak. But Ryou still did not respond. He stood and continued walking. Bakura's shoulders drooped in defeat. Malik sighed and walked over to Bakura, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder, before going after Ryou, who was now meandering among the crocuses.
"Ryou..... Don't clam up on us. Please. We want to help. Why are you shutting us out? Please!" And he moved to stand directly in front of Ryou, who stopped to avoid running into him. He stood there, staring at the ground, and Malik stood, staring at the top of Ryou's head. Slowly, he got down on his knees and gazed up at Ryou through his bangs. And finally, he caught Ryou's eyes.
"Ryou, please. You have Seto worried and Bakura upset. Please, Ryou. What's wrong? You can tell me.... I'm your best friend...... You go to my bed for sanctuary but you won't confide in me?" Ryou averted his eyes, stepped around Malik, and walked away. A moment later, Marik, Bakura and Seto walked over to see what had happened, but Malik kneeling on the flagstone looking depressed wasn't very encouraging.
Mokuba noticed all this as he walked to where everyone else was seeing Ryou just walk away, also noticing that he wasn't responding to any of them he walked up to them and stopped the rest from following him.
"You guys aren't helping anything, crowding him will only make his shields tighter ya know." Mokuba said glancing back at Ryou who turned the corner "Weather or not your intentions are for the best this isn't helping at all." Mokuba said rounding the corner to watch Ryou sit down again his fingers absentmindedly playing with the blades of grass as the smell of roses filled the air.
"It's nice isn't it? The roses are really fragrant this year." Mokuba said idle conversation might put him at better ease.
Ryou blinked and twitched slightly, not expecting Mokuba. He had half expected Marik to come charging in, spewing off something stupid and then wander away, his attention caught by some random moving object; Mokuba was the last person he had expected. Mokuba sighed and looked around, not really approaching Ryou.
"These here are Lincoln Roses." Mokuba said, touching a deep red rose. "And this is Garden Party." He said, turning to a yellow rose, then to a lavender one. "And Blue Girl. Kind of has that color that's in Malik's eyes, huh?"
"What are they talking about?" Marik hissed, and Bakura blinked.
"Ummm... roses and Malik's eyes. But Ryou still hasn't said anything......." The yami hissed, and the four watched from where they were hiding among the honeysuckle.
Malik quirked an eyebrow.
"They're talking about my eyes?" He asked, and Seto rolled his eyes.
"Don't get narcissistic." He snapped, and Malik glared.
"I'm not!! I'm just-- BEE!!!!!" He screamed, and fell back onto his ass. Bakura and Marik both let out hysterical screams and took off running, screaming in rapid Egyptian and flailing their arms wildly. Seto rolled his eyes and ignored the bee, and went back to listening in on Ryou and Mokuba...... well, Mokuba......
Mokuba sighed and leaned down into the grass inhaling its fresh scent. "I didn't get a chance to talk to you after the trip to the cabin, I never asked if you had a good time or not..." He said absentmindedly as he continued to talk "I had a great time, especially when we kept on ambushing Seto, he's not one who easily squirms so it's fun to get his gander up." Mokuba giggled slightly noting the smallest smile grace Ryou's lips slightly. "It was also nice to spend time together...as a family." Mokuba said
Ryou blinked and turned, looking directly at Mokuba with eyes wide in wonder. Seto and Malik (who had moved up to watch again; Marik and Bakura were who-knows-where) held their breathes as Ryou looked directly at Mokuba. Slowly, he began to smile, and gave Mokuba a small nod, before plucking a rose and twirling it in his fingers, stroking the soft petals. Mokuba watched Ryou, noticing the small tremble in Ryou's lower lip.
"Seto, I think your brother is doing it...." Malik breathed, and smiled at the CEO. "That's one hell of a kid." The two ignored the shout and splash from the pond, followed by more screaming and cursing in Egyptian, and Marik howling in laughter.
Mokuba smiled broadly at the words springing from Bakura's mouth "Colorful language that yami of yours has, it'll be an experience for him to be staying with us for a while along with Marik and Malik...they can't possibly be more annoying then me right? I hope not, I don't want to loose my title for driving you and Seto crazy." Mokuba said with a wink.
Ryou blinked, then giggled. Malik and Seto stared. Ryou's giggle progressed to a chuckle, and then, he was outright laughing. Malik and Seto grinned and looked at each other as Ryou stood and moved over to Mokuba, dropping to his knees and hugging him, still laughing.
"B-Bakura and Marik.... are proud to.... call you... their disciple, Mokuba....." Ryou managed to get out, and Mokuba grinned, hugging Ryou back and giving his brother a 'haha, told ya so' look.
"So, you wanna come talk to us?" Mokuba asked, and Ryou smiled and nodded slightly, wiping mirthful tears from his face.
"Alright, Mokuba. Let's go talk to the others. Well... I will. This has to do with something that you shouldn't know about. Can you understand?"
"Awww.... I never get to have any fun...." Mokuba pouted and preceded Ryou over to Malik and Seto. "You owe me, Seto." Mokuba said as he passed, and Seto glared.
"Okay.... let's talk." Ryou said, smiling at Malik and Seto.
"As soon as we fish your yami out of the pond." Malik said, and Ryou laughed, following them. They found Bakura still in the pond, Marik poking at him with a big stick to keep him from getting out, and Bakura was screaming and thrashing, bitching about a fish wriggling around in his pants.
"Marik?" Seto said as the yami dropped the stick and let Bakura out who glared at him dangerously.
Bakura began to ring out his hair while continuing to glare at the other yami as he turned his attention to Ryou. "Doing better Hikari?" He asked as smoothly as he possibly could although he was soaked completely, granted he wanted to change but he also wanted to make sure Ryou was okay before doing so.
Ryou looked Bakura up and down, and giggled, shaking his head.
"Um, you have a fish in your pants." He said, and Bakura looked down at cursed; sure enough, a fishtail was hanging out of the cuff of his right leg. He kicked his leg and the fish flew out. It flopped around, making Marik pounce, but flopped back into the pond before Marik could catch it. As Marik pouted on his hands and knees, Bakura grinned.
"Yami, no!!" Ryou cried, but too late.... Bakura gave Marik a swift kick in the ass, sending him head first into the pond. Malik shrieked with laughter, and Seto pinched the bridge of his nose. Ryou sighed and offered Marik his hand, pulling him out of the pond.
"Marik.... If you're nice, and don't do anything to retaliate and just go change quietly, I'll give you a kiss, okay?" Marik's eyes lit up.
"Okay!!! C'mon, Itemri!! Dry clothes!!!" And he grabbed Bakura and started dragging him away.
"SHOWER!!!" Malik called. "You two smell like pond scum!!!" Ryou smiled and looked at Seto.
"Seto? I'm a bit hungry......."
Seto smiled at Ryou glad to hear he had a bit of an appetite as he lead him to the kitchen "What would you like?" He asked as he found the pop-tarts and tucked them away to where Mokuba hopefully wouldn't find them again. He guessed it was best not to speak of what happened just yet but he had an idea to give Ryou a hot relaxing bath and stick him back in bed so his wounds could heal.
"Ummm..... Just a small bowl of oatmeal would be fine. Cinnamon Raisin, please...." Ryou said softly, easing himself up onto one of the stools around the island in the middle of the kitchen. He winced and hissed through his teeth, and Malik was beside him immediately.
"You okay?" He asked, and Ryou nodded, clenching his teeth.
"It hurts, Malik...." Ryou whimpered.
"Of course it hurts, Ryou...." Malik cooed softly, stroking Ryou's back gently. Seto watched closely, making sure that the sometimes crazy Egyptian wouldn't pull anything funny. "You were torn pretty bad, and you have some stitches in.... umm, a very awkward place..."
"Malik!!" Seto hissed as Ryou's eyes turned sad, and suddenly glazed over. Ryou cringed as he was subjected to the memory of the feelings..... One man inside of him, the other teasing him, stretching him, before slamming in with brutal force. Ryou whimpered and jerked out of his little trance, a violent shudder rippling through his body. Seto was immediately by his side.
Seto embraced the youth that was now trembling as he shot Malik and angry glance. "It's okay Ryou." He said softly rubbing his back and glaring at Malik who shrunk slightly from the intensity of it. He kissed Ryou's cheek gently. "Don't' worry about that Ryou, don't worry about that at all I just want you to relax all right, and I want you to eat something." Seto said knowing Ryou probably hadn't eaten much if any while he was at Marik's and Malik's apartment.
Ryou nodded, and Malik brought over the oatmeal. Ryou ate silently, taking small dainty bites. Marik and Bakura entered the room, freshly showered and in clothes that weren't revealing, for once. They hopped up on stools and watched Ryou, Bakura reaching out and taking his light's hand, rubbing it gently, bringing a small smile from Ryou. Halfway through his oatmeal, Ryou stopped eating it and simply picked through for the raisins, much to Seto's silent amusement, before laying down his spoon.
"You okay?" Marik asked, and Ryou nodded.
"I was thinking...." Ryou said softly. "I.... I won't let them catch me off guard like that again. I won't let them try to blackmail me... Seto... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." Seto blinked. "It was at the restaurant... That guy in the bathroom, he threatened me. He said that he would make things difficult for us. He told me that we would get a sample over the weekend...."
"The photos in the paper...." Malik gasped.
"And he said that if I didn't show up when and where he told me too, 'all hell would break loose'... Monday, he called me, and... I agreed. I went... And I... well...I fought them. I refused to be intimidated... I tried to be strong... But you can't pretend to be something that you are not... and because I tried to pretend to be something I am not, I paid for it... And I won't do it again...." Ryou lowered his eyes and sniffled, tears falling into his abandoned oatmeal. "I won't pretend to be strong.... But... I won't give in to them, either...."
Seto sat next to him "Ryou you are strong, you showed me that by actually trying to protect me and you don't need to be sorry Ryou as I said before you haven't done anything wrong at all." He said gently stroking his cheek.
Bakura swallowed the lump in his throat "If you met him in the bathroom Ryou you have to have some idea of what he looked like, tell us so that we can help and you won't be put in a situation like this ever again." Bakura said "Letting them get away with it will only make them think they can do it again and with you and Seto still together I'm afraid he will." Bakura said.
Ryou turned and wrapped his arms around Seto's neck, hiding his face in his chest.
"Seto... I think I'd like to take a nap, now....."
"Hold on, Ryou...." Marik said, standing. "Who is it? Bakura is right. If we don't fix this, he'll come after you again." Ryou turned and fixed cold eyes on Marik, frightening everyone.
"Let him." Ryou hissed in a venomous tone. "And I won't tell you a thing about him." They stared at Ryou, mouths agape.
"You're PROTECTING him?!" Malik gasped, and Ryou looked at Malik, his gaze turning from evil to mournful.
"If I do, I know what will happen. I know what Bakura and Marik will do to him. And I don't want that on my conscience. And... I really don't know what he looks like...." And they could tell that Ryou was lying. "In that bathroom, he was behind me the whole time. And in the....place I met him at...." Bakura narrowed his eyes. "It was dark. Sorry."
"You're lying." Bakura snarled. "Not only are you a shitty liar, but you saw him well enough to know that he was the one who gave you that bruise on your arm at the charity thing Seto took you too. You told me yourself, hikari." Seto's eyes widened upon hearing about the suspicious bruise Ryou had attained.
Seto reluctantly unwrapped Ryou's arms from around him and he held his wrists firmly fixing his concerned eyes on him. "Ryou...we want to help; acting like this isn't going to solve anything, I don't know what you plan to gain by hiding whoever this guy is but if you have a better reason than what Marik and Bakura would do, now would be the time to tell all of us." Seto said his tone firm but not exactly angry.
Ryou glared up at Seto.
"I will NOT be the cause of a brutal murder, Seto!! Or horrible torture!!" And he jerked his wrists away from Seto and turned, clinging to Malik, who blinked. "Malik." Ryou said in an emotionless tone. "I would like to take a nap. Would you help me?" Malik gulped and looked around at Marik, Bakura and Seto, then sighed and stood.
"Sure, Ryou.... Let's go..." And he stood and helped Ryou to the door.
"Oh... wait..." Ryou said, and he limped over to Marik. Marik blinked, and then Ryou moved closer and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips before smiling softly and walking out the door, Malik right behind him. Marik sighed and watched Ryou go, then lowered his eyes to the table.
"Well.... that went well...." He muttered.
Bakura grumbled leaning against the counter "how in the world are we supposed to help him if he keeps on protecting the bastard, I realize that he doesn't want us to kill or torture the guy but frankly it's what he deserves." Bakura said
Seto frowned "There was two of them...two people did this to him. Someone talked to me too while I was at the restaurant, he was probably distracting me now that I think about it." Seto said trying to think if the other mentioned his name but nothing came up but he remembered what he looked like, he was tall with thick brown hair and gray eyes, he was also a large man not in the sense to say fat more like big boned.
"You got something there Seto?" Bakura asked noticing his sudden silence as if he was analyzing a problem.
"If there were two of them I think I know who one of them is, he's only an assistant to one major business man, but he's the only lead we have right now." Seto said suddenly remembering the man's name remembering where he had seen this man before "His name is Kakyo, he's an assistant to a man named Kyo." Seto said grabbing his coat.
Marik and Bakura looked at each other then leapt up.
"We're coming with you." Marik said.
//Malik, baby... we're going to go run an errand.//
//Ummm.... talk to someone.//
/....... you know who hurt Ryou./
/DON'T YOU DARE!!!!!/ Malik screamed over the link, and Marik winced. Seeing Bakura and Seto's looks, he sighed.
"I told Malik we had an errand to run. He knows what we're up to and he's throwing a fit. If we go, he'll tell Ryou....." Marik sighed. "What do you want to do?"
"I'm not going to Kakyo, I don't know where he is, I'm going to Kyo...he might know something and I'm not even sure if I right about this, it's just a hunch." Seto said "You two don't have to come you know." He added after a short pause.
"Ryou's my Hikari, if there's anything that can help him I want to be involved, not to mention if were not going after the guy who hurt him then Malik and Ryou have nothing to worry about, I'll just be there to watch your back." Bakura said
Marik nodded and re-focused on Malik.
//Malik, we're not going after the guy who hurt Ryou. I swear to Ra. We're going to talk to his boss. I promise, no blood will be shed.//
/.... alright. No blood shed. Marik... no hearts will stop. No bruises, no nothing. Got it?/
//Got it, hikari. How is Ryou?//
/He was upset, but he's sleeping now. He won't let go of me, though./ Malik said, and Marik smiled.
//Alright. I'll be in touch.// He said, then looked at Seto and Bakura.
"Okay. We're good. Ryou is sleeping and holding Malik like a teddy bear. Or Seto. Take your pick." And he snickered at Seto. "Let's go."
Seto slid into his own car not wanting to deal with a driver at the moment, 'if I'm lucky I'll catch his assistant by chance, hurt him for saying things about Ryou...I swear if he was the one to hurt I'll kill the bastard regardless of what it would do, make me feel better if nothing else.'
Bakura looked at Seto only able to image the things going through his head as Seto's hands tightened on the steering wheel. Bakura unconsciously grabbed the seatbelt and hooked it around himself as the speed picked up slightly "Easy there turbo." Bakura said knowing that the initial sadness of the situation has passed and went into anger. "Killing us on the way there won't solve anything I assure of that." Bakura said.
"I'm not going to kill us Bakura, just because I don't drive normally doesn't mean I don't know how to." Seto seethed
Marik, who was in the back seat, would have loved Seto's reckless driving, but he had other things on his mind. He closed his eyes lightly and looked through Malik's eyes. A smile crossed his face and he held the Millennium Rod out between the two front seats.
"Bakura, grab it."
"MARIK!!! NOT NOW!!!" Bakura snapped, glaring at Marik, as did Seto. Marik rolled his eyes.
"No, Bakura, I want you to see what Malik is seeing." Marik said, and Bakura hesitated before gripping the Rod. Marik placed his hand over Bakura's and closed his eyes again. Both of the yami's looked through Malik's eyes and gazed down at Ryou, who was cuddled into Malik's chest, sleeping quietly with a tiny smile on his face as Malik stroked his hair. Ryou gave a little sigh and nestled closer to the warmth that Malik's body was providing, and Malik curled his arms around Ryou.
Marik opened his eyes and grinned at Bakura.
"I'm glad he's sleeping well. I'm afraid he didn't when he was all alone in our apartment. But was that not a beautiful sight?”
Bakura was about to reply when both he and Marik lurched forward slightly from the car stopping abruptly in front a building much like Seto's except smaller. They left the car and went inside going straight into the elevator. Seto shook his head; he wanted to hurt something, someone just to help himself feel better, but he didn't want to hurt the wrong someone was that thing, hurting Kyo wouldn't help anything at all, he may not even know anything...he may not even care. Seto sighed leaning against the elevator wall "I need to buy something expensive and break it." He said rubbing his temples "That would make me feel better." He said making Bakura smile slightly, it was like stabbing an innocent pillow it relieved stress quite well.
Marik snorted.
"Well, there's always your car." He said, and at Seto's glare yelped "joking!!!" Bakura snickered and Marik glared and elbowed him. Bakura elbowed him back, and Marik returned it. Their contest stopped at Seto's glare. They all looked up at the elevator's ding and the doors opened. The three young men looked around. After a moment, they stepped out and followed Seto, who went to Kyo's secretary.
The secretary was about to smile but noticed the hard expression Seto wore "Um, would you like to set up an appointment with Mr. Abunai, Mr. Kaiba?" She asked softly.
"I would like to see him now; otherwise I would have called and saved myself a trip." Seto said looking at her intently.
"Of course let me see if he's free." She said walking into the office.
"Mr. Abunai?" She asked noticing another man was in the office, one she didn't see come in. "Um Mr. Seto Kaiba is here to see you." She said.
Kyo frowned and looked to his associate, "Give me a moment." He said softly as she nodded and went back out as he turned to Kakyo "Why is he here?" He asked accusingly "You said he would never know." Kyo said threateningly.
Kakyo looked worried.
"I don't know, sir. The kid must have talked. And Kaiba is no idiot. If the kid told him anything, he may have figured it out. He HAS seen me before....." He fidgeted for a moment. "It HAS been four days. When you see him, see if he's still with the kid. I'm going to go tell Tomo that the kid talked. If he and Kaiba are still together, give me a call. Me and Tomo will fix things. And sir... even if he did figure me out, that doesn't mean that he knows you're involved. If we play it cool everything will be fine. I'm going to go see Tomo." And he turned and slipped out the side door.
Kyo glared as he left but quickly composed himself as eh walked out of his office "Sorry to keep you waiting Mr. Kaiba, I wasn't expecting you at all, please come in." He said respectively showing him into his office allowing the two companions to follow Seto inside, Kyo guessing they were assistants of some sort as he went around his desk to sit.
"Now how may I help you, I don't believe we've ever consulted before." Kyo said.
"This is more of a personal matter rather than business concerning one of your assistant; I believe his name is Kakyo." Seto said.
"Yes I have an assistant of that name; he accompanies me to the social functions and such." Kyo said
"This will sound very odd but I would like to know where I could contact him." Seto said dismissing Kyo wanting to go straight to the source a least he could threaten Kakyo.
Kyo frowned pausing before he continued "He's just an assistant Mr. Kaiba I'm afraid I know little about him my secretary handles all those things for me not to mention it's illegal to give out personal information like that." He said making eye contact with the blond who seemed to be analyzing him carefully as he and Seto continued to talk.
Marik's eyes narrowed as he glared at Kyo. He then glanced briefly at Bakura, who met his glance. Marik nodded and Bakura's eyes also narrowed, then both yamis focused back onto Kyo.
Seto was about to continue trying to pry the information out of Kyo but Bakura's hand stopped him from doing so as he looked at the Yami not really knowing the meaning in his glance but respecting that it told him to stop.
"I'm sorry Mr. Kaiba that I cannot be of more help perhaps if I knew the nature of the subject and why you needed his information I could be more inclined to give it to you." Kyo said.
"I'm sorry to have disturbed you Mr. Abunai, but something has been brought to my attention and I must leave thank-you for you time." He said as the three left leaving Kyo slightly confused but as soon as his door closed he called Kakyo immediately waiting for him to pick up.
Kakyo picked up as soon as his phone rang.
"That was a bit close for comfort Kakyo! I gave you and Tomo a job to do and never was it supposed to be traced back to me I should of gave Kaiba your personal information and let him kill your sorry ass, what the hell!" Kyo screamed at him practically hearing Kakyo wince under his tone.
"Yes sir. This will be dealt with. Anything about Kaiba still being with the brat?" Kakyo said, fearing his boss's wrath.
"I don't know, he's probably still with him especially after what happened to the kid...but he doesn't know who did this, although he's really close on you so I don't think the kid talked either, Seto just connected the dots the night at the restaurant." Kyo said sighing "you and Tomo need to take another hit on him; his brother is a vulnerable candidate as well." Kyo said immediately hanging up on him as he sat back down.
Seto walked into the elevator "What was that look you gave me?" Seto asked not exactly sure what it meant.
Marik frowned.
"He's up to something. I'll bet my Rod, not that one Bakura, that he's connected to what happened to Ryou. Seto.... I don't think we should have come...." Marik said slowly, and Seto blinked. "If he is connected, we just tipped him off that we know he is. Now they're spooked. They may do something rash and stupid... and Ryou may suffer because of it. I'm afraid that we may have put Ryou in even more danger."
"Dammit..." Seto growled they probably had just made the situation worse for Ryou and he didn't want him to be hurt again, he remembered Mokuba got out of school soon "We should pick up Mokuba from school while were out, I don't think it's safe to keep him there." He said calling the school in advance so they would keep an eye on him till he arrived.
They picked up Mokuba as planned as they went to go check on Malik and Ryou; Ryou was talking softly to Malik when they walked inside. Seto smiled at him softly, he wanted to protect Ryou but he wasn't sure on how to do that, they needed to sit and talk and find out what to do to keep Ryou safe from harm.
“We need to talk.” Bakura said.