Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 16 ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 16
Ryou whined as Marik and Malik dragged him out of the house. The limo Seto had sent was waiting out front. Once Ryou was out of the house, Bakura closed and locked the door, then helped Marik and Malik get Ryou into the car where the rest of the gang was.
As soon as the car started to move, Ryou stopped whining and fixed a glare on Yami, who gulped and moved closer to Ahmose. The sorcerer and former body guard blinked at Yami, then smirked, seeing Ryou's glare, before leaning over and whispering to Otogi, who grinned and whispered to Mikado, who snickered. He stopped at Yami's glare.
Seto and Lily pretended to be preoccupied with each other so they wouldn't have to deal with anyone else, as people were filing out of cars and shuffling about. It was a bright sunny day which he was thankful for as he watched Mokuba chat with a few of the younger boys that were dragged along by family. Seto took a deep breath as he thumbed the little velvet box in his pocket and Lily smiled at him brightly in reassurance.
He noticed the limo he sent to pick everyone up arrived and the entire gang hopped out; Marik and Bakura dragged a rather reluctant Ryou behind them. He watched Ryou from the corner of his eye noting how tired he looked.
"He looks tired..." Seto commented softly to Lily.
She frowned. "He looks thin, too. Wow.... He must really miss you." She smiled at Seto. "He'll say yes, Seto. I know he will." And she took Seto's hand and squeezed it. "You two will be happy. I know it. And your brother seems in high spirits today."
"He's excited about it all too...although I think I'm more scared than excited." Seto admitted a bit sheepishly as the host of the event approached him telling him to get ready, they would begin soon. Seto nodded and followed him up the steps of the hospital so he would be able to cut the ribbon for the new wing addition. He scanned the crowd and spotted Ryou to his left, not far at all from where he was standing. He caught a fleeting glance in his eyes but Ryou quickly looked away before Seto could register any emotion within them...anything except sadness.
Ryou couldn't help but try and avoid Seto's glance while at the same time, he craved the mere sight of the CEO. When Seto glanced at him, Ryou quickly looked away and tried to hide behind the nearest person, who ended up being Joey.
Bakura looked up at Seto when he noticed Ryou hide all of a sudden and noticed the CEO craning his neck trying to get another glimpse of Ryou while another man was giving a speech that no one seemed to be paying much attention to, especially not Seto, who tried to look interested and absorbed in the speech although his attention was clearly upon Ryou.
Before Seto knew it, his name was announced, and everyone was cheering. He made his way up to where the ribbon was and shook hands with the other major donor who would also be cutting the ribbon. Seto let the other man say a few words, and then each took one ring of the over-sized scissors to cut the ribbon. Seto looked down at the crowd and noticed Ryou peering up at him from behind Marik's wild mop of hair.
Seto made eye contact with Ryou who thankfully held his gaze as he smiled warmly. The scissors went down and everyone cheered and clapped at the opening of the new wing as Seto descended the steps quickly; although the ceremony was far from over he was tired of waiting… also he worried Ryou would try and leave now that the ribbon cutting was over. Ryou apparently noticed Seto walking towards them and tried to escape, but Seto managed to grasp his hand and stop him from getting any further away.
"Ryou...I...I'll let you go if you'll answer me one question." He said as Ryou seemed to contemplate the situation.
Bakura blinked and turned, along with the majority of the gang to stop the press was stampeding towards them. The other people participating in the ceremony watched, curiously. Ryou blinked at Seto, suddenly feeling very vulnerable. He and Seto were alone in an empty circle in the crowd, and all eyes were on them. Ryou tried to pull his hand out of Seto's, but Seto wouldn't let him. A quick glance over Ryou's shoulder revealed Mokuba crawling between Mikado's legs to get a place where he could see. He gave Seto a grin and thumbs up.
"Please?" Seto asked, and Ryou sighed and nodded, still not making eye contact with Seto.
Seto didn't even notice the press or crowd that gathered around him, the only one he noticed or cared to take notice of was Ryou, not the peering eyes or annoying whispers as his grip on Ryou's hand lessened slightly. He ran his thumb across the smooth skin; he missed the touch terribly and time seemed to stand still for that brief moment before he shook himself out of his trance and let go of Ryou's hand. He closed his eyes as he pulled out the small velvet box and went to one knee… he wasn't exactly a romantic but felt it was right to do this, in this way. He made eye contact with Ryou once more as he opened the box. Cameras began flashing and a collective gasp rose from the crowd.
"Will you marry me?" He asked softly.
Ryou froze and his eyes nearly popped out of his head. Seto could easily tell that this was the LAST thing Ryou had expected. He almost seemed to waver on the spot and for a second, Seto was afraid that Ryou would faint. Ryou opened and closed his mouth a few times, but no sound came out. He looked around at all the press, his friends, strangers, and seeing the shock on all of their faces. Ryou blinked and shook his head slightly, as if trying to clear his thoughts.
"W-what?!" Ryou squeaked, but Seto said nothing. He simply kept his hopeful gaze leveled on Ryou. Ryou blinked and shook his head again. Seto could tell he had REALLY caught Ryou off guard; the boy was quite flustered. Ryou looked up to Bakura, as if for help. Bakura snorted.
"Don't look at me, idiot. He's asking YOU!" Bakura called as he held back a woman waving a microphone. Ryou looked down at Seto again, noting the slightly frantic look that Seto had in his eyes. Ryou swallowed a lump in his throat that he only just realized he had. His eyes fell from Seto's eyes and to the ring, but even then, he could not escape Seto's gaze; the two blue sapphires on either side of the diamond seemed to stare at him just like Seto's eyes. Ryou blinked, forcing his tears to flow. He could never escape Seto. He knew that now. He couldn't fool himself anymore, and before Ryou even knew what he was doing, his lips curved up in a smile, and his head was nodding.
"Yes....." Ryou finally managed to get out, and he choked back a sob. "Yes!"
Seto let go the breath he had been holding since he spoke as he stood placing the ring on Ryou's finger before he quickly embraced Ryou nearly bringing him off the ground and kissed him passionately, and for the first time in his life he didn't care about anything or anyone but the boy in his arms, his entire company could crumble to the ground; as long as he was with Ryou nothing mattered anymore.
Ryou let out a sob of joy and relief as he melted into Seto's kiss; something that he had missed so much. Neither heard the cheering of their friends, Mokuba, Lily, and a few people in the crowd, or the excited exclamations of the media as they fought for the best view of this breaking story, or the whispers in the crowd. Only the need for oxygen could separate Ryou and Seto, and eventually, it did. Seto released Ryou, setting him down on his feet and holding him to his chest. Ryou clung tightly to Seto and Bakura smiled; the color that had been missing in Ryou's face over the last three weeks was back. Ryou was finally smiling again.
Tomo was shocked to say the least with this turn of events as he watched Mokuba, Ryou and Seto struggle slightly to get to a car and actually achieved their escape thanks to a small group the was smiling at one another while they cleared a path. The rest of the crowd seemed shocked and were whispering incoherent things. Although one person was mad; he stalked up to Tomo, Kakyo trailing behind him.
"You moron!!!" Kyo hissed, grabbing Tomo by the tie and dragging him out of sight in some shrubs. "Great job! I wanted you to break them up! Not get them engaged! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Kakyo fidgeted nervously.
Tomo glared at him and wrenched himself from Kyo's grasp "I'm not one of your damn employees so I suggest you watch your tone!" He growled back at Kyo, he wasn't one to take getting pushed around especially by some over confidant rich man. "If you think for a second I planned this, you're wrong, you're the one who told me 'a job well done' you said everything had worked." Tomo said, Kyo having called and paid him in full.
"Well, obviously I was wrong. Now you fix this. If you don't I'll turn you in. I may be linked, but your penalty will be far worse than mine." Kyo hissed, and Kakyo gulped, knowing that he would also take the fall if Kyo squealed on them.
Kyo walked off leaving Kakyo and Tomo in his wake. Tomo looked to Kakyo who was apparently nervous… he wasn't the type to be involved so deeply in the mess and Tomo expected him to crack any moment. "I have one job for you and then you're Scott free got it?" He said not needing Kakyo to flip out on him during the plan, he had enough people that would work for him and do what needed to be done.
Kakyo jumped and looked at Tomo. "That depends. What is it?" He asked, eyeing Tomo nervously.
"I want the name and number of the photographer we hired, that's all... if you wanna stay a part of this be my guest but if at any moment I think you'll run to the police I'll make you wish you were dead." Tomo threatened
Kakyo shook his head. He scribbled down the information Tomo wanted on a 7-11 receipt in his pocket and handed it over. "I'm not telling anyone. I do NOT want to go to jail. I don't want any part of this anymore."
"Good." He said plainly as Kakyo left him and he went to his own car climbing in as he made reservations at a friends house. He couldn't use his own place. Seto seemed to confident about his decision and decided that he might be a bit close to him as he soon arrived. The man was the same one they had help them in kidnapping Mokuba which was heartless enough for Tomo to trust him, he would allow them to enjoy their little fantasy for a few days but Mokuba would pay for Ryou's mistake and Ryou would regret ever saying yes.
Seto found the limo ride home to be almost unbearable. He had proposed, and Ryou said yes. They were finally engaged. Now, his lover was within his grasp, which was what he had longed for, for three long weeks. But even now, he could not do what he longed to do. For one, he had nearly twice the usual amount of weight in his lap. Ryou was sitting in Seto's lap, and Mokuba was sitting in Ryou's. The boy was excitedly chattering non-stop, poor Ryou could hardly get a word in, so it was useless for Seto to try. Here, Ryou was sitting on his lap, in his arms, and Seto had to restrains himself to thank to his little brother. But it was a good thing that Ryou was in his lap; all his thoughts of what he wanted to do to Ryou was getting him a bit excited. Ryou smirked at Seto, amused at Mokuba's excitement, and Seto's as well.

Of course, Seto really didn't mind all that much. Mokuba and Ryou were both quite light. And now, he had the two most important people in his life close to him, safe and happy. Nothing could please him more. Mokuba finally got tired of talking and slipped out of Ryou's lap for a soda. Seto grinned, and pulled Ryou tight into his chest, kissing him.
“I missed you.” He said. Ryou let out a small sob of joy as he kissed Seto.
“I missed you too. For this past three weeks, this is all I've wanted; to be close to you. It was horrible. I missed you so much. Every waking moment was filled with pain, and every time I closed my eyes, all I could see was you. I was sick, I missed you so badly. I couldn't eat… it made me ill…. I slept, but got no rest…. Seto, I love you so much, I couldn't be happier right now and Mokuba, cut it out.” Ryou finished as Mokuba began making gagging noises from across the car.
Seto chuckled at Mokuba's antics, and held Ryou tightly. He loved hearing how much Ryou missed him. He had felt the same. Every moment, asleep, or awake, he had been thinking of Ryou. Finally, the car pulled up outside the house, and they all got out.
“It's good to have you home, Ryou.” Seto said, and Ryou smiled, latching onto Seto.
“You have no idea how much I've dreamed of this!” Ryou exclaimed, and pulled Seto down for a kiss. “I've missed you so much…MOKUBA!!!!” Ryou turned and glared at Mokuba who was pretending to vomit in a nearby planter. “Your brother and I need some alone time. Go do homework or something.”
“Homework? What homework? Seto pulled me out of school after what happened!”
“Then go play, or consume massive amounts of sugar and preservatives, or something….” Ryou growled. Mokuba grinned.
“Okay!” He chirped, and turned to head into the house. Suddenly, he stopped and turned.
“Seto, I'm gonna order a pizza. And remember, it's been three weeks. You're going to need lots of lubrication and preparation for Ryou, okay? Bye!” And he ran off, leaving Seto and Ryou behind him, giving him mortified looks.
“My, he certainly is…. Educated…..” Ryou managed to get out, and Seto made a face.
“I could have died happy without hearing him say that.” Seto said, and stroked Ryou's hair. “Come on… I have a surprise for you.” And he took Ryou's hand and led him down to the basement. Ryou had only been there once before. At that time, there had only been a bed and a few necessaties, but since then, Seto had had the entire place remodeled. Instead of cement floors, there was plush red carpet, and dark wood paneling on the walls instead of the sheetrock. That cot that they had called a bed had been replaced by a massive four poster bed that reached all the way up to the black ceiling, and an enourmous armoire across the room from it, it had a lock upon the door hiding and keeping the secret of what was contained within. Against the wall across from the door was an elegant fireplace. It had been expensive, but Seto planned to make it all worth it. He opened the door, guided Ryou in, and turned on the light.
“OH, WOW!!!” Ryou gasped, looking around. “Someone's been busy!” And Seto smiled and moved to light a fire, watching Ryou stare around. “Who needs a bed with this carpet?!” Ryou asked, and kicked off his shoes, wiggling his toes in the plush carpet. “I could sleep like a baby on this floor!” And to prove it, he flopped back onto the floor and folded his arms behind his head.
“Glad you like it.” Seto said, getting up as the fire was lit. He moved over to Ryou and knelt over him, straddling his hips. He bent down and kissed Ryou gently. But Ryou surprised him. The boy tangled his hands in Seto's brown hair and kissed him back fiercely. He opened his mouth, and when Seto didn't immediately invade, he forced his tongue into the CEO's mouth. Seto allowed Ryou to do as he wished. Ryou let go of Seto's hair with his left hand, and he dragged this hand down Seto's chest and stomach, before grabbing Seto's crotch. Seto groaned as Ryou squeezed and massaged him.
“Eager, are we?” Seto gasped, pulling away, and he stripped Ryou of his shirt. He lowered his head and kissed down Ryou's chest, quickly taking him into his mouth. Ryou cried out in pleasure, and slowly sat up, gripping Seto's shirt. He pulled, popping the buttons off and ripping the fabric from his lover's body. Seto allowed Ryou to do as he pleased; it was a special occasion, and he could easily replace the shirt. Ryou pulled away from Seto and pushed him back, wrestling his pants off of him, before moving above Seto and taking Seto's arousal into his mouth and positioning his own above Seto, silently asking him to return the favor. Seto wrapped his arms around Ryou's waist and pulled him down, sucking his erection down his throat, making Ryou moan, sending vibrations through Seto's shaft.
Ryou suddenly stopped and stood, pulling Seto up with him. They went over to the bed, and Ryou lay down, pulling Seto over him, to lie fully upon him. Seto blinked and braced his hands on the bed to lift himself up, but Ryou stopped him.
“No.” He said, softly, and Seto slowly relaxed, laying his head on Ryou's shoulder and watching his lover's face as a singe tear fell down Ryou's smooth cheek. “Just let me…. Feel you…..” And Ryou moved his hands over Seto's body, caressing his back and sides, and letting his fingers slip through his hair. He bent his leg, then stretched it out, only to bend it again, rubbing Seto's hips and thighs with his own leg. Seto lifted his head and kissed to corner of Ryou's eye, then kissed his tear.
“Gods…. I missed you so much…..” Ryou whispered, clinging tightly to Seto's body.
“I missed you as well, and I'm sorry I didn't call or try to contact you…I couldn't without putting you in danger, you left to keep Mokuba safe and I needed to do what was necessary as well. Regardless of all that, it's over now and I'm never letting you out of my sight again.” Seto said breathing in Ryou's hair, inhaling the sweet scent of strawberries; he smiled at the familiarity. It was funny how the smallest things about Ryou he missed the most. Like his smile, how he smelled, even the awkward situation when he dived into his lap. Seto had placed a little refrigerator in the room with grape sodas just for him…also a little something for himself later, a little surprise for Ryou in a sense.
After a few minutes of silence, Ryou smiled and nuzzled Seto's ear.
"Sooo....." Ryou said thoughtfully. "Exactly why is there a room like this in the basement?" Seto blinked and looked up with a sinister smile. "Hmmm.... I thought so. Made us a little Sex Fortress down here?" And Seto continued to grin. "Please promise me that Mokuba can't get down here. He always seems to wander by your bedroom with advice for us while we're.... busy......."
"Trust me, I know how to lock a door….. besides I made this room so he couldn't hear us and we couldn't hear him, I don't really need advice from my younger brother...kind of kills the mood." Seto said kissing Ryou gently. It was nice to just hold him, feel him and listen to him.
Ryou quirked an eyebrow and looked down at Seto.
"You soundproofed the basement?"
"Yep." Seto said, and Ryou laughed, then kissed him.
"So........ does that mean I can be as loud as I want?" Ryou purred with a mischievous glitter in his eyes.
"Soundproof or not...it never really stopped you before." Seto said sitting up and pulling Ryou with him to bring him in a passionate kiss pulling Ryou's body flush against his own and lavishing affectionate kissed down his neck and shoulder running his hands up and down Ryou's back and through his hair.
"Yes it has....." Ryou mumbled into Seto's mouth, before giggling and pushing him over until he was sitting on Seto's stomach. Seto blinked, surprised, and Ryou grinned. "I really REALLY missed you." Ryou offered as an explanation before leaning over and kissing Seto again, teasingly rubbing his backside against Set's groin.
Seto moaned softly into Ryou's mouth and granted he wanted Ryou but he wanted to tease him as well and if Ryou got his way it would all be over too quickly. He usually gave into Ryou, it wasn't a problem for him, it normally worked toward his advantage but not this time, he wanted Ryou to give a little bit this time. He gently held Ryou's hips from moving before sitting up again Ryou still in his arms and laid the said boy on his back.
"Close you eyes." He whispered gently running his hands down the length of Ryou's body.
Ryou gave Seto an impish grin and flipped them. He gave Seto a fiery kiss, then sat up, smiled a disturbingly Yugi-like smile, and gave a perky "Okay!" before flopping onto the bed on his back and closing his eyes.
Seto rolled his eyes at him before smiling. Ryou was stronger than he looked and normally caught him off guard doing such things, but he shrugged it off. He laid back on top of Ryou kissing him spreading his legs with one hand, gently running his fingertips over Ryou's length. Seto grabbed a tube of lubricant and poured a generous amount upon his fingers and gently began to probe Ryou's opening. Ryou whined slightly at how it was cold, making Seto laugh slightly at the comment.
His other hand was preoccupied with the fridge but Ryou was not really concerned with that hand, not to mention he had his eyes closed. Seto continued to kiss him opening his eyes slightly before pulling away. This was something he wanted to see. He continued to stretch Ryou before finally finding what he was feeling around for in the fridge. Ryou caught him unprepared so he would do the same. He didn't exactly go slowly, he didn't want Ryou to have the chance to squirm away, and without warning plunged half of the glass dildo inside Ryou which, without mentioning, was freezing cold.
Ryou let out a shriek of shock and his eyes flew wide open. Seto had to pounce and pin Ryou down actually, not expecting such a violent reaction.
"Still consider the gel cold?" Seto teased lightly
"HOLY FUCK!!!!" Ryou was screaming over and over again, which was surprising to say the least. "HOLY FUCKIN' RA!!! SETOOOOO!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?!" And then he whimpered and shivered. "Oh... Ra......" He groaned, his body relaxing, but his hands were gripping Set hard enough to bruise. Ryou had his eyes closed tight and his teeth clenched as he panted and squirmed. "That..... that THING...... is FREEZING!!!!" Seto snickered. "You're evil!!!" Ryou whined.
"Really now? Serves you right anyway for putting your soda on me." Seto said as he pressed the small button of the bottom of the glass vibrator just slightly to make Ryou shiver and gasp. "I'm sure it'll warm up quite nicely." Seto mused turning it up just a little more as he eased the rest inside Ryou until it was to it's hilt.
Ryou whimpered and shivered again, and goose bumps rose on his skin.
"So, I put my cold hand on you! I didn't shove some freezing thing up your ass!!!" Ryou cried out, but couldn't hold back a moan. "Gods!! Seto, it's not warming up!!!" And Ryou squirmed again, fisting his hands in the pillows before reaching down to tend to his own erection.
Seto stopped Ryou from doing so, "I'll have none of that Ryou, and neither will you." Seto said calmly, enjoying Ryou's flushed face and rapid breathing as he turned the vibrator up just a bit more as he began to push it in and out of Ryou's body, his own erection twitching at the sight but he was able to hold off, it would be well worth the wait.
"But, but, but..... SetooooOOOOOO!!!!!" Was Ryou's whiny reply as he began to rock his hips into the cold vibrating thing between his legs. Ryou ended up grabbing a pillow and clutching it tightly, before slamming it down onto his own face and screaming into it. Seto snickered at Ryou's muffled cursing and pleading, and when he was about to take the pillow away, Ryou flung it aside and shouted his pleasure to the room.
"GODS!! Mmmm..... Seto you.... saddistic....... freak of fucking nature!!! Oh, gods......."
Seto smiled and turned the vibration to full speed and stopped moving it completely, leaving it where it stayed. "I can be a lot worse ya know." Seto said nipping softly at Ryou's neck, taking Ryou's wrists in his hands and stopping Ryou from moving completely. "I wonder how long you can stay like this, just still...maybe not quietly..." Seto snickered as Ryou tried to break his grip which was not about to happen.
Ryou let out a plaintive wail and fixed big pleading puppy eyes on Seto.
"Setooooo....... What has come over you? Why are you..... nnh... torturing me like this?!" And a drop of sweat rolled down Ryou's face as he squirmed and bucked his hips, trying to get that thing inside of him to move; the vibrations were driving him mad and made him want so much more than what was being done already. After a few minutes, he managed to position his hips to where the vibrator was snagged on the bed, and by moving just right, he managed to get a bit more stimulation.
Seto smiled at Ryou's tactics but quickly put a stop to it, "Ruin my experiment will you..." Seto pretend scolded at Ryou, wedging his knee in between Ryou's thighs right at the base of the vibrator holding his wrists with one hand and his shoulder with the other to prevent him from squirming. "Stay still." Seto cooed gently. He thrust his hips forward slightly causing his erection to brush up against Ryou's as he kissed the boy, repeating the action in slow fluid motions.
Ryou's eyes widened and his mouth fell open in a gasp. "S-S-Seto..... gods! Ahhhhh....." He moaned, and tried to rub against him, but Seto's position wasn't where Ryou could to that. He whined and complained, but all he got was more teasing words and kisses. Ryou's chest rose and fell quickly as he continued to pant, writhing on the bed, trying to find the release that would not come without Seto's permission. He bent his legs, rubbing his thighs against Seto's body, but other than that, he could do nothing but beg.
Seto continued his gentle teasing loving Ryou being more than coo operative with him for once as he smiled and pulled the vibrator outside of Ryou although he quickly replaced it with his own erection and released Ryou from his hold as he brought him into a fiery and passionate kiss.
Ryou yelped at the sudden intrusion and dug his fingers harshly into Seto's shoulder. Seto blinked and looked down at Ryou, once releasing him from the kiss, and frowned at Ryou's clenched teeth.
"You could have warned me....." Ryou groaned, and slowly relaxed. "Mmmmm..... you're warm." And Seto couldn't help but laugh at that. "Oh shut up." Ryou pouted. "I hope you get frostbite from my butt!!!" He snapped viciously.
"Now where is the fun in warning you? You never warn me about anything." Seto said kissing him gently this time and moving slowly in and out of Ryou although he had to take hold of Ryou's wrists again to keep him from reaching for his own need. "We've already had that discussion, none of that now." He kissed Ryou's neck and sucked upon the base of the neck where the shoulder meets the neck.
"I'm not THIS mean!!!" Ryou whimpered at the movement. "I'm nice! See? Me! Nice, sweet, perfect me!!" Seto laughed at that, and Ryou pouted, then grumbled something under his breath about frozen ass and "dickcicles", making Seto quirk an eyebrow.
"Do you want me to stop?" Seto said stopping his movement, "I will if you want me to." He said simply
"NO!!" Ryou cried, horrified. His eyes went wide. "Gods, if you stop, I'll go as crazy as Marik!!!" And he wrapped his arms around Seto's shoulders and legs around his waist and held him tightly. Seto grunted as he found himself squashed against Ryou, and unable to get free.
"Well you're actions are making me stop so if they truly speak louder then words..." Seto said as Ryou released him quickly. He had Ryou wrap his legs around his waist as Seto sat up on his knees, taking Ryou with him as he moved the youth up and down upon his length, holding Ryou close to his own body.
Ryou laid his head on Seto's shoulder and purred, running his small hands up and down the tall CEO's back.
"Gods, I've missed this...." Ryou panted into Seto's ear, which he then traced with his tongue. "Gods.... I've missed YOU.... mmmm...... Seto..... so good........ I love you......."
Seto sighed contently at Ryou's tongue danced across his skin as he leaned his head back allowing Ryou more access to his neck, one of his more sensitive areas as he caught Ryou's mouth after a moment and his thrusts became more powerful and Ryou began to meet them in equal enthusiasm.
Ryou bit down gently on Seto's lower lip and gave it a slight tug, then, giggling as Seto opened one eye in question (which Ryou kissed closed) he moved down to Seto's neck, and licked across his collar bones, lowering his hands to gently squeeze Seto's buttocks, making him groan and pull Ryou tighter into his chest. Ryou purred and moved back up his neck, sucking his earlobe, and cooing softly.
This was perfect, all so perfect. Seto placed Ryou back on the bed and stayed on top of him holding, Ryou with one arm his face buried in the crook of Ryou's neck while the other arm was fisted in the sheets, the muscles tensing with every thrust. Seto's body brushed against Ryou's erection with every movement making the said boy whimper softly.
"S-Seto...... yesss.... oh gods..... have any idea.... ahh.... how sexually frustrated I've been having to listen to Bakura screw the Ishtars..... Every..... Fucking..... NIGHT?!" Seto opened his eyes, slightly annoyed that Ryou would bring up the Ishtars at that moment. "I would.... I would cry...... And think of you, and........ Oh, gods, Seto, if you won't touch me, then LET ME DO IT MYSELF!!!!!" Ryou screamed as Seto continued to hit just to the left of Ryou's prostate.
"Hush, you should be eternally punished for even thinking about the Ishtars at this moment anyway." Seto said shaking his head at him "So no, no touching." Seto said kissing Ryou's forehead and deliberately missed Ryou's sweet spot over and over again.
Ryou let out a plaintive whimper and fixed big watery eyes on Seto, and pouting his lower lip, but Seto simply closed his eyes, bringing a frustrated cry from Ryou. "You are so cruel!!!" Ryou wailed, and squirmed, trying to move himself so that Seto would slam into his prostate, but Seto knew full well what Ryou was doing and countered every move. "AAAAARGH!!!!" Ryou screamed in his intense sexual frustration. "YOU'RE DRIVING ME MAD, SETO, PLEASE!!!"
Seto smiled at Ryou and kissed him gently before granting what Ryou wanted slamming himself straight into Ryou's prostate "Did you want a warning that time...?" Seto said repeating the motion "Or that time?" Seto said repeating the same action quite a few times.
Every thrust brought a scream from Ryou, who was vigorously shoving his hips back to meet Seto. His finger nails were digging into Seto's shoulders and his face was hidden in his throat. "S-Seto.... gods.... harder..... oh gods..... Need it.... so bad..... nnh....please.... touch me..... please......"
Seto obliged to Ryou's request slamming into his body harder and faster as he took Ryou's length into his hand and began to pump him as Ryou's muscles clenched around him making him moan at the sensation. He pressed his body close to Ryou's but didn't stop his actions. "I love you..." He said breathlessly.
Ryou tried to reply, but was unable to form words through his pants. His body was shaking, and Ryou could feel his fluids begin to flow. "S-Seto..... Oh, Seto!!!" He cried, his body tensing as he finally found release. This done, he collapsed, exhausted and still clenched around Seto.
Ryou's body spasm sent Seto over the edge as well as he thrust into Ryou a few more times before he allowed himself to collapse upon his lover in his own exhaustion. He wrapped his arms lovingly around Ryou as he nuzzled his face into Ryou's hair that was sprawled about his head.
Ryou purred quietly, too tired to move, and too tired to protest Seto's lying on him. "..... love you......" He murmured in a tone so soft, that Seto barely heard it. "... feels..... good to be..... home.........."
After a moment Seto rolled over pulling Ryou with him although he didn't want to move in the slightest. "I love you too...I'm so happy you're back home as well..." He whispered gently, not sure if Ryou heard him for he appeared to be asleep. Seto smiled kissing his forehead and pulling a throw over their bodies as he decided to escape to his own reverie as well.