Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 9
Ryou and Malik both giggled then looked up as Seto, Marik, Bakura and Mokuba came in.
“We need to talk.” Seto said.
"Marik... come here." Malik said sternly, and Marik groaned.
"Oh, come on, Malik...." He whined.
"NOW!!!" Malik snapped, and Marik sighed and walked over, holding out his hands. Malik carefully inspected his hands and fingernails.
"The Rod." Malik demanded, and Marik gave Malik the Rod. Malik pulled the dagger and inspected it, before nodding in satisfaction. "Okay Bakura... Your turn. Let me see your hands."
"For crying out loud Malik, you think we would need to talk if we “solved” the problem?" Bakura said holding up his hands regardless of his statement. Seto rolled his eyes at the situation.
Ryou blinked in confusion.
"Malik, why are you checking their hands? Why do we need to talk? What happened? Oh, hello, Mokuba. How was school?" Ryou said, much to the others' amusement. Mokuba smiled slightly.
"It was okay." He said, and Ryou looked down at the bed sheets.
"Any more.... gossip flying around?" Ryou asked, Seto looked at Mokuba as the boy tensed slightly. Mokuba glanced at his older brother with a look that said 'we need to talk', and then looked back at Ryou.
"No, Ryou. Everything's back to normal. You know junior high gossip. In today, out tomorrow."
"I'll be back in a moment guys." Seto said taking Mokuba's hand and leading him into his own room, Bakura and Marik could talk with Ryou for a moment Mokuba apparently need to talk now. "Something is wrong at school isn't there." He said sitting down on Mokuba's bed.
Mokuba frowned slightly.
"Yeah. Something bad happened to Ryou. You haven't told me what, but I'm not stupid Seto, I can guess. I'm pretty sure that I know what happened to him. The thing is that a lot of kids have been asking me about you breaking up with Ryou. They've been asking about you... DUMPING Ryou. And Ryou dumping you, and they're getting it from their parents, Seto. Their parents think that you two have broken up and are trying to keep it quiet. What's gonna happen when they find out you're still together? You.... ARE still together, right?" Mokuba asked, sitting next to his brother.
"Yes we are still together Mokuba, and the parents want us to split up but we're not going to let them do that to us...we both knew that staying together wasn't going to be easy and there would be problems." Seto sighed and looked into Mokuba's eyes. "I'm sorry these problems have rolled over into your life as well, but it's something were all going to have to deal with, if school becomes too hard for you I could set you up with private tutors like you used to have." Seto said, remembering how people would try and hurt Mokuba just to hurt him. "Also I don't know what they will do when they find out we are still together... but we can't hide it from people Mokuba, that would make it seem like we are ashamed and I love Ryou very much." Seto said softly. Keeping Ryou and Mokuba safe was his main priority although he wasn't doing a very god job at the moment.
Mokuba smiled and nodded.
"Good. I knew you and Ryou wouldn't just dump each other. And if things get too tough at school, can't you just home school me instead of getting me a tutor? They always smell funny." At Seto's look, Mokuba laughed. "Joking Seto. And just so you know, I support you and Ryou completely. Ryou's been really good for you. And I try not to let what the kids say at school bother me. If they say anything, I'll let you know right away. But anyway... I'm fine. I think Ryou needs you right now. That and I have homework. You go spend time with Ryou. If I have trouble, I'll ask Malik to help me." Mokuba said, digging into his backpack for his math book. "Oh, and Seto... I was thinking. I think you should take Ryou out on a real date. It's been a long time since you've done that. Take him out to dinner, take him dancing, maybe take him to the roof of Kaiba Corp. and make out, do something romantic. He'll love it." And the boy smiled impishly before shoving Seto towards the door. "Go on, Seto. Go, go go... I have homework to see to; you have a boyfriend to see to. Shoo!!!" And he closed the door in his brother's face. Seto blinked at the door, and then glared at Marik, who was snickering as he walked down the hall with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
"Your brother kicks ass." He said, and went into Seto's room. Seto followed and watched Marik hand Ryou the sandwich and ruffle his hair before taking a flying leap onto the bed and bouncing, making Ryou and Malik and Bakura bounce as well. The three of them howled their disapproval.
Seto rolled his eyes, half of him wanted to send the three back home but the other half wanted them to stay, Ryou seemed a bit more at ease with them around, probably a lot safer too. And even though Mokuba had a good idea about taking Ryou out he was slightly afraid too do so considering what happened last time they went out...not to mention Ryou was still protecting the people that did this to him for some unknown reason that he had yet to figure out, at least they were close to who did this to him. Seto sat on the bed as the three began to talk of anything that crossed their minds other than the situation with Ryou's attack; he wanted to take Ryou's mind off that subject and his own for that matter.
"Ryou, I'm going to go to the office for a little while today, I want you to stay in bed and rest okay? I don't want you running around reopening your wounds all right?" Seto asked pulling on his coat; he needed to see if he could dig up anything on this Kakyo guy by hacking into Kyo's database. He knew Ryou didn't want to be left alone but it was unavoidable not to mention he'd been absent from work recently, he needed to see what he had been missing.
Ryou looked at Seto with a mournful expression, almost as if Seto had just said "I'm going to work and when I get back I want you out." Malik smiled at Ryou and hugged him gently.
"We'll stay with you, Ryou. You should sleep." He said, and Ryou made a face.
"Oh, for crying out loud! That's all I did while hiding in your apartment; SLEEP!! I slept nearly three days straight!!! I don't want to sleep!!! Oh, Seto, as long as you're going to your office, see about getting Malik and Marik's bed replaced, please? Not only did I puke all over it and bleed all over it, but, ummm...." Ryou blushed. "I think I may have, err....."
"What?" Marik asked. "Don't be shy, Ryou, it's only us."
"Well.... My...err.... it hurt to move, and I was sick... so sick...."
"I think you still are." Malik said, feeling Ryou's forehead.
"Well, I think I may have, umm... wet the bed......" Ryou mumbled in humiliation.
"Don't be embarrassed." Malik said. "In the condition you were in that's understandable. Now eat your sandwich. Seto, you go to work. We'll stay here with Ryou."
"And Malik and I promise to behave around Ryou." Marik said, and Ryou choked on his sandwich. Malik slapped him on the back, and when Ryou got his airway cleared, he laughed and hugged Malik, then Marik.
"Okay." Ryou said as he calmed down. "Don't work too hard, Seto." Seto nodded and turned to leave. "SETOOO!!!" Ryou whined, and he turned around. Ryou had a pleading expression, and was holding his arms out to the CEO.
Seto smiled and hugged Ryou as strongly as he could without putting Ryou in any more discomfort. "I'll replace their bed love, I already told you I would." He said kissing him softly on the forehead. "You do feel a bit hot...do you want me to call my doctor before I leave, he might get you something for the pain and to help you sleep?" Seto said.
Ryou smiled and shook his head, happily.
"No, I'm fine.... or... I will be...." He gave Seto a mischievous look that made Bakura, Malik and Marik all grin. "Once you give me a kiss......" Ryou purred, and Malik snickered, moving out of the way.
Seto pulled him close and kissed him, it had actually been a while since they shared an intimate moment and gods how he had missed holding Ryou in his arms and simply kissing him. He had to break away however when the need for oxygen became dire. He smiled at Ryou and then left the boy in the capable hands of Bakura, Malik, and Marik.
……………………….< /div>
Tomo was watching the video that he and Kakyo had made of their little experience with Ryou. The boy was quite the performer; he half hoped the youth would still be with Seto...it would give him another excuse to do this again. He was interrupted mid thought when a loud knock came to his door he stopped the tape shoving it under his pillow as he went to answer the door and allowed Kakyo inside without a second thought.
"We got trouble." Kakyo said, immediately going to the refrigerator and taking out a beer. "I was talking with Kyo in his office, and who should show up but Seto Kaiba. I got out, fast. But somehow, he knows I helped you with the kid. He doesn't know about you, but Kyo is furious. What do we do? The kid must have talked. We have to do something."
Tomo sighed; the kid apparently knew that the tabloid threat was empty… they didn't want to ruin Seto's image, merely Ryou's...so other plans must ensue.
"No the kid didn't talk...he's not that stupid, you talked to Seto and they apparently found out everything happened at the restaurant...we need to be more careful, Ryou's not the only one we can hurt." Tomo said, a smile gracing his lips, "the kid still goes to school along with Seto's little brother, putting them both in vulnerable positions for bullying...bullies are a dime a dozen; we can get a particularly nasty one to beat the hell out of Ryou, it can't be traced to us and can be passed off as a hate crime, let's do that for starters." Tomo smiled, “there's a charity event tomorrow night that we should go to see if they still have the balls to show up together...however since they are on to you I plan to stay away from you, we'll meet up afterward, no offense but I really don't want to inherit the wrath of Seto Kaiba." Tomo said.
Kakyo made a face. "Shit, I hope they don't show. Last thing I want is a confrontation with Kaiba. But that bully is a good idea... I'm sure plenty of kids would do the job for free. I think I should stay out of it, though. I'll leave it up to you and just tell Kyo the idea.... Tomo... If you aren't gonna give those photos to the tabloids, what are you going to do with them?"
Tomo smiled "Send them Seto, anonymous mind you." He added, "Just let him know we are watching, and Ryou is not safe as long as they are together..." Tomo smiled "get the photographer to take pictures of Mokuba at school, just innocent pictures of his schedule when he arrives when he leaves, Mokuba and Ryou are the most important people in his life, the only people in his life...how do you think he will react to both of their lives being threatened?" Tomo said a sadistic smile across his lips. "And don't worry about Kaiba at the function tonight he won't do anything more than threaten you if that at all, I just don't want myself drawn to his attention...Kyo wants this job done and I intend to do it." He said
Kakyo nodded and finished off his beer.
"Alright. I'll call our photographer. I'll get him to get pictures of Ryou and Mokuba at school. I'll get them to you in two days. Will that work?" He asked. "And what about.... just taking pictures of Ryou wherever he goes? At school, out with friends, even at home in Seto's house.... I think our guy can pull it off... What do you think? We send these to Seto, just to let him know that Ryou is always being watched...?"
"Both Ryou and Mokuba, if he can do it." Tomo said "Now the event is tomorrow evening so get this man on top of it by the next day since they start school, I'll get myself a bully he would do it for as cheap as a twenty and probably enjoy it too...finding one for Mokuba would be a bit tough he's in middle school, I could get a teacher to harass him..." Tomo said knowing a few that worked at the school Mokuba went to.
Kakyo choked. "You're gonna get one for Mokuba, too?! I dunno, Tomo... Ryou is one thing, little boy playing the part of a girl... But Mokuba's a kid. I hafta wonder... what's his attitude on his brother being with some little fairy? I don't know... I think we should hold out on harassing Mokuba for now. Seto's mad enough about Ryou. Save a bully for Mokuba for later." Kakyo said.
"I know not physical harassment or anything just verbal...he's probably getting enough of it already but a few nasty rumors reaching his ears might make him all the more vulnerable and upset." Tomo said with a shrug.
"Well.... alright... listen, I shouldn't hang around. I'm gonna call our camera man, have him locate Seto and Ryou both immediately." And he stood, leaving the empty beer bottle on the floor. "I'll be in touch." And he left.
………………………&# 8230;……
Seto was so frustrated he felt like tearing his hair out by the roots. A few days out of the office and everything goes wrong; his stocks went down, that idiot down in the lab had screwed something up in the equations for one of Seto's new inventions and Seto now had to take the entire project back to step one, and he was having a lot of trouble hacking into Kyo's systems; Pegasus' systems for Duelist Kingdom had been a piece of cake compared to this!!! He was about let out a loud obscenity when the door suddenly burst open. Seto looked up and stared as Malik came in, looking upset.
"Seto, I'm so sorry, we couldn't stop him!!!" He cried, and in came Ryou, Bakura and Marik after him. Seto stared at Ryou, who was limping a bit but otherwise seemed okay.
"Hi, Seto." Ryou said, walking around the desk and boldly plopping himself down into his boyfriend's lap. "Sorry, but I couldn't stand being stuck in a bed another moment. I thought I'd come and check on you. It's getting late, are you almost done?" Seto looked at the clock and saw that it was almost eight.
Seto couldn't help but smile softly "Could you three give a moment alone?" He asked as the three shrugged, and amazingly left without another word. "I thought you'd be good and stay in bed?" Seto said nuzzling Ryou affectionately.
Ryou giggled and flung his arms around Seto's neck, sighing happily.
"I told you... If I spent one more moment lying in bed, I was gonna flip my lid and end up as crazy as Marik!!! And somehow I doubt that you would like that. And besides, I've really... I've missed you since all of this started... I love you, and I feel like I haven't told you that enough, so I'm telling you now." Ryou looked Seto straight in the eyes and smiled. "I love you. And... I'm so sorry for... for betraying you like I did with those men..." And he lowered his face in shame and humility.
Seto hugged him "I love you too Ryou, and don't feel bad about what happened, I don't blame you and I never did...what happened wasn't your fault at all...how many times must I tell you this before you believe me?" He said kissing Ryou just as strongly as before he left; he missed kissing Ryou and holding him. He had been so afraid to express how much he truly wanted the boy; in fact he was still a little wary about kissing and holding him.
Ryou, however, seemed content to be held, and delighted at being kissed. He cooed softly into Seto's powerful kiss, and when it was broken, he rested his head on his lover's chest and nestled down into his arms, a small smile on his face.
"It doesn't matter how many times you tell me you forgive me..." Ryou said his smile fading. "I still feel guilty... I still feel like a whore... they told me that's what I was... It was blurry, but I think... I think I was even screaming it..... And I'm not a whore... right? I'm not." He sniffled and hid his face into Seto's shirt. "I'm not a whore...... I'm not a whore......" He was then silent for a while. Just when Seto was about to speak, Ryou lifted his head up and smiled at Seto. "If I am a whore... I'm your whore... and yours alone..." And he kissed Seto before sighing and cuddling closer. "I feel safe when I'm in your arms, did you know that?"
Seto frowned; he hated seeing Ryou reduce himself like he was, he didn't enjoy it in the slightest when Ryou claimed to be at whore at all, even if he did say he was Seto's...it didn't make him happy at all.
"Don't say that ever again Ryou...please...I love you and you are most definitely not a whore and I don't know what these bastards did to you to make you think otherwise." Seto said, seriously. He didn't use Ryou in the slightest; he loved the boy with all his heart and would do everything in his power to keep him safe.
Ryou sighed and lowered his eyes. "I, I was drugged Seto... I don't remember a lot of it.... I remember being held down, and being injected... and I remember feeling it take hold. I got all hot and bothered... I couldn't see straight. I tried to leave, but I was carried to a bed...." Ryou frowned slightly and rubbed his forehead, beginning to look confused. "And there were.... hands.... and they were taking my clothes..... And then......." Ryou's eyes widened. "And then they took the Ring!!! I tried to get it back, but I couldn't, and things just got more and more blurry from there......" He shook his head lightly, and then sighed.
"When I knew what was happening again, one of them was.... inside of me...." Ryou looked down again, ashamed. "And the other was putting his fingers into me, and telling me to..... Say things.... And even though I was aware, I wasn't completely in control... And I said the things he wanted me to say.... And then, he...... went into me, and it hurt so much......." Ryou closed his eyes tightly and shuddered. "It hurt......... And all I wanted was to die......" He curled up into a little ball in Seto's lap, hiding his face in his knees. He sniffled, and Seto felt Ryou shaking with suppressed sobs. "I wanted to die........"
It hurt to hear Ryou talk about this, he didn't want to admit it and wanted to be strong for Ryou's sake but it hurt...he actually wanted to cry for once, but he wouldn't allow himself to do so. He composed himself and let Ryou talk, it was probably a good thing that he was talking; it wouldn't help to keep it all bottled up inside, he needed to talk about this and no matter how badly it hurt to hear it, Seto needed to listen.
Seto strongly hugged Ryou once he had finished as the said boy cried into his chest clinging onto him as if his life depended on it. Seto gently rubbed his back and stroked his hair.
"You're away from all that now though, back in my arms where you belong and always will...I won't let anyone separate you from me. For once I'm happy with who I am and what I've accomplished and it's all because of you, you are the reason I live Ryou and I won't let anyone take that away from me." He kissed his lover's forehead gently and rocked him back and forth both seeking much needed comfort within the embrace.
Ryou looked up at Seto with wide eyes, and a trembling lip, then burst into tears again and hurled himself into Seto's chest, startling his boyfriend. For nearly ten minutes Seto sat rocking Ryou until his sobs had died away into hiccups and sniffles. Finally, Ryou lifted his face and gave Seto a very wet smile.
"Thanks, Seto. I love you...." And he hugged him. "I love you so much. Thanks for listening to me lose it." And he laughed slightly at himself. He cuddled into Seto's chest and the pair was content to simply hold each other for the time being. At least until the peace was broken by a shattering crash from outside of Seto's office, followed by three voices raised in rapid, angry Egyptian. Because of being with Ryou, Seto was able to recognize a few of the words, and were certainly NOT appropriate. Ryou sighed and slid out of Seto's lap.
"Oh, geeze, I don't think I wanna know...." He mumbled, and then blinked. "Seto? What's this?" Ryou asked, and pulled something out of the trashcan.
"An invitation to an event tomorrow..." He said not saying that he was going or not, it was in the waste basket of course he wasn't going. He didn't want to be caught in another bad situation or have Ryou blackmailed again and hurt. He felt horrible for taking Ryou to all those events in the first place, like it was partly his fault for wanting to prove something to the public and Ryou ended up being on the receiving end of the public's reaction.
Ryou read over the invitation as he headed towards the door. He grunted, then opened the door and looked at Marik, Malik and Bakura on the floor, all wrestling and shouting and cursing.
"What are you three doing?" He asked, and they all looked up at Ryou and blinked, whereas the security guards about to turn fire extinguishers on them were ignored. "Get up, shut up, and stay out of trouble." Ryou said. The three looked at each other, and then stood.
"Yes, Ryou...." They chorused, and wandered away. Ryou sighed and shook his head, then closed the door, turning back to Seto and holding up the invitation.
"Are you not going?" He asked.
"I don't think I should, I don't want to go without you but I don't want you ending up hurt again." He said standing. "I don't want to ever see you hurt again as the result of showing up at some pointless society event...it's ridiculous and it's not worth it." He said leaning against his desk. "It's not that I don't want to be seen with you, it's the mere fact that you're being hurt by being seen with me." He said
Ryou snorted and frowned, shaking his head. He walked over to Seto's desk and hopped up onto it, stiffening and yelping at the pain.
"Ouch! Okay, that was stupid, no Seto, I'm fine." He said, waving Seto off when he leapt up anxiously. "And I think we should go." He said, slapping the invitation into Seto's palm. "I will NOT give them the satisfaction of knowing that they scared us away, Seto. We do that and it will make them think that they have power over us. We don't want that. I say we go, and show them that we can take whatever they throw at us."
Seto frowned but it was more angry than anything else. "Don't you understand? I'm tired of seeing you at the receiving end of all this! You can barely sit down Ryou and honestly if I hadn't insisted we go together to these things none of this would have happened. I'm not doing this because I'm scared of them I'm doing this because I'm scared for you." Seto sat down on his chair "And what they are throwing at US?" Seto said "It's YOU they are throwing things at Ryou." Seto said not to hurt Ryou but to hopefully protect him, Ryou had a lot of pride and that was also one of Ryou's biggest weaknesses.
Ryou frowned. "Seto Kaiba, I will NOT back down from them! I will NOT let them win!" Seto blinked, startled at the ferocity in Ryou's voice. "And if I avoid them... I'll just be scared of them. For the rest of my life. I don't want that. So I'm going." And he snatched the invitation out of Seto's hand. "With or without you." And he slid off of the desk and headed for the door, mostly because there was another crash and more cursing in Egyptian.
Seto closed his eyes gripping the arm rests of his chair, gods how he wanted to yell at Ryou sometimes, just to knock some sense into him, he loved the boy, yes, but nonetheless Seto was trying to protect him, not hurt him. He walked after him not caring as he managed to catch him before he ran off into the elevator. "Why won't you ever listen to me?" He half yelled ignoring the confused looks he got from his secretary and the three others, making Ryou stop and look at him halfway shocked "You think I enjoy this Ryou? You want me to admit I'm scared? Fine! I am! But don't you understand it all for you?!" He yelled
Ryou blinked at looked at Seto, and then looked around at their audience. He sighed and pulled Seto into the elevator, snapping "behave!" to Malik, Marik and Bakura before the door closed. Seto stared at Ryou who leaned against the wall and stared at his feet for the first three floors. Finally, Ryou sighed.
"Okay, Seto. You're afraid that if we go, I'll get hurt." He looked up at Seto. "So tell me... what do you think will happen it we don't go? If we just back down? That's not your style. You never back down from anything, even pointless battles that you will never win... Like dueling against Yami..." Ryou smiled slightly at that, while Seto gave him a disgusted look. "But do you seriously think that hiding away in your house will solve this stuff? Come on, Seto, tell me. What do you think will happen if we don't go?" And Ryou gazed up at Seto, waiting for an answer.
"...I don't know." he said simply stopping the elevator mid floor. "But I have a pretty good idea what will happen if we do go, going is not any better than staying home, neither of the options are good choices...but I'd rather you be safe and away from their taunts and insults." He looked away from Ryou leaning against the opposite side of the elevator "I never expected this to be easy Ryou but I also never expected to hurt you...and I'm sorry, I'm trying my best to control all this...and I can't." He said tears welling in his eyes.
Ryou blinked, surprised, then moved across the elevator and wraps his arms around Seto's waist and rested his head on his chest.
"I don't expect you to even TRY to control all this, Seto. You're only human! And as you said, we knew when we got into this relationship that there would be problems. But we can't run from them. We have to face them. I have to face them. Seto, I can't hide myself away in your house for the rest of my life. I have to live. And there will be tough times, I know that. But it's all worth it. As long as I'm with you, I can take anything." He smiled up at Seto and brushed away the tears that threatened to fall. "I will take anything they throw at me to be with you. I love you. I would die for you, Seto. I would. Every moment we are all getting closer to our death. I could die next week, Seto. And I wouldn't want to spend my last week cowering in your room... as pleasant a place it is to be when you're there...." And he trailed a finger up Seto's chest in a teasing manner. "I'm not a coward. I will face them. And I will be afraid when I do. But if you're there, I will be a lot less afraid. So... what do you say? Hide from them, or face them?"
Seto returned the hug resting his head on Ryou's "All right, we'll go...together." He said kissing Ryou short and gentle as he started the elevator back up and it went to the bottom floor and they stepped out. Seto knew he was leaving his poor secretary alone with Marik, Bakura, and Malik but he wasn't about to go back after his little outburst, besides he wanted to be with Ryou alone for a little while.
"Is there anything you would like to do today? The others won't realize were gone for at least another thirty minutes, it'll give us enough time to get away." He said smiling at Ryou softly.
Ryou smiled at Seto, and giggled.
"Do you really want to leave Marik, Malik and Bakura unsupervised in your company?" He asked, and Seto just shrugged and pulled Ryou back into the elevator, having it take them down to the parking garage. Once there, he pulled Ryou over to his own little sports car, opening the door and pushing Ryou in. Ryou giggled and buckled his seatbelt as Seto climbed in a revved the engine.
"So? Want to do anything?" He asked, and Ryou blinked.
"Ummm........." Ryou grinned suddenly. "To the grocery store!!!" He crowed. "Onward!!!" And he pointed forwards. Seto blinked.
"The grocery store? Why are we going...onward, there?" He asked. He never shopped, except for clothes and electronics
"Because I said so and you love me." Was Ryou' reply as he looked out the window. Seto smiled and rolled his eyes, but pulled into a grocery store parking lot. Ryou was out of the car in a flash and pulling Seto into the store. Seto suddenly found himself following Ryou and pushing a shopping cart, a new experience for him. Ryou smiled and tossed a bag of chips and a jar of queso into the cart, then kept moving. Seto was looking around in curiosity, and was startled at a loud crash from the cart. He looked down at the two twenty-four packs of grape soda that Ryou had slammed onto the bottom rack.
He glared at the evil soda that was responsible for one too many...discomforts while riding in the back of his limo with Ryou. He shook his head and followed allowing Ryou to buy whatever he wanted considering he had no clue what they had and what they didn't have, he usually didn't concern himself with that, Ryou was the one that usually shuffled around the kitchen. He sighed going up and down the aisles surprised that Ryou was actually enjoying himself, the simplest things in life he seemed to enjoy the most.
"Hey Ryou!" Yugi's voice said from behind them as they both turned to meet the spiky haired teen who hugged Ryou "Haven't seen you in a while! How have you been?" He asked paying Seto no mind which actually he preferred.
Seto although frowned; if Yugi was here that meant Yami wasn't too far behind.
Ryou grinned. "Hi Yugi!!" And he hugged him back with a sugar sweet smile. "I'm okay. It's just been a crazy week... What are you doing here?"
"Oh, Yami was hungry and there wasn't anything to eat at the house, so we're getting some groceries. We have Joey, Otogi, Mikado and Ahmose coming over this evening to see a movie… though I'm sure that only me Otogi, Joey and Mikado will end up watching. Ahmose and Yami always wander off and spend hours talking in Egyptian."
"I see." Ryou said with a grin, knowing exactly what Yugi meant. "So where is Yami?" At that moment, Yami came strolling around the corner, drinking a bottle of chocolate milk.
"YAMI!!!" Yugi cried. "You have to pay for that!!!" Yami gave Yugi a cool look, though he didn't look very dignified with a chocolate milk mustache.
"I know. That's why you give them the empty bottle when you're checking out, aibou." Then, his eyes fell on Ryou and Seto. His lip slowly curled in a smirk, but that faded when he saw the look in Seto's eyes that was screaming 'kill Kill KILL'.
"Umm... Hi, Ryou...." He said, carefully, only to find Ryou was glaring at him as well.
"Hi yourself..." Ryou snarled. Yugi blinked, completely confused as Yami backed up a step, eyeing Seto nervously.
Without a second thought, Seto dashed after him and Yami took off as well trying to escape the enraged teen who still had yet to get over the little episode of the tape. He felt someone grab his jacket but he slipped out of it with ease and continued to chase Yami through the produce section of the store until he managed to tackle him to the ground, ready to strike but Yugi had grabbed his upraised arm and was looking at him like he had grown three heads.
"Yugi, trust me, he deserves this." He said as calmly as possible ignoring the curious and startled looks he was getting.
"SETO, NO!!!!" Ryou screamed, coming around the corner, limping. Yami gave Ryou a relieved look, that changed to horror when Ryou screamed, "NOT IN PUBLIC!!!" Yugi blinked.
"What's going on?!" He wailed, and Ryou limped over and whispered into Yugi's ear. Yugi blinked and quirked an eyebrow, then, his eyes widened in horror.
"MOU HITORI NO BOKU!!!!!!!!" He screamed, an enraged look on his face. Yami's eyes widened and he went pale.
"Oh, shit....." Yami whimpered as Yugi stormed over.
"YOU PERVERT!!!" Yugi screamed and kicked Yami hard in the side, making the Pharaoh yelp. "NO SUGAR FOR YOU!! AND YOU'RE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH FOR THE NEXT WEEK!!! OOOOH!!! YOU JUST WAIT UNTIL I TELL JOEY!!! YOU MAY AS WELL HAVE BEATING CHEATING ON US!!!" Ryou and Seto both stared at Yugi in complete shock and Yami cowered on the floor, trying to hide under Seto.
Seto let go and laughed a little "If I catch him outside will you let me?" he asked in an innocent tone making Ryou smile at him and nuzzle him sweetly. "Let's go back to our cart, I think we should let Yami alone for now, Yugi's going to give him hell for quite some time." Seto said as they made their way back to the cart Yugi catching up to them afterward with a sulking Yami behind them.
"Um Ryou, not to pry or anything but are you okay? Are both of you doing all right? The papers have stopped their accusations and all, but I worry that there is more going on." He said looking at Ryou intently, his limp not going unnoticed.
"I'm fine. Don't believe that trash in the papers." Ryou said, bagging some apples and getting a small crate of strawberries. "Honestly, I think that the papers are getting to Seto more than me. He's gotten a bit paranoid." Seto rolled his eyes as he pushed the cart by, running over Yami's toes as he passed. Yami yelped and opened his mouth, but Yugi gave him a sharp look. Yami opened his mouth again, pointing accusingly at Seto, but Yugi cut him off.
"Not a word, Yami. You deserved it." He said, and Yami stared at him, eyes wide, then he crossed his arms over his chest and scowled, pouting, and walking over Seto's jacket, purposely leaving footprints as he mumbled “Joey wouldn't let Kaiba get away with that……”
Seto frowned picking up the coat and hanging it over the side of the basket giving Yami a glare of death which would eventually come true if he had it his way. He sighed as Ryou continued to talk to Yugi insisting everything was fine even though Yugi seemed to understand that everything was not fine but didn't pressure him into anything. As they walked Seto noticed a video cart with the latest movies for sale.
"Ryou, how about a movie at home?" He asked motioning to the cart and grabbing a box of popcorn that was right beside it.
Ryou looked up. "Huh? Oh! Yeah, great!!!" He said, grabbing a giant box of chocolate bars from a nearby shelf. At Seto's look, he gave a mischievous grin. "For the fruit." He said with a wink, and Yugi snickered.
"Good idea." Yami said.
"Don't hold your breath." Yugi snapped, and Yami went back to his pouting mumbling “Joey would let me…….”
Seto laughed a little to himself grabbing the first movie that looked like it would have Ryou jump in his lap, horror flicks and Ryou mixed quite well in Seto's opinion. Ryou gave him an annoyed look at his decision. "Hey I haven't seen the new Chainsaw Massacre yet, besides it could at the very least keep the others occupied for an hour...we could use it as a decoy." Seto defended.
Ryou blinked, and then cracked up. He loved the sight of Marik, Malik and Bakura watching a horror flick. They would just sit there, eyes wide and unblinking, mouths open slightly; like small children the first time they've seen Sesame Street or something. If it weren't for the horrible scenes on the screen the three would seem to have a child-like innocence.
"Okay, okay...." Ryou said, finally calming down. "Have it your way." And he latched onto Seto's arm with a happy purr before disappearing down another aisle, leaving Seto to watch Yugi scold Yami for trying to grab a candy bar.
Soon enough they left the store plenty of grocery bags in hand and they loaded them into Seto's car and were soon heading home to nice yet scary movie Seto had every intention of watching with Ryou. "Is there anything else you wanted while we are out?" Seto asked "Some takeout maybe?" He asked
Ryou smiled and shook his head. "No, I'm fine with what we have in the trunk. Will Mokuba be out of the way?" He asked, leaning on Seto with a contented sigh. Suddenly, his peace was broken by Bakura calling him over the link, asking where he was.
/With Seto, on our way home. What are you up to? /
//ummm...// Bakura said looking at Malik whom he currently had pinned to Seto's desk half naked //nothing important, just wanted to make sure you and him were okay.// He said as Marik began distracting him, making him unconsciously moan softly through the link.
Ryou giggled. /Riiiiiight.... well, if ya wanna come home soon, Seto has a movie for us..../ and he sent Bakura a mental picture of the cover of the movie. /But I have a feeling you will be late. Where are you screwing them this time? /
//wouldn't you like to know.// He said kissing Malik running his hands up and down his delicate body. Seto's desk was usually occupied besides the secretary was so desperate to get them away from her she told them to wait in his office, they might as well make use of it. Bakura smiled; and soon he would be enjoying a new bed that was also compliments of Seto.
/Hmmm.... I heard that, yami./ Ryou said, smirking slightly, which made Seto curious. /Seto would not approve. Don't you DARE leave a mess./ and then he closed the link as Bakura let out a lustful cry over link. "Seto... I would advise you to get your office disinfected." He said as they pulled into the garage.
Seto instantly regretted leaving them there "Remind me to put in a new order for a desk, if they enjoy it that much they can have it." He said knowing exactly what was probably taking place upon it as he and Ryou spoke. "And yeah Mokuba will not be there, he called earlier saying he was going to a friend's house for the night, oh where exactly are we going tomorrow? What event is this we must attend?" Seto said exasperatedly.
"Hmmm... Don't know." Ryou said, and fished the invitation out of his pocket and looked at it. "Hmmm...... Looks like it's a banquet to commemorate the opening of the new wing of the Art Museum. I guess you donated money. It takes place in the new wing beginning at seven. Dinner will be served, there will be some speakers, some art exhibitions, probably the usual classical music, so no grinding......" Seto gave Ryou and look, and Ryou laughed. "And there will also be the opening of the new sculpture garden. Wow... This looks really fun, actually. I can't wait!!" And Ryou looked up at Seto, excited.
Seto smiled, he actually really liked art museums "I heard there was a new modern art exhibit put in last week, that'll be interesting to see." He said smiling at Ryou as they arrived home and took the liberty of taking in the groceries themselves as Seto put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and helped Ryou put the rest of the food up glaring at the grape soda when it reappeared in his view.
Ryou began melting chocolate in the fondue pot and chopping up the fruits, and digging in the pantry for anything else dippable, then warmed the queso.
"I am soooo hungry." Ryou said, popping a strawberry into his mouth before getting out a tub of whipped cream from the refrigerator. Seto wandered off with the bowl of popcorn, another of queso and the bag of chips. Ryou followed with the fruit, chocolate and whipped cream (and soda cans in his pockets) and smiled as he entered the living room. Seto had unfolded the sofa bed and made it up with satin sheets and plush pillows. Ryou smiled in delight and set the food on the end tables.
"Hey Seto, want some apple?" Ryou called as Seto put the movie into the DVD player.
"Sure." Seto said, and Ryou grinned.
"Come and get it." He purred, and Seto blinked and turned to see Ryou with an apple slice between his teeth. He reached out a hand and wiggled a finger, beckoning Seto closer.
Seto smiled happily complying with Ryou's wish as he took the slice kissing Ryou in the process, although that was going to happen without saying. "Try to behave a little bit will you." he said kissing Ryou's neck giving him a playful growl that made Ryou squirm slightly. "And I'm glad your hungry, I've told you countless times that your to thin." Seto scolded lightly as Ryou stuck out his tongue and ate another slice of apple as Seto took the liberty of feeding him a few whipped cream strawberries, not paying to much attention to the movie, more or less watching Ryou. As strange as it was he loved to watch him eat, particularly when he would get a tempting view of his tongue as he licked away the remainder of some chocolate.
Ryou giggled and began to slowly unbutton Seto's shirt. "Behave? Not likely...." Ryou purred, crunching a chip with queso before popping open his grape soda. "I think my yami is... getting to me....." And he lapped gently at Seto's throat, before giggling and diving for the popcorn.
Seto groaned inwardly as he looked at Ryou lying on his stomach happily munching on popcorn and back to his half unbuttoned shirt. He shrugged and laid next to Ryou kissing his cheek and accompanied him in eating the popcorn a various other snacks they had set out. Both were mesmerized by the movie until the real horror broke out and it had Ryou diving into Seto's lap and hiding his face in the crook of his neck. It was fine by Seto until Ryou's lips began their gentle nibbles and kisses upon him. He moaned softly returning the gesture and kissing Ryou on the mouth hungrily .
Ryou squeaked at Seto's sudden move, and suddenly found himself pinned beneath the CEO. Ryou moaned loudly, opening his mouth, trying to draw Seto to invade. He finished the job of unbuttoning Seto's shirt and started to push it down his arms, caressing the skin with his fingers. Ryou smiled slightly and pulled away after a moment, before tracing chocolate coated fingers over Seto's lips.
Seto smiled drawing the finger into his mouth as he allowed Ryou to lick and suck the chocolate off his lips now and then a tongue diving into his mouth to tease him, but he liked it nonetheless. He removed Ryou's shirt and captured one of his nipples between his teeth teasing it as he ran a hand through Ryou's hair tugging upon it softly.
Ryou hissed, then groaned loudly, arching into Seto's touches. Deciding to tease back, he bent his leg slightly, rubbing his thigh against Seto's groin.
"Gods, I love you, Seto...." Ryou gasped, and tangled his fingers in Seto's rich brown hair. "Oh Gods...."
"GYYAAAAH!!!!" Ryou screamed, and jumped, accidentally kneeing Seto in a VERY sensitive place. Ryou stared wide eyed as Malik, Marik and Bakura charged into the room and leapt onto the sofa bed, bouncing Seto right off. Malik and Marik were immediately draped all over Ryou, covering him with kisses, and Bakura had his attention on the popcorn.
Seto lay on the floor slightly stunned for a moment from the knee incident before he decided to save Ryou, poking his head up over the side of the couch-bed not really feeling the strength to stand at that particular moment.
"Look, the guy's leg is missing!" He said as Marik and Malik were instantly fixated on the screen as Ryou crawled over to him and kissed him on the nose in apology.
Ryou was quite dazed and confused, and was unable to tell Seto exactly how he got whipped cream on his nipples. He turned and looked at the three oh so psychotic ones who were, as Ryou suspected, staring at the screen with wide eyes and mouths open. Of course, this was convenient as they shoved snacks into their mouths. Ryou was shaking slightly, still rather startled by the entire thing.
Seto wiped off the scattered whipped cream and pulled his shirt back over his shoulders as he shakily got up and steadied himself with the couch. "Come on Ryou, let's go to my room, we'll watch something you want." He said as they went upstairs.
Ryou finally relaxed, flopping back and closing his eyes. Seto frowned at the shaking in his lover's body and glared at the back of two blonde heads.
"Ummm... I think I've had enough movies for tonight, Seto...." Ryou said softly. "But maybe a shower." And he flopped off of the sofa bed and started for the stairs. He went up the stairs, stripped in Seto's room and went into the bathroom, starting the shower. Then, he went over to the counter to look over the medication that the hospital had given him. He winced at a certain tube.
"Great.... Ass cream......" He muttered.
Seto walked in after Ryou and he leaned against the counter "Mind if I join you?" He asked softly and Ryou smiled at him motioning for him to do so. Seto smiled removing the rest of his clothes and slipping inside the shower behind Ryou although there was plenty of room not to have to be so close, he wanted to be close to Ryou. "You all right?" He asked softly.
"Alright?" Ryou said, and turned, glaring at Seto. "Would YOU be alright if you had some smelly old Butt Cream all cold and nasty just WAITING to be applied?!?" And Ryou shuddered. "Yuck..." And Ryou went for the soap. He turned and looked up at Seto with a pout, and still muttering about the 'Butt Cream'.
Seto smiled and kissed Ryou's cheek grabbing the liquid soap and applying it to a washcloth as he began to lather up Ryou's back giving a gentle massage as he did so his hands gracing across Ryou's chest running over his nipples and resting right above his stomach as he kissed him before going back to the task at hand which was 'clean Ryou' at the moment.
Ryou promptly forgot about the hated cream and purred at Seto's gentle ministrations, gently tracing patterns over Seto's bare chest.
"You know...." Ryou sighed, pulling away briefly. "You have this uncanny ability to make me feel so much better..." And he cuddled into Seto's chest, rubbing his cheek over his lover's wet skin. "I love you..... I love you so much, Seto... Gods... I don't know where I'd be today if we didn't get together at Christmas. And you know... It's all thanks to Marik, Bakura, Malik and Mokuba, you know. We owe them, I think." And Ryou grinned up at Seto. "Is that why you put up with them?"
Seto smiled "Granted they get on my nerves Ryou but they are rather decent people, I owe them a lot, not to mention you have an undeniable attachment to them, it would be like someone trying to take Mokuba away from me, it wouldn't happen." He said with a smile as he grabbed the shower head and began to rinse off the soap that had collected between their bodies.
They stepped out of the shower and Seto wrapped Ryou in a fluffy towel and left him in peace as he went into the bedroom to change and pulled out a pair of silk pajamas for Ryou to wear.
Ryou had dried himself and when Seto returned, he was standing with the towel around his hips, glaring in distaste at the healing cream on the counter. He snorted and took the other pills, but that only led him back staring at the cream. Finally, Ryou snorted and turned, grabbing his pajamas from Seto.
"Screw it. That stuff can burn in hell...." He growled, and dropped the towel to pull on the pajama pants.
Seto frowned "It's supposed to make your scars heal faster Ryou, also it'll numb any pain you might have." Seto saw the look Ryou gave him and couldn't help but laugh slightly "You usually don't have a big problem with cream, lotion, or oil being there, why are you throwing a fit now?" He asked unable to not laugh as Ryou's face turned slightly pink.
"Oh, shut up!!" Ryou cried, throwing his hands up into the air. "It, well..... it's, ummm..... I don't know...." Ryou confessed. "I just don't like the idea of that crap on me... I don't know why, I know it's supposed to help, but......" Ryou was staring at his feet and wringing his hands, nervously. His words faded to mumbles, and then he shuffled out the bathroom with flushed cheeks. "I just don't want to, okay?" He called back, then wandered back in, muttering. He brushed his teeth, then took his shirt from Seto and pulled it on, not bothering to button it up as he went back into the bedroom. "The water and soap stung enough......" Seto heard Ryou mumble as he passed.
"This is supposed to numb the pain not make it worse Ryou, it was doctor's orders and your not getting off the hook that easily." Seto said following Ryou "Granted I wouldn't want to either but the fact of the matter is you hounded me to do as I was told when I was sick two months ago, and you don't even have a good excuse." He said hoping Ryou would just do as he was supposed to, it was to help and he needed to do this to help along the healing process.
Ryou collapsed onto the bed on his belly and hugged a pillow, resting his chin on it and pouting at Seto, who sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. Ryou snorted and pulled away when Seto reached out to pet his hair. After a moment of grumbling to himself, Ryou stood and trudged back into the bathroom. Seto listened to Ryou bitching under his breath and mess with the child proof cap. Then, after a moment of silence, Ryou let out a hiss, followed by 'Holy Isis, Mother of Horus, that's cold!!' A moment later, the sink was running, and then Ryou appeared in the doorway and made his way to the bed, making faces and squirming.
"There. Happy?!" Ryou snapped, and flopped down on the opposite side of the bed and curling up, his back to Seto.
Seto rolled his eyes and pulled Ryou to the center of the bed and kissed his cheek "Yes." He said and spooned Ryou pulling the covers up around them and nuzzling into his neck hearing a soft purr from Ryou who was unconsciously making the sound as he snuggled backward into Seto.
Ryou relaxed and giggled as he heard the thundering of footsteps in the hall and a muffled 'I call middle position!' from Malik, followed by 'I call top!' from Marik and Bakura at the same time, and then the slam of a door.
"Are you sure they're decent people?" He teased, rolling over to face Seto, eye sparkling in amusement.
"You've lived with them longer, you tell me." he said snuggling with Ryou contently before falling off into a blissful sleep Ryou wrapped securely in his arms.