Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 14
Ryou yawned and cuddled into the warm body beside him. As his mind woke, he smiled to himself. He was home. Home with Seto, in Seto's bed, in Seto's arms and..... That's not Seto. Ryou discovered upon opening his eyes. His head jerked up as he stared at Mokuba nestled among the blankets between Ryou and Seto and clutching a little Blue Eyes White Dragon plushie. Ryou blinked and blushed when he remember that was naked under the blankets, and Seto probably was too. But.... He smiled. Mokuba must have had a nightmare. He wiggled into his boxers that were under the blankets and pet the boy's dark hair, then reached over him and poked Seto. Seto grunted and opened his eyes. Ryou smiled and put a finger to his lips, handing Seto his boxers, and then looked down at Mokuba again.
Seto smiled a little awkwardly as he slipped on his boxers with as little motion as possible so not to wake the sleeping boy next to him, Seto was used to having Mokuba slip in bed with him when he was sleeping but never had it happened when he was naked so it was a bit strange. He sighed as rested his cheek on the top of Mokuba's head while he looked into Ryou's eyes.
Ryou smiled and leaned over, kissing Seto lightly. It was quick, and he pulled away quickly. Smiling, he slid from the bed and stretched. Seto followed, tucking the blankets around his brother. Ryou made his way into the bathroom and started the shower. Seto followed, locking the bathroom door after him. Ryou turned and kicked off his boxers, then faced Seto.
"Good morning." He said, cheerfully. "How did you sleep, Seto?"
"Better than I have in weeks." He said drawing Ryou into his arms and hugging him lovingly. "I always sleep better with you there with me..." He said softly as he nuzzled his face in Ryou's hair. Seto smiled and kicked off his own boxers and tested the water before stepping inside and motioning Ryou to join him.
Ryou climbed in and stood right under the water, soaking his hair right off.
"Mmmmm.... that feels good...." Ryou said, then turned and moved to Seto, wrapping arms around his waist and resting his head on his chest. "It feels so good to be close to you like this again. I missed you." And he looked up at Seto, eyes shining in adoration. "Did you miss me, Seto?" He asked, knowing the answer quite well, but still wanting to hear it.
"Of course I did, you know how much I love you." He said sincerely turning Ryou around as he began to lather up his back gently massaging the tense muscles as he did so.
Running his hands down Ryou's arms and sides just wanting to feel him, to be close to him and to know that Ryou belonged to him and no one would take him away. He hugged Ryou from behind smiling softly, everything in this particular moment was perfect, he had Ryou, he had Mokuba, both were safe and nearby and he didn't have to worry at that moment for everything was fine.
"Seto...." Ryou said softly, smiling and leaning back into Seto's chest and letting the CEO rock him back a forth. "Mmmmmmm........." He pulled away and turned, deciding that it was his turn to wash Seto. He shampooed his hair and soaped up his chest, then moved to his back, and then knelt to wash his legs. When he was done, he simply sat on his heels in front of Seto, a look of being lost in deep thought on his face.
Seto knelt down as well and cupped Ryou's cheek bringing him out of his trance "You okay?" Seto asked looking at Ryou slightly concerned
Ryou blinked, and then smiled. "Yeah. Sorry." He said, and kissed Seto again. "I'm fine. Just.... thinking. I'm hungry." And he stood and stepped out of the shower, wrapping his towel around his waist.
Seto frowned as he followed suit and went into the bedroom where Ryou was dressing and began to do the same "Ryou...what were you thinking?" Seto asked slipping on his slacks and looking at Ryou intently.
Ryou smiled and glanced at Mokuba still asleep in the bed. "Mokuba, actually. Seto.... Do you think that he's.... lonely?"
Seto sighed and leaned against the wall, granted the thought that Mokuba was a bit lonely had crossed his mind and he didn't ever bring any friends home or anything, he went on school trips and such but Seto didn't even recall Mokuba even calling friends. "He might be..." Seto said softly thinking for a moment "Not to sound cruel or anything but what's the point of this question?" Seto asked no malice implied or intended he was merely curious on why Ryou was addressing this.
Ryou shrugged and headed for the door, and Seto followed. "Well... I've never seen any of his friends. When we pick him up from school he's always waiting alone. Seto.... I worry. It reminds me of...... me....." Ryou said, and lowered his eyes, continuing to walk down the hall. "If it weren't for the Ring pointing to Yugi's Puzzle that first time we met....." Ryou shrugged. "I'd probably still be alone and have no friends. Much less you. But Mokuba doesn't have a random magic item that will draw him into chaotic adventures and stuff..." Ryou smiled and laughed a little at that. "Seto... I know what's it's like to feel lonely. And I don't want Mokuba to have to go through that. Want pancakes?" Ryou asked as they entered the kitchen.
"Sure." Seto said "And I know, but it's hard to fit in sometimes, he may not have a magic item but the name Kaiba does not imply 'hugs and puppies' I didn't have much friends either until I was drawn into Yugi's little group." Seto said sighing slightly. "I don't want him to be lonely either but unfortunately there is little me and you can do about that..." Seto paused "We could take him along to the charity events we have lined up; it might make him feel a bit more involved." Seto said
Ryou's head shot up. "No... NO!!" He cried out, startling Seto. "Seto, no. Bad idea! Disaster waiting to happen! No. Absolutely not. I won't allow it." Seto blinked as Ryou began mixing pancake batter. "No... I won't allow it." And he shook his head slightly. Seto narrowed his eyes as Ryou closed his eyes and gave a massive shudder before shaking his head and stirring the batter at a fevered pace, mumbling to himself under his breath. He paused and rubbed his eyes furiously before going back to stirring the batter.
Seto stopped Ryou's movement and looked at him tears rimming his brown doe like eyes as he kissed his forehead "I understand why you don't want him coming along with the threat issue in all Ryou, and I don't intend to put Mokuba in any type of danger and I certainly didn't mean for him to be joining us tonight or anything." Seto smiled and squeezed him softly "The hopefully close future when we don't have to worry any longer about ourselves or him." Seto said sitting on the counter.
Ryou blinked. "Tonight? What's tonight? What are you talking about?"
"There is a musical premier tonight...I take it Bakura never delivered that message." Seto said shaking his head
"No.... He didn't." Ryou said, pouring out the batter into a pan and plopping blueberries into it. "What musical?"
"A production of Phantom of the Opera, it has some very talented actors and of course they want funding to make a new pit for the orchestra to improve the acoustics of the theater...at least it's for a good cause and I got us a private booth." Seto said smiling
Ryou turned and his eyes widened. "REALLY?!?" He gasped, and Seto yelped as he found himself pounced on by Ryou. "OH MY GOSH!!! Seto, you're the best!!!" Ryou squealed as he hung on Seto, his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist as he covered the CEO's face with kisses.
"Hey! Is that pancakes I--ACK!! GET A ROOM!!!" Was Mokuba's good morning as he walked into the kitchen.
Ryou jumped off Seto as Seto simply shook his head at Ryou who went back to the pancakes. "Good morning to you too Mokuba, sleep well?" Seto asked
Mokuba yawned and rubbed his eyes. "I had a nightmare...." He mumbled, and Ryou gave him a hug.
"We suspected as much when we found you in our bed." He said, and smiled. "You wanna tell us about it?" Ryou asked as he flipped the pancakes. Mokuba frowned slightly.
"Just bad memories." Mokuba said, sitting next to Seto. Ryou smiled at Mokuba and plopped the first pancakes before him along with some boysenberry syrup.
"Well, here. Just for you. Eat up, Mokie." Ryou said, and Mokuba glared.
"Oh, shut up, Ryou." He snapped, and Ryou laughed as he gave Seto his pancakes.
Seto smiled but turned his attention back to Mokuba who seemed particularly upset "You still look a bit shaken, are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" Seto asked sympathetically. He wanted Mokuba to fell like he could always tell him things.
Mokuba shook his head. "Just nightmares of when Pegasus stuck my soul in that card." Mokuba said, and Seto and Ryou shuddered, both knowing what that felt like.
"Hey, you were lucky." Ryou said. "You didn't get played as an actual card to be used against your friends." He said as he sat down with his own pancakes. "So, Mokuba... me and Seto are going to a musical tonight. You have any plans?"
"No. I'll just stay here and watch porno flicks on Pay-Per-View." Mokuba said, making Seto choke. Ryou and Mokuba laughed and Seto scowled at Mokuba.
"Mokuba, with all that's been happening to me...." Ryou said carefully. "I don't want you to be alone. Would you like it if I called Bakura and Marik and Malik and have them come over to hang out with you?" Mokuba looked up eagerly.
"Oh, would you?! That would be awesome, Ryou!!" Mokuba said, looking excited. "Seto, can he? Please!!!"
"Marik and Bakura really do like Mokuba, Seto. And they'll behave. What do you say?"
"That's fine, good thinking also." Seto said "I'm sure they'll be entertaining as well...I don't really want to replace any more furniture so please ask them to refrain from certain activities if you will." Seto said remembering the order he just put in for Marik and Malik's new bed and also a new desk requesting the previous one to be dropped off in their room with the new bed.
Ryou smiled. "I will, Seto." He said. "So, what time is the musical?"
"Five." Seto said. "And when it's over, a light dinner will be served."
"Ooooh... fancy food." Ryou said and smiled, while Mokuba made a face and promptly asked Seto if he could order a pizza that night.
"Sounds good, Bakura and the Ishtars won't object to that I'm sure." Seto said finishing his pancakes and placing the dishes in the sink. "I'll call Bakura and the others to make sure they don't run off again before I catch them, they are probably still asleep...especially after last night." Seto said remembering how they raided Kakyo's house Seto only hoped it was the right house.
Ryou did the dishes while Mokuba ran off excitedly. Ryou smiled at Seto over his shoulder and winked.
"So, Seto....." He said. "What do we do for the several hours we have before the musical?"
Seto grinned and stood, stalking towards Ryou with a wicked gleam in his eyes. Ryou's eyes widened and he screamed as he was thrown over Seto's shoulder.
Mokuba glanced up as Seto walked by with a screaming Ryou over his shoulder. He sighed and rolled his eyes.
"There they go again." He grumbled.
Eventually, three o'clock rolled by and Ryou and Seto hit the showers and began to get ready. They got into their tuxes, fixed their hair, put on cologne and hopped into the car, Ryou making his usual dive for the much loved grape soda.
Seto smiled, he actually missed Ryou's little dives to the fridge as he pulled Ryou close and into his lap just content to sit with him as close as possible. Tonight should be to hectic they would watch the play, eat, then socialize for a while after making a donation then go home, it should be relatively quite.
To Seto's amusement, Ryou was already singing little tunes from the musical to himself. But he stopped when the window between them and the chauffer rolled down. Seto blinked. When they stopped at a stop light, the driver turned around and smiled.
"Haven't had a chance to tell you yet, but, Welcome Home, Master Ryou." He said. Seto blinked, and Ryou grinned.
"Thanks. Great to see you again!" Ryou said cheerfully, then yelped "GREEN LIGHT!" when the car behind them honked. The driver chuckled and drove, rolling up the window again. Ryou smiled and cuddled into Seto's side.
"I think that's the first time he's actually said something beside 'yes sir'." Seto said laughing softly. He sighed and Ryou slipped out of his lap and contently waited for their arrival which was upon them soon enough and Seto happily held Ryou's hand as they walked inside the beautiful performance hall.
Ryou smiled and looked up at the cavernous ceiling. Seto was looking around, watching all the people staring at Ryou. He noticed that this time, many of them looked more shocked and amazed than hateful.
"Oh, Seto, it's beautiful!!" Ryou gasped, staring up at the chandeliers.
"I hope they don't remodel everything, it is a beautiful hall." they took a short tour together but soon the performance would start and they went to their private booth complete with opera glasses and earphones already supplied, the lights dimmed and Seto instantly leaned over and kissed Ryou on the lips gently and lovingly as he squeezed his hand affectionately.
Ryou purred and giggled, and kissed Seto back. They made out for the rest of the Overture, and then stopped when the musical actually began. Seto enjoyed watching Ryou watch the first act almost as much as watching the first act itself. Ryou was delighted by everything, especially the scene of the Phantom and Christine in the boat. His eyes were wide and didn't blink, and he had a big smile on his face throughout the scene. Only when the curtain fell for intermission did Ryou lean back into his seat and tear his eyes from the stage.
"Oh, Seto, this is wonderful!" He said a big shinning smile on his face.
"I'm glad you're enjoying it, this is one of my favorite plays also...have you never seen it?" Seto asked softly to make conversation until the fifteen minutes was up. A man interrupted them momentarily asking if they would like to go ahead and place their order for dinner so their meal could be out to them as soon as possible as Seto and Ryou both agreed and placed their orders and were once again left alone.
"No, I've never seen it, Seto. I love the soundtrack, though." Ryou said, and then the door opened again and young woman asked them if they would like a drink. Ryou ordered (surprise surprise) a grape soda, and Seto simply got a ginger ale. A few minutes later, she brought them their drinks and they were left alone again.
Tomo looked up at the booth where Ryou and Seto sat, looks like they were still together so that meant a bit more drastic measures would need to be taken and even though Kyo objected Mokuba was a prime target and he could easily use the boy against Ryou if nothing else. Kakyo walked up to him seeming intensely pissed off as he grumbled something under his breath that Tomo didn't catch.
"Why such a foul mood?" Tomo asked
"That, that, that BITCH!!!" He snapped, causing several people to glare. Kakyo glared up at Ryou, wishing intense bodily harm and death on the boy. There was still a few minutes of the intermission, so he grabbed Tomo and dragged him from the theatre and out onto a deserted balcony. "Kaiba's little WHORE TALKED!!" He hissed. "My house, my car, was all vandalized! SPRAY PAINT!!! All over my house and car!! And IN my house! It was broken into and burglarized! And I KNOW it was his brother and his incestual sluts! My wife is asking questions Tomo, and when Kyo finds out...." He shook his head and began to pace.
Tomo was also slightly enraged by this as well in no way was Ryou supposed to get the upper hand on this situation; he was supposed to keep his pretty little mouth shut.
"Well then, well just have to remind him who he belongs to now won't we." He looked to Kakyo "Do you have any reserves against abducting Mokuba now?" Tomo asked knowing Kakyo was slightly reluctant to do so in the first place but hopefully he was pissed enough to agree.
Kakyo shook his head. "No, Tomo. Leave the kid out of this. For God's sake. I don't have a kid but I have a little nephew and.... No. Leave the kid out of this, but that little slut.... Oh, if could get my hands around that scrawny neck of his......." He snarled and pantomimed strangling something.
"Listen to me for a moment Kakyo, I'm not going to hurt the kid just use him against Ryou is all...I can't tell Ryou I have him without proving it, as long as Ryou plays nice Mokuba will be fine and we can lie about hurting the kid and Ryou I'm sure will do practically anything to keep him safe." Tomo said although more than likely Mokuba would be given his own share of pain in the process of this but not nearly as much as Ryou would.
Kakyo paced back and forth and few times, then sighed and his shoulders slumped. "Fine." He said at last. "Fine, just... don't hurt the kid and give him back to Seto safe and sound. He's an innocent in all of this."
Tomo rolled his eyes at Kakyo "You do realize how idiotic you sound right?" He said "I'll take care of getting Ryou and since you are so concerned about Mokuba you can handle getting him all right...oh and not a word about Mokuba to Kyo understand?" Tomo said firmly.
"I'm not stupid!! Now how am I supposed to grab him?" Kakyo snapped, clearly still not happy with involving Mokuba.
"He doesn't seem to have any friends at school so he is most vulnerable then, he waits for Seto alone outside the school gates, he should be easy enough to abduct, and don't screw it up unfortunately the kid will be our only thing to use upon Ryou for a while, as soon as we have both of them I'll be sending Seto the tape we made of Ryou, I blurred out our faces on the tape although they already seem to know who you are." Tomo said as he glanced back at the booth where the small shadow of Ryou could be seen. "I have my own ways of getting Ryou so don't worry about it." Tomo said brushing his suit and running a hand through his black and red hair as he turned his green eyes to Kakyo smiling slightly "We'll have plenty of time to play with Ryou, so start making plans it will be a fun filled weekend for us." He said walking out of the hall deciding it was time for him to take his leave.
Ryou and Seto stopped making out as the second act began and watched the rest of the performance. Seto had to admit, it was one of the best he'd ever seen, but it was nothing compared to how impressed Ryou was. As the musical ended, Ryou couldn't stop talking about it. Seto laughed at Ryou's enthusiasm as they headed towards the reception area.
The host bowed to them and led them to a table for two in the corner of the room in respect to Seto's specific request for the table. Ryou sat and smiled at Seto across from him and reached out, letting Seto take his hand.
Seto didn't care about the glances, Ryou's smiling face was all that was on his mind at the moment and it was contagious as he himself let a smile grace his features as Ryou continued to talk about the play. Seto remembered that at the end Ryou's eyes became misty with tears and he knew he would have to take Ryou out to musicals more often.
Of course, Ryou shut up as soon as the food was set down before them. Ryou happily began to eat his Seafood Pasta, digging around and eating the calamari first, to Seto's amusement. So far, the evening had gone smoothly, and Seto hoped that it would stay as such.
Once their meal was finished Seto was slightly surprised that Lily walked up to the table and asked if she could join them for moment. Seto liked Lily; she wasn't like the other women so he nodded letting her take a seat as the speaker stood and began to give his speech.
"I must apologize to both of you father insisted I come over, I really didn't want to disturb you two, you look like are both having a very good time." Lily sia dwith a smiled as she looked at Ryou "I heard that you were put in the hospital Ryou are you doing okay?" She asked not knowing the reason why he was put in the hospital only over hearing it from her father.
Ryou blinked, then smiled and nodded. "Fine, thank you." He said.
Seto looked at her confused "How did you know about that?" He asked there was nothing int eh papers amzingly enough and the only ones that knew about it were the doctor's, his friends, and the a few at the school that saw the incident and caused it. Also the ones that caused the entire thing.
Ryou blinked, wanting to know the answer to that, but he suddenly met eyes with Kakyo. He stared as the man glared at him in pure loathing. Ryou blinked, then remembered what his yami had been up to last night. He winced, and looked away.
"I heard my father talking about it to one of his assistants, I wonder how he knew..." Lily said as she turned to see the same assistant next to her father at that mometn and noticed Ryou's suddenn uneasiness at the situation and it was followed by an akward silence as Seto's phone vibrated and he stood excussing himself to take the call seeing it was coming form his own house. He gave ryou a reassuring glance and sxcussed himself.
Ryou rolled his eyes, wondering what the hell Bakura had done. He sighed, and looked at Lily, who smiled and told him that she was glad he was okay and then returned to her father's table. Ryou looked down and popped a chunk of crab meat into his mouth only to find another woman suddenly sitting at his table. He looked up and inwardly groaned. It was one of the three sisters, daughters of the woman who had given him trouble at that charity even so long ago where he and Seto first went public.
"May I help you?" He asked, knowing that this conversation would not be pleasant
"I thought you and Seto broke up." She said, and Ryou blinked.
"Ummm... no. Obvisouly that isn't true." He said.
"Why on earth he would stay with a tramp like you is beyond me, I read all those stories baout you in the tabloid with your brother nonetheless, what lie did you tell Seto to get him to stay with you? I bet you begged him not to dump you and he just felt sorry for you and he's just with you out of pity and is waiting for the right moment to break up with you then you can go and screw around with your brother and those twin sluts again." She spat.
Ryou eyes widened and he jumped to his feet, sending a glass shattering on the floor. The girl stood up as well, startled.
"How dare you....." Ryou hissed, shaking in rage. "How dare you?! You know nothing about me, or Seto!! We are together because he loves me, and I love him! And Bakura is not my brother, nor my lover! I have been faithful to Seto, which is more than you would be if he suddenly decided to do something ungodly and go out with a slut like you! You're not some High Society Diva that all the men swoon over. You are nothing but a brainless shallow peice of trash!!!" Ryou snapped.
The girl clenched her teeth in anger "You bastard how dare you speak of me in such a way!" She yelled grabbing more attention as she slapped Ryou across the face and as the girls father approached she turned on the water works. The father turned a angry glance toward Ryou.
"What the hell have you done?" He bellowed at Ryou
Ryou glared. "Nothing other than than telling her the truth!" Ryou spat, and the girl wailed.
"Daddy!! He called me a shallow brainless peice of trash and an ungodly slut!!!" She cried out, making sure that the whole room heard. Ryou's eyes widened and he slowly took a step back as the father turned on him.
"WHO is a ungodly slut and a peice of trash, you filthy little whore?!" He roared, and Ryou stared as the man pulled back his fist.
Seto sighed and hung up on Mokuba, who was asking if it was okay if they ordered a movie on Pay-Per-View. Mokuba did it so often that Seto a Parental Controls lock on it. He had just given the code to Bakura, after making the yami promise that the movie they got would be appropriate for Mokuba. As he re-entered the recetion hall, he immediately felt the tensing of the atmosphere. He blinked and his eyes widened as he saw a man slam his fist into Ryou's jaw. Ryou yelped and spun to the floor where he lay, unmoving.
Seto instantly felt something snap inside of him when he saw this, he didn't care about the fact that this was a social event and that everyone's attention was draw upon him as he turned the on the man that hit Ryou and slammed his fist into that of the unsuspecting father's face as he sent the man sprawling on the ground with an unappealing grunt as he held the side of his face. Seto would have continued to pummel the man before him but went to Ryou to see if he was okay and it would have ended there is a few others had not decided to make it a point to piss him off further, if he had to kick everyone's ass in this entire theater to get to Ryou he would and a few snobby stuck up rich ass holes were not going to stop him. He glared at one of the men who actually had the balls to shove him backward slightly away from Ryou.
"It's over Kaiba." The man said in a snooty tone. "It's just not proper for a man of your rank to be involved with some no good slut. Especially another BOY. This relationship you have MUST end." Ryou groaned as he felt himself being jerked to his feet by a harsh hand.
"You've spent enough time gallivanting about where you don't belong." The man snarled to Ryou, and another man took Ryou's other arm. They began to drag him across the room, and as they did, other people started standing, fixing their bloodthirsty stares onto Ryou, who was stumbling, and shaking his head, trying to clear his vision and figure out what was going on.
"The only thing that is over is this conversation." Seto said as he tried to move past them but again he was stopped having had enough his hand shot out hitting the man much in the same way he had the other, all the pent up pain, frustration, agony, and tears were directed to the surrounding crowd that attempted to stop him from getting to Ryou. He didn't care any more what they thought it didn't matter he loved Ryou and nothing was going to stop him from loving him no matter what these men thought. He was so sick and tired of it all why could they not just leave them alone. He finally was close enough to Ryou to grab his hand and pull him from the man who was pulling him away as he clutched Ryou protectively to his chest and turned his angry gaze to the crowd.
"Damn you all..." He seethed practically shaking from his anger "None of you have any business interfering with my personal life especially not my love life, think what you will but I will not allow those thoughts to physically effect the people I love! Just leave us alone dammit!" He yelled and pulled Ryou out of the theater and to the car as he hurriedly got in not one releasing his hold on Ryou as he held him close in the car burying his face in Ryou's shoulder as his shoulder shook slightly and it took a moment for Ryou to register Seto was crying...
"Why can't they just leave us alone?" HE asked softly his voice slightly choked by tears.
Ryou slowly wrapped his arms around Seto, and this time, it was he who held his lover, stroking his back and murmuring words of comfort.
"Shhhhhh....... Hush, Seto. It's okay. I'm fine. We're together. That's all that matters. I love you." Ryou forced Seto to look at him, and he smiled. "I love you, Seto Kaiba." And he moved in and kissed Seto with a loving tenderness that brought more tears to Seto's eyes. "I love you so much."
Seto kissed Ryou back which seemed to calm his rattled nerves a lot as he hugged Ryou back "I love you too." He said softly as they pulled in front of the mansion Seto took a deep breath and got out of the car. "Let's get some ice for that jaw...it looks a bit swollen." Seto said as he took Ryou's hand.
Ryou nodded.
/Bakura?/ He called out to his yami.
/You and Marik get your asses to the kitchen right now. Something's happened./
Bakura stood up and grabbed Marik's arm who was transfixed on the move but jolted away by Bakura grabbing him. Mokuba and Malik looked at them curiously "You two stay here I'm just gonna slip in the kitchen and have a word with Marik." Bakura said as he drug Marik in the kitchen who whined pathetically.
"Hey! I didn't do anything I've been good!" He whined as he was seated at the island in the middle of the kitchen as Ryou and Seto walked in Seto immediately getting an ice pack for Ryou. "Oh." Marik said simply understanding now.
Ryou took the icepack and put it to his jaw, then moved over to Bakura and hugged him, then glanced at Marik. Marik blinked when Ryou glanced at Seto. Then he nodded and put a hand on Seto's shoulder. Seto blinked and Marik jerked his head towards the door, pulling the CEO out. The pair walked outside and across the lawn.
"So... What happened?" Marik asked.
"I don't have the full story I just walked back in the room and saw Ryou get punched in the face, I snapped and gave a fair amount of bruises to a fair amount of people before I could get to Ryou." Seto sighed "I just want to be with him, why can't anyone understand that?" Seto asked shaking his head.
"You hit people? Go Seto!!" Marik cried, and gave Seto a small punch in the arm. "Well done. Show them that you care about him and that you aren't going to take that kind of shit! No worries, Kaiba. Ryou will be fine. He loves you. All he talked about while you were apart was you. How much he loved you, how much he missed you, how much he wanted to go home....." Marik smiled. "And tonight, you were his Knight in Shinning Armor!!" And Marik got a weird dreamy look on his face.
"I have no doubt that he loves me and I love him just as much...but I can't shake the feeling that this is becoming to dangerous for him...I'm so sick of seeing him hurt and it breaks my heart every time he suffers for crimes he never even committed." Seto said sadly leaning against the wall
Back in the kitchen, Ryou and Bakura sat side by side on the counter. Ryou had just finished telling Bakura what had happened. "If I had just kept my big mouth shut, none of this would have happened. It would have been the perfect night, I wouldn't have an icepack on my face and Seto wouldn't be so upset." Ryou finished, and sighed, depressed.
Bakura patted and stroked Ryou's back. "It'll be okay Ryou, if you haven't proved anything before you sure as hell have proved it now." Bakura said as Seto sighed and walked in with Marik, and hugged Ryou strongly.
"You okay?" Seto asked as Ryou placed the ice pack on Seto's bruised knuckles making him smile softly at him.
Ryou smiled at Seto and nodded.
"Awww.... come on, now. Let's see you kiss!!" Marik cooed, and Ryou giggled. Bakura covered his mouth to hide his grin. Ryou turned to Seto and took his hands, placing one on his hip, and the other over his shoulder. Then he wrapped his own arm around Seto's back and used his other hand to comb through Seto's hair. Then he leaned up, and kissed him.
"WOOHOO!!!" Marik crowed, and Bakura shushed him, dragging him from to the room, to give Seto and Ryou privacy.