Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 10
As Seto's limo pulled up to the museum, Seto found himself with Ryou in his lap, looking out the window with wide eyes, his grape soda forgotten in his hands and getting dangerously close to spilling over Seto's crotch.
"It looks gorgeous, Seto, look!!" Ryou cried, turning shining eyes on his boyfriend. Seto smiled and Ryou turned back to look at the museum. It was all lit up, as was the fountain sculpture out front. The limo pulled up at the entrance to the new sculpture garden which people passed through to get into the new wing where the banquet would be. Everything was lit up on the outside, and the inside of the garden had dim lighting for a more dramatic effect, leaving many darkened corners, giving it a feeling of mystery.
Ryou continued to watch as the limo slowly went through the line to get to the valets. Ryou was too enthralled with the sight of the museum and the fountains to notice the throng of photographers standing around snapping pictures as people arrived for the event, but Seto noticed them immediately. He was almost ready to tell his driver to drop them somewhere else, but he was distracted by a VERY close call with Ryou's grape soda.
"Pay attention Ryou, otherwise we'll have to show up late." Seto said taking his drink and placing it in a cup holder idly thinking 'maybe I can buy the company that makes the damn things' As the limo came to a slow stop and he and Ryou reluctantly got out, it wasn't the photographers he worried about or the screaming of questions, they have both dealt with all that before and it was nothing new.
Seto leaned close to Ryou's ear "Stay by my side during this Ryou, I agreed to go to this because you wanted to but I still want to keep you safe." Seto kissed him softly on the cheek as they entered the museum hand in hand.
Of course, as soon as they stepped out of the limo the cameras started flashing. Ryou jumped and pressed close to Seto, eyes wide with slight alarm. Once they passed through the gauntlet of cameras, they entered the garden, and this time Ryou's eyes were wide in delight.
"Oh, wow!!" He gasped. "Seto, look!!!" And he dragged Seto over to a bizarre chrome sculpture of nothing that Seto found recognizable. It was fountain, and water slid down its smooth surface. Ryou circled the sculpture in wonder, smiling at his and Seto's reflections in the chrome under the water. The boy was completely oblivious to the shocked, surprised, and even angry stares that were being directed at him.
Seto smiled; he noticed all the stares but didn't care. It was a public event and they were in the open; no one respectable would do anything, especially with camera men taking pictures of the new sculptures...at least the ones they were allowed to photograph.
"We should put a fountain in front of the mansion; I think it would add a nice touch." Seto said as Ryou smiled up at him brightly and they continued to survey the rest of the sculptures.
Seto and Ryou wandered through the gardens a bit more before heading into the new wing. As they did, several people were watching them, some more intensely than others.
"I can't believe it...." Kakyo muttered to Tomo, where they were standing in some shadows. "They're still together. Is that kid brain dead?!"
Tomo sneered "He just needs a little more persuasion is all" He said looking over at Kyo who was with his wife and daughter, Lily, currently shooting him a dangerous glare at seeing Seto still with Ryou and quite happy as well. Tomo lifted up a manila folder and smiled at the man across the way. Tomo didn't think one little incident would break them up; he would have to work on it. "Go back to Kyo; I don't want Seto catching me with you." He said walking away from him as he walked up to one of the waiters. "Hey kid, come here." He said as the boy approached him.
"Help you?" He asked
"Yeah give this folder to Mr. Kaiba." He shoved a fifty in the boy's pocket to avoid questions "Tell him you don't know who sent it okay kid?" He said as the boy nodded not caring and approaching Kaiba so he could take care of it.
"Excuse me sir? I was told to give this to you." He said handing him the folder
"By whom?" Seto asked curiously
"I don't know, they didn't say just told me to give it to you." He said as Seto took the folder and the boy rushed off
Kakyo made his way over to his boss. He nodded politely to his wife and daughter, then leaned over and muttered into Kyo's ear.
"Though it would interest you... Seto has the envelope." And then he turned and wandered away.
"Seto, what's that?" Ryou asked, looking at the folder.
Seto shrugged and walked away from the large crowd, Ryou following closely behind as he opened the folder and was instantly taken aback by it. There were pictures of him and Ryou making love in the backyard pool...someone had seen them, someone had actually gotten past security and seen them. Seto looked up noticing no one was watching as he flipped through them nervously. There were pictures of Mokuba, going to school, leaving, in his classes, at lunch. He felt his chest tighten at the sight of all this and on the back of the folder was a short note.
"Seto- Just to let you know we're watching." It said simply.
Kyo smiled seeing Seto expression as he turned back to his daughter and wife acting like everything was perfectly normal and nothing was going on in the slightest.
"Seto?" Ryou asked, worried by Seto's horrified looks. Ryou pulled Seto's hands down so he could see. His eyes widened at the pictures of Seto and himself in the pool. Ryou closed his eyes and sighed. "Oh, thank God...." He breathed, and relaxed. This was far from the reaction that Seto had expected. Seeing Seto's look, Ryou explained. "That night, when I met with.... them... I was told that if we didn't break up they'd send those pictures to the papers with a story that you had... raped me... If they sent them to you, then they're not in the papers, and I'm.... well, I'm relieved......." Ryou said. But then, Seto flipped through the pictures, and Ryou saw the photos of Mokuba. His eyes widened and he paled.
"Oh, gods......." He gasped. "Seto! This is.... oh, gods!!!" And he looked up at Seto, anxiously.
Seto closed the folder and pulled Ryou aside as they were given curious looks by Ryou's outburst. "Hush, this is nothing we can't handle, they're only pictures..." Seto said looking at Ryou shaking his head at him. "Please Ryou, I need your support on this, we'll work it out when we get home, but for now let's go about like everything is fine okay?" He pleaded, motioning for one of his attendant's "Take this out to the limousine and if you open it or lose it you'll lose a hell of a lot more than your job." He said as the attendant nervously swallowed and walked away briskly. "Don't worry all right, stay strong for me?" He asked hopefully
Ryou took a deep breath, and forced himself to relax. "Okay... I'm sorry, Seto, it's just.... I've told you. I love Mokuba like my own brother... and I'm worried about him. Especially after what.... what was done to me. If something like that happened to....." Ryou trailed off and shook his head, unable to bear the very thought. "Seto, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I'd rather die than see Mokuba hurt." And he moved closer to Seto for a much needed embrace. After a moment, he smiled up at Seto, though Seto could tell that it was forced. "I'm okay." He said, bravely. "I could use something to drink, though."
Seto smiled and took Ryou's hand, heading over to where drinks were being poured. As they crossed the room, however, Ryou's wandering eyes suddenly met with those of Tomo. Ryou's eyes widened in slight fear for a moment, but then, they narrowed and glared at Tomo. Ryou drew closer to Seto, clutching his arm, and sending Tomo a look that was basically saying 'just try and stop me, bastard.'
Tomo couldn't help but laugh slightly under his breath as he blew Ryou a sarcastic kiss, and walked off still laughing slightly. Kyo walked up to him expectantly.
Kyo glared and grabbed Tomo's tie, pulling him out of sight. "You asshole! What was that?! Keep that up and Seto will know everything!!!! Show some discretion!!!" He hissed.
"I'm not a fool Kyo." Tomo said calmly removing the other's hands from his tie and straightening it out. "And Ryou's not stupid enough to tell Seto just who I am, Seto won't find out much of anything especially since Ryou now thinks Seto's little brother is in danger which he will be if things don't start going our way." He said
Kyo frowned at that idea. "I'm not so sure about bringing Seto's little brother into all this Tomo, I'm not exactly sure what you did to Seto's boyfriend but it couldn't have been good...Mokuba should be left alone." Kyo said flatly, he may be the root of all this but didn't want to hurt a mere child.
Tomo glared at him, "you gave me a job to do Kyo, now do you want this done or not?" He asked
Kyo scowled. "Tomo, I mean it! If you want to scare the kid, that's fine. Scare the kid you scare his brother. But if you hurt him, I'll give Seto your name and all I know about you myself, do you understand me?! Leave the kid out of this!" And he turned to leave.
Tomo frowned "You'll be at fault too, you know?" Tomo said making Kyo scowled at him. "If all this falls through I'll be forced to reveal all this to your lovely wife and daughter and of course Seto, he's already caught on to Kakyo and that's dangerously close to you now isn't it?" Tomo couldn't help but smile cruelly at Kyo who seemed to be on the spot at his words "Stay out of my business Kyo and everything will work out fine." He said strolling off deciding it was time for him to take his leave.
But before he could make it out of the side door he was heading towards, he was cut off by the last person he expected; Ryou. He briefly wondered where Seto was; he didn't think Seto would let Ryou out of his sight, but here he was, blocking his exit and glaring at him, eyes burning in fury. Tomo blinked, surprised.
"You do whatever the hell you want to me, but you leave Mokuba OUT of this!!!" Ryou snarled, looking more dangerous than Tomo thought was possible. His fists were clenched and shaking and he was looking frighteningly more like that brother of his than himself. "If you hurt him, I will not rest until I see you pay for it, got it?!"
Tomo smiled slightly "Really now? And here I thought I was the only one who could make threats. You still have a lot of fire in you even after what happened...maybe you should put that energy to good use huh?" He asked.
Seto looked to his side where Ryou was supposed to be, but panicked realizing that he had run off. 'Dammit Ryou! You said you'd stay near me!' he mentally yelled as he began to search for him, 'he has white hair for crying out loud! How hard is that to find?' He saw a patch of white but upon closer inspection he realized it to be a young lady. She smiled at him, he was about to go in search of Ryou but Kyo's voice stopped him.
"Ah, Kaiba my good sir, I didn't notice you were here until now. Won't you come sit with us? I don't believe you've meet my wife or my daughter, Lily." He said as Kaiba gave an internal groan as he bowed to the two ladies.
"I really cannot be detained at the moment; I must be on my way." He said but the young girl grabbed his hand.
"Can you not stay a little while? Father says you're a fine man for a good conversation." She said her hazel eyes sparkling.
Seto frowned; she wasn't unattractive, she was very beautiful in fact but he really needed to find Ryou before he got himself into some sort of trouble. But the girl refused to release his hand and he sighed in defeat, hoping Ryou was okay as he sat down to talk with them for a moment.
Ryou's eyes narrowed and he backed away from Tomo, ducking away from his reaching hand.
"It won't happen again." Ryou snarled. "I won't fall for the same trick twice. And if you hurt Mokuba, I swear, you'll suffer a fate worse than death." And Ryou enjoyed the mental image of Bakura siccing his Man-Eater Bug on Tomo, and Marik and Malik playing kickball with his half eaten head.
Tomo glared at Ryou, already getting sick of this new attitude. He snarled and advanced on the boy, reaching for his arm. Ryou backed into the wall. "Lay one finger on me and I'll scream....." Ryou hissed, trying to keep away from Tomo's hand.
"So, how's business, Mr. Kaiba? Daddy said that you two might be considering a partnership on a new gaming product." She said, cheerfully.
Seto looked at Kyo who simply smiled at him, "He failed to tell me of this until now, but maybe; we will see." Seto said, smiling at the girl. He wanted to find Ryou but he didn't want to be rude and insult the girl in front of him, he also didn't want to make a scene, she would want to know where he was going and didn't want anyone to know Ryou had run off in case they would look for him too, only to hurt him, Seto hoped Ryou was all right as well.
Tomo growled and maintained his distance for the time being "You'll only scream when I will it so." He snarled shoving Ryou against the wall and covering his mouth. "You need to stop seeking out danger Ryou, confronting me in a dark corner was not your best decision, just like showing up that night...me and Kakyo really enjoyed you that night; we should set up another date I think..." He drawled loving the way Ryou struggled in his grasp "Now, now don't be like that." He scolded Ryou playfully "you and I both know you enjoyed yourself quite thoroughly, whether or not you wish to admit it...I wonder how Mokuba would feel wrapped around me." He said huskily in Ryou's ear.
Ryou, who had been struggling desperately suddenly, froze. He stared Tomo in the eyes, and the fear he had begun to show was burned away by fury. Ryou's eyes flashed and he sunk his teeth into Tomo's hand and raised his knee sharply between his legs. Tomo grunted, startled, and Ryou shoved him away.
"You.... you animal....." Ryou hissed. "Don't you dare touch him! Don't even go NEAR him!! I swear, you do, and you will regret the day you were born..." And Ryou turned and moved out into view where Tomo couldn't retaliate, but he threw him an angry glare over his shoulder.
Lily blinked. "Oh? Daddy said that he talked to you about it at that charity event last week or something. He said you never really went in to depth, but you might consider it." She said, then smiled. "Well, if you do, I hope it goes well."
Seto smiled at her "Of course, and thank-you" He said "If you'll excuse me for a moment." he said standing as she simply smiled and allowed him to leave. He deeply sighed, happy that he was let off the hook. He prayed that she was joking about Kyo wanting a partnership for if he did he might actually want to sign, but that would mean spending more time with his daughter and he didn't want Ryou to get the wrong idea. He saw Ryou walking toward him as he rushed to his side quickly.
"There you are, I told you to stay by my side, you said you would, why did you run off like that Ryou?" He asked sounding slightly like a concerned father but with right to do so Ryou said he would stay close and then ran off without saying anything or even giving the impression he was leaving basically he lied and Seto wasn't to appreciative of that in the least.
"Sorry Seto. A painting caught my eye and I wanted to see it up close." He said, and smiled. Seto frowned slightly, noticing that Ryou was slightly out of breath and shaking a bit. But before he could ask Ryou about it, a voice was heard calling everyone to the tables to eat. Seto looked around, hoping that there might be a table for two, but unfortunately, there wasn't.
"Come on, Seto. Let's go sit down. I'm hungry!" Ryou chirped.
"Mr. Kaiba." Lily said, walking up again. "Would you please join my mother and father and me at our table?" Ryou blinked at the girl, and Seto looked over to the table where Kyo sat with his wife.... and Kakyo.
He noticed Ryou's uneasiness when he spotted Ryou looking directly at Kakyo; he looked to Ryou waiting for the okay to do so before he made the decision himself. Ryou nodded his head slowly as they sat at the table. Seto was a little surprised that Lily said nothing about him and Ryou and she undoubtedly knew about them didn't she? How could she not know? Seto sighed sitting down with Ryou holding his hand under the table for reassurance and glancing back at Lily; 'at least she is one of the polite girls' he thought as he shot a dangerous look at Kakyo telling him he'd better watch his back.
Ryou clenched Seto's hand tightly, and lowered his head. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his breathing, trying to get himself to calm down and stop shaking. His palms were sweating and he knew that Seto was getting suspicious. Trying to seek some form of comfort, he reached out to feel Bakura, and felt a smile tug at his lips when he found Bakura to be having a blast. He and the two Ishtars were out in Seto's back yard. They had uncovered ALL of the pool toys and were now skinny dipping. Well... they WERE. Now they were running through the backyard like maniacs with Super Soakers, playing war in the nude. Ryou enjoyed the entertaining scene through Bakura's eyes for a few moments. Just as Marik got his hands on the garden hose, Ryou was jerked from his trance by Seto calling his name.
"Huh? What?" Ryou said, jumping and looking around.
Seto smiled at him softly "Entertaining day-dream I take it?" Seto said knowing he was watching his Yami and the Ishtar boys. They shared a private joke the others didn't seem to understand but that was okay. He turned his attention back to the speaker at the head of all the tables as waiters were serving appetizers and drinks to everyone while taking orders for main courses and such. Seto smiled at Ryou as Kyo caught his attention.
"We should set up a meeting sometime Mr. Kaiba, talk about our plans on funding your gaming research. I'm sure it would be a big help." He said smiling knowing very well Seto had no clue about any of this.
"That would be a good idea considering I've seemed to have caught amnesia over our previous meetings." He said a slight edge in his voice.
Ryou blinked, easily detecting the hidden venom in Seto's tone. He blinked innocently, and looked back and forth between Seto and Kyo. He turned at a tap on his shoulder, and he leaned towards Lily as she whispered into his ear. Seto watched, carefully. Ryou was frowning a bit. Then, his eyes widened and as Lily sat back up, they both giggled.
"Lily, whispering is inappropriate." Kyo's wife said sternly, though she was looking at Ryou and Lily with a slightly amused look.
"Yes mom." Lily said, and sat up, taking a bite of her salad. Ryou did too. But after a moment, the two glanced at each other through the corner of their eyes and snickered again. Kyo watched all of this and narrowed his eyes slightly, not approving of how friendly Ryou and Lily were already.
Well, at least Ryou wasn't sending him the fires of hell from his eyes and if the two seemed to get along slightly it would make things easier… if Seto didn't despise the girl.
Eventually, the salad plates were removed and the soup was delivered while waiters took orders for the main course.
"Miss?" The waiter asked Lily.
"I'd like the beef medallion, please." She said, and the waiter nodded and turned to Ryou.
"The stuffed Crab, please." Ryou said, and the waiter nodded and turned to Seto, who ordered the same as Ryou. After finishing up with the rest of the table, the waiter left.
"So, umm... Ryou, is it?" Kyo spoke up, and Ryou's eyes widened in surprise of being addressed so suddenly.
"Yes, sir?" Ryou said, not knowing of Kyo's connection to Kakyo.
"How did you meet Seto?"
"Oh, a mutual friend." Ryou said with a smile.
"How long have you known each other?"
"A few years, sir." Ryou said before sipping at a spoonful of soup.
Seto decided to take Ryou off of Kyo's analyzing "You said you wanted to meet again, but you never said a date, it would help a lot more if I knew where and when." Seto said not wanting to agree to meeting him but not wanting him interrogating Ryou about their personal lives either; it was none of his business frankly.
Kakyo smiled and ran his shoe slowly up Ryou's leg and the boy lashed out and tried to kick him but only succeeded in kicking Seto instead. Seto bit back a yelp and gave Ryou a confused look clearly asking 'what was that for?'
"Sorry...." Ryou whispered, mind racing for an excuse. "Um, Marik just startled Bakura, and it passed across to me." He stammered, and then bent over his soup again.
"Ryou, how did you and Seto get together?" Kyo asked, much to Seto's dismay.
"Daddy, leave Ryou alone." Lily said in a scolding tone. "He's shy!!!" Ryou choked on his soup and blushed at this.
"No, it's okay, really." He said, and smiled at Lily, finding her rather likeable. "It was thanks to our friends conspiring against us at the Christmas Party we helped set up at Seto's home." Ryou said, and Kyo blinked.
"I remember that...." He said, frowning slightly. Then, his eyes widened. "You played the piano that night."
"Yes sir, I did."
"So, how exactly did your friends get you together?"
"Daddy!!" Lilly gasped. "Come on!! That's not our business! Mom!!"
"She's right, leave the boy alone." Kyo's wife said, smiling at Ryou and Seto.
Kyo nodded, a little disappointed but said nothing more. Lily glared slightly at her father; it was very rude to ask such personal questions about someone's life, besides if they were happy that's all that mattered right? She wouldn't deny that she was attracted to Seto but almost every girl was so it was nothing new to him obviously...and Ryou was a very sweet person, it's no wonder Seto loved him, all the things said in the tabloid must not be true Ryou didn't seem to fit the profile at all.
The speaker for the moment sat down as the main courses were handed out and they continued to talk and eat, thankfully the talk was appropriate though no more about Seto and Ryou's relationship, a lot of it about business and such.
Ryou giggled as he reached over and snagged a bit of broccoli from Seto's plate after he had eaten all of his. Seto scowled and tried to get it back but only ended up getting poked in the hand with a fork. Ryou grinned and popped the broccoli into his mouth, then made a muffled noise of protest as Seto snagged a forkful of the stuffed crab. Lilly giggled at the pair of them as they began elbowing each other in a playful manner. Kyo and Kakyo were surprised as well; never had they seen Seto act this way in public, playing discreetly with his little companion.
Kakyo decided to put an end to it and ran his foot up Ryou's leg again. Ryou jumped and let out a tiny yip, making Seto look at him curiously. But Kakyo didn't stop there. He moved his foot up further until it was between Ryou's knees. Ryou's eyes were slowly widening and staring at the center piece, trying not to meet Kakyo's gaze.
Kakyo kicked off one of his shoes and replaced it with the other one and began to rub discreetly in-between Ryou's thighs making the youth blush for no apparent reason. "Are you feeling all right? You look a bit flushed." Kakyo commented as he continued to rub against Ryou's length feeling it stiffen slightly from the action he was performing against it.
"Y-Yes...... I'm fine, thank you." Ryou said a slight quiver in his voice that only Kakyo, Kyo and Seto picked up on. Kyo gave Kakyo a sharp look, but Kakyo was looking at Ryou.
"Are you sure?" He asked, pressing down firmly with his toes. Ryou had to fight to stay silent. He nodded his head before lowering it, closing his eyes and giving a dry swallow. Seto blinked, looking down at Ryou's hand. It was shaking, and gripping his fork so hard that his knuckles were white.
Seto wished he knew what was wrong so that maybe he could come up with a better solution. "Um, actually I think we better be leaving, you don't look so well Ryou" He said standing; the event wasn't even over "From what I've seen it's a great exhibit certainly worthy of the donation, I sent in. I'd like to see more of it, but for now I believe it's best that we go." He said bringing Ryou to his feet, who was about to protest but Seto silenced it with a simple stare. "It was a pleasure meeting you all, I'm sure you have my number Kyo and I will be expecting your call." He said as he led Ryou away from the table and once they were outside turned to Ryou.
"What was wrong?" He asked worriedly.
Ryou pulled away from Seto, panting. He stumbled over to a nearby reflecting pond and sat down on one of the stone benches around it. Seto watched as he stripped the coat from himself, ripped the tie from his throat and unbuttoned his shirt halfway. He was terribly flushed, and was still shaking a bit.
"I'm sorry...." He gasped. "I just got all hot and dizzy for some reason.... I don't know what happened....." He lied, trying to get himself to relax.
Seto frowned at glared at Ryou. "Ryou, it would be better to just tell me you'd rather not say instead of making up a lie, I've never appreciated being lied to by anyone especially someone I want to spend the rest of life with." He stated
Ryou's body stiffened and he jerked his head up to look at Seto. He looked ready to cry, but he forced himself to stand and relax.
"Sorry.... I'm fine..." He said in a toneless voice, which startled Seto. He had been ready for Ryou to burst into tears and fling himself into his arms. In fact, he had kind of been hoping for it. The last thing he expected was for Ryou to act so cold.
"Are we going to go back in, or go home?" Ryou asked, fixing up his clothes again.
Seto sighed shaking his head "We should head home." Seto said as they walked to the front and waited for the valet to bring the limo around which felt a lot longer than it actually was. The ride home was spent in silence as Seto tried to get a glance for Ryou but it wasn't working, by the time the arrived home Seto had had enough of Ryou's silent treatment.
"For crying out loud Ryou, say something!" He said; he was a bit angry because he had done nothing but pointed out the fact that Ryou had lied to him...not to mention this wasn't the only time Ryou had done this and he didn't appreciate it in the least if Ryou was going to continue to keep secrets why did he even try to help him with all this.
Ryou looked at Seto, blinked, and then said "I need a shower." And walked into the house.
Seto's jaw dropped. If he was expecting anything it wasn't this. Ryou wasn't acting like himself.... more like Bakura. Seto scowled... he wasn't letting Ryou get away with that. Something was obviously wrong, and Seto was determined to get to the bottom of it.
He grabbed the thick of Ryou's arm making the boy wince but not out of pain. "Ryou, you insist that everything will be okay yet you keep me in the dark about anything that's going on between you and those who hurt you...how am I supposed to help you if you continue to hide things from me..." Seto paused "I hate to say this but do you actually think our relationship will work if you continue to lie to me? Does trust mean nothing to you?" He asked knowing it hurt Ryou to say such a thing because it hurt him to merely say such a thing.
Ryou refused to look Seto in the eyes and tried to pull his arm away, but Seto wouldn't let go.
"Let go of me. I don't want to talk, Seto." He said in a monotone voice, trying to get away.
Ryou was upset... His mind was a whirlwind of different emotions and he was unable to handle them all at one. All he wanted right now was to be alone to try and sort things out. He honestly didn't know why he was lying to Seto. Every time Seto asked him about anything having to do with Kakyo or Tomo, Ryou would just instinctively clam up, and even Ryou himself didn't know why.
"Seto, please... I really don't want to talk right now. Just let me go, please.”
Seto's frown darkened; he was really hurting because of what Ryou was doing but still let him go as Ryou ran from him. He sighed deeply and went into the den pouring him a small drink and sitting down on the couch to think about things for a moment. School was tomorrow which meant Ryou would be in a but more danger because he couldn't be with his during the day, they took different classes...it also left Mokuba in a vulnerable position since he wouldn't be the one picking him up at School, he hoped he could trust his men enough to handle his little brother with care.
He finished off his drink and headed upstairs but took the liberty to sleep in a different room, if Ryou wanted be alone that was fine; he could stay alone the entire night.
Marik and Malik giggled as they ran down the hall with Bakura. They were all, still, in the nude. Bakura shushed them playfully and opened the door to their room. They all burst in, and froze.
Ryou slowly looked up from where he was huddled on their bed. Despite their nudity, Ryou paid Malik and Marik no mind. He looked straight at Bakura, eyes filled with tears and lip trembling.
"Uhhhh..... We'll find another room to sleep in....." Malik said softly, grabbing some pajamas for Marik and himself before pulling his yami out of the room, leaving Ryou and Bakura alone.
"Yami...." Ryou sniffled in a pleading tone, and held his arms out to his dark.
Bakura walked over to Ryou and wrapped his arms around his trembling light as he rocked him gently not saying anything until Ryou's trembling at least slowed down.
"What happened Ryou? Where's Seto?" He asked concerned for his light and wondering about Seto's absence from his own room.
Ryou sniffled and relaxed in his yami's arms, neither of them really noticing that Bakura was still naked.
"I don't know.... I, I guess I hurt him... but... I didn't mean to, Bakura, I didn't! I just... I didn't want to talk, and he...." Ryou rubbed his arm where Seto had grabbed him; it had been in the same place as the bruise that Tomo had left him with the night that everything had started. Bakura saw this, but said nothing. "Bakura, I don't know what to do. They... they were there, at the museum tonight. And Bakura, they're not just trying to get to me, but now they're threatening Mokuba, too! I don't know what to do...." And he shook his head before resting it on Bakura's shoulders.
Bakura let go of Ryou and looked at him sadly "I could help, Ryou, if you would let me, but you won't tell any of us who these people are so there is nothing I can do, nothing any of us can do...you chose to keep it a secret from us." Bakura said and stood, shocking the youth and obviously hurting him too "We want to help but we can't until you tell us who did this, give us a name or something." Bakura said "Until you decide you trust us Mokuba's safety is in your hands." Bakura said, and turned to get some pajamas for himself
Ryou stared at Bakura, feeling betrayed. He had come to Bakura for comfort, the one he trusted to comfort him more than anyone else in the world, and he had hurt him. After a moment he nodded and stood from the bed and slowly walked to the door. He opened the door and stepped into the hall.
"The one who seemed to be in charge...." Ryou said softly, looking back at Bakura. "I.... I never caught his name. I don't know it." And he left. Bakura frowned. There had been two. Ryou didn't know the leader's name, but he obviously knew the other's name.
Ryou walked down the hall in a numb state. He wandered the house for an hour and a half, thinking to himself. Eventually, he made his way outside and wandered the grounds, too.
At about 4 am, Bakura was woken by a timid knocking on his door.
When he answered it, Ryou was on the other side.
Bakura stepped aside as Ryou walked in a sat on his bed; he had decided to let Malik and Marik have a night alone together, so he and Ryou were alone now.
"Have some time to think about things?" He asked idly. "You should have gotten some sleep; you have school tomorrow." Bakura said standing in front of Ryou.
Ryou was shaking slightly; it had been cold outside. He shuddered slightly, and then slowly raised his eyes to Bakura's.
"Kakyo." He said, softly. "His name is Kakyo. He was there tonight. At our table. And he kept.... touching me under the table." Ryou said, and looked down, another tremor running through his frame. Slowly, he moved back onto the bed and lay down, his eyes falling closed. He was clearly exhausted. "Bakura... stay with me?" He asked, softly, curling up and beginning to drift off to sleep.
Bakura smiled and lay down next to Ryou wrapping his arms around him and snuggling to him lovingly like a brother would more than a lover. It wasn't everything but it was a start to Ryou telling them everything
"You should tell Seto tomorrow he's probably hurting as much as you are Ryou, talk to him tomorrow will you?" Bakura asked.
Ryou sniffled and whimpered slightly, then shook his head. "I don't know... we'll see....." Ryou said, sighing and going to sleep. Bakura smiled down at Ryou and glanced at the clock, frowning. Poor Ryou had to be awake in an hour and a half. How he would do it, Bakura didn't know. Bakura relaxed and fell asleep moments later.