Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ My Forever ❯ My Forever - Chapter 20.doc ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Forever
Bishojo shadow & hato chiisai
Disclaimer: Neither of us own Yugioh.
Chapter 20
Seto felt like he had just fallen asleep when a gentle hand shook him awake. He blinked his eyes open and fixed his gaze on Malik.
"Ahmose says it's time." He said. "We'll wait for you in the living room." And he left the room.
Seto quickly jumped up and followed Malik out of the room smoothing out his crumpled clothes he had fallen asleep in. He noticed Bakura was standing although he still looked a bit out of it.
"I think he's sleeping..." Bakura said softly opening his eyes and leaning on Marik slightly.
Ahmose frowned. "Unfortunately Bakura, I find it more likely that he passed out. Is everyone ready?" Everyone nodded, and Ahmose saw looks of determination and in some cases, a psychotic homicidal gleam in the boys' eyes. Ahmose nodded and pulled the pendulum out of his pocket. The talisman, which had previously been gold, was now a black crystal with red swirls around it, looking a little bit too much like blood for Seto's taste. Ahmose sighed, then turned and looked at Bakura.
"It will work best for you." He said, and held it out. "Just hold it up. It knows what to do."
Bakura held it in his hands as it pointed north he looked to the other's. "I'm not sure how far I can walk...we should probably drive as far as we can..." Bakura said feeling incredibly weak hoping he could keep up enough strength to at least get them to Ryou before he himself passed out.
As one, the group trooped out to the car.
"Who's driving?" Ahmose asked.
"Me." Mikado said. "I think I'm the only one who will keep a level head right now." No one argued as they climbed into Mikado's SUV. Bakura sat in the passenger seat, and Ahmose sat in the trunk, immediately going into a trance. Once everyone was in, Mikado pulled away and drove per Bakura's directions. They ended up in a middle class neighborhood in front of a two story house that was practically hidden by the unkept yard. There were trees, bushes, and numerous creeper vines.
"Is this it?" Mikado said, looking at Bakura.
Bakura closed his eyes "Yes..." Bakura suddenly slumped over and passed out Malik instantly going to his side. Seto looked at the house, he was concerned for Bakura yes but more so for Ryou.
"We can't just go barreling in without a plan of some sort..." he said looking at the two Yamis; Mikado and Malik seemed to make it their business to take care of Bakura at the moment.
Marik snorted and jabbed a thumb at Ahmose over his shoulder.
"Hey, HE'S the educated one. Hey! Inarus! Snap out of it!!" Marik called, Ahmose didn't move. "Nap time is over, sorcerer! Wake up!!" And he bonked Ahmose on the head with the Rod. Ahmose jerked his head up and glared.
"Do you mind?!" He snapped, and closed his eyes again. Marik snarled. A moment later, Ahmose looked up again. "Alright." He said, and got out of the trunk. He picked up Bakura and moved him back there. Then, he looked at Seto and Marik. "How do you want to do this? Do you want me to accompany you? Or do you want this to stay within the...... family?" And he gave Seto a small smile.
"We might need you, with Bakura out of it I suggest you come along." Seto said "How do you suggest we do this?" He asked
Ahmose sighed. "Hikaris...." And he looked at Mikado and Malik. "I want you to wait out here. Mikado, I will inform you of anything we may need." Mikado nodded and moved to sit in the trunk with Bakura. Malik opened his mouth, but Marik glared.
"No, Malik. Stay here with Bakura." He said. Malik pouted, but did as he was told. Ahmose looked at Seto and Marik.
"We don't have time to be methodical." He said. "I say we break down the front door. Hit them fast. Hit them hard. Get Ryou and Mokuba out. This is your business. I will accompany you, but once in, I will hang back unless you really need me. Are you ready, Sethos?"
"I've been ready for this..." Seto said glaring at the house as his fists clenched tightly. "If Ryou is passed out I doubt they are with him at the moment, you said he was in the basement right?" Seto asked as Ahmose nodded. "the first chance you get I want you down there Ahmose, try to get Mokuba and Ryou out...I'm pretty sure me and Marik can handle these guys." Seto growled looking back at the house.
Ahmose nodded. "Alright." He said, and turned, heading up to the front door. Seto and Marik followed. As they approached, Ahmose crossed his arms over his chest and began chanting. Then, he lunged forwards, fist out. As soon as it struck the door, there was an explosion, and the door was blown off it's hinges. Inside, Sogon and Tomo leapt up as the front door flew through the living room and through the back window.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!?" Sogon yelped. Ahmose strode in, his eyes glowing bright gold and his hair snaking around him as if it had a life of its own. He glared at the men and snarled. But then Marik and Seto entered. Ahmose glanced back at them, then turned and disappeared from view as he searched for the basement. Marik growled and cracked his knuckles, and pulled the Rod from his belt.
"After you, Seto." He said.
Mokuba jumped up from his position next to Ryou, who was passed out. He had bandaged him up again and did his best to clean even his more intimate areas...but he had been unconscious for well over just a few hours...they really hurt him this time and Mokuba was worried over Ryou more than he ever had been in his entire life. He heard loud noises coming from upstairs and swore he heard Seto's voice above the racket...more or less his yelling.
The basement door opened and he covered Ryou's body with his own closing his eyes tightly. "No! You've done enough leave us alone!" He yelled
"Mokuba?" A voice called, and Mokuba froze, then lifted his head. The footsteps descended the stairs and the doorknob rattled; the door was locked. "Are you away from the door?" The voice called, and Mokuba's heart leapt. He knew that voice.
"Yes!" He called, and a moment later the door was blasted across the room. "AHMOSE!!"
"Are you alright?" Ahmose asked, rushing to him.
"Fine, but Ryou's hurt really bad!" Mokuba cried. Ahmose whipped the sheet off and gave Ryou a quick look over. He frowned, then turned and picked Mokuba up.
"Come on." He said.
"But, Ryou!"
"We'll get him. Don't worry." Ahmose said, and carried Mokuba up the stairs. "Close your eyes, don't look." He said, as they passed where Seto and Marik were. Seto looked up as Ahmose appeared, Mokuba in his arms, the boy hiding his face. Ahmose looked at Seto who was holding Tomo by the collar against the wall.
"Your brother is fine. I don't want to risk moving Ryou. I'm going to have Mikado call an ambulance. Marik, make sure you dispose of the bodies and any evidence immediately." And he turned and carried Mokuba out to the car for Malik to watch over.
Marik grinned and looked at Sogon. "Sounds like we still have play time...." He hissed, and seized the man's arm, breaking it.
"What's wrong with Bakura?" Mokuba asked and Malik and Mikado explained the situation to him. Mokuba grabbed the Ring and handed it to Ahmose "Ryou needs this..." Mokuba said softly as he watched Ahmose run back to the house.
Ahmose ran down the stairs and knelt beside Ryou. He gently stroked his matted hair, and placed the Ring around his neck, then turned and went up to the living room.
"MARIK!!" He roared, and Marik looked up. "What are you doing?!"
"What's it look like?!" Marik asked, then went back to his task. He had Sogon pinned shirtless to the floor. He had made a grid of cuts on his back, and was slowly peeling off the skin square by square, and if it weren't for the gag in the man's mouth, the entire neighborhood would be hearing his screams. Ahmose rolled his eyes and turned to see what Seto was up to.
Seto's fists slammed over and over into Tomo's face, which already was black and blue but the speed and force of his hits had not let up one bit. Pure hate was driving him on and he was practically beating Tomo to death with his bare hands. Marik stopped his actions just for a moment hearing sirens in the distance.
"Seto, we're out of time!" Marik called. "What do you want to do with them?" Ahmose smirked.
"Seto, I think your Blue Eyes White Dragons might be hungry...." The two yamis waited for Seto to pass sentence on the men.
"Do it." Seto said going down to the basement.
He almost retched at the sight of Ryou but forced himself to go to his side. He held Ryou's hand gently in his own as Ahmose soon joined him. He looked up at Ahmose.
"Where is Marik?" He asked
Ahmose smiled. "Marik sent them to your dragons, and I cleaned the mess you two left. Then he seemed to remember a promise he made to you to take care of your brother. So he has gone to see how Mokuba is. He'll be right-- speak of the devil."
"That's me!" Marik said as he entered the room. "Oh, gods...." He gasped, kneeling by the bed. "Oh, what did they do to him?!" Ahmose snorted.
"You don't want to know." He said, then turned and went up the stairs to meet the ambulance that had just pulled up. Marik placed a hand on Seto's shoulder.
"He.... he'll be alright...." Marik said softly, reaching out and gently stroking Ryou's pale and bruised arm.
"You don't sound very encouraging Marik..." Seto said as the paramedics pushed him aside although his reluctance made it a bit difficult and Ahmose had to help a little.
"Ahmose...tell me he'll be okay." He said softly as they placed him on a stretcher and began to carefully lift him up the stairs.
Ahmose nodded. "I will do all I can, should I need to interfere. We shall see." Seeing that this didn't help much, Ahmose offered Seto a smile. "He WILL live Setohos." And his smile faded. "But that is all I can offer. Physically, he WILL recover. Mentally.... That, I cannot say."
"Oh, real encouraging, Inarus." Marik said as they went up the stairs.
"I am being honest, Ishtar." Ahmose said, annoyed.
"Hurry up you guys!" Malik was calling.
"Where's Mokuba?" Ahmose asked.
"The paramedics took him with Ryou." Mikado said from the driver's seat. "Let's go."
Mikado parked in the hospital parking lot and looked into the back seat.
"How's Bakura?" He asked.
"He's awake." Ahmose said from where he sat in the trunk, letting Bakura rest against his chest. "Bakura.... can you hear me? Are you with us?" He called gently, stroking Bakura's hair and sweaty forehead.
"I'm...here." he said above a whisper, "Did you...get Ryou back?" He asked softly still keeping his eyes closed.
Ahmose nodded. "Yes. We found him. An ambulance took him and we're at the hospital now. Do you want to go in and see him? Marik and I will give you our strength if you need it."
"I...think I'm okay, as long as I don't have to stand to long...I want to wait with everyone else...have we called everyone else?" Bakura asked sitting up slightly.
Ahmose shook his head. "We haven't." The sorcerer said, pulling Bakura from the trunk, and he and Marik supported him between them. "Go ahead, Seto. We'll get Bakura in. Mikado, call Yugioh." Mikado nodded and pulled out his cell phone, making calls while Malik ran ahead with Seto.
"He'll be okay, Seto." Malik said, looking up at the taller boy.
Seto nodded and went up to the desk quickly asking about Ryou. The nurse looked him up and apparently he had been sent to ICU and was currently being taken care of by the doctors. Seto went into the ICU ward and sat in the waiting room. Mokuba was also sitting there. Seto walked up to him embracing him tightly and asking a million questions although he only cared about one, if he and Ryou were okay.
Mokuba climbed into Seto's lap and Seto fussed over him, eyeing the bandage on his brother's head.
"I'm okay, Seto. Just hungry. I haven't eaten at all, and neither has Ryou. We've had a bit of water, but.... anyway, I'm fine. It's Ryou who needs the doctors. They hurt him really bad, Seto." And Mokuba fixed large traumatized eyes on his brother. "They said if he didn't do what they said, they'd hurt me, and so he didn't resist! They whipped him, and beat him, and raped him, and it was like he didn't care!! All he said was that he didn't want me to see! He told me to close my eyes and when they put me in the closet to cover my ears, and I did, but I could still hear him screaming and I couldn't do anything and--"
"Mokuba, calm down...." Malik said, laying a hand on Mokuba's shaking shoulder. Mokuba shut his mouth and nodded, giving a thick gulp as he laid his head on his brother's chest.
Seto rubbed his brother's back gently rocking him "It'll be all right, Ryou will be okay...would you like something to eat?" Seto asked, he was sure there was a vending machine or a cafeteria somewhere around the hospital. "Malik, could you go with Mokuba and get him something?" Seto said, setting Mokuba on the floor, granted he was just reunited with the youth but he doubted the men who took him or anyone else would be doing it again, besides he was hungry and he didn't especially want Mokuba around when the doctor came out to inform them of Ryou's condition...Mokuba would blame himself, that Seto knew for he already was.
Malik smiled and stood, holding out his hand. Mokuba smiled and took it.
"Let's get you some soup, huh?"
"I want pizza."
"............ I'm sure you do, but soup would be better for your stomach..." Malik snickered as they went down the hall. A moment later, Mikado came in, followed by Marik, Bakura and Ahmose, Bakura looking better and able to walk on his own.
"Yami is coming with Yugi and Joey, and Otogi's on his way. Couldn't get a hold of Honda, and Ishizu and Rishido were at work. I left them a message. What's the word on Ryou?" Mikado said as they all sat down.
"none so far...Mokuba seems to be fine though just a head injury, Malik took him to get him something to eat, I'm hoping to get the news before Mokuba gets back, he's blaming himself for what happened."
"Just like Ryou, eh?" Marik said with a small smile. Then, he looked at Bakura, who was staring at the black and red pendulum in his palm.
"What's on your mind, Bakura?" He asked.
Bakura looked up at him being thrown from his trance. "Ryou...he's weak that I can tell...he won't answer me either, I know he can hear me...but he won't answer me." Bakura said. Now that he was connected Ryou through the Ring the shadows of pain didn't hit him nearly as hard; Ryou had to ability to keep Bakura from feeling the pain and Bakura had the ability to block it, and he did block it. Just because he seemed to be getting better didn't mean Ryou was doing better. Bakura still felt weak like Ryou did, but it was possible a part of him was dying in the other room. He feared that was the reason Ryou wouldn't answer him.
The others looked worried at the news that Ryou could hear, but did not respond. They looked up when the door opened, but it was only a nurse rushing on her way. A few minutes later, Otogi got there and Mikado took him aside to explain what had happened. Then, he sat and joined them in their silence. A little bit later, and Yami, Yugi and Joey showed up. Mikado once again took the liberty of explaining, at least to Joey and Yugi.... Yami was given a more extensive version by Ahmose (in Egyptian). Joey and Yugi expressed their condolences, but to everyone's surprise, Yami turned and left.
Then, Malik and Mokuba returned, Mokuba munching a slice of Pepperoni pizza. Malik gave Seto a small smile.
"I made him eat soup first." He said, and Mokuba plopped down next to Seto, offering him a bite.
"I'm fine." Seto said nuzzling Mokuba bringing the boy into his lap. Seto hadn't had much of an appetite really since Mokuba and Ryou went missing, sleep wasn't a concern either, he didn't care anymore.
"Marik..." Bakura said softly "Did you get Ryou's engagement ring back?"
"I didn't think to look..." Marik said after a pause, and Seto cursed.
"Seto, it's..... it's only a ring." Mokuba said softly, trying to comfort him. "You can buy another ring. You can't buy another Ryou." Seto smiled and hugged Mokuba tightly, comforted by those words.
Bakura closed his eyes trying to use his link once again.
//Hikari? Please answer me, we are all worried about you...Seto's waiting for you with everyone else, please say something to me, anything at all...just one word please.// Bakura pleaded
/..................../ There was nothing but silence from Ryou, which only served to upset Bakura more. He slumped over against Marik, who held him and kissed his forehead. A few minutes later a doctor walked in and approached Seto.
"Ryou Bakura has been moved to recovery." He said, and Seto stood. "We do want to keep your brother over night, and we think that it would be best if we roomed him with Mr. Bakura. He's fallen into a comatose state. He won't respond to anything. You all can visit if you keep quiet and keep the lights dim, he's very sensitive to light and sound right now. And please mind how you touch him." And then the doctor took Mokuba's hand and led him to the room, the group trooping behind.
Seto sat beside Ryou gently taking his hand, thankful Ryou didn't flinch away. Bakura frowned at Ryou's state, at least he knew why he wasn't answering him...but it didn't make him feel any better about the situation not to mention he wasn't sure what comatose was, really.
"Does it mean he's in an actual coma?" Bakura asked, he knew what a coma was and they were generally bad news.
"Ummmmm.... it's like.... the lights are on but nobody's home." Mikado said.
"So does that mean he's brain dead?" Bakura asked literally horrified
"It couldn't be." Seto said "We came to the conclusion that if Ryou had lost his mind yours would be lost as well am I correct?" Seto asked
"...technically yes but--" Seto cut Bakura off
"No buts...that's how it is...he's just tired is all." Seto said looking back at Ryou. Bakura looked to Marik worried.
Bakura sighed and moved over to huddle up in a chair in the corner, his eyes fixed on Ryou. Marik and Malik took up places beside him, gently petting him. Ahmose shook his head.
"He's not brain dead. And he's not just tired, either. He's in shock, he's traumatized, he's locked himself away in his own mind. It's a defense mechanism." The sorcerer said. Mikado rolled his eyes.
"You just have to make it sound hopeless, don't you?" Otogi snapped, and Ahmose quirked an eyebrow.
"I didn't say it was hopeless." He said.
"Did you do the same thing?" Seto asked Ahmose, although he kept his eyes on Ryou.
Ahmose stiffened and looked up, eyes wide. He shifted nervously, then, after a moment, gave a quick nod.
"For two days." He said, finally. "Yugioh finally snapped me out of it. Someone tried to kill him and I heard him scream and instinct kicked in; I had to protect him. I don't know what will snap Ryou out of it."
Seto sighed gently stroking the back of Ryou's hand with his thumb. He wasn't really getting any type of good news except that he could see Ryou in a state such as this. "I'll see if I can take him home tomorrow, he'll feel safer at home, he never did like hospitals..." Seto trailed off slightly.
The others all quietly nodded. Suddenly, the Millennium Puzzle flashed around Yugi's neck, and Yami appeared. Yugi gasped and Ahmose moved forwards to catch Yami as he fell forwards. After a moment, he waved Ahmose off and limped over to Seto, who was staring at him. Yami's shoulder was bloody and torn, and his clothes were scorched in places.
"What happened, Yami?!" Yugi choked, and Yami looked at Seto.
"A certain Blue Eyes White Dragon tried to eat me." He said, glaring at Seto, and the others all blinked.
"I hold no responsibility..." Seto said almost emotionlessly although there was the smallest hint of amazement in his voice.
Bakura looked at Yami like he was insane "Why were you prowling about in the Shadow Realm?" Bakura asked .
"I, uh, well, you see, I heard you all talking, and I, well, you said that you, and I..... ummm......." He turned red and fidgeted, then held out his hand to Seto. There, in his cupped palm, sat Ryou's engagement ring. "I felt that I had to do... SOMETHING in all of this....." He looked Seto in the eyes. "I wish I could have done more."
Seto gingerly picked up the ring and held it close. "Thank you...in the midst of everything I had completely forgotten about the ring." Seto said placing it back on Ryou's finger where it belonged. "Thank you so much." Seto said bowing his head slightly in gratitude, it would be the first and only time he would do such a thing.
Yami returned the nod with a small smile, then returned to the Puzzle to heal. Mokuba sighed and yawned from in his bed, and Joey smiled, going over to the kid to talk.
"Hey, squirt... how are ya?" He asked, and Mokuba smiled.
"Okay, I guess." He said, looking worriedly at Ryou. "I... I never should have let them get me. I should have been able to get away from them, in my own house, at least."
"Don't blame yourself Mokuba..." Bakura said "There was nothing you could do and I'm proud that you helped Ryou so much during all this, despite what was going on you kept a level head and that's important." Bakura said.
The ambulance pulled up in front of the Kaiba Mansion. Seto got out, and the paramedics lifted Ryou out on a stretcher. To Seto's surprise, the entire gang was on the front doorstep, all grinning. Mokuba went flying up, hugging Bakura, Malik and Marik.
"Come on in, Seto!" Yugi called, and they all trooped in and up to the Master Bedroom. The door was opened, and Seto stared. The entire room was filled with flowers and Ryou's possessions. There were photos everywhere, and little odd things here and there.
"We went through all our stuff and found things that might be significant to Ryou." Yugi said. "Maybe they can help snap him out of things."
"We found Ryou's blankie." Malik said, pointing to a tattered little blue blanket on the bed.
"And lots of pictures!" Mikado said.
Seto smiled at everything they did. "I'm sure he'll love it, he'll be more comfortable if nothing else." Seto said as Ryou was placed in the bed, he still had an IV and a feeding tube but Seto had been instructed on what to do to take proper care of Ryou and there was always his personal doctor if he needed him. Seto smiled softly at Ryou; having him home made Seto feel a lot better. Granted he wanted Ryou to be back with him but even if he stayed this way forever...he would still love him and take care of him.
After Ryou had been settled in, everyone left, all offering their help to Seto should he need it, including Yami. Finally, it was just Seto, Mokuba, Marik, Malik and Bakura, and they all sat around on the massive bed in Seto's room. Seto and Bakura sat on either side of Ryou, and Malik and Marik on either side of Mokuba, who sighed and rested his chin in his hands, staring at Ryou.
"So...what do we do now?" Seto asked not sure on what to do.
Marik sighed and stretched. "You wanna tell us what happened to you, Mokuba?" He asked.
"What's to tell?" Mokuba asked, shrugging. "I was woken up by a voice and there were two guys standing over me. I tried to get away, but they caught me, knocked over some furniture to scare Seto I guess, and knocked me out with some wet smelly stuff. I woke up in an attic."
"I think it's time to update your security." Bakura said, pulling the blankie up over Ryou. Mokuba sighed and moved up into Seto's lap.
"You're a thief aren't you? Tell me how to keep you out and I'll do it." Seto said a little annoyed at the comment as he glared at Bakura slightly.
Bakura and Marik snickered.
"Deal." Bakura said. Then, they all sat around in silence. Suddenly, Malik cocked his head.
"Hey, Seto...... I just thought of something.... Take the Millennium Ring from Ryou." He said.
Seto frowned and he took the Ring from around Ryou's neck and sat up so he could see Malik.
As soon as the Ring left Ryou's neck, the boy gasped and jerked, and Seto blinked as he looked down at Ryou's hands, clutching the Ring tightly. He looked up and stared at Ryou, who was staring at him with a desperate look.
"Whoa!!" Marik yelped, startled, and toppled off of the bed.
Seto stared at Ryou for the longest time before he shook himself out of his daze. "Ryou?" He said unsurely "Are you okay? Say something." Seto said hoping Ryou would answer him.
Ryou blinked, and his eyes darted nervously around the room.
"S-Seto?" He whimpered, then collapsed into Seto's chest, still clutching the Ring. He hid his face and sniffled, shaking slightly.
Seto held Ryou tightly against his chest as he was careful around his still bruised back. He cooed softly in his ear rocking him until he had calmed just a little bit. Bakura came closer to Ryou.
"Hikari?" Bakura was stroking his cheek softly being mindful of the feeding tube as he did so. "How are you feeling?" He asked cautiously.
Ryou shuddered and dropped the Ring with one hand, gripping his yami's with the other. After a moment, he turned his head.
"M-Mokuba...." He mumbled, his eyes falling on the boy, who had moved out of Seto's lap when Ryou jumped to Seto.
"I'm fine, Ryou...." He said with a smile. "Thank you." Ryou smiled lightly, and relaxed, going limp and laying his head on Seto's chest, closing his eyes lightly.
"What happened?" Ryou asked, as Seto tried to calm his violent shaking.
"Ahmose and Mikado helped us find you, and we made sure they would never come near you or Mokuba ever again...we don't have to worry about them ever again, I'm so relived that you are okay." Seto said giving him a tight squeeze or as tight as he could until Ryou squeaked slightly and he stopped.
Bakura smiled at the cute noise "We took you to the hospital but you had comatosed or something so we brought you home where you'd be more comfortable."
A violent shudder ran through Ryou's body and he suddenly sobbed.
"I want to forget.... I don't want to remember, I.... Seto, I want to......." He didn't finish, but everyone knew what he was going to say.
"It's all right, no one's asking you to remember anything, I just want you to get better...is there anything you want or need?" Seto asked trying to take Ryou's mind off such grim subjects.
Ryou sniffled and shook his head. "I want to forget. I never wanted to live through something like this! Seto, I... I don't feel good... I think I'm gonna throw up......."
Seto grabbed the small trash can near the bed as Ryou emptied his stomach into it. Seto frowned, Ryou was becoming hysterical. "Please Ryou...calm down a little bit this cannot be helping your condition at the moment okay?" Seto tried to reason as he looked to Bakura for helped who also tried to coax Ryou but it wasn't doing much good.
Ryou shook his head, tears streaking his face. He looked up at Seto, his eyes frantic. "Why me?! What did they have against--" But he was cut off as he had to turn and hurl into the trash can again. He raised his head, eyes wide and full of pain. He managed to suck in a lung full of air before heaving again. Malik, Mokuba and Marik looked on, alarmed, as Ryou continued to retch, barely able to breathe.
Seto was completely lost on what to do and he called his doctor telling him to come as soon as he could, Ryou being sick that much was definitely not a good sign.
Bakura held back his hair. "Breath Ryou...just breath okay..." He said softly in his ear
Ryou's body finally stopped working against him, and after a few coughs, he collapsed back onto the bed, gasping for breath. One hand still clutched the Ring. Only after Malik reached up and placed the string around his neck did Ryou release the gold metal, and then, his hand sought out Seto's hand.
Seto gently took Ryou's hand. He decided it was probably best to remove the feeding tube since Ryou couldn't seem to keep anything down and he gently slipped it from Ryou's nose making the youth cough but it was over soon. He kept the IV in since he would get dehydrated without it. Seto wasn't sure what to say so he stayed silent and simply held Ryou's hand.
Bakura looked to Marik and Malik silently asking what they should do.
Neither blonde was much help, simply shrugging and making clueless noises. Bakura snorted.
"The PHARAOH is more useful than you two." He snapped, and the pair let out howls of disapproval.
"Seto?" Ryou mumbled after a while. "Where did all these flowers come from?" Bakura blinked at the unexpected question, and at Ryou's weak, confused tone.
"From everyone...Yugi, the entire gang, us of course." Seto said softly "Gifts too...they were all helping us find you, they were at the hospital, they were also waiting here when I brought you home." Seto said gently stroking Ryou's hair "Yami helped us a lot, he saved your ring." Seto said
But Ryou didn't answer. His eyes were barely open, and moments later, they drifted closed as he fell into an exhausted sleep. Bakura sighed and looked down at Ryou's hand in his. Ryou gave a small whimper and cuddled closer to Seto, his breathing raspy.
"Is he dying?!" Mokuba suddenly blurted.
Bakura shook his head. "No Mokuba, he's just tired, he's been through a lot in the past few days and needs to regain his strength is all." Bakura said.
A few moments later the doctor came in. "He fell asleep I take it?" He asked sitting at the foot of the bed glancing at Ryou as Seto nodded to his question.