Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 15
Mokuba sighed and shifted from foot to foot, readjusting his backpack and grumbling about homework, and knowing that he would be going to Ryou for help with his math assignment. He looked down the street, waiting for the car to take him home, but so far, it was late. No one was around anymore. The poor boy didn't know that an accident had been caused at a nearby intersection for the soul purpose of delaying his ride.....
Tomo watched from the school yard, the place was practically deserted besides a few teachers that were inside and Mokuba waiting for his ride which was late, thankfully Kakyo had created a good disturbance because if his ride was to come and not find Mokuba he would tell Kaiba and Tomo didn't want to deal with Kaiba he wanted Ryou so he needed to act quickly hoping that whatever Kakyo had done would give him enough time to snare Ryou into meeting him again and with Mokuba as a hostage it would be doubtful Ryou would resist.
He very quietly walked closer to the oblivious boy, placing a cloth over his nose and mouth effectively muffling his scream while at the same time forcing the boy to breathe in the fumes… he soon passed out. Tomo checked his surroundings making sure no one saw him as he walked through the school gates and took Mokuba into an alley with him to where his car was waiting. He climbed inside, now all that he needed was for Ryou to get his letter and everything will turn out fine.
………………………&# 8230;
Ryou sighed in boredom as he played some weird game he found on the internet. The door opened and the butler came in and handed a letter to Ryou. Ryou mumbled his thanks and opened the letter. He read over it. His face turned pale and his knuckles turned white as they gripped the piece of paper.
Your presence is required at the request of your boyfriend's baby brother. Come immediately to the location that we met at last time.
A friend.
Ryou felt ill. He felt like he would faint, or throw up, but all he did was slowly get to his feet and move across the room, picking up a pen and paper. He scribbled a note and left it on his and Seto's bed, then turned and made his way out of the room, walking like he was on his way to his execution. He headed to the garage with a pair of Seto's keys and slipped into one of Seto's older cars. He started the motor and drove to the hotel in a daze. He finally got there and took the elevator to the 37th floor and knocked on the door to room 3702, his heart in his throat.
Tomo smiled at Kakyo who sighed, bored at the entire situation "I thought you would be thrilled Kakyo, Ryou playing right into our hands once again...Mokuba means a lot to Ryou and he can't keep the boy lock and key." Tomo said standing from where he sat; Mokuba was in a different room in case Ryou refused to cooperate with them. Tomo heard someone knock on the door as he went to answer happy that Ryou had complied with the letter. "I see you got out little message." He said simply
Though pale as a ghost, furious flames erupted in Ryou's eyes, and he lunged forwards, seizing Tomo's collar.
"Where is he?!" Ryou hissed. "What have you done to him, you son of bitch?! I swear, if you hurt him, I will kill you myself!!"
Tomo glared and grabbed Ryou by the throat pulling him inside the apartment and abruptly letting go of Ryou causing the boy to stumble to the floor. "Now that's not very nice Ryou...your behavior will decide what happens to the boy, it's not a good thing to make me angry, I might end up hurting him." He said knowing his tone was childish only furthering Ryou's anger.
"Fuck you!!!" Ryou shouted back, getting up. "Fuck you! How dare you take Mokuba?! Where is he?!" And Ryou turned and flung the nearest door open, but only faced an empty closet. He turned and ran before Tomo could grab him and flung open the next door. "Mokuba!! Mokuba, where are you?!" He was calling. He closed the bathroom door and ran into the kitchen where Kakyo was. They looked at each other, Kakyo a bit confused on what was going on, and Ryou in hate.
Satisfied that Mokuba wasn't in the kitchen, Ryou turned and stared at the bedroom door. And suddenly, his legs felt like lead. The bedroom... The room that he was forced into... The room where he had lived the most frightening, painful, terrible moments of his entire life. Ryou felt himself shaking. He was terrified. But he had to get Mokuba out of there. Slowly, he forced himself to walk towards the door.
Tomo allowed Ryou to walk into the bedroom where Mokuba awaited, it didn't matter if he saw him or not, it would only make things easier when he noticed the state the youth was in. Bound to the headboard with steel his body stripped of all clothing and unconscious. Granted Tomo nor Kakyo did anything to the boy, they had some self respect...but Ryou didn't need to know that, he could believe what he wished to believe the situation to be, it didn't matter to Tomo how he perceived the situation, the worse his temper got the better it would be for him and Kakyo to ensnare him.
Ryou's entire body tensed as he stared at the sickening sight. He heard a shrill scream, and it took a moment for him to realize that he was the one screaming. He launched himself onto the bed and tried to free Mokuba, still screaming hysterically, cursing at Tomo and himself between his sobs as tears blurred his vision.
Tomo simply smiled "I believe you'll need a key to open those chains Ryou." He said simply loving the panicked look and frantic efforts as Ryou scrambled to release Mokuba.
Ryou whirled and leapt at Tomo with a banshee-like shriek, flying through the air and attacking him tooth and nail. "DAMN YOU!! DAMN YOU!!! DAMN YOU!!!!!"
Tomo threw him off pinning him to the floor easily "Be careful Ryou, I don't want to hurt you or Mokuba any more than necessary but it's still on my to-do list right now, so I'd start behaving myself if I were you." he growled dangerously his tone emphasizing the horrors he could commit against both of them if he so desired.
Ryou struggled furiously. "Let go!!!" He screamed. "DAMN YOU!!" He slammed his knee into Tomo's groin and squirmed away, going back to Mokuba, taking off his jacket and laying it over Mokuba's body before he began to gently pet the boy's face.
"M-Mokuba? Mokuba, please, wake up.... Oh, please, Mokuba........"
Tomo growled as he stood up balling his fists together and slamming them into the base of Ryou's head making the boy fall over halfway unconscious from being hit in the head so hard, probably would have a concussion as well. "You need to pay more attention kid," Tomo hissed kicking Ryou in the ribs repeatedly as Kakyo now stood in the doorway and watched
"You should have listened to us and left Seto, things would have been so much easier on us all...and those you love." Tomo said cruelly as Ryou gasped for air. "Mokuba is not the end of victims we have at our disposal because of your incompetence… I'll give you week Ryou and if you are still by his side Mokuba will lose more than his clothes by my hands and your friends will suffer as well until you are the only one left." He growled dropping the key that kept Mokuba bound at Ryou's feet as he and Kakyo quickly left the scene.
After a few moments, Ryou managed to drag himself up. Groaning and sobbing, he freed Mokuba of his bonds and dressed the boy. Lifting him into his arms, Ryou carried Mokuba out of the hotel through a side door and drove back to Seto's house. Seto was already home and was worried over Ryou's absence and cryptic note that he left which read 'Gone to get Mokuba back.' When the car pulled into the front drive, Seto ran out and froze staring at Ryou who was cradling Mokuba in his arms. His eyes were filled with tears as he approached his boyfriend. Seto blinked as Ryou transferred Mokuba into his arms, then turned and headed into the house.
"It's over. I'm sorry....." Ryou mumbled. Seto, confused, followed. Ryou called a taxi, and then headed for the stairs. "I'll pack and leave."
Seto stood frozen utterly confused and although he knew Mokuba needed him he didn't want to just let Ryou walk away from him. He handed him to a maid and went after Ryou following him upstairs.
"Wait! What in hell are you talking about?" He asked
Ryou simply shook his head, unable to speak through the sobs that overcame him as he crammed his belongings into a bag. Set grabbed his wrists, and Ryou slumped over into his chest, his body shaking violently.
Seto drew him into his arms as Ryou cried freely on his chest before he suddenly pulled away and shook his head refusing to take comfort in the embrace. "Ryou..." Seto said softly "Talk to me, tell me what happened." Seto said it was more of a command than a request he was tired of being in the dark and oblivious to the things Ryou had to endure all for his sake, he wanted Ryou talk to him.
Ryou hiccupped as he zipped the bag closed and slung it over his shoulder. He looked up at Seto.
"They did it. They went after Mokuba. They kidnapped him. And If I stay, they'll do it again. And this time, they'll hurt him." And Ryou headed for the door. "I'll send Bakura or Marik for the rest of my things later, Seto." And he left the room. Seto blinked, still in shock after hearing about Mokuba, but he shook his head and chased after Ryou.
"Ryou stop!" Seto yelled grabbing his wrist to stop him mid step. "We've been through this already Ryou, and I won't lose you to them!" Seto yelled. They had stayed together up until now there was no point in giving up. "If you give up on me now what was all our fighting for then?" Seto asked
"We were fighting for US!!!" Ryou screamed back, tears cascading down his face. "But Seto..... It's gone too far. I don't care what they do to me, but they've gone after Mokuba, Seto. And..... If they hurt him.... because of me...... I'd die, Seto. I would never be able to live with myself. I.... I will NEVER forgive myself if something happens to him, I....."
Ryou shook his head, and then stood on his toes, kissing Seto fiercely. Seto was caught off guard by the sudden move, and before he could respond, it was over. Ryou lowered his head as he heard a honking outside. "I'm sorry Seto. I love you. Nothing will change that. But for Mokuba's sake.... we can't see each other anymore. I'm sorry." And he turned and slipped out the front door, running down the front steps and leaping into the cab, telling the driver to go before Seto could try and stop him again. The cab pulled away and Ryou turned around to watch Seto in the back window.
Bakura sat on the couch flipping through the television when the door opened, Marik and Malik went to the store to buy some more food so he guessed it was them. He turned around the greet them but instead saw Ryou and he was crying almost hysterically as he ran up to his room slamming the door. Bakura went straight after him and as he entered the youth's room seeing him crying his heart out into his pillow, Bakura could basically feel his heart break. He approached Ryou cautiously.
"Ryou?" He asked softly
Ryou lifted his head, fixing devastated eyes on his yami. He flung the link wide open, making Bakura stumble at the intense emotional pain that Ryou was in, and he stumbled again when the boy hurled himself into his yami's arms, sobbing the spirit's name over and over again. For nearly half an hour they sat there, Bakura cradling his light in his lap, letting the boy sob into his shoulder and soak his shirt with his tears. Finally, Ryou had quieted down to hiccups, gasps and sniffles, and Bakura stared down into Ryou's face. It was red and puffy from crying and his eyes were half closed in his weariness. Bakura handed Ryou a box of tissues that was nearby, and the boy used up about seven sheets blowing his nose and attempting to dry his eyes, but the latter was a complete failure as the tears refused to stop.
Bakura hugged him close and rubbed his back soothingly as he rocked him back and forth even though Ryou didn't stop crying he knew the motion helped him. As he did this, he gently probed Ryou's mind, bringing up the scene for Ryou's sudden return to mthe Kaiba manor with Mokuba and his abrupt termination of his and Seto's relationship and his hurried departure.
"Ryou...Seto is not going to understand this, he loves you too much to just let you run away he also knows that you will run straight here, you need to talk to him not, run away from him." Bakura said softly, he knew Ryou left him with good reason but it wasn't fair to Seto also what would running accomplish if they needed a time period away from one another that was fine but denouncing your love was a completely different matter.
"How c-can you say that?" Ryou gulped. "You don't know what happened......." And he sniffled again. The door opened downstairs as Malik and Marik returned home.
"Iteeeeeeemriiiiiiiiii........." Marik called in a singsong voice, and Malik giggled.
"Kuuuuuuraaaaaaa......" Malik sang.
"I say that because it's the truth Ryou, do you honestly think he'll just abandon you? He won't do that...he loves you Ryou and I know you love him and if nothing else he deserves to know why you left him, an abrupt a fast explanation isn't good enough he needs to be talked through this." Bakura sighed "You two have been through so much why is it different now?” He asked
Marik and Malik poked their heads in at that moment with psychotic grins on their faces that was screaming 'sex Sex SEX' but the moment they laid eyes on Ryou, their grins vanished. Ryou burst into hysterical sobs again, clinging to Bakura like a life line.
"SETO DIDN'T SEE WHAT I SAW!!! IT WASN'T HIM THEY THREATENED!! IT WASN'T HIM THEY RAPED!!! HE DIDN'T SEE MOKUBA LIKE THAT!!! HE DIDN'T SEE MOKUBA NAKED, TIED TO A BED!!! HE..... He..... he....... oh, gods.... Bakura........" And Ryou continued to cry. Marik and Malik both looked at Bakura silently asking whether they should stay or go.
Bakura hugged Ryou as Marik and Malik did the same embracing the youth until he and cried himself to sleep in their arms the comfort they offered seeming to sooth him somewhat as they gently rocked the youth back and forth and tucked him into bed. "Stay with him, I'll be right back I need to call Seto." Bakura said softly as he left Ryou in the capable arms of Marik and Malik… they were responsible when the situation called for it.
Mokuba moaned as he woke to a pounding headache and his brother calling him softly. Mokuba opened his eyes to find Seto hanging over him, worried. Mokuba blinked and looked around, expecting to see Ryou, and was confused when he did not.
"Seto?" Mokuba asked, and winced, rubbing his head. "How did I get here? What happened?"
Seto embraced him lightly "Are you all right?" He asked quickly. Ryou hadn't bothered to tell him what happened to Mokuba before he left and granted he wanted answers from Ryou, but he wanted to make sure Mokuba would be all right.
"I think..... My head hurts....." Mokuba whined. "The car was late! And someone grabbed me. And there was a funny smell from a cloth on my nose. And then I got dizzy.... and..... Ryou! I heard Ryou! He was screaming! Seto! Where's Ryou?!" Mokuba cried, getting a little too excited for Seto's tastes considering what the boy had been through that day.
Mokuba clutched Seto's upper arm tightly in desperation as Seto gently removed his hands
"But you aren't hurt are you?" Seto asked again as Mokuba shook his head slightly. "Ryou is with Bakura right now...I'm sure he's fine, I need you to try and get some rest though, can you do that for me?" He asked softly hoping Mokuba wouldn't protest.
Mokuba blinked, and then slowly looked down at his hands. He blinked and stared at the red rings around his wrists that the handcuffs had left.
"Seto... what happened? Who took me? Where did they take me? How did you get me back?" He asked.
Seto frowned unfortunately he was as clueless as Mokuba and both deserved answers. "I don't know Mokuba, I wasn't the one who got you Ryou did...and he knows the details I'm sure, but he's rather unwilling to tell me much of anything." Seto basically growled not wanting to be angry but not being able to help himself. Seto wanted to be with Ryou and it hurt when Ryou decided to take everything upon himself and wouldn't allow him to help, wouldn't let him in, they were supposed to be in the fight together not alone yet Ryou seemed to prefer it that way.
Mokuba looked down and sighed. "If Ryou saved me... why isn't he here? Did they hurt him?" As Seto opened his mouth, the phone rang. "I GOT IT!!!!" Mokuba cried, and pounced on the phone. "Kaiba residence, Mokuba here!"
"Mokuba could I talk to....are you all right?" Bakura added quickly remembering what Ryou had told him, apparently he felt well enough to answer the phone but nonetheless he wanted to make sure he was recovering, if he even remembered what happened.
Mokuba blinked. "Bakura? I'm fine. Is Ryou there? Is he okay? Why isn't he here? Do you know what happened, cuz I don't think Seto does."
Bakura smiled slightly, Mokuba seemed fine which was a relief as he sighed "Let me talk to your brother first." Bakura said
"I'll be right back." Seto said kissing Mokuba's forehead who made a slightly sour face at the gesture but accepted it anyway as Seto left and went into the hallway closing Mokuba's door. "Bakura?" Seto said into the receiver.
"Hey. I thought I'd bring you up to date since Ryou doesn't fell like communicating right now." Bakura said. "I saw in his mind how he ran out on you. From what I've put together, Mokuba was kidnapped to lure Ryou away. When Ryou met with the kidnappers they had Mokuba handcuffed to a bed..... ummm.... naked......" Bakura mumbled, knowing that Seto would NOT like that. "And they told him that if he didn't break up with you, they'd hurt Mokuba"
Seto closed his eyes taking a few deep breaths as his hand gripped the phone so tightly it would crack. "Do we know who did this, or is it the same man...or men, considering Ryou won't tell us?" He said as calmly as possible although he was sure his tone was bitter.
"Ryou never said. He was hysterical. He only just calmed down. He's sleeping right now. Marik and Malik are watching over him right now. I suspect that it was the same men. Who else would it be? How do you want to handle this? I don't like to see my hikari cry, Seto."
"Handle what exactly? My brother being hurt, or was it Ryou's injuries? Perhaps Ryou leaving me is what you're referring to." Seto said his breath heavy "Unless you haven't noticed Bakura I have been trying to stop all this, protect Ryou, Mokuba, myself and anyone we care about, but unfortunately Ryou won't let me, he knows at least one of these people's names but will not allow me to bring him any type of justice..." Seto paused for a moment “he wanted to fight this...I'll admit defeat." Seto said sliding to the floor in grief.
"So that's it, then?" Bakura snapped. "You admit defeat and it's over. Because though Ryou hasn't said it, I can tell. He has surrendered. He's not going to fight anymore. If you both quit now, Seto, it's over. It is really and truly over. They have won."
"Enlighten me Bakura, tell me what I am supposed to do, how the hell am I supposed to fight for him when I don't even know who the enemy is?" He asked
Bakura sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Hey, YOU'RE supposed to be the genius. But here's what I can offer. That guy..... Kyo, right? Well..... That guy Kakyo works for him, and when we talked to Kyo, Marik could tell he was hiding something. He is a good bet, Seto. Why don't you start with Kakyo and Kyo?" Bakura stopped and waited for Seto to answer. But after a few moments of silence he sighed. "Unless you've decided that Ryou isn't worth the trouble. Well, he is my hikari, and if you don't do something, I will. But right now, he needs me. I hope your brother will stay safe." And Bakura slammed down the phone.
Seto took a deep breath and clicked the phone off as he pushed himself to his feet using the wall for support as he checked on Mokuba quietly who was watching television happily. Seto smiled at the fact his brother wasn't traumatized by the situation. Marik wasn't the only one who thought that Kyo was hiding something but going into his office and demanding answers would only cause him to guard any secrets deeper. There had to be a way to get under his skin, but that someone had to be willing to help him do it.
"Lily..." He said softly, she seemed to like Ryou and didn't seem even slightly offended by the fact they were together, she was comforting and supportive in their relationship too...she was also Kyo's daughter. He needed help in this endeavor and if Kyo was the cause of all this he needed the man to trust him. Granted he wouldn't let Lily get the wrong idea he would make his intentions known, no one else needed to be hurt and hopefully she could help him.
………………………&# 8230;.
Lily sighed as she got out of the car that had brought her to the small Mediterranean bistro. She walked in and saw Seto at a table in the corner. Waving off the host, she moved over to the table and sat down.
"Hello.... What's wrong? Why did you want me to meet you?" She asked as the waiter filled her water glass.
Seto looked at her, she looked slightly concerned he probably didn't look very rested for he wasn't but that was beside the point. "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but...I need your help and unfortunately you're the only one I think that could help me at this moment." He said softly suddenly feeling as if this was a very bad idea.
Lily blinked. "How can I be the only one to help? What's wrong?" The waiter came up and asked if they wanted an appetizer and both ordered the Greek Salad. "Seto, tell me what's happening."
Seto took a deep breath… granted she probably didn't want to hear that her father was the main suspect for all the abuse Ryou and others have sustained but he had to try as he began the long story.
Seto was silent as he watched Lily closely for a reaction after he finished, hoping she didn't make a scene, he knew doing this was a long shot but it was the only one he had.
Lily stared down at her half eaten Spicy Seafood Pasta (the story had taken so long that they were almost finished with the main course).
"Well..... I hate to say it, but..... That explains allot. I never did like Mr. Kakyo. And Ryou did seem to be on edge when he was around. Seto, I'm so sorry..... I know daddy was behind all of this..... I feel so ashamed.... I'll help you anyway I can. Oh, mom will be furious when she finds out!"
"It's not Kakyo or Kyo I'm worried about honestly, granted Ryou is afraid of him but it's not to the extent Ryou displayed to me or anyone else...I'm trying to find out who else your father hired." Seto said softly "Kakyo doesn't seem so ruthless as to kidnap a little kid Lily, nor considering what happened to his car and home I doubt he wants to partake in this much longer...someone else is pushing him, someone else is helping him, and I need to find out who." Seto said "You don't have to do this at all, but Ryou and I have separated, and I doubt us getting back together with the ever present danger to his and Mokuba's safety...He left to protect Mokuba and I understand that but it doesn't change how I feel nor will it...in all honestly you are my last life line." Seto said
Lily smiled. "I'll do what I can, Seto, but.... I don't know who this third guy can be. I'll do all I can." She covered Seto's hand with her own. "I'm glad that your brother is okay, and I do agree with you... kidnapping Mokuba is not something I can see Kakyo doing. He has a little nephew and he absolutely loves him....." Lily sighed and popped a bit of crab into her mouth. "Tell me how you want to do this."
"I wish I knew, I honestly didn't think you'd agree to this at all." He said shaking his head. "I don't want Ryou or my brother in any more danger, I want them to know that me and Ryou are no longer together...that will give them no reason to hurt them and possibly me time to gain the trust of your father." Seto looked at her as she smiled "Tell me, are you free Saturday?" Seto asked politely hopefully she wouldn't mind pretending for a little while, he needed to get close to Kakyo and through Lily he could do that. He knew that he was using Lily but it was with her consent so it wasn't so bad, and maybe this way he could find this third culprit and keep Ryou and Mokuba safe at the same time, he just hoped in the meantime Ryou wouldn't think that Seto had totally forgotten about him, 'I'm doing this for you Ryou' Seto thought silently.
………………………&# 8230;….
Ryou sighed as he put on his bathrobe and slippers. He yawned as he went down the stairs. He headed to the front door, hearing the snores of Marik, Malik and Bakura coming from the basement. It was eight am. They wouldn't be up for at least another four hours, so Ryou would get to have some time to mope and act all depressed without the three getting on his back and trying to distract him as they had been doing for the past three weeks. Three weeks...... Ryou sighed. It had been three weeks since he ran out on Seto, and he hadn't seen or heard anything from the CEO since. Bakura told him that Mokuba was okay, but that's all Ryou knew. He went outside and grabbed the paper, then went back inside. He poured himself a glass of orange juice and sipped it as he flipped through the paper on the counter. As he reached the back, he froze. His eyes widened, and the glass slipped from his fingers, shattering on the floor right above where Bakura and the Ishtars were sleeping. At the crash, Bakura jerked awake. He blinked, wondering what had happened. A moment later, there was a thud above him as Ryou sunk to his knees.
Bakura wanted to curl up and sleep more but heard muffled cries and quickly stood up pulling on some pant's and quickly going upstairs to where Ryou was slumped over in the kitchen crying into his hands, orange juice and glass was to the boy's left as he gently took Ryou into his arms. He knew Ryou was upset, he had been for a while considering Seto hadn't tried to call or visit, or anything… it made Bakura angry but Ryou said not to do anything, saying that they broke up and Seto could do as he pleased.
"Hikari..." Bakura said not sure what caused the sudden outburst yet trying to soothe Ryou's cries nonetheless.
Ryou clung to Bakura, literally screaming into his chest. Marik and Malik emerged from the basement, blinking in confusion. Malik was wearing Bakura's boxers, and Marik was wearing nothing at all, and was too sleepy to notice.
"Ryou?" Malik asked, and looked down. He turned and grabbed some paper towels and began carefully cleaning the juice and broken glass from the floor. Marik turned and looked at the newspaper, and something caught his eye. He picked up the paper and looked over it.
"Bakura....." He said softly, and Bakura looked up. Of course, the first thing he saw was Marik's manhood. Before he could comment, Marik knelt and showed Bakura the paper.
Bakura looked at the paper. There, right before him, was a photo of Seto and some girl beneath a headline that read "Seto Kaiba Finds His Soul mate?" Bakura skimmed the article. Apparently, Seto had been seeing this.... Lily Abunai..... Ever since..... Bakura swallowed. Ever since Ryou and Seto had separated. Apparently, they had been seeing each other nearly everyday.
Bakura growled slightly, he needed to have a little talk with Seto. He handed Ryou to Malik as he went downstairs dragging Marik with him. "Put on some clothes, you're coming with me to Seto's and we are going to have a little talk with him." He said slipping out of his pants as he was suddenly pounced from behind unexpectedly and kissed. "I'm really in the mood to kill Seto right now Mark..." He half groaned
"Kill?" Marik said, perking up. "Can I come? Who?" He asked, and Bakura rolled his eyes, and looked up at Ryou's scream. There was allot of commotion upstairs, and then Malik appeared at the top of the basement stairs.
"Bakura, Ryou's locked himself in his room again." Malik said.
Bakura sighed "Malik stay here, me and Marik are going to go have a talk with Seto." Bakura said as Malik left and Bakura turned to Marik "Did you even look at the paper?" Bakura asked pulling away as he grabbed a clean shirt and pair of jeans.
"Of course I did, dipshit. I may be blonde, but that doesn't mean I lack a brain. Why do you think I showed it to you? Poor Ryou has been betrayed. Dumped. For a GIRL!!!" And Marik made a face like a housecat that had just tasted something nasty. He pulled on his leather pants and a fishnet shirt. "Bakura, you don't think Ryou will hurt himself do you?"
"No...I don't think he will, he seems to have reserved the rest of the day for crying, we'll worry about the hurting himself tomorrow." He said grabbing Marik's hands as they left the house taking Marik's motorcycle not bothering to take two this time.
Marik revved the engine of his bike. The tires squealed as they tore down the street, heading for Kaiba Corp. After all, where else would Seto be at eight thirty in the morning? They got there soon enough. Marik decided to play dare-devil, and took it a bit farther than Bakura would have liked; he parked his motorcycle in the lobby of Seto's company headquarters.
"It would have been enough to park elsewhere, he now knows we are here… he'd better have a good excuse." Bakura said getting off and praying no one dared touch the bike, Marik would eat their heart. They got into the elevator calmly and pressed the top floor.
Seto even smiled slightly when he heard of the intruders knowing instantly it was Bakura and Marik, who else would it be? He told them not to call security and to let them in. He needed to talk to them anyway but he needed them to come to him.
And come to him they did, Marik with a little too much enthusiasm. As soon as the elevator opened, Marik let out a battle cry that Seto easily heard and that made everyone else freeze. Eyes blazing in psychotic fury, Marik pulled the Millennium Rod and charged towards Seto's office. Bakura blinked then went after him with an 'Oh shit! No, Marik, no!!!' Seto blinked when the door to his office was kicked open to admit a crazed, homicidal Marik. Halfway across the room, he was tackled to the floor by Bakura. Seto sighed, watching them struggle on the floor.
Seto walked to his door and closed it calmly which did not go unnoticed by Bakura who looked at him curiously. "Most are not nearly as calm when a crazed man with a knife charges into their office...what's wrong with you, you haven't even called security." Bakura said noticing the lack of guards.
"I've needed to talk to you for a while now; Ryou saw the paper didn't he?" Seto asked looking down at his own picture with Lily.
Bakura kneed Marik in the groin, finally stopping his struggles, though now he had to put up with the high pitched yelps of pain. Bakura stood and dusted his hands off.
"Okay, rich boy. What the hell is going on? I don't like being awake this early in the morning, especially when the wake up call was my heart broken hikari crying on the kitchen floor. Start talking, and make it fast." The yami snarled, taking a seat on Seto's desk and folding his arms.
"I know who Ryou's other attacker was." Seto said simply knowing that would at least catch the two's attention. "The woman in the picture is Lily, she's Kyo's daughter she helped me get this information that's why we've been together allot. A way of protecting my brother and Ryou from any further attacks while I figured out who this other man was." Seto said "I didn't want to hurt Ryou at all; you should know that Bakura but I needed people to think we were over, I couldn't risk telling him, you, or anyone." Seto said "Not even Mokuba knows."
Bakura and even Marik straightened up.
"You know who the second guy is?!" Bakura gasped. "WHO!?" Marik dragged himself off of the floor, eyes fixed on Seto, this time glittering with a different kind of excitement.
"His name is Tomo, Kakyo finally quit for Kyo too...he's no threat at all anymore but this Tomo guy is a bit ruthless unfortunately." Seto said wanting to kill but he needed his address. "I should be able to find out where he lives... tomorrow, I have a ribbon cutting event at the hospital, will you bring the gang and Ryou...I need you guys to be there." He said softly.
Bakura glanced at Marik, who shrugged.
"Alright. The gang as in, everyone?" Bakura asked. Set nodded. "What about the idiot Pharaoh and the smurf?" Seto rolled his eyes.
"Yes, even the 'idiot Pharaoh and the smurf' Bakura. EVERYONE."
"Okay. When?" Bakura asked, glancing at Marik who was fidgeting.
"Noon, can I trust you two to be awake?" Seto asked slightly sarcastically.
"No." Marik said, and yelped as Bakura smacked him.
"Yes. We'll be there." Bakura smirked. "Any certain dress code?" He asked, looking at Marik's leather pants and fishnet shirt.
"Casual please, Lily will be there but don't you dare hurt her, she's helped us more than anyone." He called for security "Let them escort you out, you made a rather large scene I can't be to careful." He said apologizing with his tone.
Bakura nodded and let the security guards grab him, and Marik did after a moment. Set watched them go, and smirked to himself when Marik's voice drifted back.
"Hey Bakura! It's early enough for us to catch breakfast at McDonalds! I can't remember the last time I had a McMuffin!!" (We don't own McDonalds or any of their products)
The security guards were easily escaped as they hopped on the motorcycle and left the lobby quickly and proceeded down the road. They stopped at McDonalds and picked up some breakfast for themselves, Ryou and Malik hoping Ryou would eat something. Seto had something up his sleeve for this event, otherwise he wouldn't have asked for everyone to be there.
When they got back to the house, they were greeted by Malik who had a brief blonde moment ("Ooh! McGriddle!") Before getting serious.
"Ryou is still locked in his room. He won't answer me. He hasn't stopped crying. He's really, really upset Bakura."
Bakura sighed and went upstairs with the food as he knocked softly on the door but got to answer although he could hear Ryou's muffled cries through the door. "Hikari, I brought you some breakfast...and I have some good news, if you'll please open the door." He said softly.
"GO AWAY!!!" Was his answer. Ryou continued to sob on his bed, surrounded by tissues. When Bakura rattled the doorknob, Ryou crept under the blankets to hide.
Bakura reached into his pocket and pulled out his ID and wedged it between the door and doorframe to open it easily, "you're dealing with a man who knows how to use his fake ID." Bakura said as he set the food down and hugged the slightly resisting Ryou. "Everything will be okay Ryou, Seto's not dating that woman, he's near her to keep you safe, nothing more...I promise you." Bakura said as Ryou lessened his struggles but was still crying.
Bakura sighed and looked down at the lump under the blankets that he was trying to comfort.
"No! He likes her! I know he does..... He.... they probably......" Ryou sobbed. "They're perfect for each other." And Ryou started sobbing hysterically again.
"You know this girl though, her name is Lily, you mentioned her before." Bakura argued "She knows how much you and Seto care about one another she's only trying to help." He said running his back soothingly.
Ryou did not emerge from under the covers, but he did cuddle close to Bakura and put what Bakura THOUGHT was his head into the yami's lap. This was confirmed by the sniffling noise coming from Bakura's lap.
"Bakura.... three weeks. And he hasn't even talked to me. How can you expect me to believe that he doesn't' love her? That he still loves me? If he did, he would have at least called. But he hasn't. He doesn't care, Bakura."
"He was trying to protect you Ryou, doing his best to stop and find out who was hurting you in the first place. He still loves you Ryou and if you don't believe me then we can talk to him tomorrow. He's opening or contributing to a hospital and he wand's you to come...will you?" Bakura asked gently.
Ryou sobbed and did something that looked like shaking his head. "I can't! I can't! Bakura, I can't bear to see him!" Marik strode in at that point.
"Stop whining. You're coming Ryou. You don't have a choice either, got it?" He said, before cramming a third McMuffin into his mouth.
"I don't want to!!!"
Bakura took Ryou's forearms and brought him up to face him, lifting the blanket to see his face. "Ryou, just come with us, if you don't want to see him ever again so be it I won't make you...but I promised you'd be there and I won't break my promise." He said, slightly stern but no malice really.
Ryou peered out at Bakura from under the blanket, and mumbled something. He then wrapped his arms around Bakura's neck and resting his head on his shoulder. Marik smiled and offered Ryou a McGriddle. Ryou blinked and smiled, but shook his head. "No thanks, Marik. That thing is a heart attack waiting to happen."
"No it isn't. It's good for you! See? Egg and sausage is protein, and bread, syrup baked into the bread, and dairy with the cheese. See? All four food groups!" Ryou quirked and eyebrow and he and Bakura glanced at each other.
"Marik, shut up." Malik said, looking into the room. "Ryou please eat it."
"I'm not hungry." Ryou mumbled hiding his face in Bakura's shoulder.
"Don't start that again please..." Bakura half begged, they just got Ryou eating regularly last week and it was going so well "come on, just a little otherwise you'll end up making yourself sick...again." He grumbled taking the food and placing it in Ryou's hand.
Ryou made a face at the McGriddle. "Ummmm.... no." He said, and put it on the bedside table, laying down and pulling the covers up to his chin. Of course, Bakura started to whine, as did Marik, simply because Bakura was. A moment later, Malik came in.
"You two are stupid. He said he didn't want the McHeartattack." Malik said. He handed Ryou a banana. Ryou smiled and peeled it and began eating it. Malik gave Bakura a look that said 'haha, told ya so.'
Bakura glared slightly at Malik but turned back to Ryou "So you'll come with us?" He asked wanting Ryou to voice that he was coming so that he couldn't back out or weasel his way out later on.
Ryou stopped chewing and made a face at Bakura, making Marik laugh. Ryou looked at Marik and stuck out his tongue with mashed banana on it. This made Marik crack up and fall on the floor laughing. Ryou quirked an eyebrow and swallowed his food. Bakura gave Ryou an irritated look.
"I don't know....."
"Ryou he wouldn't ask you to come just to hurt you, he wants you there for a reason...aren't you even slightly curious as to what that reason is?" He asked hoping to make Ryou curious.
Ryou blinked and looked down at his half eaten banana. He placed it on the bedside table, hugged his knees to his chest and rested his chin on them. Bakura could tell that Ryou WAS curious, but he was being stubborn.
Bakura rolled his eyes at Ryou, "Come on Hikari I'm trying my best here to get you to go without me dragging you kicking in screaming the whole way, which you know I will, I told Seto you'd be there and I'll bring you whether or not you're willing so why not save us the embarrassment and just agree to come quietly. I told him you would be there." Bakura said
Ryou frowned. "You PROMISED him?! BAKURA!! You didn't even ask me!" And Ryou turned onto his side, placing his back towards Bakura and pulling the covers over his head. "I'm NOT going!"
"Hey! I didn't promise anything, I said you'd come but I didn't promise anything… because you're acting just like I anticipated." He growled slightly "You need to come… regardless of everything you can't stay inside for the rest of your life you need to get out a little...I know you're hurt but if I recall correctly you broke up with Seto not the other way around, you honestly think he's not hurt either?" Bakura said knowing what he said probably hurt Ryou a little but nonetheless it was the truth "You never tried to call him in the past three weeks either you know, maybe he wants to talk about all this which you owe him if nothing else."
"But..... but if we get caught even TALKING...... Bakura, we could be placing Mokuba in danger. I.... I can't." And Ryou buried his head under the pillows. Marik stood and looked at Malik.
"Ryou, if it makes you feel better, I will personally see too it that Mokuba is safe. Please talk to Seto." Marik said. "Please, Ryou?" Ryou slowly peeked out at Marik.
"You'll protect Mokuba?" He asked, and Marik nodded. "Promise?" Another nod. Ryou smiled. "Well..... Okay. I trust you, Marik. I'll go." And Malik hugged Ryou tightly with a happy squeal while Marik stuck his tongue out at Bakura with a look on his face that clearly said 'haha, you suck'.
"All right then it's settled we're all going, I'm going to make a few calls apparently he wants Yugi and the rest to show up as well so I need to convince all them to show up well." He said leaving the room.
………………………&# 8230;.
Seto was sitting at his desk at home looking through some websites while Mokuba was on the other side of the room giving him the evil eye while he was at it, and although Seto could take a glare from a lot of people his brother's intense stare was starting to nag at him.
"All right, what already? You've been glaring at me since I've gotten home what?"
Mokuba got up, strode across the room and climbed onto his brother's desk, towering over him with his arms crossed over his chest as he glared. Seto blinked and sat back in his chair so he could see Mokuba.
"I'm being neglected, Seto!" Mokuba growled, and Seto blinked. "Usually, you being gone all day is tolerable. But that was when RYOU WAS HERE!!! So.... mind telling me why he hasn't been here for the past THREE WEEKS!?! And you're not getting out of it this time! Tell me why he isn't here, why I haven't seen or heard from him." And Mokuba jumped up and down on the desk, throwing one of the first temper tantrums he'd had in years. "TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!!!!"
Seto stared blinking up at Mokuba, bewildered by his brother's sudden bad behavior.
"And that Lily girl!! You've been spending a LOT of time with her. TOO MUCH!!! Now, I like her, but Seto, how could you?!" And Mokuba sighed and dropped, sitting on the edge of Seto's desk and looking glumly at his brother. Seto blinked, and glanced at his computer screen. Mokuba gave a disgusted sigh. "Yeah, that's right. Ignore me. Concentrate on your work. Like always. What are you doing anyway?" And Mokuba turned to look at the screen. The pre-pubescent teen froze, and his eyes widened as he stared at the online jewelry store catalog, the rings gleaming brightly on the screen. "S-Seto.... Just how far along is this relationship with Lily?" And he looked at Seto, who blinked. "Seto, you're not really going to MARRY her, ARE YOU?! SETO!!! HOW COULD YOU?!?" Mokuba cried, horrified.
Seto rolled his eyes "Hardly Mokuba, please give me a few seconds to speak before you kill me." Mokuba glared at him hard as Seto continued "I'm not about to marry someone I don't love or even know that well, Lily was simply helping me...the reason Ryou isn't around is because he thought it best that we separate for the time being to keep everyone safe...I feel it's time we got back together, I still love him Mokuba and I always will nothing will change that and I want the whole world to know it." Seto smiled slightly "I want to be with him always, I want it official and all over the papers, that's why I'm looking at rings and praying he shows up tomorrow so that I can prove to him and to everyone that he's the only one for me...I want to propose to Ryou tomorrow at the ceremony." Seto said
Mokuba, who had been swinging his legs and shifting around, toppled off of the desk in shock and landed in Seto's lap, coming a little too close to crushing something very dear to Seto.
"Seto! You're gonna propose to Ryou?!" Mokuba gasped, his eyes wide as he got out of Seto's lap. "Are you really?!" Seto smiled and nodded. "It's about fucking time!!!"
Seto smiled and laughed slightly, letting the cursing slide this time. "Truthfully I'm terrified..." Seto said shaking his head with an exasperated sigh, he could at least confide in Mokuba and have some sort of support tomorrow “Not to mention I can't find something that will suit him, it's no problem finding rings but finding one for him is a different matter...help me?" Seto asked hopeful not having a clue really.
Mokuba blinked, then grinned and hopped up onto the desk, reclining on his belly and resting his chin in his hands.
"Well.... these are...... they're tacky." Mokuba said, and Seto blinked. "They're big and gaudy. Like you're trying to show off your financial assets instead of your devotion." Seto blinked again, wondering where the hell Mokuba got these ideas. "Look for something more delicate, and simple. What's Ryou's birthstone?" Mokuba asked, looking at Seto.
"Sapphire...I was thinking of this one." Seto said pulling up another window. On the screen was a platinum ring with a heart cut diamond set with two pear cut sapphires on either side with a solid simple band. "Is it too much?" He asked softly.
Mokuba looked at the ring, and he grinned. "It's perfect, Seto!! But what will you engrave it with?" He asked, seeing that it came with a simply engravable wedding band.
"I have no idea....." Seto sighed, leaning back and staring at the ring. Mokuba sighed and frowned in thought.
"Do they ship overnight?" Mokuba asked.
"They will for me." Seto said, and Mokuba grinned, and then went back to thinking about what Seto could have engraved on it.
"You're right I should have done this sooner...I would have had more time to think at the very least." Seto said. He had to have it shipped overnight, not only because tomorrow was the day he was planning to propose but he wanted the press to be at a minimum and if they knew for a week that he had bought an engagement ring he would never be given a moments peace.
Mokuba and Seto sighed and thought in silence. They stared at the ring on the computer screen, Seto tapping his fingers and Mokuba kicking his feet. After a bit, Mokuba's eyes began to wander. His eyes rested on a picture on the wall, of the group after the Christmas party that they had helped organize, and where they had all conspired to get Ryou and Seto together. To the side of the picture were Otogi with his violin and Ryou sitting at the piano.
"You remember how Ryou saved your ass at Christmas?" Mokuba asked, and Seto smirked.
"Like I could forget."
"Remember how hoarse he was after singing all night?"
"Yeah. He sounded good." Seto said, and Mokuba clicked around on the computer. Some news crews had been at the party, and they had picked up some video files from them, one of which was Ryou singing to his and Otogi's playing. A few clicks and Mokuba brought up the video. Seto blinked and looked at the screen as the sound pulled him from his light trance. He watched Otogi playing the violin, Ryou's fingers flying effortlessly over the piano keys, and Marik and Bakura sneaking past the windows outside. Seto never did figure out what those two had been up to. After a moment, Seto recognized the words Ryou was singing as "We Three Kings". Mokuba smiled and hummed along.

”Star of wonder, star of night, star of royal beauty bright. Westward leading, still proceeding, guide us with thy perfect light….” Ryou was singing.
"Guide Me With Thy Perfect Light." Seto said softly looking up at Mokuba. "I think that engraving would be perfect...what do you think?" Seto asked hoping his brother approved he needed some type of verification.
"I think it's perfect, Seto. Wow! That means Ryou will be my Brother-In-Law!!!" Mokuba looked excited, and then made a face. "Oh, God, I'm gonna have an In-Law!"
Seto smiled as he hugged Mokuba "I can hardly believe I'm actually doing this..." he said calling up the Blue Nile Jewelers thanking anyone who was listening that they were still open and after a few minutes of debate and talking to the manager he was able to get the to make, engrave, and ship the ring overnight and they should arrive within three to four hours. (We do not own the Blue Nile Jewelers Company, and it was pure coincidence that we found a ring for Ryou on that site. Speaking of which, you can see that ring here. http://www.bluenile.com/product_details.asp?oid=2381&catid=93&filte r_id=0&nav1=settings_channel.asp&page=1&col=1&row=6&pos =16&set_shape=)
Mokuba grinned and hopped off of the desk. "Well, I guess I'll go to this thing after all!" Mokuba said, and Seto blinked. "I was gonna play sick to get out of it." Mokuba explained, and Seto glared, irritated.
"Nice to see how supportive you are, good thing I told you...also be quite about it you and Lily are the only ones that know what I'm planning, everyone will know soon enough but I want people to be surprised just as much as Ryou." Seto said and for some reason he became afraid. "...Do you think he'll accept?" Seto asked to particularly no one but still wanting an answer.
Mokuba frowned. "Well.... I don't know, Seto. I know he LOVED you, but.... you said he left. You never told me why. I think it depends on..... Oh, I don't know, Seto!"
"You're supposed to tell me he'll say yes!" Seto yelled back "Just humor me please Mokuba." Seto said
Mokuba winced. "Of COURSE he'll say yes, Seto!" Mokuba said in a very fake voice with a very exaggerated smile. "Why wouldn't he? He worships the ground you walk on! He loves you more than anything! You take his breath away, Seto! He wants nothing more than to be your house-husband!!"
"I'm not sure if Ryou's attitude rubbed off on you or yours rubbed off on him...either way not funny." He said scowling. He glanced back at the ring on the screen "Since you'll be coming you better get some sleep, I'll stay up and wait for the delivery service to arrive." He said closing his laptop and sitting on the couch with a heavy sigh
Mokuba sighed. "Seto... I really hope Ryou says 'yes'...... cuz your parenting skills SUCK!!!"
"Go to bed." Seto simply said not really wanting to listen much more on Mokuba's point of view, granted he could be a big help sometimes but he could also be a big pain in the ass sometimes. Seto had found the address of that Tomo guy thanks to Lily and he already hired some men to go and teach that guy a lesson he wouldn't soon forget tomorrow.
"Tomorrow... everything will be all right tomorrow." Seto said to himself and tried his best to calm his nerves
But Mokuba didn't give him a chance. He grabbed Seto's hand and dragged him out of the room demanding to be tucked in.